My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 335 Lily’s Reunion

Chapter 335 Lily's Reunion

?"This is it, everybody. We are going to book our lodgings here." Lily stated as she stopped the carriage in front of a large building.

Yuan and the others looked out the carriage window after hearing Lily's remarks and they noticed a massive building with the sign 'The Travellers Rest' inscribed in enormous letters on top.

The surrounding area was not particularly congested, with only a few shops selling pricey products, and not far away they could see a large restaurant with a large crowd waiting to eat.

After studying the surroundings, Anna Grace turned to face Lily and inquired, "Lily, is this one of the inns you've stayed at while attending the magic academy?"

"That's correct. This is the inn where I've spent the majority of my time when I'm here to accomplish academy projects." Lily nodded and smiled as she spoke.

She then gazed at the Inn building, feeling a little nostalgic as she stood in front of the same Inn where she used to stay when she visited the city as a magic academy student.

However, she is now standing in front of the same inn, not as a student, but with her family, including her mother, her brother, who is now her husband, and several more sisters. It's different this time.

A little later, Lily stopped the carriage at the side of the building and exited.

Yuan, his wives, and Leah all get out of the carriage and stretch their arms and legs, which have become numb from sitting in the same posture for hours.

"Okay, everyone. Let's go in and reserve accommodations for us." Yuan stated with a smile as he entered the building.

His wives, including Leah, nodded as they followed him inside.

As soon as they walked in, they noticed a small girl around eight washing the floor and there was no one at the counter table.

"A little girl?" Yuan gazed at the girl mopping the floor, bewildered, wondering where the Inn's owner had gone while the little girl remained there.

Hearing the odd voice, the small girl turns her head to gaze at Yuan, then to the women behind Yuan, and her eyes light up with joy.

"B-Big Sis Lily? Is that your big sister Lily?" The girl gazed at Lily with wide eyes, as if astonished.

"Hey, it's been a while Zoe, how are you doing?" Lily smiled at the little girl and moved closer to her.

When Lily called her name, the little girl, Zoe, smiled excitedly and threw herself at her.

"Big Sis Lily, it is indeed you. I missed you so much!"

"It's me. I missed you, too, Zoe." Lily smiled as she held the little girl.

After hugging Lily for a moment, Zoe let go of her and stared at her face with admiration, seemingly surprised by Lily's beauty.

"By the way, Big Sis Lily. You look different now, you look more beautiful..." Zoe spoke with a dazed voice.

'After becoming a cultivator, our beauty indeed improved a lot... Not only beauty, but many things have changed for us after becoming cultivators.' Lily thought.

"Is that so? Thank you, I guess, Zoe." Lily chuckled and said, "Well, you'll be as beautiful as me once you grow up a little more."

"Really? Will I truly grow up to be a beautiful lady like you and the beautiful sisters behind you?

"You will. How could you not? You're so cute after all."

Then Lily said, "By the way, Zoe. Where is your mother?

"Oh, Mother? She went to the store to get some groceries, and she is probably on her way here right now."

"Is that so? Then we'll wait for her to arrive." Lily sighed.

Following that, Lily presented Zoe to Yuan and the others while also introducing them to her.

Zoe glanced at Anna Grace with surprise on her face, having discovered that such a gorgeous woman was Lily's mother, and she didn't look old at all.

In comparison to her own mother, whose few hairs have already turned gray, Lily's mother appears to be in her late twenties.

Sometimes later, A woman entered carrying a bag of groceries in both hands, she looked at Yuan and the other with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh Hi, Lily it's been a while. When did you arrive? And who is that handsome man and the beautiful ladies with you?" The woman asked, putting the bag she was carrying on the table.

"Oh hey Zara, it's been really a while. We've just arrived a few minutes ago," Lily greeted the woman with a smile on her face.

"Let me introduce them—" Just as Lily was about to introduce Yuan and others to Zara, she was interrupted by Zoe's cheerful voice.

"Mom, they're Big Sis Lily's family!" Zoe then pointed her finger at Anna Grace, and said, "And that's her mother."

"What?!" Zara became extremely surprised after hearing that.

Sometimes later, Yuan looked at Zara and said, "Miss Zara, we'd like to book the most premium loggings available."

"Give me a moment, I'll look at the availability of the premium rooms," Zara said, taking out the register and searching for the available premium rooms within her Inn.

A minute later, Zara looked at Yuan and stated, "We only have five premium loggings available in my Inn, and each room will cost five gold coins per day."

Then she went on to say, "Each room includes two queen-sized beds, its own bathroom, and a large bathtub for luxury. Oh, and meals are included in the accommodation rate, so there is no need to pay more for food." She explained the facilities that came with the rooms.

"Alright, we'll book two rooms for us," Yuan said, then immediately pulled 10 gold pieces from his system storage and placed them on the counter.

"Well, then, I hope you enjoy your stay at my Inn. Here are your room keys." Miss Zara collected the coins and gave him the room keys.

Yuan accepted the keys with a smile and said, "Since Lily chose this Inn, I believe her judgment that this is the best Inn in the entire city."

"Hehe, I'll take that as a compliment, Yuan." Miss Zara chuckled.

After that, she turned to face her daughter and said, "Zoe, be a dear and show our guests to their rooms."

"Alright, Mom." Zoe nodded and went to face Lily and the others, saying, "Big Sis Lily, follow me; I'll show you your rooms."

"Well, before that..." Yuan looked at Miss Zara and asked, "Miss Zara, we have some meat with us, I'd like to request you to cook it for us."

"What kind of meat do you have with you?" Miss Zara asked with a slight frown on her face.

"It's nothing special, it's just mountain hog's meat," Yuan replied with a calm smile on his face, and immediately retrieved a huge chunk of meat from his system storage and placed it on the table.

"Meat from mountain hogs? Such a rare item... Leave it to me; I'll prepare the most delectable dishes with this much meat." Miss Zara appeared to be very pleased to cook such rare meat; after all, mountain hog meat is considered extremely rare due to the difficulty of hunting them.

"That's wonderful! Then, we will head to our rooms now. Please send the meal to our rooms later." Yuan said before turning around and leaving the lobby of the Inn.

"I understood." Miss Zara nodded with a smile.

After that, Zoe told them to follow her and she led them to their rooms which were on the first floor of the building.

"Your rooms are on this floor, big sister Lily. Have a nice stay in our inn."

"Thanks, Zoe. You can go back now and help your mother." Lily said.

Zoe then nodded and left the scene after showing their rooms.

Yuan, Anna Grace, Emma, Rose, and Xi Meili entered one chamber after Zoe left, while Lily and others entered the other.

Yuan sat on the comfortable bed for a moment, then looked at his wives and said, "I'm feeling very uncomfortable like this, so I'll go and take a quick bath to clean myself."

"Okay, we understand. Take your time." Anna Grace stated as she sat on the same bed with him.

However, suddenly an idea popped up inside her mind, and looked at him with a passionate gaze, and asked, "By the way, do you mind if I join you as well?"

"Certainly not. "Come along. Yuan replied with a grin.

How could he resist having a beautiful seductive woman join him in the bathtub? People would die to have the same treatment, therefore he'll take it no matter what.

Anna Grace licked her lips seductively and replied, "Very well, then, I shall join you."

Anna Grace then quickly removed her clothes from her body completely and stood there completely naked showcasing her seductive naked body to her son with a proud seductive smile on her face.

Emma and Rose looked at Anna Grace and rolled their eyes.

"Our Mother-in-law is really bold... Look at her shameless behavior," Emma said with a blushed face, feeling embarrassed seeing her mother-in-law naked.

"I couldn't agree more." Rose nodded, also blushing.

After that, Yuan also removed his clothes and entered the bathroom with his mother.

'I wish I was the one taking a bath with him...' Emma sighed inwardly.

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