My Cell Game

Chapter 519

Chapter 512 Lease without destroying the shield wall

Just after the announcement of the version 4.4 update, players’ eyes were immediately attracted.

A lot of things have happened in the cell online in the past two days, first free combat, and then the new troop source cell paratroopers. Now version 4.4 has been updated, and the cell online officially added a new profession!

The new profession added this time is not a branch of that kind of big profession, but a real big profession!

A new big career!

For a while, on the Cell Online Forum, the topic of the source cell paratroopers was suppressed by the new profession non-destructive shield wall.

The players started a lively discussion about not destroying the shield wall.

“Cry, cry, cell online finally has a new career.”

“What has finally come out? I remember the last class “Undead Warrior”, didn’t it just come out in version 4.1, only three versions have come, and a new big class has been released.”

“Yes, the speed of careers in the cell online is really nothing to say. After three minor versions, a big career has appeared.

And I remember that among the three minor versions, there seemed to be a minor career. ”

A group of players were blowing the update speed of the cell online, and immediately there were players who refuted it below:

“No, you are not right.

I won’t say much about the undead warriors. I know how harsh the conditions are, and they are all controlled by their big player corps. Common players like us are basically out of touch with the undead warriors.

The small profession in the middle also has prerequisites and needs to become a space mage.

Those of us who are not space mage players, the new space assassins have nothing to do with us.

To me, cell online finally has a career without barriers. As long as they pass the novice training of source cell, everyone can choose this career! like! ”

“Yes! I agree with what the upstairs said, finally a career with no barriers to entry!”

There is no threshold for not destroying the shield wall, and many players are full of praise.

Jiang Zuo is not the kind of person who insists on setting up thresholds. The first few professions have thresholds, which are the limitations of the profession itself.

Like an undead soldier, it requires mutant cancer cells as a condition, but there are so many mutant cancer cells, it is very difficult to reproduce, and Jiang Zuo has no way;

As for the Space Assassin, it was mutated based on the Space Mage, and the premise was to become a Space Mage. Jiang Zuo couldn’t change this.

As for not destroying the shield wall, the shackles of the source cell itself were unlocked and a new development direction was unlocked. Naturally, Jiang Zuo didn’t need to add any threshold to embarrass the players who helped Jiang Zuo.

“Let me see what the new class is? Doesn’t destroy the shield wall? Is this a meat shield?”

“It must be a meat shield, as you can tell from the name, the names of people’s professions have a shield.”

“If you look at the job introduction, the defense and health bars are really outrageous! Who can touch this? This meat shield is too thick, right!”

“However, both the damage and attack speed have been cut sharply. The damage has been reduced to a quarter, and the attack speed has been reduced to a quarter. If you hit it, you can hardly get any damage, so it is suitable as a meat shield to resist damage.”

“It’s great not to destroy the shield wall! When I was in a team battle, the few in our team were shooters and assassins. They were crisply compared. Every time they were touched, they would die. No one dared to fight the damage.

This time there is finally an anti-injury job! Teams like ours that only have output are in need of this kind of anti-injury job!

The team is now hiring! The special recruit does not destroy the shield wall, the quota is limited, only two players are recruited, and the non-destroy shield wall above 30 is required, and team up to push BOOSS! ”

Jiang Zuo looked at the thoughts of these players and saw that the players liked the profession of not destroying the shield wall very much.

Now in the cell online, what is missing is teammates who can resist damage.

Otherwise, there is no need for the player, when dealing with Enterococcus mutans, they also carry a heavy cellulose shield.

At that time, if there is a profession that does not destroy the shield wall, players can assign the task of resisting damage to players who do not destroy the shield wall, and they can concentrate on outputting damage.

In this way, without carrying a heavy cellulose shield, the player’s output will be more efficient, and the fight will be more smooth.

It can be said that if there are two careers in the cell online for players to vote, one is a career with a high attack and the other is a career with a high defense, the player is likely to vote for the second one, and they all hope to have a strong meat shield. Make up for this short board.

With the emergence of the non-destructive shield wall, the careers in the entire cell online are really both offensive and defensive.

There are ranged mages and space assassins who attack damage, and those who defend against damage do not destroy the shield wall. The undead warriors are both offensive and defensive, but the number is too small to play a big role, and more are done. Some difficult tasks.

When the players were discussing not to destroy the shield wall, Jiang Zuo could see from the background that within 10 minutes of the update announcement, there were more than two thousand players in the cell online who chose the profession of not destroying the shield wall.

This is just the beginning. According to Jiang Zuo’s previous career estimates, in the end, there will probably be tens of thousands of players who choose not to destroy the shield wall.

For example, long-range archers and space mages, the number of people is a little more, about 100,000 to 200,000, but it will be relatively small if the shield wall is not destroyed, and tens of thousands should be about the same.

The main thing is that the attack damage is reduced too much, and it can hardly cause any damage.

Although it is very powerful in resisting damage, it is equivalent to a walking shield wall, but if no one hits damage, just resisting damage is still useless.

Therefore, some individual players are less motivated to choose not to destroy the shield wall.

More, it is some team pairs and player corps. When there is a non-destroying shield wall during a team battle, someone will come to resist the damage, which is conducive to the overall output and can hit higher damage.

Although it was early in the morning when Jiang Zuo released the 4.4 update announcement,

However, some players who specialize in evaluation in Cell Online, after receiving the information, didn’t feel sleepy. They hurriedly got up from the bed as soon as they lifted the bed and rushed into the online evaluation of new professions.

A new big job is born, which is considered a big event in the cell online that often has a job.

From the beginning of the cell online service to the present, there have been four occupations. It is not the same if it does not destroy the shield wall. It is the main defense and anti-injury occupation. This is the first time in the cell online.

For such an important matter, it’s nothing to sleep less, so quickly go and evaluate it.

Just over ten minutes after the new career came out, the first comprehensive evaluation appeared on the cell online forum, which measured the basic damage and defense values ​​that would not destroy the shield wall.

Although only one level was measured, probably the player’s own level, Jiang Zuo couldn’t help but slap his tongue slightly when he looked at the evaluation report of several thousand words.

How big is this speed? Type so many words in ten minutes?

However, in cell online, like this kind of fast, looks very professional evaluation, there is a team behind it, the division of labor is relatively clear, each person is responsible for each part, and finally the connection is completed.

At the end of the evaluation report, they also said that within an hour, the attributes of the shield wall from level 10 to level 40 should be tested and sent to the cell online forum.

This speed immediately attracted a large number of players, and the number of replies reached several thousand.

In addition, after the new profession went online, it also attracted a large number of players to go online to find out.

In the early hours like this, generally speaking, there are not many players online in cell online. It is normal to have tens of thousands of online players.

Moreover, the battle with Enterococcus mutated has just ended. Many players have just exploded their livers. After a few nights, the Enterococcus mutans have been completely wiped out. They can have a good rest for 10,000. In the early morning hours, online It’s even less, only about 10,000 or 20,000.

However, the news of not destroying the shield wall line quickly spread among cell online players.

Those players who were still online at night, as soon as they saw the version update announcement, they went offline and called their friends immediately.

The player who was notified by the phone had been living for a few days, and finally had a good night’s sleep, but in the wee hours of the morning, he slept soundly and was awakened by a phone call from a friend.

At this time, being awakened, the player was originally unhappy, but as soon as he heard that the new version was updated, a new major career came out, there is no threshold!

Suddenly there was no sleep at all, so what kind of sleep?

Just put on a dress and prepare to go online to fight again!

Before going online, he called his other friends to notify them to go online as soon as possible.

In this way, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, less than an hour of work, when Jiang Zuo looked back at the backstage, he almost didn’t startle Jiang Zuo.

800,000 players online!

In the early hours of the morning, when the players’ online time is at the lowest point, it is almost time to catch up with the peak of the player’s online time of the day.

Jiang Zuo did not expect that the update of version 4.4 would be so attractive to players.

At this moment, in the cell online, there is a busy scene all night.

Many players gathered together to discuss whether to choose a new profession, and who in the team will choose a new profession.

In fact, when the new profession first appeared, some players found out when browsing the profession skills, this new profession seemed to specifically restrain the mutant Helicobacter pylori!

In the job introduction, the background plot that Cell Online arranged for the non-destructive shield wall is the source cell that survived the corrosive liquid. The plot is that the source cell fights the mutant Helicobacter pylori.

“Brothers, have you discovered that this does not destroy the shield wall, it feels like it is designed to deal with mutant Helicobacter pylori?”

“Yes! There is finally a job that can deal with mutant Helicobacter pylori!

The magic resistance that does not destroy the shield wall is ten times that of the source cells of the same level. With such a strong magic resistance, I feel that as long as it is above level 35, it can basically resist the big move of mutant Helicobacter pylori! ”

“Great. Could it be that the cell online official heard our voice and gave us benefits? In order for us to deal with mutated Helicobacter pylori, we have tailored a shield wall that will not destroy us?”

“I’ll just say it! No matter how strong the mutant Helicobacter pylori is, there must be a way to deal with it.

We should be only the internal beta version at the beginning, the official cell online first let us try it in a small range, just like the internal beta.

It turned out that we were too good at it, and we passed away if we tried. We couldn’t beat the mutant Helicobacter pylori at all.

Seeing how we are, the official cell online racked their brains and thought about it. However, the data about mutated Helicobacter pylori shouldn’t be mutated, and they directly arranged a new career for us.

Of course, this is all my guess. ”

“I used to fight Helicobacter pylori mutated, but I was mistreated by Helicobacter pylori mutated.

I originally planned to give up fighting that kind of wild monsters, but after seeing the shield wall not destroying, somehow, I suddenly got a little itchy hands again, I wanted to die and challenge again. ”

“I think I can do it!”

“Upstairs, believe me, that may be your illusion (funny).”

“Don’t say anything, pack up and prepare to single out Helicobacter pylori!”

“Fuck! Brother is awesome, this is a big guy.”

“Have you swelled to a heads-up match?”

“You guys are still talking about it, I have all seen someone choose not to destroy the shield wall, and now they are starting to rush to the stomach map, and go directly to fight the mutant Helicobacter pylori.”

In addition to not destroying the shield wall, many other professional players, when browsing the Cell Mall, are also pleasantly surprised to find that there are really many more magic defense items in the Cell Mall, and these items have high magic resistance.

Compared with these newly added items, the magic defense props in the cell mall before, is simply a younger brother in spell defense.

The prices of these items are not expensive, and most players can afford them.

As long as the level is high enough, reaching level 30 and above, wearing a set of magic defense props recommended by the Cell Mall, basically will not be given a big move by mutated Helicobacter pylori.

Large player legions such as Soul Cavaliers and Hundred Fires have already begun recruiting and training a dedicated team that does not destroy the shield wall.

Among the skills that do not destroy the shield wall, [Guardian Aura] and [Do not destroy the city wall] are extremely useful in team battles.

Although it is very useful, the disadvantage is that it requires a lot of professional players who do not destroy the shield wall.

Especially for the skill [Do not destroy the city wall], when you are in a team fight on the battlefield, you can directly push a shield wall forward. The momentum is very oppressive, and the defense effect is very high. With the bonus of this skill, you want to defeat Such a shield wall is almost impossible.

But [Do not destroy the city wall] A large number of players who do not destroy the shield wall can be connected together to play a large-scale defense role.

If the number of players who do not destroy the shield wall profession is not enough, the effect will be greatly reduced.

But having said that, in the cell online, only large player corps have the ability to train players of this scale that do not destroy the shield wall.

Like some small player corps, there are only one or two hundred members of the entire player corps, all of whom choose not to destroy the shield wall as a profession, and they are not very capable of forming a large shield wall.

What’s more, player output is required. It is impossible to choose not to destroy the shield wall. Even if a quarter of the players choose not to destroy the shield wall, the overall damage output will be greatly weakened.

Therefore, under such conditions, it is almost impossible for a small-scale player army to enjoy the advantage of [not destroying the city wall].

However, in the cell online, if there are players who are lacking, naturally there will be players to do it.

On the cell online forum, there are many small player corps posting complaints about this.

You can’t form a team that doesn’t destroy the shield wall by yourself. Large player legions can be formed separately. As a result, the strength gap between large and small legions will become larger and larger.

And when brushing some BOSS, the small player army will not be protected by a shield wall and will receive more damage.

After Jiang Zuo saw these posts, he thought about it and thought it made sense.

These small player regiments can’t support so many without destroying the shield wall. Without the protection of the shield wall, it is also a damage to the combat effectiveness of the source cell camp. Jiang Zuo does not want to see this situation.

But Jiang Zuo thought for a while, but didn’t think of any good way to solve it.

While Jiang Zuo was thinking about this issue, some players saw these posts, and these players discovered opportunities.

Before long, in the cell online, the first player army formed entirely by the shield wall was officially born.

This is a player army with five hundred members, all members are non-destructive shield wall occupations.

Moreover, the name of the legion is also very simple, and it is easy to understand-“renting does not destroy the shield wall”.

After this operation, Jiang Zuo was dumbfounded.

Damn it, can you do this?

The small player corps can’t support so many without destroying the shield wall, it doesn’t matter, you can rent it when you need it.

There is a legion of players specially trained not to destroy the shield wall. Five hundred professional players who do not destroy the shield wall will train how to resist damage and how to use the [Do not destroy the wall] skill to build a shield wall.

This specially-trained player legion has the effect of [not destroying the city wall], not even worse than that of the spirit cavalry legion.

The non-destructive shield wall team formed by the Soul Cavalry Legion is also composed of more than 600 players.

It only takes three million black crystals to rent a powerful defensive shield wall formed by 500 specially trained players, which is not even inferior to the shield wall of the Soul Cavalry Legion.

Although the price is a bit more expensive, but fortunately, you don’t need to spend money at ordinary times, just rent it when you need it.

If you think that three million black crystals are expensive, you can also choose a smaller scale service, such as only one hundred or two hundred players, in which case the cost will be smaller.

The “Rent Does Not Destroy the Shield Wall” player legion, the lowest discount given is a powerful shield wall composed of 500,000 Sombra rented to 100 players.

Half a million black crystals are affordable for the player army, and some players even have half a million black crystals in their hands.

A hundred professionally trained players who do not destroy the shield wall form a powerful shield wall that can meet the needs of most player groups.

After Jiang Zuo saw this method, he couldn’t help but clap his hands in applause.

If rented in this way, the player army does not need to spend a lot of Sombra to cultivate on its own, but can also enjoy a powerful shield wall at a critical time.

Players who do not destroy the shield wall can not only earn a lot of black crystals, but still play a role, which is a good thing for the source cell camp!

This is a method that has the best of both worlds. The players are happy, and Jiang Zuo is also happy.

Sure enough, this method of renting without destroying the shield wall was immediately welcomed by a large number of players.

This “rent without destroying the shield wall” player army received a large number of orders in a short period of time, and the schedule for the next week was full, and it was only a week later to book it late.

At the same time, after other players saw it, they all followed suit.

It didn’t take long for the cell online to reappear, with a few player legions that rent out the shield wall.

For a time, how to increase the strength of the player’s army without destroying the shield wall has also become a topic of heated discussion in the online forum of the cell.

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