My Cell Game

Chapter 496

Chapter 489 “Corrosive Flowing Water”

“Separate An Quantao and Deadpool?” Ke Longwei couldn’t help asking, at this moment Ke Longwei was a little surprised, which was a little different from what Ke Longwei had imagined.

According to Ke Longwei, he believes that the royal family’s re-entry after the blood tide is over is to give away the head, so according to the royal family’s consistent tough style, he should enter the venue early.

For example, before the end of the blood wave, they stationed in Nanyang City to destroy these two forces.

What he was worried about at the time was how much the royal family would have to pay in order to defeat these two forces.

But now listening to Du Yuan’s meaning, the royal family did not choose to attack directly, but chose to use the separation plan.

Du Yuan’s meaning is behind the imperial family.

Although it is not clear what the separation plan is, at least it shows that this time the royal family did not adopt a strong style on such an important matter.

Why is this happening?

In particular, the judge turned to Deadpool, which was fundamentally different from the alloy warehouse.

No matter how the alloy warehouse changes hands, it is still between the judges, but this is the behavior of the judges surrendering to the enemy, and the judges and Deadpool have always been incompatible.

Moreover, the judge is the only power of the empire against Deadpool. If there are judges who take refuge in Deadpool, or if there are more than a thousand judges who take refuge on a large scale, what will other judges think when they learn about it?

If you start this head, you will be in trouble in the future.

If this matter itself is not dealt with vigorously and harshly, it will shake the foundation of the empire, and it will shake the rule of the royal family, and doubt whether the royal family is not strong enough.

At this moment, Ke Longwei was a little at a loss, including Ke Longwei, who was a little shaken when he heard this.

Is the royal family weaker than he thought, or is the force after An Quantao and Deadpool colluded so strong that the royal family did not dare to stand firm?

“Yes, separate them.” Du Yuan didn’t seem to realize this, and began to introduce the whole plan to Ke Longwei:

“This separation plan is mainly divided into two parts.

In the entire separation plan, you and I have great authority. You must do everything possible to make An Quantao and Deadpool suspicion each other, break their mutual trust, and break the union of these two forces. ”

Ke Longwei calmed down and said, “General Du Yuan, please tell me that I will try my best to cooperate if I can do it.”

Du Yuan said: “In order to ensure the success of the separation, we must start from both sides at the same time, not only to make Deadpool suspect An Quantao, but also make An Quantao suspect Deadpool.

Let me start with the first part-letting Deadpool suspect An Quantao.

Judging from the current situation, the alliance between An Quantao and Deadpool is already very close.

The last time An Quantao sent more than 300 judges to investigate the situation, you reported to me. You can see that since then, An Quantao and Deadpool have cooperated, so the judges under An Quantao, The casualties are so low.

Up to now, it can be said that both of them have trusted each other very much.

To make Deadpool doubt An Quantao, we have to give Deadpool enough motives for suspicion, and let Deadpool believe that An Quantao wants to deal with them.

To be honest, it is difficult, too difficult to do this.

Some verbal separations are difficult to break their collusion, and it is necessary to produce enough direct and strong evidence like this photo to convince Deadpool.

For this reason, the royal family decided to approve the use of ‘corrosive water’.

The so-called “corrosive flowing water” is the name of the weapon that we made after weaponizing that special corrosive liquid.

‘Corrosive Flowing Water’ is very powerful, and at the same time very purposeful, with only one point-Killing Deadpool!

This weapon can only kill Deadpool, and it has a lethal effect on Deadpool!

If An Quantao’s organization is secretly hoarding ‘corrosive water’, what do you think Deadpool would think?

Secretly hoarding a weapon that is extremely destructive to Deadpool and only destructive to Deadpool, this kind of thinking should not be difficult to guess.

Deadpool can’t be so stupid, thinking that An Quantao is all right to play.

As long as it is hoarding such weapons, it is actually releasing a very clear signal-An Quantao is ready to attack Deadpool! Otherwise, who would spend so much effort hoarding this kind of weapon that specifically kills Deadpool?

If An Quantao communicates with our royal family again, and the royal family secretly transports the “corrosive water” to An Quantao, the royal family has always been a deadly enemy of Deadpool. What do you think Deadpool would think if he knew about it?

This is too convincing, enough to convince Deadpool that their close allies are cooperating with the royal family and are plotting to kill Deadpool.

In this way, the first part of the separation plan is completed, letting Deadpool believe that An Quantao will deal with them. ”

Ke Longwei gradually frowned. When Du Yuan paused, Ke Longwei immediately expressed his concerns: “General Du Yuan, with all due respect, this method is too risky.

“Corrosive Flowing Water” is our royal family’s big killer against Deadpool. The price is too high. Is it possible to give this big killer to An Quantao?

General Du Yuan, we can’t repeat the mistake of Alloy Warehouse! ”

In fact, there is another point that Ke Longwei did not say directly, and that is his wave of imperial strength.

Regardless of the many resources used by the separation plan, it looks very impressive and courageous, and even the “corrosive running water” has been used.

But it is precisely this seemingly grandeur and courage that actually reflects the weakness of the royal family from the side.

The more resources mobilized, the more important it is to the royal family. The royal family really wants to see the success of this plan. Why? Because the royal family is afraid that this plan will fail.

What happens if I fail? Obviously, the royal family has to deal with the two forces of An Quantao and Deadpool.

The royal family is afraid of the failure of the plan, and is afraid to go to war with the two major forces… Doesn’t this explain the current weakness of the royal family!

Ke Longwei thought of this, but he didn’t say it clearly, nor did he intend to say it.

This is just his guess, and he doesn’t know what the situation of the royal family is.

Having said that, this divorce plan of the royal family is really not too clever.

It is not that the plan will not succeed. In fact, the probability of success of the separation plan is very high, but this plan will shake the determination of the royal family’s own people to the royal family, such as Ke Longwei.

The implementation of this plan will consume the confidence of the members of the implementation of the plan in the royal family.

At this time, Du Yuan replied: “Indeed, you are right. Handing over the alloy warehouse password is a big wrong decision by the royal family, and perhaps even the most wrong decision during the blood wave of Nanyang City.

Because we were too self-confident and too underestimated at the time, we also wanted to stop An Quantao with Deadpool and forbid them to open the alloy warehouse, but we did not consider the cooperation between Deadpool and An Quantao.

We cannot repeat this stupid mistake.

But this time the separation plan, since we want Deadpool to believe, we must use real ‘corrosive water’.

If Deadpool finds that the “corrosive water” is false, then our separation plan will fail completely, and it will be counterproductive. On the contrary, it will deepen the alliance between Deadpool and An Quantao, and use the separation plan in the future. Very small.

Therefore, we must do it in one step to send the ‘corrosive water’ to An Quantao, and it must be truly ‘corrupt water’.

But you don’t need to worry. Although the “corrosive water” was given to An Quantao, An Quantao and the others can’t get the corroded water. They are given to them and whether they can get and use it. These are two different things concept. ”

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