My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 16:

Chapter 16

"Mr. Qi, preschoolers do not learn this."

Yi Qingju, who had been standing behind Yi Bingmei, walked over with a charming smile on her face that was completely different from her sister's.

Qi Weiran raised his amber eyes to look at her quietly.

It made Yi Bingmei feel weak, and her smile grew deeper.

But the next second, these words came from his thin lips: "Who are you?"

Yi Bingmei: "......Mr. Qi, I'm Yi Qingju's family."

Qi Weiran stood up and said politely but aloofly: "So you are my mother-in-law."

Yi Bingmei: Insult!?

Yi Qingju was laughing hysterically in her heart, but she still had to pretend to be distressed.

"Sir, this is my younger sister, Yi Bingmei."

Yi Bingmei's whole face froze.

Yi Qingju was a useless fool who couldn't even seduce Qi Weiran and made him not come home for so long, so she didn't even have a chance to get close to him.

Having finally caught wind that he was coming back today, Yi Bingmei didn't even go to class and went straight there.

But he didn't even recognize her!?

Yi Bingmei was indeed from the same family as the original owner. Seeing that Qi Weiran didn't recognize her and was unfriendly, her eyes instantly turned red.

At this time, Yi Qingju was already standing obediently next to Qi Weiran. Seeing this, she secretly sneered.

[Don't cry, no one wants injected pork.]

The corner of Qi Weiran's mouth hooked up slightly.

Yi Bingmei, who happened to catch this scene, instantly stopped her tears.

Was he smiling at her?

The grievance she felt just now disappeared instantly.

She wasn't the only one who saw this scene. Yi Qingju also saw it.

She automatically took on the role of a housekeeper.

[It's been a long time since I saw the young master smile.]

Qi Weiran, who understood this meme because he owned a web novel business: "......"

Auntie Zhang had sharp eyes and could naturally see that this woman had ill intentions. She immediately froze her old face: "It's time to eat. No outsiders allowed."

Yi Qingju wanted to nod in agreement, but she endured it because of her image.

Hearing Auntie Zhang's words, Yi Bingmei nodded cooperatively and even considerately said to Wan Sui: "Let me take you there."

Wan Sui, who was accidentally injured: ?

Auntie Zhang, who accidentally injured her ally: ?

This was an eye-opener for Yi Qingju. She finally realized that having thick skin can really make you invincible.

Qi Weiran, who had just stood up, glanced at her.

He was thinking that she knew it too.

Sensing his gaze, Yi Qingju immediately looked up with a loving smile: "Sir?"

[Hurry up, don't keep me from eating.]

Qi Weiran: "......"

If Yi Qingju wanted to develop her career, she would surely become a new queen of the entertainment industry.

Qi Weiran didn't speak, and although Auntie Zhang was unhappy, she didn't say anything in the end and still let the presumptuous Yi Bingmei sit at the table.

It wasn't actually Qi Weiran who wanted her to stay. He just focused all his attention on Yi Qingju and forgot about it.

As Yi Qingju looked at Yi Bingmei sitting across from her, she thought that the last person who sat in that seat died from an external meal.

Thinking of Hei Meilu, Yi Qingju couldn't help but sigh emotionally.

She had wanted to compensate him, after all, waking up one day to find your body occupied and your career ruined was maddening.

But it seemed like the system had already given him benefits. Last time she went to the hospital to see him, the usually gentle Big Brother was grinning wildly there.

"This dish is a bit spicy. Mr. Qi has a bad stomach so he shouldn't eat it."

Yi Bingmei suddenly spoke amidst the quiet dining atmosphere.

The atmosphere froze as Yi Qingju and Qi Xinian stopped their chopsticks at the same time.

Then the little dumpling suddenly raised his hand, and Qi Weiran caught his gaze and nodded to let him speak.

Qi Xinian cleared his throat, "I know this one. Yi Qingju said that this is called——"

"Nine out of ten presidents have stomach problems."

"And I just happen to be that one without stomach problems." And also the richest one.

The man picked up his bowl and chopsticks again with long, graceful fingers, eating very gracefully.

Yi Bingmei was a little embarrassed and lowered her head, but she still glared fiercely at Yi Qingju.

Yi Qingju looked innocent.

[Sis, if you want to seduce someone, you should find out about their persona beforehand. Qi Weiran is famously known for his iron stomach. No one in the entire capital can drink more than him.]

Satisfaction flashed through the eyes of the iron-stomached Qi Weiran.

Even though Yi Qingju was two-faced because of the inheritance issue, she still had the most basic professional quality.

To defeat an opponent, of course you have to understand them first.

After glancing at the unprofessional woman across from him, Qi Weiran put down his chopsticks again, and his low, rich voice rang in Yi Bingmei's ears: "No talking while eating, no chatting while sleeping."

"People who don't follow the Qi family rules don't need to stay here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Auntie Zhang, who had been waiting for this moment, decisively walked over: "Let's go, Miss Yi."

Yi Bingmei looked at Yi Qingju in disbelief, her face pale. She seemed to be asking her for help.

At this time, Yi Qingju had to thank her persona.

As Qi Weiran's fangirl, she naturally lowered her head obediently: "The sir is always right."

Auntie Zhang took the woman out without another word.

After eating, Qi Weiran didn't leave, so Yi Qingju could only stay downstairs to accompany him.

Halfway through, she received a call from Yi Bingmei.

It seemed she still hadn't given up.

"Sir, my sister called to ask if I can go out for a bit."

She walked to Qi Weiran, who was letting the little dumpling watch the news with him, and said softly.

[Instead of troubling myself, why not trouble someone else? Hurry up and tell me I'm not allowed to go.]

Qi Weiran made an immediate decision: "Go ahead."

Yi Qingju: ?

Was he always against her recently?

Reluctantly, she was sent by car to the entrance of Qi's mountain villa. The cold night wind whistled as a small, thin figure shivered there pitifully.

With Qi Weiran not around, Yi Qingju didn't need to keep up her persona.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say."

Yi Bingmei complained aggrievedly: "Aren't you the madam of the Qi family? How can you just let my brother-in-law drive me away like that?"

Yi Qingju sneered coldly: "Now you know to call him brother-in-law?"

Seeing her bad attitude, Yi Bingmei was unhappy too: "What do you mean? If our mom hadn't said that you're useless, married for two years and haven't gotten any benefits for our family, do you think I'd be willing to come here!?"

Qi Weiran's eldest brother's only wish before he passed away was to see him get married.

Who would've thought that out of so many marriageable girls in the capital, Yi Qingju would be chosen.

If the two didn't look so different, Yi's Mom would have let Yi Bingmei marry in her place.

Yi Qingju said impatiently: "Don't use your mom to pressure me. I've had a rabies vaccine. Do you think I'd be afraid of you?"

It took Yi Bingmei a slow second to react before she got angry, her voice trembling: "You... Yi Qingju....just you wait."

After saying that, she turned and left angrily.

Yi Qingju shrugged, not caring at all as she walked back.

What a joke. With Qi Weiran propping this marriage up, even if the sky fell down she'd be fine.

And of course she didn't notice that when Yi Bingmei turned around, a flash of evil light passed through her eyes.

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