My Crown in Entertainment Circle (The Entertainment Circle is Mine)

Chapter 66 - | 【66】 One more

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the entertainment circle is my latest chapter of [Rebirth]!

Not only the fan circles of Cen Feng, but almost all the fan circles of young couples are discussing this matter.

Judging from these positive films and dormitory life, Cen Feng definitely meets the standard of idol in terms of face value, temperament, figure and character, and is still the top type. Now his only criticism is strength.

This is the only place where fans and fans can hack him.

But when this short board was made up, its strength far exceeded Class A, and the only place where people criticized it also disappeared.

When the theme song teacher taught, he didn’t study it at all. In the picture given in the second issue, he stroked the last row, as if he didn’t even bother to open his mouth.

So it ’s because he knows everything? ? ?

He just watched it a few times, then picked up all the dance movements, even refined them, and taught them to other players?

Even Fu Xingyan and Ying Xuze, now ranked first and second, can’t do it!

This is basically a gangster who beats all trainees.

But what did he do? ? ?

In the first period, he sang a bland song, saying that he didn’t dance well. In the second period, he paddled the camera to hide his “facts” of poor strength.

He got F in the examination of the theme song, and finally the whole song was recorded without a shot.

What is this person thinking? ? ? Why should I do this? Even if you want to hide the contrast between the strength and the strength, you do n’t have to be so real?

The man quickly answered the audience, why did he do it.

After broadcasting the daily training of Class F, the camera switched back to the assessment site and four people in the 302 dormitory began to perform.

The other three people were performing seriously, and even Tie Han Han Zhou Mingyu’s performance was remarkable, but Cen Feng was as usual to draw water.

Not only the fans, but the audience is a little bit angry.

You obviously have strength, why are you doing this!

Until Ning Sile asked the sentence: “Don’t you like this stage?”

Everyone held their breaths and looked at the drooping teenager on the screen.

For a long time, he smiled very lightly, he said: “I used to like it.”

This is the second time fans have seen him laugh.

How to describe this smile. Like mountains collapsed, the earth cracked, all the vigorous life in the world was buried under the abyss, and then the light faded, and everything went to darkness and lifeless.

He also loved and worked hard for this stage.

But now he doesn’t like it anymore.

He gave up.

—— “Then why are you here?”

—— “The company let me come.”

He said these words lightly and calmly, but his expression was still light, but all the fans who really liked him were red at the moment.

At this moment, they understood all his actions.

They finally understood why his coldness and indifference arose.

They don’t know what he has experienced before they give up his love, it must not be a pleasant past. They understood that he was involuntarily, and even in such circumstances, he still released the greatest kindness to others.

# 心痛 岑 风 # Soon boarded the hot search first.

Everyone was guessing what he had experienced before he gave up his dream and put his enthusiasm into his lifeless look.

As fans deepened, the biggest possibility all pointed to Zhongtian.

A trainee who has not yet debuted has spent almost every day in Zhongtian these years. And Zhongtian once broke out a lot, such as the trainee executive of the sexual assault boy.

What happened in those days was not airtight, and soon anonymity broke out, saying that Zhongtian ’s executives had chosen a trainee in an attempt to use the debut position to threaten the trainee ’s compliance, but later the executive was caught After that, the trainee escaped.

According to the sources, executives love the kind of cold and hard boys.

The news is unknown, but the news that the executive was arrested for sexually assaulting the boy can still be found.

The kites were already wondering if Aidou suffered any bad experience in the company. Now when they see the news, they are almost crazy.

Cold and cool, aren’t we talking about our brother? ? ?

If the news is true, what has he experienced! ! ! That filthy, disgusting, nauseating thing.

Then F-Fly made his debut, inferring from Cen Feng’s practice time that he should have been there. But he didn’t. The seven-year practice period is quite long compared to this circle.

Later, 30 trainees of Zhongtian returned to China, knowing that everyone thinks that Zhongtian will not send these 30 to the young couple. The strength is strong, whether it is a group or solo, it is very likely to be popular. Is it not good to keep yourself? Why give it to the other company to make money.

But Cen Feng came, thirty people, only he came.

Zhongtian gave up on him.

The most indispensable part of the pink circle is the Sherlock Holmes girl. These speculations are true and false, and some are actually because of Xu Jiexing’s intervention. But the general direction is right, because they have happened, and it is indeed because of these, which led to Cen Feng’s depression.

From the start, the whole superspeak was shocked and ecstatic about the true strength of Aidou.

Many fans are saying they must condemn the company.

At this time, many big fans with mature thoughts and thoughts came forward to correct everyone:

——It is useless to condemn the company. Things have happened. The previous executives have also been imprisoned. Others are speculations, and there is no benefit to the company. What we should do now is to make him love this stage again, to make him believe that there are many people who love him to support him, and give him a sense of security. So, vote hard. The company can’t give it, let’s give it! # 请 岑 风 C 位 出道 #

——I’m the former psychologist who said he has a world weariness, and I ’m here again. I can now confirm that his mental state is indeed a problem, and it is very likely that he has already suffered from depression. Here, in addition to suggesting that he should seek medical treatment and take medicine on time, I also want to say to everyone, love him more, let him feel Being loved and letting him know that he is needed by this world is very helpful to his illness.

——Some people are troublesome to make a face, do n’t take the powder and step back, do n’t climb back, it ’s better not to be worthy, you are not welcome here. # 请 岑 风 C 位 出道 #

-Should n’t chasing the stars be a pleasant thing? Why am I so uncomfortable, why is my heart so painful? The first performance is coming soon, and all who can go to the scene will be given to me! ! ! I want his name to shine throughout the audience! I want him to see the love we give him without reservation! ! ! # 请 岑 风 C 位 出道 #

——The question now is, we have n’t got the color support yet, what should we do with the lights? # 请 岑 风 C 位 出道 #

—— @ 你 若 化成 风, Ruoruo, are you still recording the camp? Can I ask my brother what color he likes? # 请 岑 风 C 位 出道 #

[If you turn into a wind] reply quickly: orange, give him the warmest color.

Orange has always been his support color. The last life was because he was warm enough. This life is because he needs warmth.

After the third episode of the young couple finished broadcasting, the number of votes for Cen Feng, which had originally dropped to the tenth place, skyrocketed again, and the topic of # 请 岑 风 C 位 出 debut # was firmly in the top three on the topic list.

And the first performance finally came.

The last rehearsal of Group B of “Scream” let the instructors look at each other. After the short board Zhou Mingyu made up, the overall performance has no more mistakes. Although it is slightly inferior to Group A in the typhoon, it can do it now This level is already the result of Cen Feng guiding the rehearsal day and night.

Do your best to obey the destiny.

On the day of the performance, the audience began to enter after lunch, and the trainees had already started modeling in the background early in the morning.

According to the dance style of each group, the costume modeling group has already equipped the stage costumes of each group. Cen Feng ’s costume is personally matched by Xu Zixing. The black silk shirt and silver broken diamonds with vertical stripes are expensive. Again.

The overall clothing style of Group B is more expensive and unruly. Cen Feng’s private clothing is very common. Before wearing a trainee uniform, it has made people feel handsome and can’t move their eyes. Now the upper body of the stage suit, the waistline abdominal muscles are looming, and the back lines are well-proportioned The legs are long and the waist is narrow, and the whole person shines like bling-bling.

As soon as he came out, the room was full:-Wow

Shi Ranchong went over and wanted to hug him: “Brother Feng, let me rub your handsome!”

Cen Feng escaped by a flexible sideways.

I can’t escape Shi Yan, but I can’t escape Ying Xuze. Ying Xuze beside him opened his hands and picked up a leak, shouting: “Ah! I’m holding it!”

Cen Feng: “…………”

Everyone in the room laughed upside down, and the staff came in and clapped their hands: “Everyone is seated. The stylist will come over and put on makeup for you. If you have any requirements, you can tell the stylist in advance.”

Everyone sat well, Cen Feng was just facing the door, and soon three stylists came in. The two in front, one male and one female, look like they are 30 or 40 years old, and they look mature and capable.

In the end came a beautiful girl who looked only about twenty years old.

She dragged her makeup case, her eyes sparkling, and when she entered the room, she didn’t know who she saw, and her eyes began to glow with nympho.

Trainees: …

Could n’t this be a fan? ? ?

Lying trough, who dares to let her look, looks unreliable!

Xu Zhexing didn’t know that she had been crossed by trainees. At first glance, she was really stunned by Cen Feng to lack of oxygen. Although she knew that he would look good in this suit, wouldn’t it be too much to see it? ? ?

Maternal love gradually deteriorated.

However, she still knew that she had to converge on the workplace, and after only a few glances she forced herself to take her gaze back, swallowed it secretly, and walked in without looking squinted.

Cen Feng looked at her in a pretentious manner and smiled gently.

The styling is based on small components, and the three stylists are each responsible for a group. Xu Zhexing opened the back door for himself and was in charge of the “Scream” group. However, because Group A played first, it was first done for the members of Group A.

As a result, she just stood behind the trainee in Group A, and the trainee said weakly: “I … I can wait for that teacher for a while …”

He refers to that middle-aged man.

Xu Zhexing was stunned for a while. He didn’t realize that he was abandoned, and politely said: “Ms. Guo is not responsible for your group. You are responsible for my group.”

The trainee wrinkled his facial features and did not speak.

Xu Zhexing looked up, and several trainees beside him also had a distressed expression of rejection, and finally reacted, they were doubting their ability.

Dang Tangchanjuan’s designer, was actually rejected by a few trainees who haven’t grown their hair? ? ? Did n’t you just be a **** just a few seconds ago? ? ? As for it? ? ?

Xu Zhexing was angry and funny.

Just about to speak, Zhou Mingyu was angry next to him, shouting: “Pick the star! Come here! Let me do it first!”

Cen Feng, who had just got up, sat back silently.

His voice attracted everyone’s attention in the room. Xu Caixing had a headache and pointed at him: “You sit down first.”

Zhou Mingyu snorted and glared at the trainee who just refused to pick Xu Xingxing: “Who look down on you! Letting Xing Xing make you a styling is a blessing from your three lives, do you know she is …”

Xu Zhexing died of a headache and didn’t want to reveal Chanjuan’s designer identity. He rushed over two or three steps to cover his mouth and pressed him into a chair to sit down.

She yelled at him: “Shut up!”

Zhou Mingyu’s eyes were not eyebrows or eyebrows, and he pouted: “I don’t know what’s wrong!”

Xu Jiexing can actually understand them.

After all, this is my first performance. Of course, I hope that the shape can be perfect. Maybe I was just too foolish. She looked at the trainees in Group A and said with a smile: “Then I will do it for Group B first, do you think you can do it for you later, okay?”

The few nodded embarrassedly.

Xu Zixing smiled again and dragged the cosmetic case to Zhou Mingyu to begin preparations.

Zhou Mingyu looked at her through the mirror and chatted with her loudly: “Where have you been recently? I haven’t seen you once, didn’t you say that you can meet often?”

Xu Jiexing lowered his head and rolled his eyes: “Who told you well.”

He pouted and said excitedly: “Eh, did you watch the show? How about, am I super photogenic, super handsome? How many fans do I have?”

Xu Zhexing didn’t want to ignore him, and he went into the arrangement.

Shi Ran sat on his left and listened for a long time, curiously: “Do you know?”

Zhou Mingyu happily said: “Yes, our high school classmates.”

He has a poor mouth, and he sees Xu Xingxing more often. Xu Xingxing annoys him. He occasionally speaks to him with a very harmonious atmosphere.

I do n’t know if it ’s too much. Zhou Mingyu reached out to Cen Feng who was sitting on his right while Xu picked stars to shape his head.

After stretching for a long time, no one ignored him.

He couldn’t help turning his head: “Brother Feng, water.”

Cen Feng copied his hand and leaned on the chair, with a frosty face, and said coldly, “I didn’t have long hands?”

Zhou Mingyu: “?”

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