My Cell Prison

Chapter 36 - 36 The Young Knight

Chapter 36: Chapter 36 The Young Knight

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Regarding Han Dong’s ‘self-taught’ experience.

Barton Fogs was skeptical.

Now that Han Dong has gone through the Fate Space and allocated related points to [Mysticism], it is impossible to know if he truly learned everything on his own.

We need to wait until another investigator collects the information and compiles it.


This belongs to the regulations set by the council in the Holy City.

The Knight Regiment is the hope of mankind.

For any ‘Apprentice Knight’ who enters the National Royal Academy of Knights for further study, in addition to having their talent and abilities recognised, their background and experiences must also be verified.

To eliminate any possibilities that might harm the foundation of Holy City.

Barton Fogs was assigned as Valen Nicholas’s ‘Supervisor’ by the higher-ups and was asked to investigate his background and possible dangers that the Returner might pose within the three days before enrollment.

Barton was just doing his job.

“Hmm… if that’s so, your weak body has indeed become a crucial opportunity for you to delve into [Mysticism]. Very good, I look forward to your future performance.”

“Sir Barton, I have a few questions.”

Seizing this private moment, Han Dong asked the high-ranking knight some in-depth questions.

About the Fate Space and career choice, Han Dong still held a lot of doubts.

Asking questions simultaneously could divert the conversation and prevent Barton from delving into some ‘specific’ questions.

“Ask away.”

“The Fate System says that one must allocate at least 5 fate points to a major occupation to complete the job and open the Talent Tree. Is it possible to learn other occupations simultaneously?”

“It’s possible, but not recommended… You will understand once you open the

Talent Tree.

Because you will find that the points are not enough, and it is increasingly difficult to obtain points. It’s not just about passing the trials of the Fate Space, but also meeting certain necessary conditions. You simply don’t have enough points to learn other occupations.

There are also many branches of the Talent Tree that can fully satisfy your pursuit of different powers.

Take your chosen [Mysticism] for example, it can be divided into Body, Soul, or

Remote Spell and so on.”

“I see.”

The Fate Space also suggested that Han Dong choose a major occupation and not be distracted.

Looking at it now, it was indeed correct.

Once the Talent Tree is opened, a lot of points are needed. The difficulty of obtaining Fate Points will gradually increase.

Han Dong continued to ask:

“I only learned about Mysticism from some discarded books… Although I have invested Fate Points in [Mysticism] now, I’m not clear on how to use the related abilities. Can I learn from external books at the academy?”

“Yes, the allocation of Fate Points only allows us to step onto the corresponding path.

How to walk down the road depends on your own efforts… The academy will recommend the most suitable skills for you to learn according to your major and strengths.

At that time, there will be a knight tutor to guide you.

I’ve heard that knight tutors in the Mysterious Department are quite eccentric, you should be prepared.”

“Yes! Thank you, sir knight.”

After drinking his mug of malt beer, Barton said seriously:

“In short, be well prepared! For the next Fate event, you will be participating alongside Apprentice Knights of the same level. The difficulty of the event will also increase substantially… Detailed information will be explained naturally by someone at the academy.

I hope that you can cultivate the heart of a knight, join our ranks, and fight for the pioneers who have died, for humanity, and for freedom.”

The conversation then shifted to leisure topics about the civilian district.

After having enough food and drink, Barton prepared to leave on his black horse because arrangements were still waiting for him.

Perhaps because he is from the same civilian district as Han Dong, or because he had drank a little too much, his usually reticent self was quite talkative today.

Before mounting his horse, he placed his hand on Han Dong’s shoulder:

“Remember… No matter what you major in, the body is very important. Your weak body will have a hard time with some of the physical training at the academy, so try to find a way to handle it.”

After these instructions were given,

He sped away, leaving a mist of vapour in his wake.


Han Dong took a deep breath, thinking, “That was close… thankfully, I was prepared in advance, otherwise the matter of the Faceless Skull could have easily been exposed.”

Not until Barton Fogs had completely disappeared from his line of sight did Han Dong relax slightly.

During the conversation at the pub, he was careful with every word he used… He knew very well that Barton came to probe him.

“The humans in this world are struggling on the brink of life and death.

One careless step, and they could face ‘extermination’.

For such important Knight Regiments that touch upon the roots of the nation and are related to whether humans can continue to exist, every newly joined knight must have their origins clarified.

Yesterday’s interview was just to verify whether I have ‘potential’ , whether I am worth cultivating, to provide an admission ticket and three days of rest time… During the rest period, I would naturally let my guard down.

Using these three relaxed days to probe, the moment any problem is discovered, I might be covertly dealt with.

This nation is more cautious than I imagined.

After all, this is not a peaceful era, it is the end of times… Be careful.

In a certain Knight’s Hall.

Barton Fogs reported the detailed intelligence collected from his encounter with Han Dong, and gave his own view.

“…The overall situation is like this. I personally remain neutral to Valen Nicholas. ”

Then, another investigator sneaked into Han Dong’s residence secretly and presented the details discovered in document form.

Large amounts of shabby books related to Mysticism corroborated Han Dong’s words… Han Dong is self-taught with a unique talent in Mysticism.

Old men in the hall debated about the collected information.

They came to a conclusion, and stamped a ‘Apprentice Knight’ document.

“Hmm… Now there won’t be any problems!

This Valen Nicholas is a talent-type Mysticism apprentice, and he will have great achievements in Mysticism in the future. He should be able to serve the Knight Regiment, let him officially enroll.

As long as his nature is confirmed as good, we will provide him with the best growing environment!

After all, the death rate of Mystery Scholars is the highest among the five professions, we urgently need talents in Mysticism.

The last city exploration team, because they were not equipped with a Mystery Scholar, resulted in a serious casualty and insufficient exploration depth, further proving the necessity of Mystery Scholars.”

With this, Han Dong officially became an ‘Apprentice Knight’

“I’m going back home.”

The Hammer and Fire Pub is located near the border of two areas.

Han Dong decided to walk back to the Samay Area.

When he neared the border area, he first passed a cemetery.

Soon after, not far from the cemetery, he found a large crowd, as well as a large number of grim-faced security personnel, surrounding a two-story Victorian-style villa.

The security team had kept the crowd completely apart, ensuring that civilians kept a distance of over five meters from this building.

Out of curiosity, Han Dong mingled into the crowd.

What he saw through the gaps in the crowd made him feel slightly uneasy.

A woman, partly damaged, was hanging at the front of the building.

But for some reason, even the security personnel did not dare to approach casually, as if they were waiting for special case handling personnel to arrive.

Just then.

A blond youth in white light armor, roughly in his early twenties, pushed his way out of the crowd.

He held a ‘Apprentice Knight’ card just like Han Dong.

The security personnel immediately opened a path for him.

After he examined the damage on the woman’s body at the entrance, his face turned ugly… He turned to face the crowd and yelled:

“Does anyone else here serve as an ‘Apprentice Knight’? If you are willing to help me solve this ‘ghoul case’, I am willing to share at least 30% of the reward..”

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