My Crown in Entertainment Circle (The Entertainment Circle is Mine)

Chapter 14 - | 【14】

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the entertainment circle is my latest chapter of [Rebirth]!

On weekends, Xu Zhexing spent two days finally revising the drawings, and sent the work to the entry mailbox one hour before the registration deadline.

This is a competition for the whole world, regardless of age, gender or nationality. The preliminary competition is also anonymously selected, which is absolutely fair and just.

The next step is to wait for the result.

Near the end of the period, she had to review, but she didn’t find it hard to wait. Bi Bi’s works can successfully pass the preliminary competition. This time, the works that she has sculpted for a few years should be no problem.

At the end of the final exam, when approaching the New Year, Xu Jiexing received an email from the organizer, congratulations on her work successfully passed the preliminary competition, and asked her to submit a confirmation letter and finished product drawing on the occasion of the Spring Festival in March, to participate in City B Rematch held.

At first, Xu Zhexing didn’t tell her about her participation in the competition. Now she needs to start preparing materials for sewing. All kinds of fabrics, broken diamonds, and silk threads must be carefully selected, and the overhead is not small. Money is definitely not enough.

At dinner, she told her father and mother Xu and asked them to support themselves.

The father Xu mother heard the news at first, but did not take it seriously. Her daughter loved to tinker with her dolls since she was a child. When she was in elementary school, she bought her a sewing machine and placed it in the room, letting her toss about it.

Now Xu Jiexing happily told them that he had passed the preliminary contest of the fashion competition, and their parents thought it was a competition to make clothes for dolls.

It wasn’t until Xu Zhexing showed them the organizer’s e-mail after eating, they searched the game online, and after seeing international, high-end, and high-end words, they didn’t know that her daughter was not playing.

Mother Xu looked at her for a long time with half-belief and doubt: “You can enter even if you are a little slapstick? This game will not be a wild team to deceive people to make money?”

Father Xu glared at Mother Xu unhappily: “Go, my daughter is so powerful, and she has a talent for design since she was a child! You didn’t read the news to say that all those who can enter the rematch are world-renowned design rookies!”

Mother Xu still felt unreliable. Father Xu thought about it and decided to call Xu Yan.

Since the fact that the real estate information was passed, and Xu Zhiwen ’s project went bankrupt, Xu Yan ’s company is flourishing. Xu Father is very satisfied with him now. He feels that the kid is reliable. Suggestions.

After the call was connected, Father Xu opened the hands-free and talked about the game again. Mother Xu interjected next to her and said, “Xu Yan, can you ask us, is the game reliable? Pick the star and say I want to go to B The city participates in the rematch. “

Fashion has always been closely connected with the entertainment industry. How can Xu Yan not know that this well-known international competition.

He really did not expect this little cousin to give him such a big surprise.

First, I praised a few words of picking the stars, and then talked about the scale and influence of this competition with Xu and Xu, and finally said with a smile: “It is already a great affirmation of the designer to be able to enter the semi-finals. Second Uncle, Second Auntie, picking stars is really great. “

As soon as the phone hung up, Xu father holding Xu Xingxing was a rua meal.

“My daughter is so good! So good! Oh, how did I give birth to such a good daughter?”

Mother Xu also let go of her heart and beamed with joy: “Is that your birth? That’s my birth! Pick the star, how much money do you need to tell your dad, and let your dad raise the upper limit of the affiliate card!”

Xu Zhexing took the opportunity to say: “I have to go to City B after the New Year’s while I haven’t started school. Some materials can only be bought over there, and I have to contact the model in advance.”

Xu Yan was in City B. Xu ’s father Xu agreed with him this time. After the first few days, he bought a ticket for Xu Jiexing, took her to the airport, watched her boarding, and contacted Xu again. Yan must pick up people in advance.

After a few hours of flight, Xu Xingxing finally set foot on this city she was dreaming about.

Xu Yan had been waiting at the exit early, and when Xu Xingxing came out, she took her suitcase with a smile.

As soon as Xu Zixing met, he flattered: “Brother, you’re handsome again! It’s a domineering president walking!”

Xu Yan: “You have something to ask me when you first come?”

Xu Dixing: “…………”

Was it seen through so quickly? ? ?

How about being a gold broker, the eyes of people are too poisonous …

Xu Zhexing laughed happily, Fart Bian Bian followed Xu Yan into his black Mercedes-Benz, and waited for the car to start before saying: “Does my parents tell you to let me live under your eyelids? Let me alone, I am prone to trouble? “

Xu Yan reversed the car, huh.

Xu Jie Xingyi’s words: “How can I be so ignorant? Is the company’s business important or I important? You don’t have to worry about me despite your busy schedule!”

Xu Yan looked at her with a smile, not knowing what to expect, raised his eyebrows, and asked in an unclear tone: “Do you want to find Cen Feng?”

Xu Dixing: “???

Could it be a little more privacy in front of this person? Is he studying media or psychology?

No need to wait for her to answer, just look at her look. Xu Yan chuckled and drove slowly while driving: “Early love?”

Xu Jiexing almost burst into an uproar: “Who loves early? What love early? You don’t talk nonsense!”

Do I deserve it? ? ?

Xu Yan gave a meaningful sound.

Xu Zhexing defended himself: “Appreciation, do you understand? Just like we appreciate the blue sky, the shining star, the crooked moon, it is the kind of appreciation that can be expected but not immediate!”

Xu Yan said: “What do you appreciate him for?”

Xu Zhexing said: “Of course he appreciates his talents!” When he was finished, he felt a little emboldened. He added: “There are handsome!”

Xu Yan looked at her with a smile, and finally did not tease her: “OK, when would you like to tell me in advance, I will send you over.”

Xu Dixing: “It’s better to choose the day than hit the day, how do you think today?”

Xu Yan: “…”

City B is still snowing recently.

Xu Yan rented a two-bedroom house here, the rooms have been packed in advance, Xu Zhexing put the luggage away, thought that it would be cold at night, and took out his hat and scarf and put it on, and wrapped it roundly, followed Xu Hold out.

Xu Yan first took her to dinner, called Xu Xu’s mother to report safety, and then drove her to find Cen Feng.

Xu Zhexing didn’t want Cen Feng to see him and Xu Yan together. After a certain distance, he let the car stop. He picked up the car window and explained: “Brother, stay away, don’t let him see you.”

Xu Yan did not want to speak, and waved her away.

Xu Jiexing straightened his furry hat towards the car window and jumped away happily.

Go faster, go faster.

I will see the man who is thinking about it.

In the end, it almost flew up.

So excited and cherished.

When he ran across the zebra crossing, Xu Xingxing stopped. She was a little hot, gasping for a little bit, breathing in the cold air and turning to white gas, and half of the small face exposed was flushed.

Finally saw him again.

He hadn’t changed at all. A coat was added to the black sweater, his hair was longer, and his eyes were shallowly covered. He was blown slightly by the cold wind of winter night.

Xu Zhexing walked across the zebra crossing along the flow of people. At every step, his heart beat so fast that he jumped out of his throat.

She reminded herself in her heart that she must not cry anymore this time!

Step by step, getting closer and closer until standing in front of him. Xu Zixing smelled the smell of cold tobacco in the air, his fingers playing the piano were red and cold, but did not affect the movement and melody.

He seemed to be thinner, his jaws sharpened, and the whole person had a pungent coldness.

Xu Jiexing was terribly distressed.

There are many things I want to ask him.

Why not eat well? The body is most important. Why refuse Chenxing? Zhongtian is bad for you, is it not good to leave there? Are you unhappy? What should I do to make you a little happier?

But she said nothing, just stood in front of him and listened to him play one song after another.

It ’s so good to listen to him sing again.

His little fingers are so beautiful, with clear bones, and he is so **** when playing the piano.

At that time, when I was stepped on, it must have hurt.

When she knows which dog thing did this, she must interrupt his dog legs!

She was so cranky, looking at Cen Feng’s eyes unwilling to blink. I don’t know how long it has passed, there was a sudden reprimand from the side: “Cen Feng!”

Xu Jiexing turned his head subconsciously, and saw a slightly fat middle-aged man not far away rushing away.

Cen Feng did not raise his head, but held the string in his palm and stopped singing half of the song.

Xu Zixing was still searching in memory to see that he had never seen this fat man in Cen Feng ’s team before. The person had approached and pointed at Cen Feng ’s nose and scolded: “The company strictly stipulates that it is not allowed to come out , Do you take the rules as a buzzword? You do n’t train well all day and night, do you start your company as your company? You do n’t want to get mixed up and get out early! Do n’t trouble Lao Tzu! ”

He kicked fiercely on the guitar case with money, and the anger caused the passers-by to frequently look around: “Did you lose money in your eyes? How much money is this ?! How much money can you make in a night ?! You waste it.” Have you ever counted how much of the training time you lost to the company ?! “

The guitar case was originally light, kicked by him, and the wind blew, and the change was everywhere.

Xu Zhaixing was almost mad, so he couldn’t care about cursing and hurried to pick up the money.

This is Aidou’s hard-earned money for a night of hard work! ! !

Cen Feng, who had no expression at all, froze for a moment, looked at the figure squatting on the ground in a hurry, put the guitar on the ground, ignored the fat man who was still swearing, and walked over.

He had a long ligament in his leg, and picked up the remaining change after bending over. Xu Jiexing grabbed a handful of change and looked up, and heard him whisper, “Thank you.”

Her eyes were a little red, and she didn’t know whether it was cold or angry, so she stood up suddenly, stuffed the recovered money into his hand, and turned around to rush to the fat man who was still angry.

When he opened his mouth, he cursed: “What’s the matter with you? Speak, speak, what do you do with your feet ?! Your mother has never taught you to respect people, has your elementary school teacher taught you what is polite? It’s also the money you earn from your own ability! I think you are not too young, how can you only grow old and not educate? “

The fat man looked at the little girl who did not know where it came from in amazement, and said unkindly: “I teach my own company’s employees, what does it have to do with you? Hurry up and let me go!”

Xu Zhexing stared at him angrily, opened his hands with a swish, and stood in front of him like a cub, and wished he could desperately fight with him: “Employees have no human rights? Employees can make you so insulted? How is New China After being established for so many years, do you still consider yourself a landlord ?! “

The fat man was speechless by the little girl with a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth, and subconsciously reached out to push her: “You give me a break!”

Before that hand touched Xu Xingxing, he was grasped at the wrist by a distinct hand, and broke up fiercely.

The fat man inhaled suddenly with pain, and he was furious: “Cen Feng, what are you doing! You let go of Lao Tzu! Do you **** want to get mixed up ?!”

Xu Zhaixing turned back suddenly.

Cen Feng was standing behind her, his arm leaping over her shoulder, pinching the fat man’s wrist.

This is not polite, because of the force, even the knuckles are white, and you can see the Dao Qingjin bulging on the back of the hand.

His expression was still indifferent, but his eyes were sharp, like a sharp knife pierced from the depth of his dark pupil, with the murderousness of one hundred self-destruction and three thousand, to drag the people in front of him to hell.

The fat man seemed to be frightened by his eyes, and he was silent for a moment.

But soon, his eyes faded, his anger could not be found all over again, and he regained his silence, like everything was just an illusion.

He let go of his hand and pulled Xu Jiexing behind him. His voice was calm and indifferent, but he heard people tremble: “Yes, I don’t want to mix up, how?”

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