My Cell Game

Chapter 512

Chapter 505 The value of “Cloud-piercing Fort 2.0” (

In Jiang Zuo’s vision, the “too rampant” player army at this time did not choose to retreat, nor did it choose to defend.

They chose to attack!

That’s right, they want to attack the Soul Cavalry Legion!

When he saw this scene, Jiang Zuo quickly rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had made a mistake.

A legion with only a hundred players, how dare to attack the strongest spirit cavalry legion recognized in the current cell online?

Although there is the help of the “Pioneer Assassins”, the “Pioneer Assassins”, the player army, is not large in size, and only has more than a hundred players.

The previous four player legions joined forces, and a total of more than a thousand players attacked the spirit cavalry legion. As a result, they were wiped out by the spirit cavalry legion before they even touched the door of the spirit cavalry legion.

Now there are only two player legions of “Too Rampant” and “Pioneer Assassin”, and there are only more than two hundred players in total. They actually want to attack the Soul Cavalry Legion.

After learning that the Soul Cavalry Legion had defeated the four player legions, the boss of the “Pioneer Assassin” immediately judged that the opportunity they had been waiting for had arrived!

The “too rampant” boss was stunned as soon as he heard it, and said, “The Soul Cavalry Corps just defeated those players. It was when morale was high. We attacked at this time. Didn’t we hit someone’s gun and hit it? Have you run again?”

The boss of “Pioneer Assassin” replied: “No, now is our good opportunity!

Think about it, the Soul Cavalry Legion has just killed the four player legions, and now is when they are most confident, and also when they are most interested.

They must think that there is only one ‘too rampant’ left, with just over a hundred members, and it’s easy to defeat us.

If we fight hard, we will definitely not be able to beat them, and if we multiply our size by ten times, we may not be their opponents.

So we have to sneak attack, like the spirit cavalry team did before.

They are paralyzed to us, it is our chance to attack!

Do you think about the entire free combat time, is there a time when the Soul Cavalry Legion is more careless to us than this time?

Not only that, they have relaxed their vigilance against us psychologically, and at the same time, the defense of the main camp will be slack than before.

To kill the four player legions, Soul Cavalry had to send people over to the four camps to kill the mutated Enterococcus bacteria hidden in them.

In this case, Soul Cavalry disperses manpower, and it is easier for us to succeed in sneak attacks. ”

After an analysis by the boss of the “Pioneer Assassin”, the boss of “too rampant” really seems to be so reasonable!

As a result, the “pioneer assassin” and “too rampant” moved quickly.

Not long after receiving the news of the victory of the Soul Cavalry, the two player legions began to actively attack in the direction where the Soul Cavalry Legion was located.

They brought the “Cloud Piercing Turret 2.0”, and the speed of advance was a bit slow, but within half an hour, they should still be able to reach their destination.

According to the calculation of the boss of the “Pioneer Assassin”, when they arrived, the spirit rider sent to four camps to kill the members of Enterococcus mutated. They probably hadn’t returned yet. It was a good opportunity for a sneak attack.

Although he went to sneak attack on the Soul Cavalry Legion, he still had to defend his camp “too rampant”.

After all, there is Enterococcus mutated in the camp. In case other players attack or enter Enterococcus mutated by itself, it will be troublesome.

Regarding the defense of the “too rampant” camp, the “Pioneer Assassin” was very active this time. They took the initiative to leave 20 players to help “too rampant” defend the camp.

According to the “Pioneer Assassin”, the sneak attack is unexpected, and the number of players is not that important. Although there are 20 players left, the success rate of the sneak attack is still very high, and it will not affect the sneak attack on the Soul Cavalry Legion.

The “Pioneer Assassin” also stated that the members of his legion are all spatial assassins and are relatively strong. With these twenty space assassins defending the camp, other players will be afraid to come and attack.

The “Pioneer Assassin” finally said that with our twenty space assassins defending, you don’t need to keep manpower, leave the camp to us, you can rest assured, and all your players will come and attack. .

I felt a little embarrassed to hear the other party saying that it was “too rampant”. In my own camp, other people were so troubled to defend themselves, and I felt a little sorry.

Therefore, the “too rampant” boss is embarrassed to say anything, and he has to leave 20 players to defend the camp, otherwise he will feel sorry.

After several evasions, the “Pioneer Assassin” didn’t say much.

In this way, the two player legions each left twenty players to guard the camp, and the rest rushed towards the direction of the spirit cavalry legion with the “Cloud Piercing Cannon 2.0”.


More than twenty minutes later.

Outside the Soul Cavalry Legion, a hidden place.

The “Cloud-piercing Fort 2.0” was hidden in this hidden location, and the “too rampant” players hurriedly started to make pre-launch preparations.

Jiang Zuo looked at these players busy, a little confused for a while.

Where’s the cannonball?

The last time he used the “Cloud-piercing Cannon 2.0”, Jiang Zuo guessed it at a glance, and the shell is the mutated Enterococcus in the box.

This time Jiang Zuo didn’t understand for a while. These players didn’t bring any boxes. Except for the “Too Rampant” and “Pioneer Assassin” players, as well as the “Cloud Piercing Turret 2.0”, Jiang Zuo looked for it. I haven’t found the shell for a long time.

What do they want to do?

Jiang Zuo became more and more puzzled. These players must have been prepared for transporting the “Cloud Piercing Cannon 2.0” so far, so much effort, but Jiang Zuo just didn’t see where the shells were.

But Jiang Zuo’s doubts were quickly resolved.

After having the previous experience, the player’s preparations went faster this time. It didn’t take long before the preparations for the “Cloud Piercing Turret 2.0” were completed, and the direction was aimed at the Soul Cavalry Corps not far away. Camp.

Subsequently, two “Pioneer Assassins” players controlled the Space Assassins and got into “Cloud Piercing Turret 2.0”.

When he saw this scene, Jiang Zuo couldn’t help but suddenly realized that he finally understood.

Last time it was Enterococcus mutans, this time it was Space Assassin.

They want to use “Cloud Piercing Cannon 2.0” to drop the Space Assassin from the sky and send it to the main camp of the Soul Cavalry Corps!

Suddenly, Jiang Zuo couldn’t help but want to pat his forehead, his previous thoughts were really blocked.

When he saw Enterococcus mutans as a cannonball, Jiang Zuo was preconceived, thinking that “Cloud-piercing Cannon 2.0” could only be used to launch wild monsters.

Therefore, Jiang Zuo lost interest in “Cloud-piercing Cannon 2.0” at that time, because if only the blood-dead virus can be launched, the blood-dead virus itself does not seem to attack each other, so “Cloud-piercing Cannon 2.0” is only effective for players. Can only be used for mutual attacks between players.

But when he saw that this time, “Cloud-piercing Cannon 2.0” was about to launch a space assassin, Jiang Zuo suddenly felt that his mind was opened.

correct! Who said that a blood-to-death virus must be launched?

Isn’t it possible to emit source cells?

Thinking of this, Jiang Zuo couldn’t help but brighten his eyes, “Cloud Piercing Cannon 2.0” seemed to be a good thing, and he vaguely saw the value of this weapon.

Jiang Zuo unconsciously sat up straight, he wanted to see the effect after the launch.

Since the Space Assassin is smaller than Enterococcus mutans, it is possible to launch two Space Assassins at once, speeding up the efficiency of launching.

Jiang Zuo watched silently. After the players had finished their energy accumulation, “Cloud Piercing Turret 2.0” was launched!

The two space assassins were thrown out and flew directly to the main camp of the Soul Cavalry Corps in the direction pre-calculated by the player.

Immediately afterwards, the player began to charge up for the second time, quickly preparing for the second launch.

On the other side of the spirit rider camp, two spatial assassins descended from the sky and flew directly into the spirit rider camp.

When seeing the space assassin descending from the sky, the players of the surrounding Soul Cavalry Legion were taken aback.

However, because the Hundred Flames had learned lessons beforehand, the surrounding players quickly recovered their composure, and they thought it was Enterococcus mutans that had been thrown in again.

But when they came around and prepared to attack, the player controlling the Space Assassin immediately activated his skills, using the displacement of the Space Assassin, and ran out of the encirclement in the blink of an eye, appeared some distance away, and killed a source cell of the Soul Rider by the way. .

Immediately afterwards, there was another space for assassins to be continuously sent in.

Compared to Enterococcus mutans, the space assassin has the ability to move, which is a great advantage and can avoid being surrounded.

If Enterococcus mutans is thrown in, as long as the surrounding players don’t get too flustered, they can come around and surround it. This will cause no confusion.

But the space assassin can move!

As soon as the displacement skills were activated, they immediately ran out, and they couldn’t be surrounded by them!

It didn’t take long before the camp of the Soul Cavalry Corps began to be chaotic.

Despite the experience and lessons of the Hundred Fires, the Space Assassin is too difficult to catch.

Dozens of players control the space assassin, running around with their skills, how can you catch this!

It can’t be contained at all.

Moreover, these space assassins have all experienced battles with Enterococcus mutans, and they have rich combat experience. Could they kill a few source cells?

Some players saw the chaos in the camp, and just wanted to step forward to help. As a result, the field of vision in front of them slowly dimmed suddenly, and when they saw that their health bars were empty.

The player was dumbfounded for a while before he realized that his source cell was a passing space assassin, and he was killed easily.

In the voice channel of “Pioneer Assassin”, players are communicating with each other.

“Brothers, it’s really a mistake to wear a cellulose shield.”

“That is, if you don’t have a cellulose shield, you should be able to launch three space assassins at a time if you remove that weight, and the efficiency of the projecting will increase a lot.”

“What’s the matter? We haven’t delivered it yet? Can’t the cellulose shield work? If it doesn’t work, we won’t bring it.”

“Uh, how can I say, it’s not bad, the defense is still there.

However, the Cellulose Shield is a prop made by ourselves, and the displacement of the Space Assassin is impossible to wear the Cellulose Shield.

Then when you just fall down and start the skill shift, you will find a very embarrassing thing—

The Space Assassin moved away, but the cellulose shield stayed in place. ”

“Haha, so did I. I was embarrassed to death. As soon as I moved out, I felt that my body weight became lighter. When I turned my vision back, Gan! My cellulose shield was left in place.

This wave, this wave of cellulose shields, brings a loneliness! ”

“Brothers in front, we received it! When delivering later, there is no cellulose shield, which can increase delivery efficiency.”

“Oh, yes, the brothers in the back pay attention, the skills must be used more, and the displacement skills should not be used casually.

When you have the displacement skills, you are the most beautiful cub in the entire camp. People can’t catch you no matter how you catch them, and you can wave around at will.

But once you have no skills, believe me, you were beaten by them into the worst cubs in the general camp.

Don’t ask me how I know, let’s not say, the return ticket to the resurrection point has just been handed, and the spirit cavalry service is very enthusiastic. ”

In addition to communicating the situation on the battlefield, these players are also very important to look for the mutant Enterococcus of the Soul Cavalry Legion.

When attacking the Hundred Fires, the “Pioneer Assassin” had already figured out where Enterococcus mutans was in advance, so it didn’t take much effort to find the location and kill Enterococcus mutans.

However, on the side of the Soul Cavalry Legion, the tone was particularly tight. The “Pioneer Assassin” couldn’t find out the location of Enterococcus mutated, so after they came, they had to look for it slowly.

While looking for these spatial assassins, they turned upside down the main camp of the Soul Cavalry Corps.

Although the Soul Cavalry Legion was prepared, it still couldn’t resist so many Space Assassins that descended from the sky.

Moreover, there seems to be no way to prevent this kind of chaos. There is no interception system in the cell online, which can intercept these spatial assassins in mid-air.

Watching the performance of the “Pioneer Assassin”, Jiang Zuo couldn’t help nodding his head repeatedly.

Launching Space Assassins with “Cloud Piercing Turret 2.0” is simply overwhelming!

First descended from the sky, and coupled with the displacement skills of the Space Assassin, there was no way to stop it. The defense of the camp of the Soul Cavalry Legion was so strong that it was quickly messed up.

An idea suddenly popped up in Jiang Zuo’s mind-the paratroopers of Origin Cell.

Using the “Cloud-piercing Cannon 2.0”, the “airborne troops” of the source cell camp can be sent to the enemy’s position. This method can directly bypass the enemy’s frontline defense and directly attack the enemy’s rear.

It was used to assassinate the blood-to-death virus, or to build a line of defense of the source cell behind the blood-to-death virus position, to achieve the situation of front and back flanking, etc., Jiang Zuo thought of a lot for a time.

Jiang Zuo understood that his previous evaluation of “Cloud Piercing Fort 2.0” was indeed underestimated. Now Jiang Zuo admits that this is a weapon that makes him amazing enough.

The “airborne troops” who used the “Cloud-piercing Cannon 2.0” to deliver the source cells caused chaos and blows to the blood-dead virus. Jiang Zuo finally discovered the value of the “Cloud-piercing Cannon 2.0”.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zuo had already begun to figure it out.

Not long after the battle with Enterococcus mutans was over, it was easy to find the tentacles of Enterococcus mutans, and there was no shortage of cellulose in the cell online. Mass production of “Cloud Piercing 2.0” is completely possible.

With the “Cloud-piercing Cannon 2.0”, do you want to add “Source Cell Paratroopers” to the cell online?

Jiang Zuo already has this idea. There are still two enemies, mutant cancer cells and mutant Helicobacter pylori, in the gastrointestinal map. Once there are “source cell paratroopers”, the source cell camp should be able to gain a lot of advantages.

But this idea, Jiang Zuo still can’t take care of it, because judging from the situation of the spirit cavalry legion’s main camp, the winner will soon be determined.

If the “Pioneer Assassin” players do not find Enterococcus mutans, then after a period of time, these spatial assassins will be wiped out by the Soul Cavalry Legion.

At that time, facing the Spirit Cavalry Legion, the “Pioneer Assassin” and “Too Rampant” will really have no possibility of counterattack. Their mutant Enterococcus will be killed by the Spirit Cavalry Legion, and there will be no doubt.

Unless the “Pioneer Assassin” can find Enterococcus mutated and then kill Enterococcus mutated before being wiped out by the spirit rider, then this sneak attack will be a big success, and the rewards for the “final moment” will belong to these two player legions.

Similarly, in this case, turning defeat into victory, the status of these two legions in the hearts of players will rise all the way, and the subsequent development of the two player legions will be rapid, and even become a player legion that can compete with the Soul Cavalry Legion. It is not impossible.

This suspense did not last long.

It didn’t take long for the “Pioneer Assassin” players to find the location of the mutated Enterococcus.

To be precise, he saw the Soul Cavalry Team.

The Soul Cavalry Legion should deploy the Soul Cavalry Team in the most critical position, so it seems that where there is the Soul Cavalry Team, there is a high probability that Enterococcus mutans is hidden.

The player of the “Pioneer Assassin” immediately told other players his location through the voice channel.

As a result, a large number of Space Assassins began to move closer to here, preparing to attack the Soul Cavalry Team, breaking through the Soul Cavalry Team’s defenses.

Outside the main camp of the Soul Cavalry Corps, there are more than 20 space assassins waiting in line on the launch position of “Cloud Piercing Cannon 2.0”.

After receiving the position of the Soul Cavalry Team, the “too rampant” players immediately took action.

They were very proficient in operating the “Cloud Piercing Turret 2.0” and began to readjust the direction of the muzzle, preparing to deliver the remaining twenty-odd space assassins directly to the door of the Soul Cavalry Team.

The players moved quickly and quickly adjusted the position of the muzzle, almost without wasting too much time.

The players of the “Pioneer Assassin” also cooperated well, and after the muzzle adjusted the direction, they also made adjustments.

In order to speed up the efficiency of delivery, this time the space assassins reduced their weight and removed a lot of equipment, just to achieve the efficiency of delivering four space assassins at a time.

After completing these, the players control the “Cloud Piercing Turret 2.0” and immediately continue to launch.

This “Cloud Piercing Turret 2.0” airdrop method is fast and unexpected. The Soul Cavalry Corps has no time to react. As long as the muzzle is facing, basically there is no accident, it can quickly deliver the Space Assassin. The specified location.

Soon, more than twenty space assassins were directly airdropped to the door of the Soul Cavalry Team.

Seeing the nearly thirty spatial assassins who had appeared in front of him for a short time, the Soul Cavalry Team was stunned.

These nearly thirty-space assassins didn’t talk nonsense, they rushed towards the Soul Cavalry Team, and a large number of Soul Cavalry Legion members were coming, they had to hurry!

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