My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 242 Confront the bandits part-2

Chapter 242 Confront the bandits part-2

"Are you scared now?" The bandit's heart pounded as he heard the ominous whisper and felt the icy touch against his neck, sending a shiver down his spine.

"P-P-P-Please...S-Spare me..." The bandit's voice quivered in terror, the weight of a colossal sword bearing down on his trembling form.


Yuan's expression remained cold, showing no mercy as he swiftly swung his sword, severing the bandit's head from his body in a swift, decisive motion.

The bandit leader's eyes widened in disbelief, witnessing yet another of his comrades fall before Yuan's deadly prowess. It seemed almost effortless.

"What are you guys doing? Kill him already!" The bandit leader's voice was sharp with urgency. "And some of you go and capture those ladies, they're weak and defenseless. If you succeed, one of them is yours to enjoy when we return to the base."

"Yes, boss!"

"Hahah, thank you boss, leave those ladies to us." The bandits' voices dripped with lascivious intent.

The bandits not engaged in combat with Yuan leered at his wives, their eyes filled with lust as they licked their lips. To bed such exquisite women was a fantasy for many, and now, with their boss's blessing, they couldn't pass up this opportunity.

"Hehe, hey, beauties. How about you all be obedient to us and come with us?" The bandit's voice oozed with arrogance and lust, his eyes scanning Yuan's wives with a predatory gaze.

"That's right, and I'm certain that your man can't satisfy all of you, can he? We can make you all feel satisfied every day if you come with us. Hahaha!" The bandit's laughter was coarse, his words dripping with insinuation.

Yuan's wives exchanged uncomfortable glances, Rose, Julie, and Ava feeling the weight of the bandit's lecherous gaze on their bodies.

"Hahah!" Grace's laughter sliced through the air, sharp and cold as she retrieved her sword from a hidden space. In an instant, her demeanor turned icy, a palpable aura of danger radiating from her.

The bandits felt a chill run down their spines, their bodies stiffening and hearts pounding at the sound of Grace's menacing laughter. An unknown fear gnawed at them.

'There's something wrong with this woman...' The bandits' thoughts raced as they grappled with the unnerving presence of Grace.

"You talk quite big for a lowly bandit like yourself. Your arrogance knows no bounds. I feel disgusted just by looking at you, and yet you're dreaming of sleeping with me? Presumptuous!" 

Grace's voice was razor-sharp, her sword aimed directly at the bandits, a dangerous grin etched across her face. The urge to cut them into pieces surged within her.

Anna, Grace, and Lily swiftly drew their swords from their spatial rings. Lily's voice cut through the tension, "Mom Grace, it's useless to speak to them, just dispose of them already. Remember we can't waste our time here."

Anna nodded in agreement. "I'm with Lily on this. It's better to rid the world of scum like them. They've committed too many heinous crimes. There's no point in trying to reason with them."

"That's exactly what I want," Grace chuckled, her tone chilling. "Let's swiftly dispose of them then, shall we?"

The bandits stood dumbfounded, unable to believe their ears. Behind those beautiful faces, these women were more ruthless than even the most hardened bandits.

'How could these seemingly fragile women talk so casually about killing? And how in the world does that young man control them?' The bandits' thoughts raced, disbelief etched on their faces.

Anna and Grace shared a glance before closing the distance between them and the bandits, leaving the outlaws stunned as the two women seemingly vanished.

"Lotus Blossom Sword Dance!" The synchronized execution of Anna and Grace's sword technique left the bandits and even Rose, Julie, and Ava momentarily mesmerized by their elegant and swift movements.

"Beautiful!" Ava exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the graceful dance of her mother-in-law Grace and Anna's masterful swordplay.

"It's truly breathtaking," Rose agreed, admiration gleaming in her eyes. "Their movements are a perfect match for their beauty."

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Before the bandits could regain their senses, Anna and Grace deftly severed their necks. The bandits barely registered the cold sensation before their heads tumbled free.

Lily was not idle either. She moved with astonishing speed, employing her 'Frozen Moon Blade' technique to dispatch the remaining foes. With each strike, the bandits turned to frozen statues, crumbling to dust at the snap of her fingers, leaving nothing behind but a small pile of ash.

"What kind of technique is that sister Lily is using? It's so horrifying!" Ava's voice trembled with shock as she watched the brutal demise of the bandits.

"Indeed, it's too terrifying!" Rose nodded in agreement. She, too, found Lily's technique to be both dangerous and horrifying. "But it's the most fitting way to teach these bandits a lesson for the heinous crimes they've committed. Who knows how many lives they've destroyed."

Julie chimed in, her expression resolute. "You're right, Ava. Don't waste sympathy on them. They showed none for their victims. Let them face their end in the most terrifying manner possible."

Meanwhile, Yuan continued dispatching the remaining bandits. He chose not to employ his advanced sword techniques, deeming such lowly foes unworthy of such skillful measures.

The bandit leader's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched most of his comrades fall before Yuan's onslaught. It appeared to be a one-sided slaughter.

'H-How is this possible? How can this seemingly weak brat take down most of my people? And he does it with such ease! Is he even human at this point?' The bandit leader's thoughts raced in incredulity.

'Sigh! Regardless, my subordinates must have captured his women by now. All I need to do is finish off this brat somehow.' The bandit leader's gaze turned hateful as he fixed it on Yuan.

"Hahaha!" Yuan's laughter rang out, mocking the bandit leader's hateful glare. "Is this the ability you're so proud of? It's just mediocre. Not a single one of them can evade my attacks. How disappointing!"

The leader's face contorted with rage at Yuan's insult. He felt an urge to tear the young man to shreds with his dagger. However, he knew when to bide his time and when to strike.

"Hahaha, don't be too arrogant, brat! My men are after your women, and by now they've likely captured them," the leader jeered, his tone dripping with malice. "I'll take pleasure in each of your women, and I'll let my men revel in their beauty as well. Just thinking about it gives me quite the rise."

Yuan's expression darkened at the leader's words, an invisible pressure bearing down on him. The bandit leader found himself kneeling on the ground, discomfort coursing through him.

'What the hell is this pressure?! What kind of power is this? It can't be mana, I've faced many mages before and know their tactics and strength.'

'But this is different... It's the sensation of death!' The bandit's inner thoughts raced, his face twisted in horror as he knelt on the ground, overwhelmed by the ominous aura emanating from Yuan.

Yuan advanced slowly towards the kneeling bandit leader, his massive sword aimed at the man's neck. A cold, dangerous smile played on his lips.

"Do you really think my wives need my protection against a bunch of lowly bandits like you?" Yuan's voice was icy, filled with disdain as he addressed the trembling leader.

"What do you mean by that?" The leader's brow furrowed in confusion.

"It means you vermin have made a grave mistake by underestimating us," Yuan chuckled, pride evident in his expression. "To handle the likes of weaklings like you, only one of my women is sufficient. By now, my wives have likely dispatched your men."

"Impossible! I refuse to believe it! Your women are nothing more than weaklings. My men can handle them easily. After all, they're just women—weak and feeble." The leader's disbelief was palpable. How could a group of elegant-looking women overcome his men, who had claimed countless lives before?

"Darling! Haven't you finished dealing with these weaklings yet?"

Suddenly, a voice, cold yet infused with warmth, echoed from behind, causing the kneeling bandit leader to frown.

"H-How is this possible?! How did they return unscathed?" The leader's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at Yuan's wives, a realization dawning. "D-Does this mean... all my subordinates are... dead?"

Yuan paid no mind to the leader's frantic realization. Instead, he turned to his wives, a gentle smile gracing his features. "You're back. Does this mean you've taken care of the lowly bandits?"

Lily's smile held a mysterious glint. "What do you think?"

"They were nothing more than a bunch of weaklings. It was easy for us to deal with them," Yuan replied, a satisfied grin on his face.

"Why don't you finish him off, darling? Remember, we have to rescue the women and children they've captured," Grace remarked, her voice tinged with disdain as she glanced at the bandit leader.

"Well, I was just waiting for you all to get here." Yuan's gaze turned towards the bandit leader, determination in his eyes. "It's time for you to pay for your sins. I hope you find redemption in your next life."

Slash! Thud!

Yuan's sword sliced through the air, cleanly severing the bandit leader's head from his body. The head fell to the ground, followed by the lifeless body, staining the earth crimson with blood.

With a swift flick of his wrist, Yuan cleaned his sword and turned to his wives.

"All done. Let's head towards the location where the bandits have captured the women and children, shall we?"

"En, let's go. They must be quite terrified after witnessing the bandits' actions." Anna nodded in agreement. Yuan led the way towards the carriages where the bandits had imprisoned the women and children.

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