My Chaos City

Chapter 17 I can't wait to get kicked and fly

With the talent, Li Hanqiang is itching in his heart. He wants to use it to see the effect, even if he is not prosperous.

Naihe, the Chaos Energy of Chaos Heart is less than 5 points, and he is not allowed to change the tower at all, even if he wants to see his face black and white.

It seems that I can only hang up now... Li Hanqiang felt very uncomfortable. The defense tower store, the Chaos Vault, and the endless tower have not been cleared. There are no monsters attacking the city now. What else can you do without hanging up?

It's still fun to be an adventurer, at least you don't need to hang up, that's all, let's go fishing! Li Hanqiang reluctantly rode the black thorn hatchling back to Bibo Lake, got on the boat, supported the pole, and fished.

In the setting of Bibo Pool, the success rate of catching fish in the online state is slightly higher than that in the off-hook state. Online sleep stunt, as long as he's not hungry, he can stay offline.

Does the Emperor still need to go offline to sleep?

Obviously not needed!

In fact, with the current technology, the game helmet can monitor the player's life status very well. Once the player is found to have fallen asleep for more than 10 minutes, or the player is detected to be in a state of extreme exhaustion or other situations that are not suitable for continuing the game, the player will be automatically activated. offline.

And Li Hanqiang's online sleeping stunt has been practiced for more than ten years. He can fall into a deep sleep in one minute, sleep for five minutes, and immediately wake up again. In this way, he is always energetic.

This is not the ability of ordinary liver emperors.

Li Hanyang was looking forward to catching another mount or something. He was very energetic, but for 4 hours in a row, he only caught 26 green carp.

Am I related to the green carp? Li Hanyang looked at the green icon on the fish basket panel, feeling very unhappy, and he was about to lose such boring fishing.

Just then, a friend message came over.

Big business: Xiongtai, I went to buy goods from you, remember to prepare a subsidy for me.

This big business is Li Hanyang's first game friend, the big-bellied player who sold him the blueprints for the construction of Bibo Pool.

Okay! Li Hanyang replied, and then a question arose in his heart, can adventurer players come to Chaos City during a non-monster siege?

He did a little research, but he really could, and there was no limit to the number.

Of course, you must also use the teleportation ticket, and you must leave before the next monster siege, and the Chaos City Lord will not be online if you are not online.

Soon the system prompt came: The player wants to teleport into your Chaos City, please allow me.


Li Hanyang was also tired of green carp fishing, so he quickly closed the rod and rode to Chaos City on a level 1 black-thorn hatchling.

At this moment, the light flashed in the space-time wormhole, and the big business stepped out.

This guy is full of brilliance and looks quite comfortable.

The 50 bottles of primary life medicine he bought from here have long been sold out.

Not to mention, this potion sells well in the wild. Endless World is too popular. Players who level up are like wolves. There are many players who are too lazy to go back to the city to buy medicine. He only shouted a few words in the wild, that is, in ten minutes, 50 bottles of primary life medicine will be full. It was sold out, and it was still sold at the price of 11 silver coins per bottle, which was 1 silver coin higher than the system store.

This undoubtedly made him see a business opportunity.

Next, this big business does not level up at all, just go back to the city to buy medicine, and then sell it in the wild, becoming a medicine dealer.

In the beginning, I made a lot of money.

But soon a large number of colleagues appeared. Everyone bought medicine in the main city and brought them to the field leveling area, and they all sold 11 silver coins.

And players who were too lazy to go back to the city to buy medicine also began to hate these drug dealers and resisted, and fewer and fewer people bought medicine.

In this way, the price of primary medicines has been pushed lower and lower,

For example, the primary life medicine, from 11 silver coins in one bottle at the beginning, to 21 silver coins in two bottles, and then 31 silver coins in three bottles...

The business of big business has gradually become difficult to do. At this time, it is basically impossible to make money from selling medicines like this.

In fact, he had long thought that Li Hanyang would come here to stock up, but he had to use a teleportation ticket to come here.

A ticket is a gold coin!

How many potions does this have to sell to earn it back?

After thinking about the big business for a long time, he felt that he had to buy 200 bottles of primary potions to be considered a good deal, so he held back until now, and saved 35 gold coins before coming to buy.

To be honest, the game has just been launched for so long, and players who can earn 35 gold coins are definitely talents, and this big business is not ordinary.

He didn't consider himself an outsider either, he walked to a chaotic slate by himself, and immediately started buying medicine.

Primary Life Potion, buy, 100 bottles!

Primary magic potion, buy, 100 bottles!

In just one minute, this big deal cost 24 gold coins. Seeing that there were less than 11 gold coins left, he hesitated and bought another 40 bottles of primary boosting potions.

These medicines can at least make me 3 gold coins! Big Business thought silently, and after waiting for a while, he saw Li Hanyang walking over riding a small turtle.

Big business eyes straightened immediately!

A mount! These foolish city lords actually have a mount.

When Li Hanyang approached, the big business even opened his mouth.

It's still an elite mount! What a joke!

Seeing Li Hanyang sitting on the back of the black-thorn baby turtle like a bully, the big business can't wait to kick him away. You are willing to ride such a baby, are you still a human?

Welcome, welcome, this city lord always speaks and counts, come and come, let me see how many potions you bought, and cash out the subsidy for you. Li Hanqiang enjoyed the performance of the big business, he smiled, and did some mental arithmetic. , then said: You spend a total of 33 gold and 60 silver, and subsidize you 30%. Come, come, take 10 gold coins!

Brother! The big business didn't seem to hear Li Hanyang's words at all. His face immediately filled with a smile, and he said, Where did you get this mount from? Is it for sale or not?

Oh, you mean this little tortoise? Li Hanyang wanted this kind of envious gaze. He felt contented and said leisurely, It's just an elite mount with a level cap of 60. This city master tamed it at will. What's the matter, what do you think? Buy it, you can, but the price is too low, just 10,000 gold coins, haha!”

The big businessman's face darkened, he laughed dryly, and said, Brother, stop joking... But your mount is really powerful, the price must be high, I can't afford it, if you plan to sell it, I can give it to you. Find a client.

Oh? Li Hanyang showed a hint of interest, You can look for it, but I don't plan to sell it now, just ride it for a few days to play.

Don't, don't, it won't be as valuable as it is now in a few days. The big businessman rolled his eyes, If Xiongtai believes me, how about I hold an auction for you and let you make a fortune?

Li Hanqiang's heart moved, and he thought for two seconds: Is it reliable?

Absolutely reliable! The big business patted his chest and said.

Since that's the case... Li Hanyang smiled slightly, Then auction, the auction location is chosen here, you can promote it, and send over if you are willing to buy it.

After finishing speaking, Li Hanyang opened the friend list, copied the attribute information of the black-thorn hatchling, and sent it to Dark Night Redemption, Fanfeng Knight, and Ignition Sword Saint.

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