My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 330 A Bunch Of Clowns

Chapter 330 A Bunch Of Clowns

The majority of the monster materials were gathered by Yuan and his spouses in thirty minutes from the high-ranking corrupt monsters; the remaining monsters were left for the hunters who had valiantly fought and risked their lives to preserve the lives of everyone within the carriages.

In addition to the hunters, some merchants also fought those corrupt monsters to protect their loved ones, yet their assistance was ineffective because they were unable to defeat the monsters due to their infirmities.

Even after realizing that the monsters would not be destroyed even after their heads had been severed from their bodies, they yet fiercely battled against them in spite of their frailty.

The fact that the headless monsters were still moving at that precise moment demoralized a lot of elite hunters.

Yuan flicked his finger to store everything inside his system storage once they had finished gathering monster minerals from the dead monsters.

Everyone observing the incident was completely taken aback as the pile of monster materials vanished out of sight as if it had never been there in the first place.

"What just happened!? How did the materials suddenly disappear like that!?"

"Did he store the materials inside a magical pouch like we have one for ourselves?"

"That can't be, I didn't sense any mana fluctuations in the air and if he were to use a magic pouch to store them, it would've definitely created a small fluctuation in the air."

"Indeed, we would've detected it no matter how small it is. Thus, I don't believe that he used a magic pouch just now."

"I also share the same opinion. And moreover, neither of them seems to possess one either."

"And neither did he use magic. It's something else that we're not aware of, or perhaps it's his special ability like some genius mages possess."

"Whatever trick he employed, it seems like a highly useful one for a merchant like me." A merchant spoke with sparkling eyes, and continued, "I'll try questioning him about it; you never know, he might even teach me this special trick, hehe."

Yuan's ability to make the materials disappear into thin air with a flick of his finger captivated the huge mustachioed merchant, who wanted to learn how to do the same for himself so he could convey his goods in the same easy way.

How is it possible that a well-known merchant like him is unaware of the potential of Yuan's ability? In addition to changing the method, he moves commodities between cities, mastering this ability would make it less likely that he will be robbed by robbers while traveling.

"We couldn't agree more. This is certainly a very unique and useful ability, and must have the ability for us merchants."

"Without a doubt. Indeed!"

The merchants also agreed and showed great interest in Yuan's ability, considering the potential it held it may change the course of their life as to how useful this ability is.

After observing the fatigued expression on the Monroe sisters' faces for a minute, Yuan smiled and said, "Okay, now that we've completed our business here, let's head back to our carriage and wait for the road to clear up."

"Huh? Will you not gather the materials from the remaining monsters? Observing that Yuan had not touched most of the monsters, Leah inquired.

"Well, we're leaving those weak monsters for the others, we can't take everything for ourselves as they've also put so much effort into stopping the monsters and a few of them even lost their lives in the process," Yuan replied, glancing over at the other hunters who were too happy that the gruesome battle had ended.

"I see..." Leah gave Yuan's remarks a small smile. She was delighted by Yuan's words because she is a kind-hearted woman with the softest heart.

"Let's go and take some rest inside our carriage." Before heading towards their carriage at the back, Anna Grace said.

"Let's go then." With a nod of his head, Yuan trailed behind his mother, and Leah and his wives did the same, trailing Anna Grace.

"Excuse me, gentleman, can I have a word with you?"

As they turned to go back to their carriage, they heard a few individuals suddenly approach them and call out to him.

They turned to see a bunch of merchants grinning like businesspeople.

"What's with that smile on their faces? What do they want from us?" Lily sensed that the merchants' smiles were rather suspicious and had ulterior motives, so she glanced at them with a sour expression.

'Damn it all! From where did these clowns appear out of nowhere? I had intended to let little Yuan spoil me, but these monkeys have already completely destroyed everything! Lily silently cursed the merchants.

"I don't know but it seems that they've something to say to us..." Rose said, looking at the merchants approaching them.

Yuan also felt uncomfortable looking at the smiles on the merchants' faces.

'Yes, there is a deeper meaning to those smiles. I wonder what that is.' Yuan thought for a moment, his face growing serious.

Anna Grace frowned at the merchants and said, "Is that so? I wonder what they have to say to us."

Yuan looked at the merchants with a frown from head to toe, and asked, "Yes? Do you have something to say to us?"

The large mustachian merchant grinned broadly and said, "We want to thank each and every one of you for saving our lives. We would have long since perished at the hands of those abominations if not for your intervention."

"Is that so?" After giving the merchant a suspicious look, Yuan smiled and added, "It's okay, you guys don't have to thank us; it was nothing, and in addition, the monsters were really weak and easy to deal with."

Then he turned around and said to his wives, "Let's return to our carriage everyone."

"Wait a moment, Gentleman, I have something else to ask you." As Yuan and his wives prepared to depart, the merchant with a big mustache called out to him, causing them to halt their step.

Yuan turned around to look at the merchant with a frown on his face. "What is it? Make it quick I don't have time to entertain you clowns."

"You—" The merchants were furious when Yuan called them all "clowns," but the large mustachian merchant silenced them with a single look.

"Young benefactor, my name is Edward Willson, the president of the Willson merchant company at the capital." The merchant with a big mustache smiled broadly as he introduced himself to Yuan, seemingly oblivious to the prior comment made by Yuan.

"Well, Mr. Willson, what do you want from me?" Yuan asked with a frown on his face l, wondering what this merchant was thinking.

"Oh, directly at the point, no beating around the bush. I like it." Mr. Willson smiled seeing Yuan so direct with his words, and he continued, "Well, in this case, I also get directly to the point as well."

He then continued, "Benefactor, earlier I saw you using a unique method, and using it you made the pile of monster materials disappear into thin air, as though it never existed in the first place."

'I see... So you're after that, huh? I should've thought so...' Yuan thought with a smile.

Yuan maintained a confused look on his face. "So?"

"Well, I'd like to ask you for a favor." Mr. Willson said.

"What kind of favor are you speaking, Mr. Willson?"

"Teach me the unique method you use to store those monster materials. It's not for free of course, in return I'll pay you dearly with gold coins for teaching me the method of storing things into thin air." Mr. Willson said while maintaining a confident smile on his face, he was sure that Yuan would accept his offer without even thinking. After all, who doesn't like gold coins?

He then said, "As a merchant, I have great use of that unique skill. So please, teach me."

"Learn it? That's impossible! After all, it's not a skill that could be learned, and nor is it a magic spell that you're familiar with, now go away and don't bother us." Yuan said before turning to leave with his wives.

Mr. Willson had an ugly expression on his face after hearing Yuan's rejection, he felt as though Yuan's hand stepped on his face and embarrassed him in front of the other merchants.

'This bastard...who the hell does he think he is? You're acting so arrogant just because you're strong and were able to slaughter the monsters? Pathetic!' Mr. Willson screamed inwardly in anger.

"Tell me how much you want in exchange for the method of using that trick. I'll pay you."

When Yuan heard Mr. Willson's booming voice from behind, he turned around just as he and his wives were ready to leave.

Yuan halted his steps, and so did his wives. They all looked at Mr. Willson with a frown on their faces and released a bit of their killing intent.

And it was enough to make them shiver from fear, feeling as though their bodies would be ripped apart if they made any mistake and offended them.

"Don't you know the meaning of 'impossible'?" Before Yuan could speak, Lily opened her mouth and spoke, releasing her pressure on the merchants.

Feeling the intense pressure, the merchants immediately get on their knees and kneel on the ground, their bodies start trembling in fear feeling the invisible force pressing them hard against the ground.

Despite their best efforts, they are unable to withstand the pressure and get to their feet.

'What in the world is this ability? How can it make us bow down like this on the ground? This is not acceptable.' Mr. Willson appeared to be in shock as he screamed inwardly in frustration.

The other merchants are experiencing the same sensation as Mr. Willson, but they are unable to speak because of the unseen pressure.

"Lily, that's enough! Let them be, let's return to our carriage." Anna Grace spoke as she turned to leave.

"Hmph!" Lily snorted at the merchants and retrieved her aura before following her brother and the others to their carriage.

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