My Cell Game

Chapter 526

Chapter 519 Professional NPC shot

In order to deal with the powerful source cells, although the mutant Helicobacter pylori is very confident, they dare not underestimate the enemy.

After all, there are lessons for mutated Enterococcus and mutated cancer cells. If you don’t prepare well, it is not impossible to be killed by the source cells.

Therefore, the mutated Helicobacter pylori was extremely cautious. They decided to gather all the mutated Helicobacter pylori before launching a general attack on the source cells.

In this way, it will definitely take a lot of time to gather so many mutated Helicobacter pylori.

It only took a few hours for the mutated cancer cells to gather the main force. If the mutated Helicobacter pylori only gathers hundreds of thousands, a few hours should be enough, but if the mutated Helicobacter pylori wants to gather all of them, it will take a day. It’s normal.

During the time when mutated Helicobacter pylori was assembled, players were frantically destroying mutated cancer cells.

With the help of the exchange, players can see the process of trading mutant cancer cells. The process is very convenient, and the exchange does not draw a lot. Many players seem to be very hardworking when catching mutant cancer cells.

In just a few hours, the player caught thousands of mutant cancer cells.

In Cell Online, a large number of players complained that the profession of Undead Warrior is too difficult to obtain, and it has become one of the few shortcomings of Cell Online that many players think.

As a result, now, there are more and more players with the profession of undead fighters.

As more and more mutant cancer cells were caught, the price of the undead fighters was also falling quickly.

Up to now, a player only needs to deposit black crystals for ten days to buy a mutant cancer cell on the exchange.

For many players, the black crystals earned in ten days can be taken out.

Especially those players who are eager for the undead warrior profession, in order to get the undead warrior profession, they have saved a lot of black crystals, and want to find a chance to buy one.

Now that the opportunity is here, these black crystals will naturally come in handy.

In just a few hours, hundreds of undead warriors have been added to the cell online, and this number continues to increase.

Although the main force of mutated cancer cells has been eliminated, there are still tens of thousands of mutated cancer cells left.

After the player catches the mutant cancer cells, they don’t use them all right away. Some players will raise the mutant cancer cells and wait to get more mutant cancer cells.

Regarding the breeding of blood-to-death viruses, players have always had a lot of experience.

In the liver map, blood-to-death viruses such as the ripper and the ball virus are basically left by the players.

Now the mutant cancer cells that were originally used as big bosses have also begun to be raised by players on a large scale.

Jiang Zuo wasn’t prepared to destroy all the mutated cancer cells.

Although after all the mutant cancer cells are eliminated, new occupations can be unlocked in the cell online, but Jiang Zuo has to consider more.

If all the mutant cancer cells are eliminated, it means that later players will no longer be able to obtain the undead warrior career.

The profession of Undead Warrior is out of print in Cell Online.

Having said that, the undead warrior itself is a powerful profession. To Jiang Zuo, it doesn’t seem to be cost-effective to trade a powerful undead warrior for another profession that you don’t know yet.

And in the process of player upgrading, it is necessary to fight monsters to upgrade.

If all the mutant cancer cells are killed, when later players reach level 40 or 50, what monsters will they fight to upgrade?

Variant Helicobacter pylori? That kind of wild monsters will release a wide range of spell damage, and some players with weak spell defenses are inconvenient to fight, and it is not as easy to fight as mutant cancer cells.

Jiang Zuo needs to take these into consideration and not allow the monsters to appear faulty at a certain level, which is not conducive to the subsequent development of the cell online.

Besides, there will be many blood-to-death viruses in the follow-up, and there are still many opportunities to unlock new careers.

Combining these factors, Jiang Zuo did not release a task to allow players to eliminate all mutant cancer cells.

Players can’t rest here. Some players are frantically destroying mutant cancer cells, and some players are looking for traces of mutant Helicobacter pylori.

After successively eradicating mutant Enterococcus and mutant cancer cells, the player’s self-confidence has greatly increased.

Earlier, mutant cancer cells and mutant Helicobacter pylori were treated by players as the ultimate boss, especially Helicobacter pylori. Players even thought that they could not defeat Helicobacter pylori.

After eliminating Enterococcus mutated before, players were still a little unconfident in the face of mutated cancer cells, and felt that they might not be able to beat the big boss.

However, after eliminating the main force of mutant cancer cells, the player discovered that the ultimate big boss that he thought was difficult to deal with was nothing more than that.

Ever since, many players began to look at the mutant Helicobacter pylori.

Since the main force of mutated cancer cells can be eliminated, it seems that it is not impossible to eliminate the main force of mutated Helicobacter pylori.

Many players began to go to the area where the mutant Helicobacter pylori had been seen before, and they planned to look for the trace of the mutant Helicobacter pylori.

Variant Helicobacter pylori wants to attack the player, and the player also wants to attack the other side.

More than two hundred thousand mutated Helicobacter pylori gathered, and the movement was very loud. As long as the player came to the active area of ​​mutated Helicobacter pylori, he would soon be aware of it.

Sure enough, it took the player about an hour to find the active area of ​​mutated Helicobacter pylori.

Here, players found a lot of camps of mutant Helicobacter pylori.

When the players were about to attack the camp, they found that the mutant Helicobacter pylori in the camp was gone.

This familiar scene immediately aroused the players’ vigilance.

Not long ago, when the main force of mutated cancer cells was assembled, it was the same. Players attacked the camp of mutated cancer cells and found that the camp was empty. They all ran to assemble.

Now these camps of mutated Helicobacter pylori are also empty. Are they also beginning to gather and prepare to attack players?

This abnormal situation quickly spread in the cell online forum.

After learning that mutated Helicobacter pylori may attack, many players are not only not afraid, but are excited.

It’s another good opportunity to gain experience!

Subsequently, a large number of players began to flood into the mutated Helicobacter pylori activity area, and many player legions also sent teams to determine whether mutated Helicobacter pylori was gathering.

Soon, some players encountered the mutant Helicobacter pylori who was about to leave the camp.

The players didn’t start to frighten the snake, but quietly followed it, ready to find out.

Sure enough, after the player tracked the mutant H. pylori, they found that a large number of mutants were heading to the same place, and they were indeed preparing to gather.

After confirming that mutated Helicobacter pylori was gathering and preparing to attack the source cells, the players who had just finished the battle became active again.

With the experience of organizing the array last time, the players realized the benefits of the array, and this time they began to actively organize the array.

However, the difficulty of organizing an array is much more difficult than gathering players.

If you just gather together, all players will reach the same designated area.

But if you want to form an array, it is not enough for the players to reach a specified range, and each player has to be divided according to occupation, level, etc., and their respective positions are arranged.

The workload is huge.

Hundreds of thousands of players must be properly arranged, and the players’ individual circumstances must also be considered. For example, some players don’t want to be in this position, or some players need to find someone to replace them temporarily.

If you only rely on the power of the player’s army, it is too busy, even if you have the experience of the last time, there is no way to arrange it.

After all, the player army has limited resources. Unlike professional NPCs, Jiang Zuo gave the professional NPCs permission to know the location of each player in order to prevent such a situation from recurring after he went out of the inner ghost last time. And can send tasks to each player.

Facing the accumulation of mutated Helicobacter pylori, Jiang Zuo also attached great importance to it.

If you can kill these mutant Helicobacter pylori in one go, it will definitely be of great benefit to Jiang Zuo.

There are only three or four days left before the blood tide is over. Jiang Zuo’s judges are almost all trained, except that the last helium bowl and titanium are not in place.

After eliminating these mutated Helicobacter pylori, the helium bowl and titanium dioxide that Jiang Zuo lacked were all in place, and the threat of blood-dead virus in the gastrointestinal map could be eliminated.

If he didn’t seize this opportunity, the mutated Helicobacter pylori finally assembled, and didn’t take the opportunity to eliminate them all, then Jiang Zuo would be in a lot of trouble.

It is estimated that at that time, it will be like dealing with Enterococcus mutans, a camp by camp attack, which is time-consuming and laborious.

In order to seize this opportunity, Jiang Zuo decided to let the professional NPC take action and intervene in the player’s array.

The player organization array is troublesome, but if it is a professional NPC organization, the situation is much easier.

There are thousands of professional NPC staff. Apart from leaving hundreds of members to take care of the daily maintenance of the cell online, the remaining members can all be invested in the organization array.

Moreover, professional NPC can clearly see the player’s level, occupation, location, online status and other information in the background, and can quickly plan the array for the player.

After the professional NPC has planned the array, place each player in the position in the array, and then send the coordinates of each player directly to each player through a task.

In this way, the player does not need to use the voice channel to inquire about their location, and can easily see their coordinates directly in the taskbar.

Each player only needs to find his own coordinate position through the small map, and when all the players have arrived at their respective positions, the player arrays are naturally formed.

With the help of professional NPCs, the efficiency of forming arrays has been greatly improved, and the previous chaos can be wiped out.

After receiving Jiang Zuo’s order, the professional NPCs quickly began to act.

They allocated their respective tasks, temporarily closed some dungeons and tasks, and drew out a lot of manpower. Except for the necessary manpower responsible for the normal operation of the cell online, the rest of the professional NPCs are all invested in the formation of the array.

Before long, all players in the cell online received a task notification:

[Brave players, congratulations on triggering the final task of the gastrointestinal map-destroying mutant Helicobacter pylori!

This mission will start one day later. From the time the mission notification is issued to two hours before the mission starts, it is the registration time for the mission. Players who want to participate in the mission, please click on the lower right corner of this notification to register.

All players who sign up will receive a 5% extra experience bonus during the mission process.

At the same time, cell online will organize and allocate array locations in advance for all registered players. After the mission starts, players can find their location through the coordinates indicated in the taskbar.

Players who have not signed up can still participate in this mission, but will not receive any experience bonus rewards, nor will they receive the array position assigned by the cell online. 】

The professional NPC issued this notice, mainly to investigate, to see how many players will participate in the battle, to understand the level and occupation of the registered players, so that they can arrange the array in advance and arrange positions for the players.

After receiving this notification, a large number of players began to scramble to sign up for the task. In less than a minute, the professional NPC backstage saw that nearly 100,000 players had signed up for the task.

This time the player is attracted by the experience bonus, and the bonus experience is 5%, which is the icing on the cake.

What really makes players scrambled is the array of cells arranged for players online.

After the last battle to eliminate the main force of mutant cancer cells, players know the power of the array and the benefits of the array.

At that time, the long-range shooter and space assassin professional players in the array all earned a large sum of Sombra and experience points.

There were more than 30,000 players in the long-range shooter array, and more than 10,000 players in the space assassin array. If you count it, it was less than a quarter of the total number of players participating in the battle at the time, but 50,000 were killed. Mutation of cancer cells.

It is equivalent to saying that less than a quarter of the players have divided half of the experience points and black crystals of the main force of the mutant cancer cells.

The remaining players who did not participate in the array, although they also earned a lot of experience points and black crystals, compared to the players in the array, they were far worse.

Moreover, last time it was organized by the players themselves, and the array of organizations was not too large. There were only more than 40,000 players, and half of the wild monsters were killed.

This time it was officially organized by Cell Online. There will definitely be more players participating in the array. When the time comes to fight with mutant Helicobacter pylori, it is basically the players in the array harvesting experience points and black crystals.

If I didn’t sign up, I might have nothing to do when I was fighting. I could only be anxious behind the arrays and watch other players earn Sombra and gain experience. That kind of feeling would be uncomfortable.

Although in the task notification, players are not allowed to organize their own arrays, but there is an official cell online organization, and most players will definitely register directly and wait for their location coordinates.

Those player corps that were originally organized don’t have to work hard anymore. There are official cell online organizations, which can also be a lot easier for them, and even if they want to organize, there will not be too many players to participate.

After all, as long as you can easily sign up, receive the coordinates at that time, and then rush to it, it’s okay. It’s easier and more trouble-free. If you don’t choose to save trouble, how can players participate in the organization of the player’s army again? It took time and effort to shout and shout, but the effect was not very good.

Therefore, players are very motivated to sign up. Some players think that their friends have not yet been online, and worry that their friends will not be able to register, so they go offline and call to inform them.

On the cell online forum, this news was also put on top, so that more players can see this news.

Many players were originally on the cell online forum, and were not ready to play cell online now, but after seeing this top post, they all hurriedly entered the game warehouse and signed up first, for fear that they would forget it later.

In less than an hour, more than 400,000 players signed up.

The professional NPCs became busy immediately, they first counted the number of players for each occupation and each level.

Then according to the obtained data, start to build arrays.

After the array is arranged, the professional NPC selects the players of the corresponding level and profession, and then assigns these players to the corresponding positions, which is very efficient.

Players who sign up later can also add new ones outside the array, or create new arrays. As long as there is no confusion, it is still very fast.

With the help of professional NPCs, the speed of forming an array is instantly raised.

In just over two hours, Jiang Zuo received the news from the professional NPC that they have allocated 400,000 players to the array positions, and are preparing to allocate positions to subsequent players.

The last time players dealt with mutated cancer cells, the players did not organize an array that would not destroy the shield wall.

This time after the professional NPC shot, the arrays that did not destroy the shield wall were assembled one by one.

Jiang Zuo is still looking forward to the effect of not destroying the shield wall array.

The magic resistance of not destroying the shield wall is very high. It is the nemesis of mutated Helicobacter pylori. Now it has formed an array and can exert the ability of not destroying the city wall on a large scale.

At that time, mutated Helicobacter pylori will release a big move, and I don’t know what the blocking effect will be if it does not destroy the city wall on a large scale.

As long as it can block the mutated Helicobacter pylori’s ultimate move, it will be much easier for players to deal with it.

According to the estimation of the professional NPC, since the task notification is said to be the final task of the gastrointestinal map, the overall enthusiasm of the players is very high.

When dealing with mutant cancer cells, only more than 200,000 players participated. This time it is estimated that 700,000 players will participate. First, I don’t want to miss the final mission of the gastrointestinal map. Second, I also want to see the large-scale player array. What a spectacular sight, seeing the power of a large-scale array.

On the other side, the mutated Helicobacter pylori is also gathering, but they don’t have much array, as long as they gather together.

At the same time, players who are scouts are always paying attention to the situation. They hide around mutated Helicobacter pylori and pass on the situation to other players through the voice channel from time to time. Jiang Zuo can also learn about the enemy’s situation through these players at any time.

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