My Cell Prison

Chapter 40 - 40: Strong Kill

Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Strong Kill

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Impressive… In my former world, a teenager of the same age couldn’t possibly reach this standard.

With attack methods as smooth as flowing clouds and running water, an ordinary enemy would have long been killed by Cass’s hand.”

This was Han Dong’s first encounter with the power of an ‘Apprentice Knight’.

Amidst his shock, Han Dong desired this power of fate even more.

In the [Cross Crusader] talent, Cass, who had invested 3 Fate Points, showed off.

Displaying physical strength combined with combat skills, far surpassing the limits of ordinary people of the same age, he sent a ghoul, whose muscles were more developed and taller by a head, flying with perfect timing and continued with a series of slashes.



The crisp sound of metal collision echoed in the basement.

With his Cross Slash, he broke open the ghoul’s chest, and immediately followed up with a thrust aimed straight at its heart.

Who would have thought that the sharp tip of the silver sword could be blocked by the black substance covering the heart?

“A fully mature ghoul constructs bone armor over its weak spots?”

At the same time, Han Dong made his move.

A wave of plague energy shot accurately at the bone armor of the chest… visible to the naked eye, the plague was gradually corroding the black layer that enveloped the chest wound.

Cass smiled, ready to deliver the second thrust.

Little did he know.

The ghoul, in spite of the injuries and the chest cavity being ripped apart, sprang up suddenly with the explosive strength of its abdomen.

Its sharp claws scraped across Cass’s armor, creating a shower of sparks. The enormous strength sent Cass flying.

Bang! (The thud of the impact)

Cass hit the wall hard, with streaks of blood trickling down from the corners of his mouth.

There were five scratch marks left on the breastplate of his armor.

The middle one had torn open the breastplate entirely, grazing the skin of the chest… within a few seconds, the wound was turning green, and pus had begun LO seep OUL.

Moreover, due to the direct eye contact with the ghoul during the fight,

The black lines around Cass’s eyes had darkened, his thinking was impaired and he was now having terrifying hallucinations… this would greatly impact the fight.

Han Dong knitted his brows; the situation was turning unfavorable for their side.

Knight Cass was an upright man, devoid of any cunning.

When he sensed danger in the secret tunnel earlier, he had let Han Dong stay in the middle while he went ahead to explore alone… this alone was testament to Cass’s character.

“Cass, don’t move! Physical activity will speed up your blood flow and spread the fungus to other parts. If possible, try to cauterize the wound with fire, to get rid of the fungus.”

“But you can’t handle this thing on your own! I must…”

“Stop moving!! I have a plan!”

Han Dong’s roar startled Cass. He hadn’t expected a frail mystic apprentice to let out such a staunch scream.

Han Dong stared intently at the ghoul, or more precisely at its chest… the plague attack had taken effect, the bone layer protecting the heart had been greatly weakened.

Thanks to Han Dong’s previous roar, the ghoul’s attention had once again been drawn to him.

The fight had to end here.

Otherwise, if he left Cass behind, he would be completely devoured.

Aku… (strange words emerged from the ghoul’s mouth)

The ghoul swiftly crawled forward, its claws effortlessly slicing through the cement floor.

Han Dong held his breath, steadied his mind.

He pointed the dagger in his hand at the ghoul’s eye.

As part of the energy in his brain got drained, a streak of plague energy ray accurately hit the ghoul’s eyeball.

Vision lost.

This caused the ghoul’s attacking movement to skew.

Han Dong dodged in a direction, barely avoiding it.

The attack missed and due to its momentum, the ghoul slammed into the pile of garbage in the basement and got buried underneath.

“Now’s my chance!” Seeing this, Cass on the other side wanted to get up and help. But the intense tearing sensation in his chest made him gasp for breath with only one hand supporting his body on the ground… he could hardly gather any strength.

Just then.

Cass, whose vision was already a bit blurred, saw a terrifying scene.

A woman in a red dress somehow appeared next to Han Dong.

This woman was wrapped in a thick, liquid-like aura of resentment, the kitchen knife in her hand posing an immediate mortal threat to Cass.

“What is this… a horrific illusion I’m seeing? Or is it a creature summoned by


Right as Cass was becoming puzzled… the woman in red moved.

She moved incredibly fast.

Before the ghoul even had a chance to crawl out of the pile of junk, the knife in her hand violently fell.

Well… the way Chen Li swung her knife, it gave off a sense of a ‘berserker.’

From afar, before the afterimage of the first cut even vanished, the second slice was already made.

Even Han Dong was surprised.

In the Fate Space, Chen Li didn’t have such skills…

“Is this the effect of the ‘Holy Grail’ enhancing abilities? Just from E+ to D- in ‘battle ability’ and it’s such a huge improvement!?” In a short amount of time.

Her knife severed all four limbs of the ghoul.

She then used an iron chain she found in the basement, wrapping it tightly around the ghoul’s neck, making its sharp teeth harmless.

The last strike would be executed by Han Dong.

The layer of bone around the heart had been completely eroded. The short blade aimed for the heart and precisely stabbed in.


The bizarre screaming echoed in the basement, even heard by the guards outside the building.

After convulsing a few times, the ghoul ceased to move.

Han Dong quickly wielded a syringe, withdrawing the ‘Cell Essence’ from the mature ghoul in Cass’s blind spot… and quietly transferred one of the ghoul’s arms to his brain space.

Cass, whose vision was foggy due to the pain, did not see any of this.

At the same time, he was still immersed in the surprise of Han Dong killing the mature ghoul and paid no attention to Han Dong’s ‘small movements.’

“Andwa! You… are so good!”

“I told you to stay still… huh? Your infection has stopped?”

After accomplishing all of these, Han Dong looked to Cass, whose chest wound had been totally sanitized.

The sanitizer was a Holy Water Bomb.

The holy water inside greatly restrains grave fungi, proving to be more effective than flame sterilization.

However, Cass was still a bit weak, needing to rest for a while before gradually recovering.

“Is this your ‘summoned creature’!?

I’ve only heard that those who major in ‘Control’ could command evil spirits, summon beasts or enter contract with void creatures. I didn’t expect ‘Mysticism’ can do it too!”

“It was merely an unexpected gain.”

Since Cass thought so, Han Dong decided to play along with his assumption and hide the truth.

“That’s why you can be so weak yet have 2 Fate Points allocated to ‘Mysticism’. It seems like you’ve used all of them on strengthening your summon…


While they were speaking.

Chen Li appeared somewhat timid. After gaining Han Dong’s consent, she quietly returned into the jail.

Cass had seen many scenes of summoned beasts disappearing, so he was not surprised.

“Let’s go! We must report about the ghoul nest quickly… otherwise, this civilian area will face a big problem.”

Cass quickly grabbed a burlap bag, intending to put the remains of the ghoul in as proof of completing the ‘Bounty Order’.

“Eh… how come we’re one hand short?”

“It must have been eroded by the ‘Plague Energy,’ I guess.” Han Dong said lightly.

“That makes sense since you’re using a Fate weapon.”

Cass had no doubts, he took the sack and left the basement with Han Dong.

Soon after, professional knights arrived, completely destroying the ghoul’s small nest.

Because he discovered and reported the ‘ghoul nest’, Cass’s bounty task had a

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