My Crown in Entertainment Circle (The Entertainment Circle is Mine)

Chapter 62 - | 【62】 Two more in one

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the entertainment circle is my latest chapter of [Rebirth]!

Cen Feng has been training for the whole course in the past two days, and everyone in Class F has actually seen it.

But his temperament is too cold, and it looks a little impersonal, and this is his own choice, and everyone can’t say anything. So when he says “I teach”, everyone thinks: What do you teach? Teach us how to paddle?

Shi Ran was relieved from the sadness just now, and was a little embarrassed. He took Cen Feng’s hand and stood up, patting his shoulder with a spirit and smiling, “I’m fine!”

He greeted Zhou Mingyu and Ho Sinian: “Come on, continue to practice, I don’t believe in jumping.”

Zhou Mingyu was still paralyzed on the ground: “I can’t remember what to do in my movements, and I’m doing wrong.”

There was a trainee’s small voice beside him: “Shi Ran, can you find Ying Xuze again, let him come and teach us.”

“Yes, yeah, ask him for help.”

Shi Ran has asked Ying Xuze three times today. There are many people in Class F, and he can’t correct one by one. He has been wasting hours in Class F today.

Shi Ran sullenly said: “What to find, people don’t need to practice!”

He turned on the sound and was ready to continue practicing. As soon as the prelude sounded, Cen Feng shut down. Everyone in the room looked at him, Cen Feng said indifferently: “The movements are incoherent and useless to the music, just snap the movements first.”

Shi Ran stunned: “How to deduct?”

Cen Feng stood next to him, the two faced the wall mirror, he said: “Follow me to learn.”

He divided the first bar into four parts, which were more detailed and slower than the movements taught by the dance teacher.

“Hand up a bit, the wrist is at the same level as your own temple.”

“Left elbow is kept 90 degrees straight, don’t bend.”

“The power of throwing is a little bigger, don’t keep your energy, throw it back, then throw it again.”

“The mechanical sense of arm movement is too strong, you are not jumping Popping, looser, naturally.”

“This action can be frozen, without being too limited, it is best to have your own style.”

Shi Ran studied and learned, and suddenly felt that it was not difficult to feel this dance? After so much refinement and practiced in several steps, Cen Feng asked him: “Remember?”

He nodded in excitement.

Cen Feng said: “Connect up and follow me.”

It was difficult to make the subdivided movements coherent, but just now Cen Feng took him familiar with the movements several times, and now there is Cen Feng leading the dance, Shi Ran was surprised to find that he never jumped so consistently. .

After jumping a bar, Cen Feng said: “Jump again, this time to catch the song.”

Singing and dancing is the easiest to mess around with, but Cen Feng is at ease. Shi Ran was still a bit unable to keep up, but he was brought in front and listened to his whispering voice, and slowly followed.

The trainees who had been indifferent, all turned upright at this moment, looking at the teenager who was leading the dance in shock.

He still didn’t seem to devote himself to it, but he sang the theme song in a very flat tone, but the words of the lyrics were correct, the melody was correct and out of tune.

After finishing the first section, Shi Ran’s whole person rushed towards Cen Feng as if he had discovered the New World.

If Cen Feng did not hide quickly, he would be hung directly on him.

“Brother Feng, when did you learn ?! You are too powerful! I feel you are better than Azer!”

He was talking and wanted to pull on him, Cen Feng reached out to block him, “Still not learning?”

“Learn to learn !!!”

Ho Sinian said: “I have to learn too!”

The other trainees quickly got up and stood behind him one after another: “We want it too!”

Only Zhou Mingyu was lying on the ground like a salted fish and didn’t want to move. Cen Feng glanced at him and shouted softly: “Zhou Mingyu.”

Zhou Mingyu was like a stranded octopus, his limbs fluttering on the floor for a while, reluctant to get up and stand up.

Cen Feng looked at dozens of people behind him through the wall mirror.

They are all tired, sweaty, messy hair, all plain. But they are all full of fighting spirit, and their eyes are particularly bright on the sweaty face.

That is what he used to be.

For the sake of dreaming, he refused to lose.

The practice continued until five in the morning, and the sky was white.

Cen Feng basically teaches me to move from bar to bar, from beginning to end, to buckle the whole song, and then start to lead them over and over again, familiar with the continuity of the movement.

Have you jumped a hundred times or two hundred times? They also forgot.

In the end, no one could say a word, and the entire classroom of Class F was crooked and full of people.

Cen Feng sat on the floor against the wall, bent on one knee, carrying a bottle of sponsor ’s drink in his hand, and resting his head slightly.

I do n’t know who said it first: “Thank you Feng Brother!”

In the classroom, the sound of thanks began to sound one after another, and finally became uniform: “Thanks! Thanks! Wind! Brother!”

Obviously, they are exhausted, but they still seem to have endless strength.

He looked up.

After recording a program for so long, there was always a smile on the indifferent face for the first time.

The assessment will begin this evening. Everyone decides to go back to sleep well and recuperate, and then practice again in the afternoon. In the evening, the assessment will be greeted in the best condition.

The trainees left in twos and threes, and Cen Feng followed 302 at the end.

The moon hasn’t set, and the sun has shown a side. Zhou Mingyu yawned deeply: “I didn’t fight like this when I was in the third grade.”

Shi Ran said: “If you don’t force yourself, you don’t know where your potential is. People just want to force it.”

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Cen Feng with his hands clasped in his trousers behind his back, full of steps, and after walking side by side with Cen Feng, he suddenly pursed his lips and asked, “Brother Feng, you … Are you actually hiding your strength? “

When he asked, Zhou Mingyu and Ho Sinian who had the same doubts stopped and turned to look at Cen Feng.

Shi Ran went to Class A and shook it several times during the day. Even though those Class A gangsters were already able to sing and dance, they still made mistakes frequently. Both the rhythm and the movement had some minor problems and the continuity was not good.

But tonight they will teach them Cen Feng one by one, and the dance standard is beautiful and coherent and smooth. There is almost no difference from the original video dance, which is close to perfection.

And whether it is vocal or rap, he is not wrong. Although he was singing while teaching them, it is obvious that he is comfortable with this, but he does not want to fully play it.

It’s actually correct to think about how a seven-year trainee, a person who will be selected by Zhongtian among hundreds of people for training in country H, may not have strength.

But Shi Ran couldn’t figure out why he did it.

He was curious, but it was a pity.

He has a straight temperament, so if he has something to say, he said straightly: “Brother Feng, you are so powerful, you are completely hanging class A! This time the theme song performance will choose C, everyone said that the candidate must be in Bianqi, Fuxing Yan and Azer among the three. But I do n’t think they can match you! “

Although Zhou Mingyu does not want to admit that his rivals are indeed better than himself, he has been conquered by Cen Feng’s robot. For the robot, he is willing to tell the truth: “Yes!”

Ho Sinian whispered: “I think too.”

The eyes of the three were full of enthusiastic expectations.

But Cen Feng just smiled lightly.

He said: “Go back, I’m sleepy.”

Class F sleeps until noon.

In the morning, Ying Xuze led several class A gangsters to come over. Originally, I wanted to use the last time to teach them to correct and correct the movements. As a result, I came to the class F classroom and was empty.

Ying Xuze was stunned: “Will they not give up the assessment collectively?”

It was only after ten o’clock that there were hard-working trainees who yawned and came to the classroom one after another, recalling the movement that Cen Feng taught them last night and continuing to train.

The people were all in the afternoon, and the teachers came here. I thought I would see a class F that was sloppy. As a result, everyone was full of energy and the movements were much more standard than yesterday.

The teachers were surprised, and the director’s team was also surprised, and asked the staff to take a look at the pictures that were automatically taken last night.

This look is amazing.

The trainee who stood in front and taught the entire class F to dance was Cen Feng who said on the stage that he did not dance well? ? ?

Is this still a bad jump? !

Is this different from the choreography teacher dancing?

The director is stunned, what is the trend? Hidden talent awakening? He told the staff: “Tonight’s assessment will focus on him.”

Previously, because of his high face value but poor strength, the director group has been sorry for a long time. If they have a little strength, they can all push him by editing, but the result is that the strength is not so good, the temperament is still cold, the words are not terrible, and they ca n’t find the entry point.

It’s great now.

The strength has value, and the cold character is simply the icing on the cake. It is not a mesmerizing girl after its launch!

In the afternoon, Ying Xuze was stunned again when Class F wobbled again.

He asked Shi Ran: “Did you eat Dali Pill last night? Suddenly became worse?”

Shi Ran frowned at him: “We have hidden bosses!”

He vividly told Ying Xuze what happened last night, focusing on describing his tragic state of mind when he diligently fell to the ground, and the shock that Cen Feng suddenly appeared like a **** of heaven and pulled him up from the ground.

Ying Xuze: “… I feel like I have listened to an audio novel.”

In the classroom, some trainees were calling Cen Feng: “Brother Feng, I forgot this action again.”

Cen Feng rested his mineral water on the ground and got up and walked over. He looked very weak, but not impatient. He held the trainee’s arm, helped him set the correct position, and then whispered something.

Ying Xuze looked at it for a long time and said with emotion: “It’s incredible, I thought I had only two opponents, and now there is one more.”

After talking, I was a little excited: “I really want to see the faces of other colleges and tutors being beaten during the assessment tonight!”

Shi Ran was excited with the same paragraph: “Me too!”

Ho Sinian: “… Isn’t it good to say that the tutor was beaten?”

The responding Ying Xuze immediately bowed to the camera: “I’m sorry, I was wrong! Please mentors and mentor fans forgive me for being young and ignorant!”

After laughing for a while, he continued to return to class A for training, even more urgent than before.

This is the case for a benign competitive relationship, the other party will become your motivation and respected opponent, not the object of jealousy.

After dinner, one hundred trainees came to the recording hall to formally start the theme song assessment.

After the assessment, the stage will be determined according to the rating. Class A is of course on the center stage, and the most shots are taken during recording. Class B and Class C are on both sides, and the shots decrease in order, and Class D is at the end. There is no individual shot, only the overall shot.

Class F participated in the performance, but there was no shot at all.

After this recording, the first episode will be broadcast and the voting channel will be opened. At that time, the 30 trainees in the lower ranking will be eliminated directly.

The game is full of blood and dreams, as well as cruelty and competition.

After the mentors arrived, Zhao Jinjin announced the assessment rules. According to the classification of each class, a group of four, performing at the same time, the teacher will re-grade.

After all the ratings are over, the trainees who get the A grade will fight and fight for the C position.

Each class sent a representative to pick the performance order on stage. When it was F class, everyone shouted: “Brother Feng! You go!”

The shouts were too enthusiastic, and the other classes and tutors were a little surprised. When did this trainee with such a temperament become so popular?

Cen Feng walked onto the stage indifferently, drawing the number from the box, ranking fourth. Class B performs first, class D second, class A third, class F fourth, and class C last.

After the draw, the trainees in groups of four walked onto the stage and the assessment officially began.

Practicing in the classroom is not the same as performing on the stage. After all, the instructor looked at it, the pressure was too great, and it was easy to make mistakes if you were too nervous. Class B is the first one, and many trainees have not played well.

After the performance of the whole class, only two people rose to A, most of them dropped to C, and even some to D.

Round by round, the tutor’s strictness has not been reduced. When the assessment of Class A is over, only eight of the original thirteen will maintain the A rank, four will fall to B, and one will fall to C.

Soon to class F.

Everyone looked at each other silently, and saw the light of encouragement in each other’s eyes.

When the members of the first group stepped onto the stage, the students who had formed profound friendship in these three days shouted: “Come on in class F!”

The instructors looked back in surprise. Ning Sile said: “I didn’t expect that the most atmospheric scene was actually our class F classmates, so come on, look forward to your different performances.”

Class F did give them different performances.

After the group A, the comparison will be very strong, but the class F has not fallen too far, and the overall performance is very high.

After the performance of the first group, all were promoted to C.

When the instructor gave this score, all four were stunned, and Yao Sheng smiled: “It seems that you are surprised by this result? Is there anything you want to say?”

The four stared at each other and suddenly bent down and bowed to the audience, unanimously: “Thank you Feng!”

Chu Xinyang raised an eyebrow: “Let me ask, who are you grateful for?”

The boy in the middle took the microphone and choked: “Thank Cen Feng of Class F. Without him, we may have given up. Class F will never refuse to lose!”

The audience applauded and cheered.

Ning Sile leaned over her head and asked Shi Lin: “Is Cen Feng the junior trainee who has practiced for seven years but is of average strength?”

Shi Lin was deeply impressed by him: “Yes.”

Ning Sile shook her head and smiled: “That’s weird. I’m curious now.”

After the four people stepped down, the students in class F stepped on the stage one after another, half of them advanced to D or C, and two B, but there are also people with poor talents or mentality who continue to stay in F.

But no matter what the result was, after the performance, they bowed to the audience: “Thank you Feng!”

Each time, the director team will give Cen Feng a shot, trying to see something on his face.

but no.

From beginning to end, he was as indifferent as ever.

The last group, 302 quarters.

Shi Ran was full of fighting spirit, gave palm to Zhou Mingyu, touched the head of He Sinian, and finally wanted to hug Cen Feng, who was pushed away by Cen Feng without disguise.

The audience burst into laughter.

On the stage, the headset received instructions from the director. The mentor did not rush to let them start, but asked Cen Feng with interest: “Why do they all thank you?”

The following started to coax, Cen Feng said: “Maybe because they are more emotional.”

Zhao Jinjin curiously said: “They said it was the theme song you taught them to dance? I remember you said you didn’t dance well?”

Cen Feng: “Yes, I didn’t jump well, just teach.”

Class F applauded and screamed, all shouting: “Brother Feng, come on, take C!”

Ning Sile turned around and glanced back, raising her eyebrows: “Dare you say C? We seem to have misunderstood your strength before. I can’t wait to get started.”

Four people lined up and the music sounded.

Everyone invariably gathered their eyes on Cen Feng.

Just like the first assessment, it was full of curiosity and expectation. As a result, Cen Feng deserved to be Cen Feng, and really did not disappoint them.

Like the first time, he finished the performance indifferently.

There is no problem with his dancing movements, but one shot at a time is a very casual feeling. If the movement strength is not enough, it seems very erratic. He also sang the song, but the tutor could hardly hear his voice and was obviously paddling.

At the end of the performance, no one in Class F spoke, and he stared at him incredulously.

This is clearly not the case.

When he taught them in private, he was obviously more professional than a choreographer.

The camera gave Class F a shocked face.

Shi Ran and Zhou Mingyu were standing on both sides of him. When they were performing, they saw him perfunctory. Why didn’t you jump so hard! “

The four mentors looked at each other, puzzled and puzzled.

Judging from the reaction on the spot, Cen Feng’s strength must have been recognized by the entire F class trainees. But his obvious performance was obvious to all.

Everyone is not only thinking, is he deliberately hiding his strength?

But why? This has been recorded for the second time. According to the broadcast time of the program, this is the third period. The voting channel has already been opened. He will definitely be eliminated in this way.

Ning Sile slowly picked up the microphone and looked at him and asked, “Cen Feng, I asked you a question, and you answered me truthfully.”

The teenager on the stage nodded indifferently.

Ning Sile asked: “Don’t you like this stage?”

Only if you don’t like it, you will perfunctory it.

Everyone held his breath and waited for his answer.

The white light fell on the teenager as if to isolate him from the world. Spotlight, sound, audience, for a moment, he seemed to be pulled back to the past.

Then darkness struck.

He closed his eyes and smiled lightly when he opened it again. He said: “I used to like it, but now, let it be left to those who still like it.”

I used to like it.

I don’t like it now.

No one spoke, and the scene was terribly quiet. This was the first time someone stood on the stage and said to the camera, I don’t like the stage.

For a long time, Shi Lin picked up the microphone and asked, “Then why are you here?”

Cen Fengbolan was not surprised: “The company let me come.”

As a trainee, there are so many choices to make, and even debut artists have to obey the company’s arrangements. Everyone knows it well. The mentors did not know what to say for a while.

Finally, the rating was silent, Shi Ran B, Zhou Mingyu D, He Sinian C, Cen Feng F.

Class F’s originally heated atmosphere was extremely low at the moment, and they all watched Cen Feng come down uncomfortably. Ho Sinian cried as soon as he sat down. Shi Ran buried his head and sobbed. Only Zhou Mingyu asked, “Brother Feng, will you be eliminated soon?”

Cen Feng nodded: “It should be.”

Zhou Mingyu said: “Then the robot will be left to me before you go.”

Shi Ranfen kicked him on the buttocks: “When is it, you still think about that robot! I think you have 80% to go before Brother Feng!”

Class F was low overall, the assessment performances were all over, and dozens of people who got A grade were fighting. Finally, Ying Xuze successfully got C position.

Next is the rehearsal and official recording of the theme song.

While the trainees were rehearsing and recording the theme song, the first issue of “Youth Idol” was officially broadcast.

Both Leyu and Chenxing have been warming up for a long time. When Chenxing’s official blog was recorded for the first time, photos and personal data of 100 trainees were published on Weibo.

Although it is not yet possible to formally vote, but by their respective values, they have already received attention.

Unsurprisingly, Cen Feng’s voice was the highest. Even Fan Qi and Fu Xingyan, who had a fan base, were not as hot as him. The full-body certificate in uniform conquered every face dog.

The station sister who went to the class squatted to Cen Feng, and before the program was broadcast, his Reuters picture was already available.

-I announce! C is none other than him!

——I was eaten up by this face value, why did the gods dig on the show crew not show them to us!

——I said one thing, I think this little brother is a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

——Is it a guest on the F-fly tour? I also feel a little familiar.

–no? If you have invited such a handsome guest on the tour, it will not be silent and anonymous, but looking at Weibo certification, he is indeed a trainee of Zhongtian.

——Sister Meng all gave way! ! ! let me do it! ! ! I know! ! ! A few years ago this little brother posted a single solo in the practice room on Weibo! ! ! Do you remember the fairy dance? !

——! ! ! It seems a bit impressed! I remember still scolding Gou Tian at that time, why not choose this little brother to debut in the F-Fly group!

——I went back to Weibo for a while and came back with nothing. I suspected that I was pigeon.

——The little brother later deleted the blog. I did n’t save the video. Which little sister has it?

-No +1

——The solo fan appeared. Zhongtian finally released the wind and wind! I miss it! ! ! After so many years of no news, no Weibo and no business, I really thought he was out of the circle. I didn’t expect to see him less often! ! I love young couple! ! The wind is blowing! ! ! I’m bankrupt and call you!

——It ’s really a glance. The solo video was the most powerful solo stage I have seen in so many years.

——Ah, I want to watch the fairy dance!

——Isn’t you really a sailor … I searched for half an hour, and the internet did n’t find the video you said.

——I’m going to start anti-hacking before my brother debuts?

——No hurry, wait for the young couple to broadcast, you will understand.

Finally, this Saturday night, thousands of fans waited for the premiere of “Youth Idol”.

The editing of Chen Xing Variety has always been very attractive. From the time trainees got off the bus to gather, the young, ignorant, enthusiastic and handsome teenagers let the audience shine.

The following content shows the personal characteristics of the trainees in all aspects. The first half of the content is mainly about self-introduction and mutual understanding. It is full of laughs. The later stage is the trainees ’stage performance and mentor rating. Each part is checked. The audience wants to continue to look down.

When Cen Feng appeared, the audience in front of the screen took the same breath as the trainees at the time.

This is the first time Volkswagen saw him in front of the camera.

It was also at this time that it turned out that such a handsome person has such a cool personality. The director cut all the live trainees’ conversations into it. Everyone heard, Chucao turned out to be one of the trainees that Zhongtian sent to country H for training? !

This is the one who took the leading role in the idol drama! Looking forward to the rising value.

But expectation and disappointment are only a moment.

After Cen Feng’s appearance, the bland performances froze all the people who had previously supported him. After being shocked, they expressed that they were too disappointed, and they were sorry for his face.

Before the program hadn’t aired before, he had the highest degree of discussion, and there were already ridiculous remarks. Now this broadcast is like stabbing Ma Honeycomb.

Fans who have watched solo videos before can’t believe this is the same person.

The people who had been solo fans before jumped out and taunted: “Aren’t we waiting to watch?” Just this strength?

But there is still his face powder fighting for reason, what’s wrong with his strength? Eat your rice? Looks handsome and pokes you G? The show has just started. He hasn’t made his debut yet. There is a lot of room for improvement. Is it a bit early to black him now?

The topic about Cen Feng remains high, his face value is really amazing, in this era of looking at the face, just overnight, Cen Feng Weibo fans skyrocketed by 200,000, support clubs, stations, and support groups have been established, super The conversation opens.

The world is always very forgiving of beautiful things, and fans believe that he will grow up! Now the strength is generally okay, as he progresses and grows, he can still experience the thrill of developing it!

No loss of equity!

So Hupenghaoyou voted for him.

Of course, in addition to him, there are many trainees who have also received super high attention. For example, Zhou Mingyu, who almost did not laugh the audience, said that he wanted to pick this live treasure to let him stay for a while and bring more joy to everyone.

Chen Xing is worthy of being Chen Xing. The young couple’s first broadcast broke a new record. The number of viewers continued to climb. After the broadcast, the degree of discussion continued to soar, and often lived on Weibo.

Xu Zhexing went on a business trip a few days ago and followed Xu Yan to talk to Zhao Jinjin about a major movie. Her experience and knowledge in this area are still lacking, and Xu Yan intends to cultivate it.

When she returned, the first issue had been aired for several days.

She didn’t have to look at it to know how many remarks cursed Aidou. After she rolled up her sleeves, she was ready to go against Bosnia and Herzegovina and find Chen Xing’s public relations to suppress the negative comments.

Aidou said, the result is not important, just have fun, no matter when he is eliminated, leave the show, she must ensure that these malicious world can not approach him.

The search was shocked.

No, there are almost no bad reviews.

The banner of “Cenfeng Anti-Black Group” has been inserted all over the network, and all of Chaozha Square are:

——We wait for the cub to grow up!

——Beautiful baby always takes a long time to bloom!

——It can be red by face, we don’t need to rely on strength.

——How wonderful the ordinary performance is. In this way, every progress in the future will be a surprise to us!

——It doesn’t matter if the strength is poor, we have a lot of room for improvement! I believe that baby will one day reach the top!

——However, you still need to practice hard, learn more from the friends around you, do n’t be lazy, your mother will supervise you!


Xu Dixing 😕

You guys did it without waiting for me?

She first followed Ceng Fengchao with her long trumpet, and then posted the first post in Chaohua: The result is not important, baby happiness is the most important!

Then open the entertainment entertainment app, ready to take a look at Cen Feng’s current ranking in the bottom of the list, counting the time when he eliminated, then I still have to prepare a little condolence gift for Aidou.

What should I give? Masks? sneakers? Bracelet?

Thinking about it, open the voting channel and take a look.

Xu Dixing 😕

What does fifth mean?

Who did it?

On the other side, by the pool party …

Yunshu was lying on the chair, with a cigarette in his fingertips, and said to the little sisters next to him, “How old is it?”


Yun Shu sighed: “It’s not okay, why is it not even first?” She dialed the phone, “Dad, please transfer me another 500,000.”

Another little sister said, “Smash another 500,000? Will it be too much?”

Yun Shu gave her a white glance: “Why didn’t you go too much when you ran to the locomotive shop ?! Please vote for me !!!”

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