My Cell Game

Chapter 514

Chapter 507 Tethered source cell

After the last Enterococcus mutans was killed, the source cells in the online cell became a little different at this moment.

But if you want to say what is different, you really can’t tell.

The level did not increase, the skills increased, the damage did not increase, the health bar did not increase…

Although it can’t be seen on the surface, it still feels like this, as if at this moment, a chain bound to the source cell suddenly broke, and there was a sense of pleasure of breaking away from the shackles.

But this feeling is very small, and the time is very short, it is almost a momentary thing.

If you don’t concentrate and feel it seriously, you will basically not notice anything, and you will have a very slight feeling, which makes people just ignore it.

Therefore, there are very few players who feel this way. These players think they feel wrong. Ask the players next to them, and others say no, these players are regarded as their own illusions.

Immediately, all the players received the same announcement, and the appearance of this announcement once again attracted the attention of the players, so that no one cared about the feeling of that moment.

[The player “Pioneer Assassin 3” has killed the last mutated Enterococcus, the “Last Hour” is over, and the “Last Hour” reward has been distributed to the player’s backpack, please check it carefully].

At the same time, Jiang Zuo quickly called Shu Ran over and told her that the last mutant Enterococcus had been killed.

Hearing this, Shu Ran looked happy, “Really killed the last mutated Enterococcus?”

Jiang Zuo nodded confidently.

“Wait a moment, let me see.” Shu Ran said, and started to work in the cell online backstage.

After a while, Shu Ran smiled excitedly, turned to look at Jiang Zuo, and said excitedly: “Congratulations, I think we already have the means to deal with mutant Helicobacter pylori.”

“What means?” Jiang Zuo heard this and hurriedly came over, wanting to see what was going on.

Shu Ran explained: “Did you know that the source cell is bound.”


“That’s right.” Shu Ran nodded and said, “To be precise, he was constrained by the blood-to-death virus.

The original source cell has eight different development directions. When used in cell online, each development direction corresponds to a different profession.

For example, the source cell itself is a development direction, and it has no specialties or weaknesses. It is currently the most common occupation in cell online;

Undead warriors, long-range archers, and space assassins, each is a different development direction.

Some are both offensive and defensive, some are good at long-range attacks, and some can manipulate spatial displacement assassinations.

For this kind of profession, there are still four in the source cell that have not been unlocked. This is because the source cell is still bound, and there are four chains that bind the source cell.

Those professions that you unlocked before can all be seen as unlocking part of the shackles.

Every time a part of the shackles that bind the source cell is unlocked, a new profession, that is, a new direction of development, can be unlocked in the cell online.

There are many ways to untie the bondage. You should have known before. For example, the source cell is invaded by a blood-dead virus, and accidentally untie the chain of the undead warrior;

Another example is that you have acquired a kind of ability yourself, and you have acquired the ability to manipulate space. The source cells in your body have unlocked this part of the shackles and unlocked the profession of space mage.

However, these methods are accidental, and unlocking the **** of the source cell is only a probability event.

But there is a way to unlock new jobs 100%. ”

While listening, Jiang Zuo was frowning and thinking. When he heard these words, Jiang Zuo suddenly seemed to understand. He said: “Eliminate all Enterococcus mutants?”

“Yes, that’s it.” Shu Ran nodded and said:

“Mutated Enterococcus, mutated cancer cells, and mutated Helicobacter pylori, as long as all of them are eliminated, the hemorrhagic virus’s restraint on the source cells can be unlocked and a new profession can be unlocked.

Including the previous tearers, orb viruses, etc., as long as all of them are eliminated, the shackles on the open source cells can also be relieved, but I don’t recommend you to do this.

Because of the blood-to-death virus on the liver map, the level is too low to help you unlock a new profession, at most it can help you unlock a branch profession.

Now the speed of launching careers in the cell online is fast enough, and branch careers are at best enhanced, which does not have much effect on you now.

In contrast, in order to unlock a branch occupation, you need to eliminate all of them.

You have to think about the players who are newly added to the cell online. If all low-level blood-dead viruses are wiped out, should they be allowed to fight a level 60 BOSS when they are level 1?

This is not conducive to the upgrade of new players, so I do not recommend that you deal with the blood to death virus in the liver map.

I previously suggested that you eliminate all Enterococcus mutans because you want to unlock a new profession.

At that time, I didn’t want to say too much, because I didn’t know what new professions would be unlocked, which might be useless against mutated Helicobacter pylori.

But looking at it now, you are lucky.

No, I can’t say that you are lucky. Now I know what occupations I unlocked, in fact, from the analysis of Enterococcus mutans, we can see the first clues. ”

“What kind of profession is that?” Jiang Zuo asked impatiently.

Shu Ran did not answer immediately, but slowly said:

“Look at the attributes of Enterococcus mutans. They have a layer of capsule on the outside. This layer of capsule has extremely high magic resistance and can greatly reduce spell damage…

At the same time, the defensive ability of Enterococcus mutans is very strong.

Correspondingly, the unlocked source cell profession will be a profession with extremely high physical resistance and magic resistance.

Variant Helicobacter pylori’s big move is to release a certain corrosive liquid on a large scale, which is equivalent to large-scale release of spell damage.

This profession has extremely high law resistance! A big move to fight against mutant Helicobacter pylori! ”

Knowing that he could fight against mutant Helicobacter pylori, Jiang Zuo’s eyes suddenly lighted up.

Why does mutated Helicobacter pylori cause Jiang Zuo a headache?

It’s not because the damage of the big move is too high!

The magic damage of the ultimate move is so high, the source cell and other professions have very low magic resistance, and there is no decent magic resistance equipment in the cell mall.

So the source cell has no way to resist its big move.

Now there is a new profession with extremely high magic resistance. As long as it can resist the big move, the mutant Helicobacter pylori is nothing more than a bit more powerful, and it can still be dealt with.

Shu Ran continued:

“By the way, after the emergence of new occupations, the props in the Cell Mall will also be updated.

At that time, there will be a lot of magic resistance equipment. Players of other professions can purchase these magic resistance equipment to resist the magical damage of mutated Helicobacter pylori. ”

After learning the news, Jiang Zuo became even more excited.

Most of the items sold in the Cell Mall are items made by Source Cells.

In the absence of this extremely high new profession with magic resistance, naturally there is no source cell to make such props.

When this new profession is unlocked, the corresponding magic resistance items can be manufactured, and when they can be manufactured, they will be sold in the Cell Mall.

Jiang Zuo had already begun to browse the backstage, and Shu Ran wrote the attributes of this new profession on it.

After a while, Jiang Zuo only needs to issue an update notice, update version 4.4, add an interface for players to choose a new profession, and introduce the new profession to the player, even if this new profession appears in the cell online.

When Jiang Zuo was thinking about how to write the update announcement, Shu Ran next to him suddenly said:

“If you want me to say it, Enterococcus mutans is actually quite powerful.

Their greatest advantage is that their magic resistance is extremely high, and they can reduce most of the spell damage, which is definitely a nightmare for a mage.

But what they didn’t expect was that our cell online development was not so fast, and there was no such thing as a mage job at all!

They have no magical resistance, but they don’t have strong opponents with magical spells.

If you let me summarize this killed enemy-this is a group of mutant Enterococcus that was delayed by the enemy. ”

“Um… it sounds like a sad story, but why I want to laugh a little.” Jiang Zuo didn’t know what to say for a while.

“It is indeed a sad story.” Shu Ran deeply agreed, and then she asked in surprise: “But why do you want to laugh? The sad story we two understand may be different. You are talking about Enterococcus mutans, and I am talking about it. It is a sad story for you!

The enemy thinks you should have the profession of a mage, but you don’t!

On the one hand, it can be said that the enemy overestimated you. On the other hand…Don’t you think you are a bit useless? ”

Jiang Zuo: …

Suddenly Jiang Zuo was a little speechless, and what Shu Ran said seemed…a bit reasonable?

Am I being too useless?

While writing the update announcement of version 4.4, Jiang Zuo began to fall into self-doubt.

Should I work harder? Otherwise, after a while, let alone defeat the blood-to-death virus, will it fail to keep up with the rhythm of the blood-to-death virus and be left far behind?


In the cell online.

In the resurrection point, the newly resurrected Pioneer Assassin No. 1 and other members of the “Pioneer Assassin”, watching the announcement just released by Cell Online, the mutant Enterococcus was terminated by the Pioneer Assassin No. 3 2?

what’s the situation?

Shouldn’t it be Pioneer Assassin 2? Why is it Pioneer Assassin 3?

For a while, these players were somewhat unresponsive.

Having said that, after being blocked by the Soul Cavalry at that time, the Soul Cavalry Team only taught them a lesson, beat their source cells severely, and then gave them a return ticket to the resurrection point.

To be honest, Soul Cavalry still appreciates these opponents who have successfully landed in the air and successfully attacked.

After all, powerful opponents are also hard to come by. This is the first time that the Soul Cavalry Team has encountered this sneak attack technique, and is still deeply interested in the “Pioneer Assassin”.

The reason the Spirit Cavalry team was itching just now was mainly because these players pretended to be too pretentious, sprinkling salt on the wounds in front of others, and behaved too frantically.

It can be seen that in the resurrection point of the liver map, all the “Pioneer Assassins” players present want to look at each other.

what happened?

Why was it killed by Pioneer Assassin 3?

This is different from the script arrangement!

When the Pioneer Assassin 1 was confused, the Pioneer Assassin 2 directly used the voice channel to find him, told him what happened, and suggested that the Pioneer Assassin 3 should be killed, so that he can suffer hardships, and specially arranged manpower to block the resurrection point.

As long as the source cell of Pioneer Assassin 3 is resurrected, it will be killed immediately, and he will not be allowed to step out of the resurrection point!

It can be seen that Pioneer Assassin 2 is very angry.

Originally, the last mutated Enterococcus belonged to him, and it should have been killed by him. He wanted to play a trick to cut off the era, as well as the “last moment” reward, which was originally to enter his account.

Although Sombra, experience points, props, etc. have to be taken out and shared as “Pioneer Assassins”, the title of “Enterococcus Mutant Terminator” belongs to him personally.

However, he is a member of the “Pioneer Assassin”, as long as he is still in the “Pioneer Assassin”, then his title is equivalent to the “Pioneer Assassin”.

“Pioneer Assassin” can use this title for publicity, enhance the player’s legion’s compelling status, and recruit cute new ones by the way.

It’s better now, a friend of my own suddenly turned back and hit me by surprise. He took all the rewards for the “last moment” and he didn’t get anything!

Just now I was still dreaming of cutting off an era with a single move, and now I have nothing. With such a huge contrast, the Pioneer Assassin 2 will force the Pioneer Assassin 3 to retreat.

Pioneer Assassin 2 confirmed that his brother, Pioneer Assassin 3, the boss of the “Pioneer Assassin”, will certainly be equally angry and help him deal with Pioneer Assassin 3.

After all, the practice of Pioneer Assassin 3 is tantamount to saying that it also betrayed Pioneer Assassin 1.

However, what surprised Pioneer Assassin 2 was that after an angry statement, the brother at the other end of the communication did not agree with the same atmosphere as he expected, but did not immediately answer and remained silent.

For a while, the voice channel was a little awkwardly quiet.

After a while, Pioneer Assassin 1 seemed to think it over, and he slowly said in the voice channel:

“Brother, I know how you feel. Believe me, I am as angry as you are now. I want to directly target him to retreat. As long as he dares to go online once, he will be intercepted at the resurrection point once, and he will be targeted until he dare not go online. …..”

“Stop, stop, brother, just say but.” Pioneer Assassin 2 said.

“Uh, but ah, brother, that…but, I have to admit the fact that now we may really be unable to help him.

Even… Brother, don’t be angry, I think we still need to win him, the position of deputy captain…”

“What? Brother what did you say?” Pioneer Assassin 2 was stunned, how could this be? Is your brother crazy?

On one side is his brother, and on the other side is the person who has just betrayed him. As a result, not only does he not help his brother, but he also uses his brother’s position as the deputy captain to give the person who betrayed him?

Is this the superficial brother? Loved love.

Pioneer Assassin 1 felt very sorry, so he explained patiently:

“Brother, I am the captain of the’Pioneer Assassin’. Sometimes I make a decision that I really cannot help myself.

Pioneer Assassin 3 has now been rewarded, so many Sombra, experience points, props, etc., have been obtained by him alone!

And there is also the title, the unique title of ‘Enterococcus Mutant’s Terminator’, he got it!

If we drive him out of the “Pioneer Assassin”, I’m sure that other players’ legions will find him soon and let him join them with generous terms.

At that time we really won’t get anything!

And even if we target him, to be honest, I think it’s useless.

The player legions who invited him to join will provide him with protection. As long as the title of’Enterococcus Mutant Terminator’ has always been his, he will not worry that no player legion wants him.

Now we want to keep him, so we won’t say anything about Sombra, he probably won’t give it, but at least he has the title of’Enterococcus Mutant Terminator’.

He has to stay with us. We need the halo bonus of this title to expand our scale and recruit new players in the future.

If he leaves, we have been busy for so long, but it’s just empty baskets.

We want to keep him now, so we can get something, let him be a deputy captain or something…

Don’t worry, brother, I will compensate you with the black crystal.

I still have one hundred thousand black crystals in my account, so I will give it to you first as compensation for you. ”

Hearing the words of Pioneer Assassin 1, Pioneer Assassin 2 suddenly felt wronged.


My reward is robbed by others. Not only can I not get angry, but on the other hand I have to please others?

What is the truth! How can it make sense!

Pioneer Assassin 2 sighed and said, “Brother, I won’t take your Sombra. You gave me this Enterococcus mutated bacteria. You haven’t got it yet. Talk about losing and talking about compensation.

I just feel aggrieved. You said that when we created the “Pioneer Assassin”, there were not many members at that time. We played very well. If anyone provokes us, we will fight back, even if we lose. .

But now, the “Pioneer Assassin” is getting bigger and bigger. After the successful sneak attack today, many players know about our “Pioneer Assassin”, and the follow-up development will definitely be fast.

But the “Pioneer Assassin” has developed, and many things are involuntary. On the contrary, I feel less comfortable than when I first created the “Pioneer Assassin”. ”

Hearing that, Pioneer Assassin 1 also sighed, “Hey, brother, get used to it.

There will be more and more involuntary things in the future. The more our ‘Pioneer Assassins’ do, the more benefits are involved, and the more we can’t do as we wish and be free as we were at the beginning.

If you look at the Hundred Fires, there are now more teams involved. The Hundred Fires used to be the boss of the Hundred Fires. Now, he can’t make a decision alone if something happens.

Now Pioneer Assassin No. 3 has the title and Sombra. He has the initiative. Even if he betrays us, we have to lick him. It is very realistic and very real.

No hurry, let’s greet him with a smile, let’s write down this account first. Be grandsons now, and then we will be grandfathers, we can always find opportunities. ”

As Pioneer Assassin 3 said, the “Pioneer Assassin” army not only did not target him, but also tried to woo him and give him the position of deputy captain.

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