My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 57:

Chapter 57

Watching the bandaged wound, as the doctor and Wan Sui explained precautions to Qi Weiran, he received a call from Wan Sui.

"Sir, it's confirmed. Those two thugs were bought by Yi Bingmei."

Qi Weiran raised an eyebrow.

To reach here from the northeast, that woman is truly remarkable.

"If she dislikes selling ginseng so much, she won't need to be a soldier next year; she can repent in prison."

"Yes, sir."

"The owner of the plaster doll shop is acting strange. Since Madam left, he hasn't set up his stall again, quite peculiar."

Qi Weiran narrowed his eyes.

Wan Sui's voice lowered, "Sir, this matter seems complicated. We shouldn't take the straightforward route; I suggest..."

"Yes, call the police."

Wan Sui: ?

Wake up, you're the CEO who controls global affairs, managing the underground world, and you choose to call the police?

"Yes, sir..."

"Also, there's another matter. After hearing about your danger, Captain Zhang Wei, who was on vacation, has decisively cut short his leave and will be back on duty tomorrow."

Qi Weiran almost forgot that he rewarded Zhang Wei with a break for the New Year video incident.

These days, for peace of mind, he didn't have bodyguards. It seems he can't be so casual in the future.

Due to an unknown scrape, as a precaution, the doctor administered a tetanus shot.

Originally, it was Saturday. Because of this incident, the urgent matters that should have been dealt with at the company became unimportant, and the two returned home.

Qi Weiran seemed tired; he leaned back in the chair, his black hair tousled, hands wrapped in bandages, looking a bit pitiful.

[Like a drowned rat...]

Just as Qi Weiran was lost in thought, "..."

Whose metaphor did Yi Qingju learn from?

[He helped me a lot with company matters; I should pay more attention to him.]

She looked down at her phone for jokes, coincidentally opening an app that displayed an ad.

Yi Qingju frowned; she didn't think Qi Weiran would like this, but it was quite funny. What to do...

"Sir, do you mind being photoshopped?"

After some hesitation, she raised her head and asked.

Qi Weiran pondered for a moment; he had seen people use his photos for memes or something, and it didn't bother him much. At most, he found those people's thought processes interesting.

So he shook his head, "Don't mind."

Casual photoshopping: he was a mature and generous man.

Seeing this, Yi Qingju handed him the phone, "Then, take a look at this; it's amusing."

Qi Weiran felt that sharing interesting things from your phone made their relationship seem more intimate, making him somewhat pleased.

Taking it, he looked down.

It was an advertisement.

The background was cheesy and tacky, with a vibrant pink color. On the right stood a man in only shorts, with a shriveled figure.

But what caught the eye was the face: Qi Weiran's face. It seemed to be a photo from one of his speeches in another country.

Beside it, in cheap font, it read:

'Add me for a free pair of underwear'

Above, there was a bold note: 'Pure cotton'

Qi Weiran: "..."

Why does he doubt that this picture is from Feng Yisheng, that two-armed p*.

"Where did you see the advertisement?" Qi Weiran handed the phone back to Yi Qingju with a wooden face.

Disappointed, Yi Qingju took it: [Thought I'd see him crack a smile or get angry.]

Qi Weiran: "...Are you trying to cheer me up?"

Yi Qingju exited the interface and glanced at the name of the app: "It's a shopping app called 'I Love Show.'" Then she looked up, cautiously asking, "Sir, are you angry?"

Qi Weiran took out his phone and shook his head at her words: "No."

Then he dialed a number.

The call was quickly answered.

"A software called 'I Love Show,' banned within ten minutes."

With that, he hung up.

His actions were so smooth, his speech so fast, Yi Qingju almost didn't react.

".... Are you sure you're not angry?"

Qi Weiran was sure.

He just found it a bit vulgar, detrimental to societal standards.

When the two returned home together, Auntie Zhang was still surprised.

"Sir, you've finished dealing with the company's matters so quickly?" she asked, noticing the bandage on Qi Weiran's hand.

Immediately anxious, she asked, "What happened? How did you get hurt!?"

Her exclamation startled the other servants as well, who had been busy with their own tasks.

Qi Weiran didn't mention the incident with the thugs, only saying it was an accidental scrape.

This made Auntie Zhang worry even more, and she hurriedly took people to the kitchen to make Qi Weiran some blood-replenishing soup.

Yi Qingju looked on with some emotion.

[Although I'm not sure about his childhood circumstances, Qi Weiran's current life is definitely immersed in love.]

Qi Weiran glanced at her.

Yes, he only recently discovered these details in life.

Before, Qi Weiran's life was all about work.

Upon hearing that Qi Weiran was injured, Little Milk Bun, who had been reading upstairs, hurried downstairs and clung to his little uncle's side, looking at his hand with big, watery eyes.

His little appearance was so adorable.

Yi Qingju, not wanting to be outdone, sat on the other side of Qi Weiran, imitating Little Milk Bun's posture and looking at his hand.

It made Qi Weiran seem not like he was injured, but missing something.

Auntie Zhang, watching the three of them sitting on the sofa, smiled with satisfaction, then suddenly remembered something and walked over, calling, "Madam."

Yi Qingju looked up, "What is it, Auntie Zhang?"

Auntie Zhang took out an envelope from her apron pocket and handed it to her.

"After you left, someone delivered this, saying it's an invitation for you to go see a show and have afternoon tea together."

She took it and glanced at the emblem on the sealing wax, realizing she didn't recognize it.

"It's from the Yu family," Qi Weiran said.

Yi Qingju was taken aback.

Because of Qi Weiran's influence, the Qi family's current level of development is unmatched, but before that, the most powerful was the longstanding Yu family.

It's said that the current head of the Yu family retired to accompany his wife, leaving the group to his nephew.

"Why would Miss Yu from the Yu family be looking for me..."

Although she had already guessed that Qi Weiran would receive some invitations after publicly siding with her in the circle, she knew that if she attended such events, she would definitely be collectively shunned. So, she had usually declined the invitations she received before, and gradually, no one invited her anymore.

But Wang's fate probably made many people think that Qi Weiran's attitude had changed, so they eagerly extended an olive branch to her, just not expecting it to be so soon.

Seeing Yi Qingju's hesitant expression, Qi Weiran spoke up, "People from the Yu Group can try to interact with you, but if it's unpleasant, you can deal with it according to your own temperament."

"Remember, I've got your back."

His steady and powerful voice echoed in Yi Qingju's ears, inexplicably causing her heart to skip a beat.

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