My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 305 A Meal With Miss Brooklyn

Chapter 305 A Meal With Miss Brooklyn

When Yuan and his wives left the store, it was already dark outside. But the streets of the city were bustling with people as there were many mana lamps installed throughout the streets to brighten the streets.

"Although the city Lord was a scum, he still did a lot of gold deeds for his people. I guess he wasn't that corrupted after all." Yuan mumbled in a low voice enjoying the nightlife of the Monbrook city, as they walked down the street to their Inn.

"Indeed. Look at all those people on the street, they all have smiles on their faces looking very happy with their life in here," Lily nodded at Yuan with a smile on her face, and she then sighed, "If only that idiot noble wasn't so focused on revenge on you, nothing would've happened to him." 

"It's all because of his lecherous son."Julie suddenly spoke as her expression turned cold, and continued, "If he educated his son and taught some manners to him instead of pampering him, his son wouldn't have become shameless enough to ask other people's wives to become his concubines." 

Hearing Julie's words, Anna Grace nodded. "As a mother of two children, I couldn't agree more. Count George should have taught his son some good etiquette..." 

"They're just a bunch of arrogant bastards... that's why I hate them the most. They look at commoners as if they're not people but mere tools that they could exploit to gain profit, this pisses me off!" Lily spoke in an angry voice as she clenched her fist tightly, and a small amount of killing intent radiated from her Icy blue eyes.

Although the killing intent was very low, it was enough to make people around them feel a sudden chill run down their spines and cause their hearts to beat faster feeling of an unknown fear. 

Yuan shook his head sensing Lily's killing intent, and he decided to calm his sister down as he didn't want to make a scene here.

"Big Sis, Lily, please calm down, we don't want to make a scene here," Yuan whispered into her ears, sensing a few people had suddenly fallen on the ground while facing their buttocks in fear.

He then grabbed her hand, and said."I have already taught both of them a proper lesson, and I'm sure that they won't forget my lesson for the rest of their life." 

"Hehe, Sorry about that. My anger gets the best of me..." Lily responded with an awkward smile on her face as she scratched the back of her head.

"It's fine, I understand that you had some bad experiences with nobles back in the magic academy." Yuan smiled at her.

After walking for a few minutes, they finally arrived at the Dandelion Inn, and without wasting a second they entered the building.

When they entered, they saw Miss Brooklyn sitting at the counter in a relaxed manner sipping tea while reading the register.

When she noticed Yuan and his wives as well as Leah's return, she immediately greeted them with a sweet smile on her face and asked them about how their shopping went.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go and start preparing your meals. Surely you guys don't want to sleep on an empty stomach, would you?" Miss Brooklyn said and got up from her seat before walking out of her counter.

"Please, we're feeling a bit hungry after walking around the streets," Yuan replied with a smile.

"I can see that..." She smiled, then she asked, "So where would you like to eat? In the dining area or in your rooms?"

"We'll eat at the dining area." Yuan quickly responded. 

"In that case, you guys can choose a table for you all and wait there for food to arrive. It will only take about 15 to 20 minutes for me to prepare all the dishes for you all." 

"Very well." Yuan nodded, suddenly an idea came up in his mind, and he said, "By the way, Miss Brooklyn. Why don't you join us for dinner? After all, it's the last day for us in your Inn and tomorrow morning we will set out for the capital." 

"Are you sure?" She inquired since she wasn't sure if she should join them for dinner. 

"Please, join us. I insist." 

"Very well. I'll join you guys for dinner since it will be your last dinner in my Inn." Miss Brooklyn accepted Yuan's invitation, in her heart she felt a little sad knowing Yuan and his wives would leave tomorrow.

Even though she had only known them for a short time, she felt at ease around them and enjoyed spending time with them. 

This has never occurred to her with any of her customers before; whether it's because of Yuan and his wives' regard for senior people, or perhaps it's their aura that makes people feel at ease around them which makes them different from others.

A moment later, Yuan and his wives as well as Leah arrived at the dining area and took their seats at an empty table.

Shortly after, Miss Brooklyn entered the dining area carrying food with both hands in a large tray filled with numerous dishes.

Xi Meili's eyes lit up in excitement as the delicious aroma of the food Miss Brooklyn had prepared for them entered her nostrils. And seeing her drooling expression, Miss Brooklyn smiled softly.

"Here is your food, everyone. I hope that I didn't take too much time preparing them." She then placed the dishes one by one on the table.

"Not at all. You worry too much, Miss Brooklyn." Anna Grace said with a smile.

"Is that so? Glad to hear that. I'll go and fetch the remaining dishes, after that, I'll join you guys for dinner." Miss Brooklyn said with a smile before hurrying back to the kitchen.

Shortly, Miss Brooklyn returned from the kitchen carrying food again in a large tray and placed the dishes on the dining table.

After putting the dishes on the table, Miss Brooklyn took the empty seat beside Leah and joined them for dinner.

"Let's eat, everyone." Anna Grace said before taking a bite from her plate, and she closed her eyes feeling every flavor of the dish.

"I must say, Miss Brooklyn. You have magic in your hands; every dish you prepare is wonderful." Anna Grace couldn't help but commend Miss Brooklyn on her outstanding culinary skills.

"Thank you, Miss Anna Grace. Your words mean a lot to me as a chef." Miss Brooklyn responded timidly, taking a bite from her dish.

"Mmm... It's really delicious!" Miss Brooklyn exclaimed as she tasted the dish she herself cooked.

"I'm sure that I'll miss you cooking after we leave this town, Miss Brooklyn," Yuan said before stuffing his face with food.

"You're free to visit me if you miss my cooking, you know?" Miss Brooklyn replied with a smile and kept eating her portion of food.

A few minutes later, everyone finished their meal, and after saying goodnight to Miss Brooklyn, Yuan, and his wives as well as Leah went to their rooms.

"Good night, Leah." Once they arrived at their rooms, Yuan said to Leah she would be sleeping with his sister for tonight.

"Goodnight, Mr. Yuan." She replied with a smile.

"Drop the 'Mr' part and just call me Yuan, I insist." 

"I understand, Mr. Yua— I mean Yuan." 

"Come, let's go to bed. We've to wake up early tomorrow morning." Lily then pulled Leah with her to her room.

"Goodnight, Yuan." Julie and Ava quickly kissed him on the cheeks and entered their room with Lily and Leah.

"Goodnight, you two." Yuan waved at them with a smile.

After that, he turned to see his wives and said, "Let's go inside, we can't afford to wake up late tomorrow."

His wives nodded and entered the room with him, and he closed the door and locked it.

Anna Grace then immediately took off her clothes and put her clothes in one of her spatial rings before giving a full view of her beautiful naked body to her son with a seductive smile on her face.

'Is she teasing me now? I must say, it's working like a charm...' Yuan thought, feeling his little brother becoming harder.

Yuan shook his head, took off his shirt and kept his trousers as he didn't plan to have sex with his wives tonight.

After that he climbed into the bed and so did his wives, and shortly after they all fell asleep.

Yuan and his wives woke up early in the morning and were currently having breakfast at the dining area of the Inn.

"Mom, have you packed all your clothes? Did you forget anything?" He asked her after finishing his breakfast.

"No. I've double-checked it, everything is fine." She replied as she put the spoon on the empty plate.

"That's good then... let's say goodbye to Miss Brooklyn and we also have to pay her three day's rent as well." 

"She must be at the counter, let's go," Lily said before she stood up from her seat.

After that, they walked out of the dining area and headed towards the counter where Miss Brooklyn was.

"Miss Brooklyn, here is the rent for two days." Yuan handed her three gold coins and twenty silver coins.

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