My Cell Game

Chapter 522

Chapter 515 Array

Regarding the transactions of players in the cell online, after Jiang Zuo found out, he certainly supported it.

Jiang Zuo couldn’t ask for this kind of good thing that can not only inspire players to attack mutated cancer cells, but also increase the number of undead fighters in the source cell camp.

There are more undead soldiers, which is definitely a big advantage for Jiang Zuo.

This kind of powerful profession, the more the strength of the source cell camp, the greater the enhancement.

Of course, although the undead fighters are very powerful, there is no need to worry about the imbalance of professional strength in the cell online.

An undead warrior like that, can deal with ten other professions of the same level, this situation will not happen in the cell online, unless the player’s combat ability is too strong, that is another way.

Under normal circumstances, although the undead fighters are very strong, they can still have some advantages in the face of other professions.

With the improvement of player levels, the strength of each profession is increasing rapidly, and they are all developing in a more refined direction.

For example, the long-range archer, in the long-range attack, the damage is very amazing, if the distance is well grasped, and the distance is used to fight the consumption, it is not difficult for the long-range archer to kill the undead warrior.

The Space Assassin is mainly used in teleportation and melee combat. Teleportation is well grasped and can avoid the attack of the undead fighters, and then get close to a big move directly to take away the undead fighters easily.

The defense without destroying the shield wall is very high. Even the undead fighters can hardly kill without destroying the shield wall.

It can be said that each profession in the cell online has its own advantages, and each profession is very powerful by taking advantage of its advantages and avoiding its shortcomings.

The advantage of the undead warrior is that it has both offensive and defensive capabilities, strong in attack, defense, and speed, and has no weaknesses.

But this is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. It is strong in all aspects, but no one is extremely prominent.

Long-range attacks are no better than long-range shooters, short-range displacement and speed, no better than space assassins, and no better defense than not destroying a shield wall.

At that time, the Soul Cavalry team all chose the undead warrior profession, but as the level increased, the shortcomings of the undead warriors were slowly exposed, resulting in the entire team not being particularly strong in some aspects.

Now the Soul Cavalry Team has some regrets, and wants to absorb players from other professions to make up for its shortcomings.

Having said that, in comparison, the basic occupational source cells are actually a bit worse in all aspects.

Players who are still using the basic profession of Source Cells, basically have not found a suitable profession, and use Source Cells to make do with it first.

In order to encourage players to trade undead warriors, motivate players, and enhance the strength of the source cell camp, Jiang Zuo gave players certain discounts in the exchange.

As long as it is in the exchange that trades the profession of Undead Warrior, the exchange will waive the handling fee.

Free of handling fees, this seems to be the first time that Cell Online Exchange has offered such a big discount!

For a while, many players were attracted by this offer. Some players who didn’t plan to buy Undead Warriors now also took this opportunity to buy Undead Warriors on the exchange.

After all, I don’t know when the discount will end, which can save a lot of handling fees, and many players are very happy.

As a result, the number of players buying undead fighters has increased again, and the players’ enthusiasm for attacking the mutant cancer cells has been aroused, and Jiang Zuo’s men will have more undead fighters.

Although the transaction fee of trading undead soldiers is eliminated, Jiang Zuo will earn less Sombra.

However, Jiang Zuo knew very well that the most important thing now is to stimulate the enthusiasm of the players and increase the strength of the source cell camp!

What’s the little sobriety?

In order to motivate players, let alone earn less Sombra, Jiang Zuo is willing to post Sombra!

When attacking Enterococcus mutans, Jiang Zuo gave a lot of rewards!

Anyway, there will be more opportunities to earn Sombra in the future. It’s no better than rushing this period of time. As long as the player develops, will I still worry about not having Sombra to earn?

Jiang Zuo still has this long-term consideration.

As the players attacked, the mutant cancer cells gradually became aware.

At first, there were only a small number of source cells, and there were not too many mutated cancer cells under attack, and it was easy to be ignored.

However, as players desire for undead warriors, more and more players on the cell online know about it and begin to participate in the attack. All kinds of undead warrior transactions appear on the exchange like snowflakes. Jiang Zuo took the opportunity to avoid the undead warrior transactions. Handling fee.

The various buffs superimposed and directly detonated the player’s enthusiasm.

According to Jiang Zuo’s backstage data, the number of players attacking mutant cancer cells has reached more than 200,000.

More than 200,000 powerful source cells directly disturbed the camp of mutant cancer cells.

In less than half a day, hundreds of mutated cancer cells were killed by the player in the camp before they were able to figure out the situation.

The movement of this scale has already alarmed the upper layers of the mutant cancer cells.

Source cell?

Why are they here?

Logically speaking, isn’t it because Enterococcus mutans is holding them back. The source cell is to attack, and it should also attack Enterococcus mutated first. How could it directly hit the mutated cancer cells?

What about Enterococcus mutans? What a waste!

Even a group of such weak source cells can’t contain it.

Originally, according to the plan of the mutant Helicobacter pylori, it was planned to let Enterococcus mutants as the main force to attack the source cells.

But now it seems that the performance of Enterococcus mutans is too bad, and this little thing can’t be done well. Look back for those Enterococcus mutans to settle accounts!

Facing the players’ constant attacks and provocations, the mutant cancer cells decided to fight back!

A large number of mutated cancer cells began to gather.

Some camps that were originally on the periphery have also been abandoned. The mutant cancer cells in the camps have all begun to move internally. First, they are ready to gather strength, and second, they are also prevented from being destroyed by players one by one.

The players are naturally aware of these actions of the mutant cancer cells.

Originally, the player had a good harvesting experience, killing monsters in each camp.

However, it didn’t take long for the player to discover that all the mutant cancer cells in the outer camp had moved away, leaving only an empty camp.

What is this trying to do? escaped?

As the player continued to dive inward, they soon discovered the mutated cancer cells that had begun to gather.

Soon, a lot of posts appeared on the cell online forum, all of which were posts from players who saw the assembly of mutant cancer cells to remind other players that enemies were gathering.

Obviously, another large-scale war is about to break out in Cell Online.

After learning this news, instead of fear, the players were all excited.

On the one hand, the player’s strength has now improved. On average, the players who participated in the battle have increased by 10-20 levels.

At that time when the level was so low, players dared to fight against Enterococcus mutated bacteria. Now that they have been upgraded to level 10 or higher, to eliminate mutated cancer cells, it is not easy, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

On the other hand, and the most important point, players are used to such large-scale battles and feel the benefits of large-scale battles.

You should know that it is very difficult to upgrade and earn black crystals in cell online.

A battle can only take a few days to upgrade to level 10. This is a level that usually takes a month or more, and it takes a lot of hard work to run around to clean up the monsters.

And Sombra has also made a lot, almost the amount of Sombra that can only be earned in the previous two or three months, so that all players who participated in the battle have made a lot of money.

After the mutated enterococcus group was eliminated, the battle was over, and many players felt very uncomfortable.

Get used to the days when they were crazy about earning Sombra and experience in the war, and then they were asked to run around the map as before, doing tasks to earn so little Sombra and experience, which was a bit shabby in contrast, they couldn’t get used to it for a while.

Many players have complained in the cell online forums. If you want the cell online official to have another large-scale battle, it is better not to have those small tasks, and all change to large-scale battles, so that you can use the black crystals and experience to be cool.

Therefore, after learning that the mutant cancer cells are gathering strength, the players in the cell online are not only not afraid, but they are all excited.

This cell online official is too interesting!

As soon as I wanted to complain about a large-scale battle, I arranged it!

After confirming the news that mutated cancer cells were gathering, the cell online began to become active again.

Many player legions in the cell online, such as the Soul Cavalry Corps, the Hundred Fire Corps, and the Blackwood Automobile Power Group, have begun to serve as organizers spontaneously.

These big player corps are responsible for organizing hundreds of thousands of players.

It is not an easy task to organize so many players. It takes a lot of energy and even provides some necessary props and so on.

It can be said that this is a very laborious task, but these player corps are very busy, even if they put the black crystals on the inside, these player corps are willing to do so.

The reason is simple, this is a great time to promote to the legion.

Like this kind of 100,000 players, which player legion has the most power, naturally has a high sense of presence in front of the players. This is a great opportunity for publicity.

Therefore, even if these player corps contribute their efforts to produce black crystals, they will not get tired of it, and they all want to take on more tasks and have more sense of existence.

The word-of-mouth of the player legion is accumulated step by step in this kind of thing. Once the word-of-mouth accumulation is enough and it is deeply rooted in the players of the cell online, then the player legion’s future word-of-mouth bonus will continue to flow.

Many smaller player corps have sharpened their heads and want to squeeze in, and they all want to take on certain jobs.

If some player corps didn’t take up any job, it’s not that they didn’t want it, but they didn’t grab it, and they couldn’t grab the big player corps.

As for the distressed manpower and material resources, it basically does not exist, unless the player army does not want to expand the scale and reputation, otherwise it will not lose big because of small.

In the process of organizing players this time, the two player armies, “Pioneer Assassin” and “Too Rampant”, if they had nothing to do with them, they would not be able to get involved.

However, taking advantage of the reputation of anti-killing spirit riders not long ago, these two player armies also have a certain appeal among cell online players. Even if they are too busy, they will temporarily put down their tasks and concentrate on organizing players. .

With the active contributions of these players’ legions, Jiang Zuoneng saved a lot of effort.

Otherwise, if Jiang Zuo were to organize it, Jiang Zuo would probably release a wide range of tasks. The expenditure of task rewards alone would be a huge number.

Moreover, now that the player scale is so large, it is not enough to publish tasks alone. Jiang Zuo has to let professional NPCs organize and coordinate. In this way, the professional NPCs under Jiang Zuo are really not enough.

The organization of these players’ legions helped Jiang Zuo save a lot of Sombra and also a lot of things.

Fortunately, with the experience of the previous wars, the cooperation between the players and the player corps is getting better and better.

Although these player corps had just fought a game not long ago, they all temporarily abandoned their premonitions and began to resume cooperation in the face of the common enemy of mutant cancer cells.

Those players who were not online were also called online by friends.

In less than an hour, 200,000 players gathered.

Among the 200,000 players, there are 70,000 Source Cells, 20,000 Space Assassins, 50,000 Space Mage, 50,000 Ranged Archers, and 10,000 without destroying the shield wall.

Those players who just chose the non-destructive shield wall profession have basically been found, and some players who are not ready to choose this profession now, considering the upcoming battle, have quickly replaced the non-destructive shield wall.

With the hard work of the players, it was able to collect 10,000 professional players who did not destroy the shield wall.

In this kind of large-scale battle, players who do not destroy the shield wall can play a great role, especially the skill [Do not destroy the city wall]. Players who do not destroy the shield wall can form a strong shield.

According to the arrangement of the players, the shield wall is not destroyed and is responsible for the damage. First, the long-range shooter is used for long-distance consumption, and then the space assassin is used as the pioneer to advance, and the source cell and the space mage are then the main force of the battle.

In addition, there are hundreds of undead soldiers and hundreds of source cell paratroopers as special forces to strike at the enemy.

This is also the first time the player has tried, wanting to organize the use of arrays to fight.

There is a phalanx similar to the cold weapon era, with archers, cavalry, shield soldiers…arranged in arrays.

Previously, when fighting against Enterococcus mutans, players gathered together and then all rushed up. All occupations were mixed together, and there was no such detailed division of occupational arrays.

In the process of fighting against Enterococcus mutans, players found that this mixed tactic of rushing up is very inefficient, and many professions are unable to give full play to their respective advantages.

Many times, in the circle where the players are fighting, because they are very close to the enemy, the long-range archer is doing damage, and the space assassin is consuming the long-range…

Therefore, in this battle, Soul Cavaliers, Hundred Fires and other player legions, more than 200,000 players participating in the battle, decided after voting that 86% of the players and player legions agreed to change tactics;

10% of the players and the player corps oppose it. There are many reasons to oppose it. Some players feel uncomfortable, and some players doubt the organizational ability of the player corps. Can so many players be organized into a formation. Good but it will have the opposite effect…

Another 4% of players chose to abstain.

In the end, the player decided to try the array first in this battle to see how effective it is.

Of course, this kind of participation is not compulsory, even if some players do not want to join the array, of course it is possible.

Many players are still right to worry, because it is the first time for such a large-scale organization array, so many problems have arisen.

There is no unified command between the player legions. Although the spirit cavalry legion is the mainstay, if the information of the spirit cavalry legion is to be passed to other player legions, the communication channel in the cell online has to be changed. The process is very troublesome.

Sometimes it takes more than ten minutes for a message to be sent. When the message is received, the message is out of date.

For example, let a player’s legion organize to assemble an array of long-range shooters at a certain location.

As a result, the information was delayed for half an hour. When Soul Cavalry took a look, the long-range archers at that location did not gather. In order to use the open space, Soul Cavalry asked another player legion to gather a group of Space Assassins at that location.

When these space assassins had just begun to assemble, the player army that received the delayed information came with a group of remote shooters, and mixed together, the entire array was chaotic, and it had to be re-planned.

This is true for the player corps, even more so with more than 200,000 players.

Many players have their own voice channels, and each notification is too heavy and easy to make mistakes.

It is unrealistic to open all channels. There is no mute function in the cell online. More than 200,000 players are talking at the same time, and all channels are useless.

Some long-range shooters were notified that they would go to an array of long-range shooters to gather.

As a result, when I went there, there were all professional players around. On the left was the long-range shooter, on the right was the spatial assassin, and there was a group of non-destroying shield walls in front.

Some players need to go offline temporarily, and there are many dropped players in the array. The source cells are motionless there, which will hinder the players behind them from moving forward and disrupt the array.

For a time, the scene seemed chaotic.

It took about an hour to gather 200,000 players, and the action was really fast;

However, dividing these two hundred thousand players into an array according to their occupations, it took four hours to complete it.

After spending four hours, the patience of many players was exhausted.

Everyone is eager to farm monsters to earn experience. It took so long to arrange an array here, and the players are going to die in desperation.

Some players spend a limited amount of time in the game. Such a gathering array wastes a lot of their time playing games, and many players are a little bit dissatisfied.

The patience of the player army was almost consumed, so I decided to try the effect this way for the first time.

In the end, after more than four hours, the players only assembled 30,000 long-range shooters and 10,000 space assassins into an array.

Players are most looking forward to not destroying the shield wall array, but they have not successfully assembled. Most of the players who do not destroy the shield wall are together, forming a small-scale defense.

After that, the long-awaited players began to set off, with an array of 10,000 spatial assassins in front, an array of 30,000 long-range shooters behind, and players who did not form an array at the back. Various professional players were mixed together.

More than two hundred thousand players began to move toward the location where the mutant cancer cells are located.

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