My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 282 As Swiftly As Possible

Chapter 282 As Swiftly As Possible

Yuan nodded. "That's why we decided to take this road." 

Going back to the city and waiting in line to get into the city, and then crossing the entire bustling streets filled with citizens, then again crossing the other side of the gate, it was too much of a hassle for Yuan and his wives.

"Taking a detour is much more convenient than waiting in line to enter the city at the gate." Anna Grace stated that she also felt that taking a detour was the best option for them, as it would save them so much time.

Lily nodded at her mother's words, and said, "Since the road ahead is quite long. Let's proceed then, shall we?" 

"Let's go," Yuan said before walking down the road which will take them to the other side of the city, without needing them to enter the city.

The girls nodded at him and followed his lead.

As they continued to walk, Anna Grace suddenly looked at Yuan and asked him, "By the way, darling? Since Rose, Julie, and Ava will become C-Rank hunters today after submitting their mission proofs, how about we head out toward the capital tomorrow?"

"That's right. I'm thinking about leaving this City tomorrow since there is no point in staying in this town for a long time." Yuan said nodding his head, he thought that staying in this town was a waste of time for him and wanted to reach the capital as soon as possible.

He has already stayed in this city far longer than he originally planned, and now he doesn't want to stay in this city anymore. It's not because of what happened between him and the bastard son of the noble, it's just that he didn't feel right staying in this city.

'I bet that bastard will undoubtedly look for trouble with me again once I return to the city with my women... This time, I will not be merciful towards him like before! I'll kill that bastard even if he's the son of Count Monbrook!' Yuan said to himself inwardly with a determined look on his face.

But suddenly a realization hit him, 'Oh, right. We're almost out of ration, we need to restock our supplies before traveling to the capital.'

He then asked, "By the way, Mom. How long will it take us to reach the capital anyway? Since we'll need to restock our supplies and gather some other daily necessities for our trip."

Anna Grace thought momentarily for a moment, and said, "The distance between the capital and this city is quite huge, and it will take us more than a week to reach the capital since our carriage isn't a Magical Carriage like the the one possessed by the people from the capital you've met back in Pinebrook village."

"And that is the reason why they arrived so quickly after the word's spread about you defeating the wyvern which is about to become an S-rank being." 

"Magical Carriage not only makes it lighter but it also enhances the speed and strength of the horses pulling the carriages, which is ten times faster than a regular carriage like ours." Anna Grace told her son, Yuan, what she knew about enchanted carriages. 

Anna Grace, being a previous noble, has knowledge of many such magical things, as she received education from a famous teacher from a young age back then.

"Magical Carriage, I see... No wonder they arrived so quickly at the Pinebrook village back then. I completely understand now." Yuan exclaimed with a rather amusing look on his face, he was intrigued by the 'Magical Carriage' his mother spoke of.

However, it wasn't anything as if he wanted to have, he was just curious about it and how it operated.

"But, we have a much better option for our future travels compared to the 'Magical Carriage' you spoke of Mom. It's much faster and convenient to carry around." Yuan said a moment later.

"I totally agree, Darling. Compared to the speed of our flying swords, a Magical Carriage can't even hold a candle against it." Anna Grace nodded with a smile, without a doubt their flying sword was ludicrously faster than a 'Magical Carriage'.

They are currently not using the flying swords just because Julie and Ava's cultivation is still very low and are unable to stand on the sword without falling as they haven't gained full control over their Qi.

If they were to use their flying sword they would reach the other side of the City in just a few seconds, or perhaps even faster.

Yuan and his wives arrived at the other side of the city after traveling for more than two hours, and they could see the city gate in the distance. 

Many merchant wagons loaded with goods were waiting in line to enter the city, and some of the wagons were coming out from the inside and heading somewhere else.

Yuan then turned to see Ava, and asked, "Ava, can you take a look at the mission sheet and see if there's any information regarding the cave system where it's located."

"Alright, give me a moment." Ava nodded and she quickly retrieved the mission sheet from her pouch and began reading it.

"It seems that the entrance of the cave system is located at the trunk of a massive tree, in the small forest over there." Ava pointed her finger at the small forest located on the right side of the city, very close to the city wall.

Looking towards the direction where Ava was pointing her finger, Yuan and his girls can see a massive tree standing in the outer area of the forest.

"Let's go and clean those goblins, they're causing too much trouble for the citizens," Yuan spoke before walking towards the forest.

The girls nodded their heads with a smile on their faces and followed him from behind.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived under the massive tree where the entrance to the cave was located.

They immediately located the entrance to the cave system, it was covered in thick vines hiding it from the eyes of normal people. The entrance was quite small, allowing only one person to fit at a time.

"So, this is the entrance of the cave system. It looks a bit creepy..." Ava mumbled in a dazed voice, looking at the entrance she felt a bit nervous for some reason.

Looking at Ava he kept staring at the entrance and wasn't moving, he said, "Ava, don't stand there and go inside. We'll follow you behind, it's your fight, not ours."

"That's right, Ava. It's you who took the mission and you've to complete it by yourself, we'll not help you unless things get out of hand." Julie said with a playful grin on her face, causing Ava to bite her lips in frustration.

"Alright! Fine, I'll go in first..." Ava exclaimed in a frustrated voice and approached the entrance.

"Wait!" Yuan suddenly stopped her, he then retrieved her dagger from his system storage and handed it to her. "Before you enter the cave take this or you'll regret it." 

Then he said, "Attack them before they attack you and remember to aim for their heart or their neck. This method is the easiest and most efficient way to kill them instantly without alerting the others."

"I understand, husband." Ava nodded and slowly entered the cave making the slightest noise possible.

"It's quite dark...but nothing compared to the kobolds' hideout we've raided." Julie was surprised at just how dark the cave was from the inside, but compared to the kobolds' hideout it was pale in comparison. 

And besides, she is a cultivator and she can see everything inside just fine as though it was a bright sunny day.


Just then, Ava suddenly heard a weird noise coming from ahead and became alert, she tightened her grip on the handle of the dagger and prepared herself for any possibility.

Yuan and the girls followed her from behind without making the slightest noise.

With light steps, Ava carefully proceeded toward where the weird noise came from. And leaning against the cave wall, she looked ahead.

She saw two large chubby goblins guarding the entrance to the other chamber of the cave, both holding rusty old short swords.

"Two goblins guarding the entrance, it seems that their weapons were coated with poison... Let's see if I can take them down as swiftly as possible." Ava then suddenly dashed towards the two goblins, alerting them. Her speed was even faster than her elder sister, Julie, and she arrived in front of the two goblins in the blink of an eye.

"Filthy beings like you should have never existed in the first place," Ava exclaimed before skillfully maneuvering her dagger and aiming directly at the first goblin's neck.

Slash! The dagger in her grasp had easily sliced the goblin's neck, causing green blood to gush out from the neck and its head to fall on the ground. 

The other goblin had a horrified look on his face, he was so terrified that he even forgot to scream to warn the others about the intruders.

Ava then with a graceful movement, stabbed her dagger at the gobsmacked goblin's chest, and her dagger directly pierced the goblin's heat killing it instantly.

Once she retrieved her dagger from the goblin's chest, she mumbled in a low voice, "It was much easier than I thought."

Yuan chuckled. "Hehe, These two are only small ones guarding the entrance, the strong ones are in the deep part of the cave system." 

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