My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 227 Risk

Chapter 227 Risk

Rose's father let out a surprised expression on his face after hearing his wife's words. He hadn't expected his daughters to find a man for themselves, let alone the same person they chose to be their husband. How could a father who loves his daughters not be surprised knowing that his daughters have chosen the same man to be their husband?

'I always wanted to see my daughters get married before I leave this world, it's a father's dream after all. However, I didn't expect my daughters to marry the same person. It comes as a surprise, which I wasn't expecting,' Rose's father thought.

After that, Rose's father, even though he couldn't see anything, turned his face towards where Yuan and his wives were standing.

"So, Rose, Julie, and Ava have found a man for themselves, and it turns out that they have accepted the same man as their husband. Hearing this, my worries for my daughters have ended here..." Rose's father spoke in a hoarse voice, looking in the direction of his daughters, even though he couldn't see them with his eyes.

"Yuan, don't need to worry about your daughters, uncle. I'll take good care of them," Yuan assured, feeling a sense of responsibility towards Rose's father. He truly felt pity for him, unable to see his son-in-law standing before him.

"Y-You must be..." Rose's father suddenly, upon hearing Yuan's voice, turned towards him with great interest.

Yuan smiled at Rose's father and moved closer to him, making it easier for him to hear. "It's indeed as you think, I'm Yuan, your daughters' husband. Pleased to make your acquaintance, uncle."

Rose's father was quite surprised hearing Yuan's voice, as it sounded very young, around 19 to 20 years old.

'So this is what my son-in-law's voice sounds like, huh? He sounds quite young to me...' Rose's father thought.

"Yuan, huh? You sound very young to me. I'm Issac Monroe, father of Rose, Julie, and Ava. Likewise, it's also nice to meet you," Rose's father, Issac, said in a hoarse voice. He continued, "However, it's a pity that I can't even see the face of the person who married my daughters. As you can see, my condition is very pitiful."

"Haha, Indeed, I'm only 19 years old now," Yuan nodded with a laugh.

"Not only is he very young, but he is also very capable and powerful too," Madam Layla's voice suddenly resounded, causing her husband to turn his attention to her.

"How so?" Issac curiously asked.

Madam Layla rolled her eyes and said, "Haven't I told you about the person saving our village from destruction when the lord of the mountain attacked our village? Our son-in-law is the one who saved us."

After listening to his wife's words, Issac nodded. "Now that you mention it, you did inform me about this. How could I forget such a serious matter so easily?"

Madam Layla began recounting the events that had transpired in the past few days, events she had kept from her husband to spare him worry in his weakened condition. She started with the conflict involving the Turner family, how Harrison Turner sought to capture Rose and the Monroes, and how he aimed to seize authority over the village.

As Issac continued to listen, his face grew increasingly somber. He felt a profound regret for having placed trust in Harrison Turner, who had ultimately proven to be deceitful and treacherous.

'I'm truly a pathetic person to trust a snake like Harrison. Because of my foolishness, my family has suffered. Sigh!' Issac sighed inwardly.

Madam Layla continued, informing her husband about the death of Harrison Turner, who had met his end at the hands of none other than Yuan, their son-in-law. Hearing this, Issac felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards Yuan. Not only had he safeguarded the village from destruction, but he had also shielded his family from danger.

Learning of Harrison Turner's demise didn't elicit any sympathy from Issac. Instead, he felt a strange sense of relief knowing that the man who had sought to harm his family had met a fitting end.

Then Madam Layla spoke of the village's rapid development, detailing how it was on track to become a bustling town in the upcoming years, drawing interest from merchants far and wide, even from neighboring kingdoms. The village was poised for a significant ascent.

She also relayed news of visits from kingdom officials and representatives from the magic academy, though she omitted the specific reason for their presence, sparing her ailing husband any undue worry.

Listening attentively for about an hour, Issac released a long sigh, "Not only has Harrison met his end, but our village is also flourishing at an astounding pace. Oh, how I wish to witness the foundation I laid reach the zenith one day. Alas, it seems an impossible dream now."

"With my current condition, I'm but a fleeting guest in this world... sigh!" Issac's words trailed off with another heartfelt sigh.

"Honey, don't say that. You will live to see the village thrive, I promise. I will find a cure for your ailment... Please, let's not speak of leaving us!" Madam Layla implored, tightening her grip on her husband's hand as tears streamed down her face.

Observing Madam Layla's wrenching sorrow, Yuan was taken aback. He had never seen her in such a state; she was usually playful and adorned with a radiant smile. Now, tears flowed freely. It was clear she held a deep and abiding love for her husband.

As he considered bringing out the restoration pill for Issac, he hesitated. A subtle yet peculiar mana presence emanated from Issac. It felt dense, like mud. Yuan wondered, 'Will the restoration pill truly be effective for him? After all, he's a mage, and there's something unusual about his mana...'

After a brief moment of contemplation, Yuan decided to consult Nora regarding the safety of using the restoration pill for mages.

"Hey, Nora. I have a question for you. I hope you'll be able to answer it," Yuan conveyed his thoughts to Nora.

[I know what you're going to ask about, and to answer your question, it's not very safe for a mage to use the restoration pill. It's primarily meant for cultivators like yourself and your wives, as it's refined using Spiritual Qi.] Nora swiftly responded to Yuan's query.

She added, [However, if a mage were to ingest it, there might be a reaction with the mana in their bodies. But I'm not entirely certain about it, as my knowledge about mana is on par with yours.]

"So, giving him the Restoration pill we use would be quite risky, then?" Yuan remarked after absorbing Nora's explanation about the restoration pill.

[Indeed, there is a risk associated with administering it to a mage. However, considering his current condition, his time may be limited regardless.] Nora promptly replied.

Yuan acknowledged Nora's assessment and turned his attention to Madam Layla. He swiftly retrieved a pill bottle from his system storage and placed it on the small table.

Madam Layla, Rose, Julie, and Ava regarded the exquisite pill bottle with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue, wondering why Yuan had produced such an unusual container seemingly out of thin air.

"Yuan, what kind of bottle is this? I've never seen such an extraordinary-looking one before, and the design is quite beautiful," Madam Layla inquired, her gaze fixed on the bottle in question.

Rose chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Yes, Yuan, do tell us what's inside. The bottle is truly exquisite."

Clearing his throat, Yuan began, "Well, inside this bottle are a few Restoration pills. We use them to recover from injuries, and they can also alleviate certain illnesses. However, I can't say for certain whether they'll be effective for mages. Using them on Uncle would be quite risky."

"Huh? A-Are you telling me that the pill inside this bottle can cure father...?" Rose's eyes widened in astonishment, hope flickering in her gaze as she stared at the pill bottle.

"Really? This pill could truly cure my husband?" Madam Layla's voice wavered with emotion as she clasped the pill bottle tightly in her hand, tears streaming down her face.

Yuan observed the scene with a mixture of empathy and understanding, fully aware of the weight of the situation.

"However, there is a risk you must consider before administering this pill. There's only one in the bottle. In my opinion, it's worth taking the chance. It might grant him a chance at a normal life," Yuan advised Madam Layla.

Madam Layla held the pill bottle, lost in her thoughts. 'There is a risk, but it might also mean seeing the village thrive and my husband well again. What should I do...?'

"Layla, why are you pondering so deeply? Give me that pill. I won't hold you responsible if it doesn't work, for I am already on the precipice of death. I'd rather fight for life than accept a slow demise. This pill might just be the key to my recovery," Issac's voice was firm, determined to take the chance.

Upon hearing her husband's resolve, Madam Layla made her decision. She opened the bottle, releasing a fragrant aroma that filled the room, surprising everyone in the Monroe family.

"Such a sweet and gentle scent... Can this really be from a pill?" Rose mused, her voice barely above a whisper, clearly amazed.

"I've never encountered a medicine with such a pleasant fragrance," Julie added, equally taken aback by the scent of the restoration pill.

Ava's eyes flickered with a mixture of curiosity and wonder. 'How many more mysteries does Yuan hold?'

"Honey, open your mouth. I'll give you the pill," Madam Layla said gently to Issac, who complied, allowing his wife to place the pill in his mouth. It dissolved swiftly, and a gentle warmth spread through his body.

"Oh, my body... It's getting warmer," Issac murmured, feeling a burning sensation in his chest.

"Is the pill working?" Madam Layla and her daughters watched as Issac's body started to perspire, even wisps of vapor rising from his skin. His frail form seemed to be gradually returning to a healthier state.

Yuan nodded in affirmation. "Indeed, the pill is taking effect. With some luck, he may just recover from his illness."

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