My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 259 Buying Ore

Chapter 259 Buying Ore

About an hour later, The receptionist returned to the room to collect the bill and saw that Yuan and his wives had finished all the dishes they'd ordered, she could not help but be astonished by this. 

"E-Esteemed guests, I hope you enjoyed the food you've ordered in our restaurant. After calculating the amount of food you've ordered, the bill came out with 30 gold coins, 25 gold coins for the food, and 5 gold coins for the private room." 

"30 gold coins?!" Rose, Julie, and Ava looked at the receptionist with a shocked expression on their faces. Does the food they've eaten really cost that much? Isn't this just a daylight robbery?

However, Yuan and his other wives weren't surprised by this at all considering that this restaurant mostly has nobles, rich merchants, and high-ranking hunters as their customers who dine in here frequently.

About the commoners— they don't even dream of dining in a restaurant like this which only serves noble and rich people.

Looking at the shocked expressions of the Monroe sisters, Anna Grace chuckled. "You don't need to be surprised by the bill, it's only 30 gold coins. Besides, this restaurant mostly serves the noble families and rich merchants, so it's quite normal for them to charge us 30 gold coins for dining in here."

"The Young Lady over there is right," The receptionist nodded and continued. "We mostly serve the noble families in our restaurant and aside from them we serve the rich merchants and as well as high-ranking hunters who don't hesitate to spend a large amount of gold coins."

"Now which one of you will pay the bill?" The receptionist then asked.

"Here's the bill for our meal." Yuan handed thirty gold coins to the receptionist after retrieving them from his system storage.

The receptionist raised her eyebrows, noticing the gold coins appearing from thin air in Yuan's hand before handing them to her.

'What kind of magic was it? How did he take thirty gold coins out of thin air?!' The receptionist thought, wondering how Yuan did it. However, she didn't think too much about it as she had no right to ask about other's secrets.

After receiving the bill, the receptionist left the room.

After the receptionist left the room, Yuan turned to see his wives' and said, "Now that we've finished our business here, let's return to our inn after looking around the city for a moment."

"That's a wonderful idea, darling. Moreover, we haven't explored the city yet except for visiting the soldiers' camp to collect the bounty." Anna Grace's eyes sparkled after hearing Yuan's words and became very excited to look around the city.

"I'm also looking forward to looking around the city, since this is the second largest city within the Windfall kingdom, though." Emma's excited voice resounded from his left side.

After that, his other wives also showed their eagerness to look around the city for a bit before returning to the inn and lying down on their beds.

Lily then looked at her sisters' with an excited look on her face, and said, "Since everyone has the same opinion, shall we head out now?" 

"Naturally, let's head out then" Rose nodded and stood up from her chair.

'Let's see if I can find some good quality iron ores at a local shop, considering how big this city is, there's no doubt that I'll some some high-quality ores if I look carefully.' Yuan thought as he walked out of the private room they booked to dine.

A city like this would have many merchants that sell numerous kinds of ores, some of the ores they sell are very expensive such as Orichalcum, Adamantine, and Mithril, or some other kinds of metal ores.

In this world Orichalcum is considered to the the strongest metal, this toughness is unmatched by any metal known and a weapon or any accessories made from Orichalcum is very very expensive that some of the highest-ranking nobles couldn't afford to purchase.

However, even though the weapons made from Orichalcum are quite expensive and can be bought easily, most hunters dream of having a weapon made from Orichalcum. Because it has many advantages when fighting opponents stronger than the hunter. 

For instance, its sharpness, a weapon made from Orichalcum doesn't need to sharpen again and cut through other metals like as though cutting butter with a hot knife.

Not only Orichalcum, but weapons made from Adamantine and Mithril are also as popular as a weapon made from Orichalcum. 

Although a weapon made from Adamantine or Mithril can't be compared to a weapon made from Orichalcum, they can also cut other metals like butter and have many advantages as well.

After walking for almost 20 minutes, Yuan and his wives arrived at the market area of Monbrook City.

Although the sun has been set for about an hour now, the streets are looking very lively with full of people as the magic-powered street lamps are illuminating the streets, it's looks as though the nightlife on earth except for the old historical-looking buildings.

As they walked through the crowded streets, they caught many unwanted attention of the pedestrians and the people who come out of their houses to relax outside after a hard day.

However, Yuan and his wives ignored those unwanted and continued to walk forward.

Sometimes later, Yuan noticed a large shop across the streets that was selling all sorts of things, from daily necessities to weapons and armor, and soon it caught Yuan's attention.

'That shop is selling almost all sorts of things, perhaps I could also find some great quality iron ores in this shop.' He thought looking at the shop in the distance.

After that, Yuan turned to see Anna Grace and said, "Mom, Let's go over to that shop, I'm looking for some good quality iron ores, that shop might have just the right thing I'm looking for."

"Iron ore? What are you going to do with them?" Anna Grace looked at Yuan with a confused look on her face. What her son is planning to do with iron ores? 

"It's a secret. You'll know when the time comes." Yuqn smiled mysteriously.

"..." Anna Grace looked at Yuan for a moment with a strange look and sighed. "Alright, let's go and see if we can get what you're looking for at that shop." 

A minute later, they arrived at the entrance of the large building of the shop.

"Let's go inside, and see if we can get some good quality iron ores," Yuan said to his wives before walking inside.

"Welcome to the Magical Mystery, Esteemed guests." The receptionist of the shop immediately greeted Yuan and his wives.

"We're looking for some good quality iron ores, do you happen to have them?" Yuan asked the receptionist.

"Iron ores, huh? Of course, we have them, how much would you like to buy?" 

"Not too much, one box will do," Yuan replied.

"I understood. Please, come with me to check if the quality is your liking." 

The receptionist then led them to a section where a large quantity of Iron ores was gathered, Yuan quickly used his divine sense to check the quality of the ores and the result was very positive.

After that, Yuan turned to the receptionist and said, "These ores are really of good quality, I've no problem buying them but sadly I can't buy more than one box as I have no use for the rest." 

"That's fine, they'll be sold out by tomorrow." The receptionist then quickly packed a box full of ores for Yuan. "Here's your ore, Young master."

"How much do I have to pay for it?" Yuan asked after nodding at her.

"It will be 10 gold coins, young master." The receptionist replied maintaining a business smile on her face.

"Here are 10 gold coins," Yuan quickly handed her the 10 gold coins after retrieving them from his system storage.

After that, Yuan stored the ore box in his system storage, causing the receptionist to look at him with wide-open eyes seemingly shocked.

'What just happened?! How did the box suddenly vanish?! How did he do it?!' the receptionist cried inwardly in disbelief.

In her four years of working as a receptionist in the Magical Mystery, this is the first time she has witnessed something so magical like this.

"Thank you for your patronage, Young master." The receptionist said after coming out of her daze.

After that, Yuan turned to his wife and asked, "Did something catch your eye? If there's anything you like tell me I'll immediately buy it for any of you."

Hearing her son's words, Anna Grace shook her head. "There's nothing that caught my eye, let's return to our inn as there's nothing to look around anymore." 

Rose nodded, "I agree with mother-in-law, let's return to our inn." 

"Very well, let's return then." Yuan nodded before walking out of the shop, and his wives followed his suit.

Sometimes later, they returned to their inn and were greeted by the innkeeper's lively voice.

"Oh, you guys are returned. How did you say went?" She asked.

"It went smoothly, the city is quite lively and enjoyable," Yuan replied with a smile and continued. "By the way, please don't make dinner for us, we had our dinner outside." 

"Understood. So, are you going to your rooms now?"

"That's right." Yuan nodded and continued. "Rose, Julie, and Ava were quite exhausted after completing their hunter mission, it would be best for them to sleep early today." 

"Oh, in that case, good night then," the Innkeeper said with a smile on her face before Yuan and his wives went to their rooms.

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