My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 319 Mountain Hogs

Chapter 319 Mountain Hogs

?319 Mountain Hogs

"That's wonderful." Anna Grace responded with a smile. "Thanks, dear for preparing the meal in my place."

"It's nothing. After all, I used to cook meals for everyone before, and also I quite enjoy cooking." Emma replied with a sweet smile.

Leah looked at everyone with a strange look on her face. She was having a hard time seeing everyone acting so normal as though nothing happened, and Anna Grace wasn't even ashamed of her actions inside the carriage a moment ago.

'What is wrong with everyone? How can they behave so normally after knowing what happened between Miss Anna Grace and Yuan inside the carriage?' Leah cried inwardly, seemingly in disbelief.

Noticing Leah's gaze on her body, Anna Grace immediately turned her attention toward Leah, and pondered, 'What happened to her? Why does she have a strange look on her face?' She was confused by Leah's strange behavior.

However, she suddenly realized something, 'Don't tell me that she...she heard my moans earlier loud and clear...?'

As soon as the realization drowns upon her, her face immediately turns dark, 'Oh, No! What should I do now?! It's all darling's fault! He is the one who forced me to make love with him, hmph!'

'Now what will she think of me? What will happen to my reputation? Won't she think of me as a whore mother or a slut?! It's so embarrassing! I feel like digging a hole to hide myself...' Anna Grace thought, and her face flushed red from embarrassment.

Then she looked at her son and glared at him with a dangerous glint in her eyes, and seeing the dangerous look on his mother's face Yuan felt a chill down his spine.

'What got Mother into? Why is she glaring at me so fiercely?' He wondered inwardly, appearing confused about his mother's behavior.

She then came close to him with a dangerous smile on her face and pinched his waist.

"Aow! Aowww! Mom, let go. Let go! What are you doing? It's hurts!" Yuan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist, screamed out, and distanced himself from his mother.

"Mom that hurt, you know? What was that for?"

"This is what you get for being so naughty, hmph!" Anna Grace snorted.

'What's with her? She is acting weird...' Yuan wondered, staring at his mother with a puzzled look on his face.

Yuan then noticed the others staring at him with a small flush on their faces, particularly Leah, who was as red as a tomato.

Only then did he understand that everyone knew he had made love to his mother inside the carriage, which made his face flush with embarrassment.

He looked around, whistling as if nothing had happened, and had no idea why everyone was staring at him.

'Playing innocent, are we?' Anna Grace smiled inwardly witnessing her son pretending to be innocent.

A minute later, She checked the meat Emma was roasting and after confirming that it was cooked evenly she turned to see Emma, and said, "Emma started serving the meal for everyone, the meat is perfectly cooked."

"Alright, Mother-in-law." Emma nodded and began arranging the plates for everyone and serving food for everyone.

Once the dinner was served for everyone, Anna Grace spoke, "Alright, everyone dinner has been served. Let's eat now before it gets cold, shall we?"

"Let's dig in!" Xi Meili screamed happily, her eyes shining, as she stared at an array of delectable cuisine.

She didn't wait for anyone and promptly took a piece from her plate; as soon as she inserted the spoon into her mother's mouth, her eyes lit up with ecstasy as she felt the explosion of flavors inside.

"T-This is... Delicious!" Xi Meili exclaimed and took another bite from her plate, she repeated the process until nothing was left on her plate.

Once she finished the plate, she refilled the plate and began stuffing her face with food.

Seeing Xi Meili stuffing her face with food, Lily laughed a little and said, "Hey, Xi Meili slowed down. We won't run out of food, there's enough food for us."

"Hehe~" Xi Meili just let out a giggle and continued stuffing her face with food.

"This girl... She is so childish." Anna Grace sighed with a smile.

Yuan and the others sighed and began eating their food off their plates, they were astounded by how flavorful the food was, as if Emma had magic in her hands to make the food so good.

"Here, try these darling. They're simply delicious!" Anna Grace handed five pieces of roasted boar meat to Yuan with a smile.

"Mmm...So good. Emma truly understands how to prepare meat before roasting it." Yuan exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face; he enjoyed how the meat was juicy and flavorful, leaving a lasting impression in his mouth.

Emma's face flushed red after hearing Yuan's praise, it's not like she didn't like Yuan praising her, it's just that she felt embarrassed about him praising her in front of everyone.

Sometimes later, They finish eating and resting near the campfire circling around it.

Tik! Krick! While they were chatting with each other about the fun stuff, they heard something from the big bushes.

"What was that noise?" Emma immediately becomes alert after hearing the weird noise coming from the distance.

"Is it a monster?" Leah inquired, with a slightly panicked voice as she hid behind Lily.

Shi! Shi! Whoosh!

After a moment of silence, they heard the weird noise again. It sounded like some kind of monster was roaming near their carriage.

"There... The noise came from that direction." Julie pointed her finger toward the thick bushes in the distance.

Anna Grace stared at the bushes for a moment, turned to see her son, and said, "Darling, can you check what it is using your divine sense?"

"Alright. Let me check what kind of monster is disturbing us." Yuan said.

He then swiftly closed his eyes, opened his divine sense and covered the entire area, allowing him to see everything within a ten-kilometer radius. Nothing could be concealed from him, not even a small needle in a haystack.

He then immediately located what was disturbing them constantly by making weird noises. Apparently, it's a mountain hog roaming around their camping area in search of food.

And he located that, a kilometer away from their camping sight, a large group of mountain hogs was roaming around. Perhaps this hog smelled the food they were cooking and arrived near their camp following the smell of food.

And since mountain hogs have a very keen sense of smell, it's no wonder that it was able to track the smell of food from such a long distance and arrived here.

However, when he decided to check around the area they were camping. Yuan found a small waterfall in the woods about a hundred meters away from the campsite.

He checked around to see if ferocious monsters were roaming around, but he didn't spot any such monsters except for a few F-rank monsters such as Long-Legged-Rabbits or Snake-


After checking around for a bit Yuan retrieved his divine sense and slowly opened his eyes, and he looked at his wives and Leah with a smile on his face.

"So, did you find what kind of monster making that weird noise?" Julie inquired with concern as she saw Yuan open his eyes and smile at them, fearful that a powerful creature had been lurking around their camping site.

"There's no need to worry everyone, it's just a mountain hog roaming around our camping site," Yuan said with a smile shaking his head slightly.

"A-A mountain hog? So it's not a scary monster?" Leah asked with a fearful voice, still hiding behind Lily.

"Nope! It's only a mountain hog." Yuan comforted Leah with a smile. "And there is a large group of them roaming around about one kilometer away from us."

Leah looked at Yuan with a dumbfounded expression on her face with her eyes wide open.

'One kilometer away? That's so did he see something so far away? This is unbelievable and impossible!' Leah cried inwardly, seemingly in disbelief.

"How many did you notice?" His mother asked with a frown, as she knew that mountain hogs in a group can be very formidable.

"Probably more than a thousand of them..." Yuan replied with a serious voice, as he also understood the danger of such a large group of mountain hogs.

"Unbelievable...that many?" Emma gasped after hearing the number of mountain hogs in a single group.

Anna Grace then looked at Rose with a serious look on her face, and said, "Rose, kill it in a single blow. Don't let it even let out a scream or we'll be in trouble."

"Understood." Rose firmly nodded.

Then she said to Yuan, "Darling, hand her the spear. Also, look for spatial rings for them, as you haven't given them any."

Yuan nodded and instantly retrieved Rose's spear from his system storage, handing it to her, "Take it and kill it, and as Mom has said, don't let that thing scream."

Rose took the spear from Yuan's hand and fixed her gaze on the mountain hog in the distance, although she couldn't see it due to the bushes covering it. However, he can pinpoint his location with her superior senses.

She held the spear tightly in her grasp and aimed the tip directly at the location where the mountain hog was and as she was about to throw the spear, suddenly the tip of the spear glowed in red—

"Flaming Spear Strike!"

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