My Cell Game

Chapter 535

Chapter 528 Communication is interrupted

Hospital stronghold.

Throughout the day, the hospital base was shrouded in a tense atmosphere.

An Quantao began to integrate his strength, including some of the judges who were scouting outside, all gathered back, and more than a thousand judges all returned to the hospital base, waiting for Jiang Zuo’s order.

Ke Longwei brought several royal judges to the room where he secretly communicated with the royal family.

Several royal judges were guarding outside. Ke Longwei was in the room alone, waiting to calculate the time. When it was twelve o’clock, he began to interfere with communication.

Near the corridor, several Jiang Zuo judges walked back from time to time to monitor the situation outside the room. When these judges and the royal judge at the door passed by, both sides were silent, but their eyes were sharp.

The two sides have changed from former allies to today’s daggers.

The floor of the entire hospital base is also invisibly divided into two parts. One is the floor where the corrosive water is located, controlled by Du Yuan and more than 20 royal judges, and the other floors are controlled by the judges of An Quantao. .

Both sides are doing their utmost to restraint and keep the well water from violating the river. The air is filled with a tense atmosphere of rain and rain, and the final game is on the verge of breaking out.

Late at night.

After eleven o’clock in the evening, after meeting Jiang Zuo secretly and checking the plan for the last time, An Quantao secretly mobilized three hundred judges and four elite judge assassins according to Jiang Zuo’s order. Under the cover of the night, he quietly left the hospital.

The distance from the hospital to the air-raid shelter is not short. What’s more, it is late at night with heavy snow, and the action is more unchanged. It takes a few hours to walk to the air-raid shelter. It would be nice to be there before dawn.

Although there are helicopters in the hospital stronghold, in order to avoid Du Yuan and Ke Longwei’s detection, An Quantao would definitely not use helicopters and vehicles, not to mention that a helicopter can’t carry many judges. The movement is so big that it is difficult for elite judges. Stabbed to kill the paternity.

As a high-level judge, Du Yuan could still detect the number of judges who left the hospital at once, but he could only perceive a rough idea. He knew that a group of judges had left. He didn’t know the specific number. He didn’t know where.

As for whether An Quantao left, Du Yuan also didn’t know.

According to An Quantao’s estimation, if everything is normal, he will arrive at the air-raid shelter at dawn, and the elite judge assassin will spend half an hour in the assassination operation, and then wait another hour to let the dead servants who have lost their command scattered and leave.

When the alloy warehouse was opened and armed with the weapons and equipment inside, it was estimated that it was ninety o’clock. According to Jiang Zuo’s statement, the Ominous Crystal should almost come out at that time, and An Quantao could lead the team to support it.

With the support of weapons in the alloy warehouse, the battle for Ominous Crystals should be smoother, which is what Jiang Zuo hopes.

After leaving the hospital base, An Quantao carried a communication device with him and reported to Jiang Zuo every ten minutes so that Jiang Zuo could control the movement.

Receiving a message every ten minutes gave Jiang Zuo a little confidence. At least he can know the situation and judge whether the situation is under his control.

In the hospital ward, Jiang Zuo was sitting by the bed, watching the university starting to fly outside, Jiang Zuo couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

This feeling of letting go makes Jiang Zuo very nervous, but amidst the nervousness, he is vaguely excited.

Just a few months ago, the biggest decision Jiang Zuo made in his life was probably to decide where to go for tens of thousands of dollars, whether to deposit, invest, or lend to a friend.

But in these short months, Jiang Zuo’s life has undergone a drastic change. What he has to decide now is not tens of thousands of dollars, but the lives of more than a thousand judges and tens of thousands of people in the hospital stronghold, and Where is my future?

And these, but all will happen in a day or two.

If the hospital base is breached by Deadpool, the lives of tens of thousands of people will be threatened;

If the game fails, the Ominous Crystal is not obtained, and the alloy warehouse is not opened, Jiang Zuo and more than a thousand judges will lose the opportunity to advance, and can only wait for the final defeat.

All of these, like a mountain, pressed on Jiang Zuo’s body, making him nervous, anxious, and a kind of excitement and excitement.

Jiang Zuo realized that he seemed to gradually like this feeling.

On the highway at night, the deeper the night, the greater the snow.

More than 300 judges braved the wind and snow, quietly marching in the direction of the air-raid shelter.

For safety’s sake, An Quantao did not take the judges to the nearest highway, but walked along the woods outside the highway.

Although the journey is a lot longer, but fortunately, it can reduce the risk of being attacked by Deadpool. Deadpool really wants to set up a sentry on the highway, and An Quantao and the others can successfully bypass it.

The blood-red light sprinkled from the dark sky, pierced through the wind and snow, and shone on the land of Nanyang City, mixed with dense snow, making An Quantao’s eyes appear hazy like a **** mist.

It’s twelve o’clock at midnight.

In the hospital stronghold, Ke Longwei looked at the time, and immediately walked to a one-person tall machine in the cabin.

There was only one red button on the machine, which was protected by glass. Ke Longwei opened the glass and pressed the red button down.

Suddenly, the communication interference in Nanyang City started.

The jammers buried in various places in Nanyang City in advance began to work after receiving the instruction signal to work. Except for occasionally one or two damaged jammers, and no arrangement in the sporadic remote woods, the communication of the entire Nanyang City All were cut off by interference.

Especially in the hospital base, a total of four jammers were arranged near the hospital base. Even if An Quantao on the other side passed through the woods without jammers, the signal he sent was completely disrupted and destroyed when he arrived at the hospital base.

In this way, Ke Longwei’s connection with the royal family will also be severed.

However, on the whole, compared with An Quantao’s communication advantages, Du Yuan’s communication with the royal family did not play a big role. The early layout has been completed, and Du Yuan has a lot of decision-making power in the later implementation. Then contact the royal family to report.

This practice of hurting the enemy by one thousand and one hundred is still beneficial to Du Yuan and Ke Longwei.

At this moment, in a wood outside the highway, more than three hundred judges are marching quietly.

An Quantao glanced at the time, ten minutes later, it was time to report the situation to Jiang Zuo routinely.

So he picked up the communicator he was carrying and said:

“I am An Quantao, reporting the situation for the fourth time. At present, the team has arrived at the highway entrance and is heading to the alloy warehouse. Everything is normal, there is no deadpool attack, and it is expected to arrive at dawn.

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