My Cell Game

Chapter 492

Chapter 485 Depressive atmosphere

With this idea, Jiang Zuo began to prepare.

If Jiang Zuo wants to implement this idea, not only Jiang Zuo needs to prepare a lot, but professional NPCs also have a lot to do.

After all, from the launch of cell online to the present, this is the first time that this kind of large-scale competition among players has occurred. Professional NPCs need to prepare a lot of things to ensure that there will be no problems at that time.

In this way, professional NPCs must not only deal with the daily affairs in the cell online, but also pay attention to the battle between the source cell and the mutated Enterococcus, and prepare for the upcoming large-scale competition in the source cell.

Suddenly, the professional NPC staff suddenly became tense.

At present, millions of players are online, and the professional NPC staff are a little nervous. When the number of players is increasing, Jiang Zuo estimates that he will have a headache again how to manage the cell online.

Of course, this will have to wait until the later cell online expands the new map and recruits more players. Besides, Jiang Zuo still can’t worry about this.


Early in the morning.

In Nanyang City under the blood tide, the sky was gray in the early morning. The gray sky was mixed with patches of blood red shadows, and there was still a little darkness in the distance.

The entire Nanyang City is like an island in the dark. The sky on the island is a mixture of gray and blood red, mixed with a foggy feeling, and it looks extremely depressing.

After busy all night preparing plans, Jiang Zuo finally completed his arrangement.

Now the rest of the work is what professional NPCs need to do, and Jiang Zuo doesn’t need to worry about it anymore.

To be honest, professional NPCs even surpass Jiang Zuo’s understanding of cell online in some respects.

Looking for ghosts in the source cell, and ghosts in Enterococcus mutans, both proved the ability of professional NPCs, and Jiang Zuo was relieved to leave things to them.

When Enterococcus mutans is about to be eliminated, find a suitable time and post Jiang Zuo’s arrangement to the cell online.

Jiang Zuo stood in front of the window, looking at the blood-red shadow in the sky, a feeling of depression enveloped his heart, and his heart was thinking about the “ominous crystal” after the end of the blood wave.

In what way will the “Ominous Crystal” appear at that time?

Does the depressed scene in the sky have anything to do with the Ominous Crystal?

Under the sky, from time to time, there was a few low growls of Deadpool.

The entire Nanyang City has been shrouded in a suppressed atmosphere in the **** outbreak.

Death, fear, Deadpool, and the gloomy sky made the whole Nanyang City breathless.

“I don’t know what Nanyang City will look like after the blood wave ends.” Jiang Zuo murmured.

Jiang Zuo didn’t know when Nanyang City would get better again, or it would be like now, always shrouded in the shadow of death, becoming a deadpool city.

However, Jiang Zuo knows what Nanyang City will become after the end of the blood wave.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zuo suddenly had an impulse in his heart, wanting to completely eliminate the dead waiter in Nanyang City and regain Nanyang City.

Even if Jiang Zuo’s organization will develop throughout the empire, Nanyang City is the source of Jiang Zuo’s organization of judges.

Jiang Zuo and his subordinates all came out of Nanyang City. By regaining and controlling Nanyang City, Jiang Zuo’s organization will have a base camp, and it will also attract more people to join Jiang Zuo’s organization and have a source of origin. A source of constant strength.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zuo sighed and shook his head, trying to pull his thoughts back.

Regaining Nanyang City is too far away for the current Jiang Zuo, and it is an unattainable goal.

The current Jiang Zuo, even after the blood wave is over, whether he can win the Ominous Crystal is still unknown.

Jiang Zuo couldn’t even deal with the gathering of Deadpool. Now Jiang Zuo didn’t want to eliminate the gathering of Deadpool. Instead, he carried out a decapitation operation to kill the middle and high-level deadpools that played a major role.

Jiang Zuolian and Gathering Deadpool didn’t have the strength to head-on, just to break them up and turn them into wandering Deadpools again, let alone killing hundreds of thousands of wandering Deadpools in Nanyang City.

At the same time, at the wall of the hospital stronghold.

Among the walls surrounding the hospital’s stronghold, the wall near the gate is the most tightly guarded, with many judges defending here.

The rest of the walls are specially patrolled by judges.

These judges patrol many times, the interval between each patrol is very short, and the defense is equally tight.

As long as there is a deadpool who dares to climb over the wall, they will be discovered by the judges and killed on the spot to ensure the safety of the hospital.

But among these walls, there is a section of the wall that looks a little different.

The location of this section of the wall is relatively remote, and after turning over the wall, one can directly enter the building of the hospital base through a window.

Near this section of the wall, An Quantao did not arrange for the judges to patrol here.

The reason why the judges were not arranged to patrol was because An Quantao directly arranged several judges to stand guard on the fence in turn, ensuring that at least two judges were here at any time.

The difference is that the judges guarding this section of the wall are all An Quantao’s confidants.

They are guarding here, on the one hand to prevent Deadpool from entering, on the other hand, they are also undertaking the secret joint work ordered by An Quantao-waiting for the contact of the objects.

After the sensual thing is dressed as a deadpool, in order to prevent the deadpool from seeing the flaws, and in a hurry, the sensation basically won’t take off the costume of the deadpool.

Even when he returned to the hospital to report the situation, he came to see Jiang Zuo like a dead waiter.

Sensible objects can pretend to be Deadpool, this is a big secret of Jiang Zuo’s organization!

In the entire organization, apart from Jiang Zuo, An Quantao, and Kanwu, there are also a few confidant judges who are responsible for receiving the feelings. No one else knows this secret.

The royal judges of Ke Longwei didn’t even know, and Jiang Zuo couldn’t tell them this secret.

Therefore, in order to ensure this secret, An Quantao specially set up a contact point in the hidden part of the wall. As long as the sensed object comes, the judge on duty here will immediately bring the sensed object into the hospital stronghold to see Jiang Zuo. .

At this time, there are two judges on duty in this section of the wall.

The two judges are watching the surrounding situation nervously, they are guarding the sudden attack of Deadpool.

The work of defending hospital strongholds is dangerous. Although most deadpools will not attack the hospital, occasionally one or two wandering deadpools will choose to attack the judges in the hospital and cause casualties to the judges.

Being vigilant for possible deadpool attacks at any time is what every defensive judge is doing all the time.

At this moment, the two suddenly discovered that a dark shadow suddenly flashed under the building not far away.

The black shadow was rushing towards here quickly, the spirits of the two suddenly became tense, and the two of them looked intently, and the black shadow was exactly like a dead waiter.

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