My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 358 Mireya's Inner Feelings

Chapter 358 Mireya's Inner Feelings

After that, she turned to look at Yuan and his wives with a smile. "Come on, take a seat and make yourselves at home," she said, pointing her hand at the plush sofa neatly arranged with a small tea table.

They nodded and sat on the sofa. Anna Grace sat on Yuan's left side and gripped his arm, burying it between her funbags, with a mischievous grin on her face.

Lily gave her mother a threatening glare before sitting on Yuan's right side. She gripped his arms and buried them between her boobs.

Xi Meili, with an innocent expression on her face, took her place on Yuan's lap, and no one was jealous of her because that special seat was solely for her.

His other wives and Leah also took their seats on the other sofa, and Mireya also took her seat on the other sofa.

Seeing how Yuan and his wives are being lovey-dovey in front of her, she feels a little dejected as she feels a very unfamiliar feeling in her heart that she never felt before.

'Am I feeling jealous of his wives? But they're his wives, and I'm only a friend to him, so why am I feeling this way?' She wondered to herself, feeling conflicted by such a new feeling.

And then she realized something that caused her heart to race: 'A-Am I...Am I falling in love with Yuan? B-But how is this possible?! We barely know each other...'

'How can I fall in love with him?! He's already married and has numerous wives...I can't fall in love with him.' She cried inwardly, torn between her feelings for Yuan and whether they were true love or just attraction.

The entire common area was silent, with no one speaking; Yuan and his women were busy gazing at Mireya's house, which was decorated with many unusual artifacts, similar to her restaurant.

But, unlike her restaurant, the house has very little decorating; however, she did not sacrifice her comfort because the sofa they're currently sitting on was excessively soft and luxurious.

Yuan's gaze shifted to Mireya, who was staring at him with a dazed expression.

"Cough!" He cleared his throat and remarked, "Mireya, you have a lovely house. And I can tell you've worked hard to make this house both comfortable and gorgeous."

"...Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment..." She awoke from her daze and spoke with a slight blush on her face.

"So you live here all by yourself, except for the servants? Or does Sylvia reside here with you?" He inquired, inquisitive about who else lived in this large house except Mireya and her maids.

And he was more interested in whether Mireya had a partner or not; after all, she was a very beautiful and fascinating woman, and he refused to think that she was unpopular among the young masters of the noble houses.

And knowing the arrogant behavior of the noble brats, they must have approached her numerous times by now, and considering her beauty they wouldn't give up on her so easily.

A few minutes later, the old butler returned with a pot of tea and a few light snacks on a silver tray and placed the tray on the table.

"My Lady, I've brought tea and snacks for everyone." The old butler spoke.

"Thank you. Now you can leave us alone."

"Understood, My Lady." The butler bowed before departing the scene.

Mireya poured tea into each cup before serving it to them after the butler had left the living room.

The tea had a very fragrant, refreshing aroma, and as soon as they took a sip from the cup, they felt incredibly relaxed and a refreshing sensation flowed over their bodies.

"Mireya, you did not answer my previous inquiry... So, are you hiding someone from us?" Yuan asked her with a smirk on his face, which made Mireya's heart race again.

However, she calmed herself down by reminding herself that he was already married, and with a smile, she replied, "No, I don't have anyone like that, and I don't have time for that kind of thing with those lowly humans."

And she went on, "And for your information, I'm an Elf, and I have no intention of marrying a Human, especially the nobles with their rotten behavior... And I live here with Sylvia because I don't want anything unexpected to happen to her while I'm not there."

"I see... Well, I can't blame you for disliking those ungrateful bastards, since they've enslaved more than thirty percent of your people due to their immense greed." Yuan said with a sigh, before continuing, "I also hate them for their arrogant behavior, and you know what, I killed them because of their arrogance."

Mireya swallowed nervously after hearing this and looked at him in disbelief with wide-open eyes, seemingly surprised.

He then continued, "They think that the world revolves around them and they can do anything they want, just because they're talented in magic and commoners don't. I hate the arrogant smile on their faces, and it makes my blood boil."

A small amount of killing intent radiates from his eye with killing intent, which causes Mireya to tremble in fear.

Not only Mireya, but all of the slaves kneeled to the ground, sensing Yuan's killing intent; they all sweated profusely and couldn't express the sensation.

"Because of their twisted logic and beliefs, they got killed by my hands...and I didn't show any mercy at all." He said a moment later, and immediately retrieved his killing intent sensing the discomfort look on Mireya's face.

Due to his intense hatred for the twisted noblemen, he almost forgets Mireya is a mere mortal and is unable to handle his killing intent, even if it is just a tiny bit.

"Sorry about that..." He instantly apologized to Mireya, feeling bad for scaring her.

"I-It fine, I know it wasn't your intention to scare me..." Mireya responded after calming herself down, with a slight forced smile on her face.

'What the hell was that just now!? I have never felt anything like this before...I felt like dying for a moment! How strong did he become in such a short period of time?!' She yelled inside, apparently shocked.

A moment later, Looking at Moreya, Anna Grace asked, "So Mireya, since you don't like anyone here, do you have someone you like back in your motherland?"

Mireya shook her head, denying, and said, "No. I don't have somebody like that in there either; I'm single and have too many responsibilities on my shoulders, so I don't have time for romance and such."

"I see..." Anna Grace mumbled, but she was secretly laughing wildly at her discovery.

'She's single. An excellent candidate for my darling to have an Elf wifey...hehe." She laughed inwardly.

"Well, since you hate humans, don't you hate us since we're also humans too." Lily inquired, frowning at her as if she saw her as another rival for some reason.

Mireya glanced at them in silence after hearing Lily's words, and a gentle smile spread across her tender lips.

"Well, to be honest, I never get the feeling of hatred towards you all for the first time I met you guys." She looked at them with a smile and added, "You all had an aura that made me unable to hate you guys for some reason, even though you're humans as well, not all of you."

"Although we don't know much about each other...I feel extremely comfortable around you guys, as though you guys are my own family members." She spoke to them, especially Yuan, and her eyes were filled with hidden meaning.

"I see...I never expected to hear something like this from you, Mireya." Anna Grace stated with a kind smile on her lips, delighted to learn Mireya's underlying thoughts for them.

Sometimes later, Mireya led them to their bedrooms since it was already too late, and after showing them their rooms, and said goodnight to them.

After that, she went to her own bedroom which was the room beside them.

She removed all her clothes from her voluptuous body and walked toward the laundry basket naked and put her dirty clothes into it.

And then she returned to her bed, lay down on the plush bed, and hugged the large pillow tightly pressing it against her boobs.

'That feeling I got...was I really jealous of his wives for acting lovey-dovey in front of me? But why? Did I really fall in love with him?' She wondered, a slight blush appeared on her face.

Thinking about the gentle smile on his handsome face, Mireya felt her heartbeat increasing abnormally once again, and she felt like throwing herself at Yuan's warm embrace immediately.

'Again this feeling... Why does this keep happening to me?' Thinking about Yuan, she felt extremely restless and her body began to tingle in excitement.

'T-This feeling...This feeling must be love...'

'I-I can't believe that I fall in love with a will my people react to this once they learn that I, Lysandra Mireya Silverleaf fall in love with a handsome human...Agh! I don't want to imagine it!' She cried inwardly, and her face turned extremely red.

"How could I fall for a human who already has multiple wives...?" She sighed, but a small smile appeared on her tender lips before she closed her eyes.

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