My Cell Prison

Chapter 28 - 28 Apprentice Knight

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 Apprentice Knight

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

[National Royal Academy of Knights]

The name of the organization excited Han Dong. It was precisely what he was looking for.

Since this system is designed for the Fate Space, he could learn from inside about [Mysticism] and avoid detours.

Therefore, Han Dong started answering the questions ‘selectively’.

“Evil Spirits”

“Four-star Difficulty”

And when the requirement to “Survive Three Days” was brought up, the three interviewers in front of him showed varying degrees of shock.

They couldn’t understand how someone with Han Dong’s physical strength was able to survive in such a difficult novice event.

Initially, they all assumed that Han Dong had passed through a one or two-star difficulty event.

“Describe in detail your process of passing the test. Give an explanation of key turning points.”


As Han Dong discussed the details of the event, he first downplayed Edward and minimized his significance.

He attributed his survival to interactions with the ‘characters in the event’.

He emphasized that because he was able to appropriately communicate with the characters involved in the event, it triggered a side event… he was able to form a close relationship with the characters, and with their help, successfully finished the event.

‘Winning over event characters’

Indeed, this was a great trick for beginners in their first Fate Space, but it was only valid for events below two-star difficulty…the monsters in the four-star difficulty could easily kill the characters in the event.

Han Dong then stated his theories and plans.

Within these, he omitted Edward’s interference and left out anything about the Faceless Skull, instead choosing to focus on the ‘Fire Burn’ plan.

He emphasized that he had perfectly cooperated with the characters in the event, and trapped the ‘Fear of Fire’-possessed Evil Spirits in a carefully designed fire trap until the time limit was up.

Of course, he omitted the part about killing the Evil Spirits.

For someone weak like Han Dong, should he admit such a thing, these people would undoubtedly suspect he was hiding some unspeakable secret.

If he accidentally revealed anything about the ‘Faceless Skull’, that would be


The narration of the event was completed.

The handsome Knight was the first to give his evaluation:

“The characters in the event have certain corrupting abilities, which is what allowed them to block the Evil Spirits multiple times, right?

Taking into account the ‘time limit’ as well as the Evil Spirits’ ‘Fear of Fire’ special trait, you deepened your intimacy with them and finally escaped with a precise plan.

Not bad, you have talent.”

After saying this, he gave a ‘good’ score of ’80 points’ on his evaluation form.

The female interviewer, who emanated a holy aura, nodded in approval and gave a ’73-point’ evaluation.

As for the mustached mage in charge, he stared into Han Dong’s eyes.

“You’re a very good liar, young man… If I’m not mistaken, you should have made full use of your ‘team member’s death’ to buy yourself enough safe time, right?

Your explanation seems perfect, but there’s a small flaw.

That would be the difficulty! According to your account, you should have barely survived a three-star difficulty Fate event, but in a four-star difficulty, there is still only Death.

However… everyone has their own secrets, so I won’t inquire further here.

Overall, not bad.”

The mustached mage gave a ’71-point’ rating.

While Han Dong was uncertain whether this score was high or low, it was satisfactory… It should not be too bad.

“When the reward was settled, did you receive a Fate Card?”

He could not mention anything about the ‘Fate Card’.

After all, Han Dong used the reward from the card to strengthen Han Li rather than himself… Once it is disclosed, the prison affairs will also be exposed.

The mustached mage couldn’t help but sigh:

“What a pity… a four-star Evil Spirits event and you only got a bit of [Fate Points]. State your main profession choice which will determine your teaching arrangement in the academy.”


For a moment, all three faces were filled with disappointment.

Of course, this had something to do with their own main professions!

In their eyes, Han Dong would be considered a gifted young man among this year’s Returners, it was just a pity that the main profession he chose had nothing to do with them.

“What a shame. If you chose [Library Science], I could give you some extra help. ”

The mustached mage waved his hand, releasing a wave of heat in front of Han Dong.

The sparks dissipated.

A metal card, still warm, fell onto Han Dong’s hand.

The front of the card displayed a Knight’s Emblem with the image of ‘two swords crossing over a horse’s head’, and on the back, the motif of the sun and the moon intertwined…

“This is the identity card of the Apprentice Knight… report to the academy with this card in three days.”


Han Dong returned the way he came, he saw the Black Rose Knight who had brought him was still waiting there.

But this time, the knight spoke.

A magnetic male voice came from under the mask: “Welcome to the [National Royal Academy of Knights]… Where do you live?”

It seemed that if he hadn’t passed the interview, there would have been no way to return…

When the knight learned that Han Dong had passed the interview, he decided to send him home.

But this question was a bit difficult… In fact, it was the hardest question Han

Dong had ever encountered.

After all, since Han Dong took over the body of the young man named Nicholas, he hadn’t returned home at all. As soon as he got to the street, he was found by his ‘sister’ and due to time constraints, he had to immediately head for Festival Square.

“Um… It’s okay for you to send me to the vicinity of Festival Square, Knight. My little sister should still be waiting for me there.”

Han Dong this time made his best effort to climb onto the horse’s back.

During the return journey, the attitude of this knight was different from before, he proactively spoke:

“It’s hard to imagine how someone with your physical strength can pass the ‘Novice Event’. I hope you don’t mind me asking, was it a one-star difficulty or two-star difficulty?”

“Four-star event.”

Han Dong thought, these knights should belong to a large organization.

The information about the ‘Four-star Evil Spirits’ had already been mentioned during ‘the interview’, there was no need to hide it.

The black horse of the knight stopped abruptly.

The knight immediately turned his head, and took off his dark iron mask. Black spiked short hair, brown eyes paired with a white complexion, and a high nose, gave a sense of mixed race…

Compared to the blonde leader of the Knights’ Regiment during the interview, this member of the Black Rose Knight Squad was even younger, about twenty-seven years old, his eyes were full of determination at all times.

“My name is Barton Fogs, graduated from the Knight Academy last year, I am currently part of the Black Rose Knight Squad.

If you can pass the four-star novice event, you will definitely have excellent prospects as long as you don’t die. If you are interested, you can consider joining our ‘Black Rose Knight Squad’ after graduation.”

“My name is Valen Nicholas… Okay!” Han Dong was somewhat taken aback by this unexpected offer and quickly introduced himself.

From the knight’s reaction, going through a four-star novice event should be an extraordinary accomplishment.

Soon, they arrived at Festival Square.

After getting off the horse, Han Dong quickly found Nina sitting on a long bench outside the square… Unexpectedly, his ‘sister’ would come and wait for him at the square every day..

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