My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 313 Not A Simple Shock Absorber

Chapter 313 Not A Simple Shock Absorber

?313 Not A Simple Shock Absorber

"Yes, dear. Let's get going." Anna Grace nodded at her daughter with a smile.

However, Lily noticed something different about the carriage and asked, "By the way Mom, why does the carriage feel a bit taller than before? It's like the height of the carriage increased overnight for some reason."

As she sat on the coachman's seat, Lily could easily tell that the height of the carriage increased but she didn't have any idea how it happened. Also when she climbed onto the carriage, she could feel the body of the carriage getting slightly low before returning to its original height the next second.

"Well, that's because your brother installed the thing called shock absorbers to the carriage yesterday. And now our ride will become much smoother despite the bumps and potholes in the road." Anna Grace replied with a proud smile on her face, knowing that Lily, Julie, Ava, and Leah were completely oblivious about this.

"What!?" Lily's eyes widened with surprise upon hearing this, she couldn't believe that her mother and brother as well as Emma, Rose, and Xi Meili did something so important behind her back.

'When did this happen? Why wasn't I aware of this?' Lily thought to herself, and then she looked at Anna Grace as though she was demanding answers.

Not only Lily but Julie and Ava were also surprised to hear this, as they didn't expect their big sister to not inform them about it.

As for Leah, she was silent and wondered what a 'shock absorber' they were talking about as though it's a pretty big deal.

Anna Grace chuckled seeing her daughter and the daughter-in-

laws surprised expression, and said, "Well, it happened after you all entered your room. Xi Meili was the one who made them, and Yuan installed them."

"Is that so? No wonder we aren't aware of it... We really missed the opportunity to see our cutie pie in action." Julie sighed after taking a quick place at Xi Meili who was sitting on Yuan's lap.

"Indeed. We wanted to see how she crafted the shock absorbers with our own eyes." Lily nodded with a disappointed look on her face.

'What!? I can't imagine a cute and innocent-looking girl hitting a hefty hammer for hours. How could Yuan be so heartless? And why do they care so much about Xi Meili banging a hammer on a hot metal? Is it enjoyable?' Leah shouted inside as she listened to their chat; she couldn't bear the thought of Xi Meili swinging a large and heavy hammer with her cute appearance.

"There's no need to be disheartened, there will be plenty of opportunity for you all to witness Xi Meili's remarkable skills." Anna Grace smiled and said to them, then looked at Lily and added, "Enough chit-chat now, and move the carriage forward already."

"Alright. Let's go!" Lily nodded and shouted at the horses and shortly the carriage began moving forward.

As the carriage began moving forward, Everyone except for Yuan had a surprised look on their faces as they felt the ride was so smooth despite there are lot of bumps all over the road.

"Oh my goodness! Despite the fact that the road is really rough, I don't feel any bumps; the shock absorbers are a fantastic invention, and I'm very pleased with the results." Anna Grace couldn't help but feel surprised at just how comfortable the ride was, it far exceeded her expectations.

"Indeed. This is such a comfortable ride that I can't believe I'm currently riding a carriage, I'm speechless." Julie nodded, as she had never felt a carriage this comfortable to ride before.

"I couldn't agree more, Mother-in-law. This is an amazing invention. A potentially revolutionary invention, I'm interested in how it came to my husband's mind." Rose nodded in agreement with a proud smile on her lips, then turned to Yuan and proceeded. "Moreover, each part of the shock absorber was very complex, I've never seen anything like it before."

"Now that you mention it, I'm curious how Yuan came up with such a complex design?" Emma chimed in.

"And the way he draws the pattern, it's as if he's already well versed in such advanced mechanisms," Emma said as she looked at Yuan's attractive face, puzzled as to how he came up with such a sophisticated mechanism notion.

"I also have the same thought as you, Emma." Rose nodded with a smile.

Listening to their conversation, Anna Grace proudly chuckled. "Hehe, Yuan is one in a million genius. He is my son after all."

"And my dear little brother, don't forget that," Lily shouted from the outside.

"Also husband." Anna Grace playfully added, causing Lily to become silent and her cheeks immediately turned red.

The villagers turned their heads as the carriage moved through the streets of Windy Valley's village, as they'd never seen such a large and tall carriage before, not to mention the coachman was such a beauty that they couldn't help but become dazed after catching a glimpse of her otherworldly beauty.

"So beautiful! Who is the lovely lady driving the carriage? I've never seen her in our village before."

"Unbelievable...I couldn't believe I'd just seen a beauty with the beauty of only a goddess; I've been blessed with a great day ahead."

"In my 70 years of life, I've seen my fair share of beauties, but I've never seen a beauty of this magnitude. It feels like my life has been completed."

"Aside from the beauty, have you noticed the carriage? I've never seen a wagon so enormous and towering before."

"Indeed. That carriage is substantially larger than most carriages I've seen, and it's most likely owned by a wealthy child of a high-ranking noble."

"That is a possibility. If not, no beautiful lady like that would gladly become a coachman."

"Agreed. I, too, had the same thought. But I'm curious where they're going right now."

"To the capital or elsewhere?"

"I've heard that the monarch has given the hunter association a particular assignment that requires a large number of powerful high-ranking hunters."

"I've heard the rumor as well. And many hunters are flocking to the capital these days."

The people continued to whisper as the carriage passed them, the villagers couldn't forget the beautiful face of Lily and her face still lingering within their mind. They'll never forget about this day.

Meanwhile, the carriage passed the village border and headed toward the direction of North where the capital of the Windfall kingdom is located.

As the carriage left the village, the speed of the carriage gradually increased and shortly the carriage picked up the previous speed they were traveling yesterday.

Surprisingly, despite the fast speed and the road being extremely rough with mud and dirt in some places, the shock absorbers performed extremely well and Yuan and his wives didn't feel any bumps at all except for a few slight movements.

After all, the shock absorbers crafted by Xi Meili are not simple shock absorbers but a mid-Earth-grade treasure. Due to this, the ride becomes much smoother, and even the most expensive shock absorbers from Earth can't be compared with their smoothness.

A week has passed since Yuan and his wives, as well as Leah, left the 'Windy Valley' village, and they've traveled more than 2000 miles within the week and they've crossed a huge forest filled with numerous strong magical monsters.

It took them two days to cross the forest, and during that time they encountered numerous strong monsters and most of the strong monsters were defeated by Yuan each with a single strike from his sword.

Meanwhile, the Monroe sisters handled the low-level monsters, although each monster they fought was C-rank or above but in Yuan's eyes they're just a bunch of low-level monsters.

And when the Monroe sisters' comprehension of their martial techniques increased significantly fighting many low-level monsters, Yuan let them fight against stronger monsters then what they've fought before.

As a result, their fighting power and comprehension of their martial technique increased significantly, it not only made their movements become much smoother and fluid, but it also made their body stronger.

During this one week, Ava and Julie made a breakthrough in their cultivation and reached the Spirit Warrior realm, and now their cultivation is at the second level of spirit warrior.

As for Rose, her cultivation broke through two levels, since she was already a spirit warrior, her cultivation was significantly slower compared to her two sisters.

As a result, her cultivation only improved by two levels, achieving ninth-level spirit master. Although two levels may appear to be quite low, in actuality, even a single level has a significant difference in strength.

Within this one week, Leah became very close with Yuan and his wives and now she doesn't hesitate to ask something or simply talk to them.

She was also impressed by Yuan's friendly demeanor and how he treated her, and she felt awfully relaxed around him and enjoyed his company. Although Yuan hasn't developed any strong feelings for her, the same can't be said for Leah.

Leah fell deeply in love with Yuan as they traveled. However, owing to her previous experience, she was hesitant to confess her feelings for him, assuming that he would reject her because she was tortured by the goblins. Even though she was not defiled by the goblins, she still considers herself to be dirty.

And because she does not want her current relationship with him and his wives to break, she keeps her feelings to herself and does not express them to him.

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