My Cell Game

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Ripper

Shu Ran looked at the screen in the direction of Jiang Zuo’s fingers, and the picture was frozen on the virus with spiral sharp horns.

“The tearer.” Shu Ran recognized the virus at a glance.

Seeing Jiang Zuo look dumbfounded, she explained to Jiang Zuo:

“Do you remember when we were shooting CG? We went to other parts of your body. Did you pay attention to the blood-dead virus in those parts?”

Hearing this, Jiang Zuo looked up and thought for a while.

He remembered that when he was shooting CG, he did see it.

The blood-dead virus in other parts of his body is a bit strange in shape. It is no longer spherical like the ones near the birth point. The blood-dead virus in the stomach was even covered with black tentacles.

It’s just that Shu Ran was busy taking pictures at the time, and there was no time to explain, and Jiang Zuo didn’t take the initiative to ask.

Originally, Jiang Zuo wanted to find a time to ask, but in the end there were too many things in the past few days, and this matter was left behind.

“Actually, the blood-dead virus, like the source cell, will evolve.” Shu Ran said quietly:

“The strength of the blood-to-death virus is different in every part of your body.

At the beginning, I chose the birthplace on the right side of the liver. In addition to being able to control the liver to produce source cells, the main reason was that the virus there was the weakest, which gave the source cells time to grow.

If the birth point is chosen elsewhere, the newly born source cells are very fragile, and they will be killed by a more powerful blood-dead virus just like before leaving the birth point, and there is no chance of growth at all. ”

Jiang Zuo understood, his brows frowned.

According to Shu Ran, the virus in some parts of his body is too powerful. If a boss-level virus reaches the spawn point, wouldn’t these low-level source cells be immediately slaughtered?

Shu Ran saw Jiang Zuo’s worries and said:

“Don’t worry, the blood death virus has a strong sense of lordship. Under normal circumstances, they will not take the initiative to leave the boarding site.

The source cells are not as weak as you think, and they will swallow the virus and upgrade.

What we have to do is to guide players with the main task, upgrade step by step, swallow stronger viruses, until all the blood dead viruses in the body are eliminated.

The easiest way is to open a new map according to the player’s ability through each version update.

But having said that, the Ripper is not powerful. If divided according to the level of the source cell, the combat power of the spherical viruses is between 1-3, and the combat power of the ripper is between 3-20.

In the center of the ripper gathering area, there may be a few rippers about to evolve who will reach level 20. Once they break through to level 21, they will immediately leave the gathering area and move to other higher-level gathering areas.

In fact, this is also regarded as the principle of infection of hemorrhagic death——

High-level viruses have a certain biological consciousness. When high-level viruses accumulate to a certain amount, the patient’s brain will be destroyed. Swarms of high-level blood-dead viruses will control the patient’s consciousness, transform the patient’s corpse, and become a dead waiter.

What I call the capture of the liver is because the liver is the area where low-level viruses multiply.

By taking the liver, we can prevent a large number of low-level viruses from turning into high-level viruses, thereby slowing down the growth of high-level viruses and prolonging your life until the high-level viruses are completely eliminated. ”

Shu Ran paused and continued: ”

The liver can be divided into a left lobe and a right lobe, with three main veins in the middle.

The gathering points of the tearers are the left and right veins and the main vein of the liver, and the globular virus gathering points are in the right lobe of the liver.

To be more careful, the right lobe of the liver is composed of hundreds of thousands of liver lobules, and the spherical viruses are mainly scattered and gathered in the liver lobules.

In this 1.0 beta, we can use the liver lobules as a copy of the player to brush the black crystals, and will eliminate the tearers and seize the left and right main veins as the first task.

Once the main task is completed, we will be able to get back most of the liver area.

Later, we will update the version to regain the left lobe of the liver, completely cut off the connection between the liver virus and other parts, and the liver will completely return to our control. ”

Jiang Zuo nodded while listening: “Just do what you said, put the previously designed plot on the main mission, and add some NPCs. This time we will get back the liver lobules and main veins for the 1.0 beta!”

At two o’clock in the morning, in the suburban industrial park, Zhang Hao was personally supervising the factory.

The two workshops are working day and night to assemble the game warehouse. Hundreds of assembled game warehouses are in the factory, and Zhang Hao is calculating the production situation.

Daily orders for more than 500 direct-selling units are basically completed, and they will be shipped at 6 o’clock in the morning.

In addition to these, there is a steady stream of orders being placed through the hotline. Since the factory only needs to assemble, the production speed is very fast, and these orders can basically be shipped every other day.

Outside the brightly lit factory building, an unlicensed van evaded surveillance and drove on a remote road outside the factory.

The van slowed down at the side door of the factory, the door opened a gap, and a scarlet figure was pushed out of the car, stumbled and rolled twice on the road.

After the van left, the scarlet figure slowly stood up from the ground, surrounded by black wasteland, it swayed towards the two brightly lit factories…

At four o’clock in the morning, Jiang Zuo, who had fallen asleep on the sofa, was awakened by the sound of a phone call.

“Hello? Old Zhang?”

Jiang Zuo rubbed his bewildered eyes and put on the phone sleepily.

“Jiang Zuo, our factory was attacked by a dead waiter.” Zhang Hao’s voice was very noisy, with the whining of alarm bells, the shouting of personnel, and the faint cry of crying.

Jiang Zuo on the sofa immediately shook his head, and sat up from the sofa suddenly, and his sleepiness disappeared: “What? Deadpool attack?

Make it clear, what is going on? ”

Zhang Hao briefly talked about what happened from beginning to end–

The factory was working overtime, and a dead waiter came in from the side entrance and broke into the factory and ransacked.

Fortunately, there were patrolling CDC vehicles around, and the judge arrived in time and killed Deadpool.

“The factory is in the suburbs, so how come there are deadpools?” Jiang Zuo frowned, and a bad premonition hovered in his mind.

“I don’t know, the judge from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also come and is still investigating. Deadpool’s head was smashed by the judge. It is very difficult to investigate the identity of Deadpool.

People from the CDC said that the most likely thing is that a certain patient has changed prematurely, and the high probability is an accident. ”

Zhang Hao’s tone was full of fear and horror. If he hadn’t stood high and had time to drive away with a few workers, it is estimated that he would be no different from the broken limbs on the ground.

The two had a few more conversations. Zhang Hao had something to do, so he hung up the phone first.

Jiang Zuo sat on the sofa and couldn’t sleep anymore.

Deadpool attack?

The location of the factory is in the suburbs, how can there be Deadpool there?

Jiang Zuo couldn’t help but recall what the middle-aged man said to him…

Pay attention to safety…Pay attention to safety…

“How could this happen, obviously it’s just business competition!”

Jiang Zuo couldn’t help but shudder, and he couldn’t help but think about the coincidence of time.

Although there is no definite evidence, his intuition tells him that this incident is probably related to Anjiang.

Did you do something wrong?

I just want to promote my game. The market is there, and the two sides compete fairly and each has its own ability.

But why does this happen…

Jiang Zuo didn’t ask how many people died. He knew that the damage must have been severe, so he didn’t dare to ask.

The blood-to-death virus spreads across the empire, and more and more people are attacked by the Deadpool. Perhaps… this world has already been undercurrents, but I just realized it later.

At this time, it is not difficult to understand that oneself violated the other party’s core interests, and the other party created an “accident” for oneself.

Suddenly a sentence came to Jiang Zuo’s mind: Every husband is not guilty, but he is guilty of his crime.

It is a sin in itself to own a cell online.

If there is no strong strength, what does he use to guard his secret?

The last time the deadpool attack on the commercial street gave Jiang Zuo a certain amount of pressure.

This time someone secretly targeted him to really wake up Jiang Zuo-time is more pressing than he thought!

Now it’s only Anjiang. If one day, the cell online attracts the attention of the royal family, how can I explain it? What should we fight against? What do you use to protect your secrets?

It used to seem that these things were far away from me, but now it seems that they are really close to me.

Will there be a fish to be slaughtered?

Jiang Zuo slowly stretched out his hands:

“Helium bowl and titanium, judge. Can’t wait any longer!

There is still stock in Zhang Hao’s place, so Zhang Hao will ship it tomorrow, and it must be tested immediately.

Not only to survive, I also need more helium bowls and titanium, I want to be the judge!

At least…Before the real disaster strikes, I must have the power to protect myself…”

(PS: I only came back from outside after ten o’clock. I can only change it tonight, sorry).

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