My Cell Prison

Chapter 321 - 321: Unequal Battle

Chapter 321: Chapter 321: Unequal Battle
Gap in levels.

The skills of Togu and Chen Li, if compared to other apprentice knights of the same tier as Han Dong, were not weak at all… They could even battle top-tier apprentice knights like Dumps and Abe.

Togu once confronted the Great Lord Stuart head-on.

Chen Li could also inflict a great deal of flesh wounds on the Great Lord with her concealed aura, body techniques, and swordsmanship.


When facing this mysterious knight from Hell Island.

Togu’s ‘Copper Skin Iron Bones’ and Chen Li’s ‘Evil Power’ have completely failed.

The severed Hell Iron Chains scatter around, indicating that either of them could be executed at any time… It was just that their adversary had shown mercy just now and didn’t directly resort to killing moves.

The possibility of reattaching Chen Li’s severed arm was virtually nonexistent.

All the blood and qi in her arm had been sucked out, and all that is left is a withered arm devoid of life.


Han Dong commanded.

Picking up the kitchen knife with her remaining hand, Chen Li immediately returned to the prison within Han Dong’s mind to repair her body.

However, Togu did not follow suit.

He just stood silently in place, staring at the shattered chains on the ground and at his trembling, bloody hand.


“Master…Hell is my homeland, please let me stay here a bit longer.”


Han Dong had no intention of striking for now.

Rushing forward recklessly would result in him being killed instantly.

Since Togu wanted to hang in there, Han Dong would give him a chance… As long as Togu could delay enough time, Han Dong’s ‘Little Demon Eye’ would be able to further analyse the target’s related attributes.

The pattern imprinted in the Little Demon Eye was slowly spinning.

Han Dong was applying the analytical secret method from the Eye Book to analyse this mysterious Hell Knight.

When facing ordinary opponents, Han Dong didn’t have to activate the ‘Pupil Mark’ to analyse the target.

Only when dealing with troublesome fellows is it necessary to fight so cautiously.

[Target Analysis…14%]


The elder gazed at Togu, who was unwilling to leave, and made a simple comment:

“Monk, your abilities seem to be suppressed upon entering the ‘Fate Space’… or perhaps your capabilities have diminished from being forcefully enslaved.

However, even after painful practice, you can still continue to improve.”

Togu spat out some low demon language from his mouth: “You… you must have become…a ‘Lord’ of Hell now, right?”

The elder was somewhat surprised: “A ‘Lord’ of Hell? No…I am still in my probationary period.”

The moment his words fell, the elder was already standing at Togu’s side.

Togu couldn’t catch this man’s movement at all. He immediately wrapped his arms with chains from his own body… In a situation where he couldn’t avoid it, he could only block forcibly.

Crack, crack, crack…the sound of steel being cut.

A plenty of sparks flew in the air.

The chains covering the surface of the arms were all severed and fell to the ground, and so did the arms that Togu used to block…

Togu, himself, couldn’t resist the enormous pressure of this blade and fell to his knees.

As said before,

Although Togu’s ‘Copper skin Iron Bones’ was powerful, it also had its drawbacks… because its body was forged from Hell lava, undergoing thousands of reforge operations, it has broken free from the constraints of ‘flesh’.

Its hardness and fire resistance were terrifyingly high.

The price paid was a significant reduction in regenerative abilities.

Once a ‘limb’ is lost in battle, the strength diminishes greatly.

Even if Han Dong sends Togu back to prison, it will take a long time to reconnect or reconstruct the arm… This is also a reason Han Dong needs to find

a special medical practitioner, to be the third containment object.

At present,

His arms were severed.

Togu had completely lost his combat strength.

But…he still didn’t want to return to prison.

The elder gave a good assessment: “Being able to block my full-blown strike without dying indicates that your basics are solid… Your performance during the trial at the monastery must have been pretty good, right?”

Togu didn’t respond.

Instead, he endured his internal injuries, disregarding the wound from his severed arms.

Chains grew again from the stumps of his arms and wrapped around the slightly surprised elder.

Togu raised the only legs left and aimed a side kick at him.


A layer of demon energy fluctuated inside the elder’s body like internal strength, breaking all the chains wrapped around him in due course.

These chains were connected to Togu’s main body.

The breakdown of the chains was equivalent to internal destruction in Togu.

“Ah!” From Togu’s mouth, a gulp of hot oil spewed out.

“Deserving of being a monk, you’re quite tenacious.”

This time.

The uncle swung his sword twice.

One strike severed Togu’s legs.

The other sliced through Togu’s chest.

Togu, now without his limbs, was sent flying backward.

His chest completely sliced open, revealed his heart, bound and tangled with iron chains, and connected to other organs through the chains.

Even so, there was no fear of death in Togu’s eyes.

He even continued to grow iron chains from the stubs of his limbs in an attempt to buy Han Dong more time…


Battles were ruthless.

This uncle won’t stop for this and even scratched his cheek impatiently.

He raised his serrated long knife and aimed at what was left of Togu, delivering one final blow.

Creak creak creak~

New sawtooth cracks spread to the edge of the island again.


Where the cracks got to, Togu’s body was nowhere to be seen.

“Oh… Spatial ability?”

The uncle twisted his head towards Han Dong, who was spreading his wings in the sky.


Portable Prison.

All of Togu’s severed limbs were collected by Han Dong.

He joined Togu’s limbs again using the tentacles between the cell walls.

At the same time, some thin and elongated tentacles stitched Togu’s wound in the chest… however, it was worth noting that Togu, who was seriously injured and on the brink of death, had his eyes wide open throughout the process.

A surge of lava energy flowed through his eyes.

Togu, after this battle, seemed to have grown again.


[Target Analysis…57%]

“Being able to buy this much time already exceeds my expectations.

To hurt him, I must get close… and I only have one chance.”


His wings flapped, carrying Han Dong as he dived.

“Oh? He’s coming for me?”

The uncle lifted his serrated blood blade to test the waters with two sweeping strikes to the open air.

Visible to the naked eye.

Two huge bloody blade lights were aimed straight at Han Dong.

‘Seeing Through’ determines success (Preemptive analysis of the target, increases the chance of ‘Seeing Through’)

Wings fluttered.

Han Dong’s figure plummeted, just narrowly avoiding the blade strike.

“Oh! Dodged it?” Seeing this, the uncle followed up with four more swift strikes.

Simultaneously, he executed a very subtle fast strike embedded within the four strikes.

‘Seeing Through’

While successfully evading the four attacks again… a hidden blade light without any blood aura, being the fifth slash by the uncle, just skimmed past Han Dong’s ear.

Hit directly on the shoulder.

At the same moment.

Han Dong, in his Crowman Form, wore the Raven Head Shoulder Guard on his right shoulder that made a “caw” sound!


Black-red ‘oil’ scattered all over the ground.

Even Togu couldn’t withstand being struck by this, how could Han Dong’s body handle it… he was directly cleaved into two.

However… the situation was somewhat different.

The right half of his body, upon being cleaved, miraculously turned into hundreds of black crows due to the effect of the Raven Head Shoulder Guard, which directly rushed toward the uncle, provoking and distracting him.

The left half of his body, possessing the intact head, made its way behind the uncle due to falling inertia.


Restrictions of the G virus lifted.

Irregular and uncontrollable lumps, eyes, organs tissue, grew out at that instant and haphazardly assembled, forming a temporary right half to maintain body balance.

The G Arm growing a huge eyeball propped the ground, enabling Han Dong to adjust his body’s center of gravity quickly.

All these actions took place in an instant.

The moment when hundreds of crows entangled the opponent, Han Dong had just touched the uncle’s calf with his left hand…

Caw caw…

A tentacle with spots burrowed into the uncle’s calf and inflicted internal damage.

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