My Cell Prison

Chapter 304 - 304: Demon Sword

Chapter 304: Chapter 304: Demon Sword
Creak, creak, creak…

The spider legs and silk pouch withdrew into its host’s body on their own.

Mia opened her eyes, quickly resuming her original form, executing a perfect flip in mid-air and landing steadily on her feet.

The “Demon Sword-Phantom Ghost” was then sheathed, hanging diagonally across Mia’s back, held in place with a form of stealth spider silk.

Ready for use at any time, she wore it as naturally as a sworn swordsman.

With the might of this demon sword, Mia too underwent tremendous changes, experiencing an essential increase in her power.

Though, the rise in “Fate Points” was merely a way to push one’s upper limit.

The true strength lies in learning, understanding, training and real combat.

Mia felt her strength rise by a whole level.

When she opened her eyes and saw Han Dong, standing in the corner of the bath, silently tending to her, the memory of him painstakingly suturing her wounds floated to the surface of her mind.

The present Mia was different from her past herself.

She moved to Han Dong without preamble and embraced him tightly, saying nothing more.

“Thank you”

“I guess this was your ‘request’… Of course I would do my best to help you obtain the perfect demon sword, so now we’re even.”

“Heh… I’ll have to think of some way to sleep with you in the future! Also, about this morning… The thing with Winry wasn’t what you think, I just…”

“What you do isn’t my business. But I am curious about this demon sword and the changes in you.”

Han Dong reached out, his fingers lightly tapping the little horns sprouted from Mia’s forehead.

“Stop… it tickles!”

“Oh! So it really is part of your body?”

“Naturally…It seems to be a special ability of this demon sword, a unique change that comes with wielding it… this weapon could even allow me to become a ‘Formal Knight’…mua~!”

Just thinking about it makes Mia happy, so she plants a kiss on Han Dong’s cheek.

“Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be, let me see the detailed attributes of this demon sword.”

Han Dong isn’t interested in Mia. He spent most of his time here just for this demon sword.

Fate Equipment: “Demon Sword-Phantom Ghost”

Type: Tachi

Quality: Unique (Purple)

Basic Attributes: Significant increase in attack power (Limited to the sharp edge of the blade)

Equipment Effect:

‘Phantom’: Slightly increases the holder’s healing speed. When near water or plants, provides triple healing speed.

‘Demon Sword’: Inflicts equivalent damage on all life forms, regardless of properties or shape-shifting abilities. Ignores 25% of the target’s maximum armor value during attacks.

Exclusive Effect:

‘Ghost Warrior’: Infuses the holder’s body with the will of a ghost.

Origin: It is rumored that this sword was crafted by a blacksmith during the Muromachi period.

At that time, the blacksmith’s village was threatened by a monster. Every week, livestock was taken. If there was not enough livestock, children from the village were targeted.

The blacksmith too had a daughter, not even two years old, named ‘Phantom’

One night.

The blacksmith was awakened by the cries of his daughter. He rushed to her room, sword in hand, and discovered a monster with a unique white horn on its head. It’s drooling mouth was wide open, and it had the blacksmith’s daughter completely enveloped inside.

In the face of danger, the blacksmith forgot fear and was filled with anger!

With a single cut, he struck the monster’s head off. His daughter, not yet swallowed, was saved.


The daughter grew up differently from her peers, having developed unique feelings for the sword that killed the monster and named it “Phantom Ghost”.

She carried it with her day and night, practicing swordsmanship alone.

One day.

A general heard rumors of a blacksmith in a village who crafted a blade that could kill a monster, and went in person to offer a reward. He asked the blacksmith to craft a personal weapon for him.

However, the young general was also drawn to the blacksmith’s daughter, who practiced her swordsmanship in their courtyard.

Her unique temperament was something the general had never seen before. The next day, he married her and brought her back to the General Mansion.

Due to the complete change in her living conditions.

Huan began to tire of chopping wood and hunting wildlife that only knew to wail.

She wanted to experience the feeling of the blade penetrating human flesh.

War captives were brought to Mrs. Huan for her ‘amusement’. Anyone that was killed by Phantom Ghost was buried under the elm tree in the courtyard… As her humanity warped, the famous blade slowly mutated into a demon sword.

“What a long origin story!”

It was the first time Han Dong had seen such an extensive introduction.

He also learned from the origin story why the female protagonist, Phantom, would love swordsmanship…

Most importantly, the quality of the sword… the highest he has ever seen among all the Fate Weapons.

Even the ‘Coral Seal’ that Han Dong was wearing is of a lesser quality than this demon sword.

Han Dong asked with a curious look on his face: “‘Unique Purple’… the weapon even comes with an exclusive effect that causes certain changes in the wielder! Mia, have you noticed any particular changes?”

Mia scratched the newly sprouted white horns on her forehead, “Specific changes…I didn’t feel anything physically, rather, it felt like I became more proficient in swordsmanship.”

“Increased proficiency with bladed weapons? Where did you learn your swordsmanship? The Holy City mainly uses ‘swords’ as their standard weapon… Traditional oriental skills like yours are somewhat rare.”

“Uh… Can I say it was self-taught?”


Han Dong was just asking casually. If Mia didn’t want to say, he wouldn’t push her.

Seeing that Han Dong didn’t press further, Mia hurriedly nudged his arm.

“You’re really not going to ask further… Actually, my swordsmanship style is hereditary.

When I was a little girl, I was pitiful, I was forced to learn this swordsmanship at such a young age… But after I met Little Spider, I was relieved from my family burden and things got much better.

Since I had already learned the swordsmanship, I continued to remember it.”

“Okay… Now that the demon sword is under control and your injuries have almost healed, let’s continue with the Fate event.”

After leaving the hotel, the four of them again came to the ‘shop’.

With their remaining 8 Strange Tales Points, they exchanged for a tale named “Twisty Tales”.

According to the clue given.

Occasionally, people spotted wriggling shadows in the corner of the third-level underground parking lot in the mall… As soon as eye contact is made with the shadow, they would twist rapidly and attack.

The victims wouldn’t die immediately.

Generally, within the next twelve hours, their bodies would twist abnormally, eventually killing them painfully as their bodies became unrecognisable.

Following the clue, Han Dong and the others easily found the long-abandoned underground parking lot, home to only a few dusty old cars.

With Little Demon Eye, they immediately located the ‘Strange Tale’ in here.

Wrapped in the shadows was an old man with his back bent at a 120° angle, every joint capable of executing terrifying twists.

On being spotted by Han Dong.

The old man twisted towards him at a speed comparable to a car!

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