My Crown in Entertainment Circle (The Entertainment Circle is Mine)

Chapter 73 - | 【73】 Second

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the entertainment circle is my latest chapter of [Rebirth]!

The performance of the concert has been warmed up very hotly, and every family should support each other. The sea of ​​lights is like a colorful starlight, with a warm and beautiful light.

Zhao Jinjin continued to be the host, and the four mentors took turns to partner, the opening partner was Ning Sile. The two were the most popular, and it was easy to drive the atmosphere when they were in the opening.

Sure enough, as soon as the two came on stage, the audience began to scream, and Ning Sile and Zhao Jinjin also had a lot of lights. In order not to arouse mentor fans, trainee fans will be very quiet and not screaming when the mentor is on the court, and the lights are not swaying, which gives the mentor fans room for assistance.

The pink circle got along very harmoniously. After the two of them walked through the process with their hand cards, the solo stage officially began.

More than half of the ten solo stages this time are singing and dancing, although the style bursts, it is easy to drive the mood of the audience. But because there are too many similar types, it is not easy to stand out.

Cen Feng made his seventh appearance.

Prior to this, the five singing and dancing stations had lit the entire venue, and when he arrived, he had reached a critical point. It is very difficult to be more dry, even if the performance is equal to the previous five people, it will cause the audience to have aesthetic fatigue and reduce the appreciation.

The kites all squeezed sweat for Aidou.

Now it is not a matter of whether or not he can draw water, but even if he does not draw water, it may not necessarily meet everyone’s expectations.

Zhao Jinjin already held the cue process on the stage with his hand card: “The player who will be on the stage next, he will perform a piece of his own work.”

Several mentors took turns to host her, and this time it was the turn of the time, and then said: “Yes, this is his own work of composing and choreography. When I listened to his song for the first time, I liked it so I immediately contacted the arranger and made the song overnight. This player is a player who constantly finds surprises. I heard that you all call him a fairy treasure. “

At the beginning, the kite heard that he was composing and choreographing, and he was still a little unsure about his own idol, and the screaming stopped.

In case it is not, how embarrassing it is to call it wrong.

They didn’t hear that Aidou also has this skill.

As a result, there was a cue ‘Fairy Treasure’, and the kites were instantly energized and started screaming Cen Feng ’s name wildly.

Zhao Jinjin said with a smile: “It seems that you can’t wait any longer, then next, Cen Feng is invited to bring his solo performance,” Thefight. “

When the stage lights dimmed, and then turned on again, a beam of white light fell on a white gauze that surrounded it. Cen Feng was standing in the tent, the figure was looming, and the music accompanied the screaming sounds all over the audience.

At the beginning is a ethereal chant, then the rhythm advances, followed by a Trap. When the treble climbs to the apex, a series of subwoofer drums become more and more anxious. After the cymbals, the lights explode with the music, and the dancers stand silently on both sides of the stage. Suddenly opened the yarn account.

The white gauze flew, revealing the teenager’s original appearance.

All the concerns of fans are superfluous.

As long as he wants, he can become the king on stage.

Whether it is audiences, fans, instructors, trainees, this is their first time, really real, complete, and see Cen Feng’s stage performance.

No one realized that there was a dancer on stage, and everyone could only see him alone.

Everyone’s mind came up with an idea: Is this really a trainee? Isn’t this a stage strength that can only be achieved by singing and dancing?

Whether it’s his singing skills, dance, typhoon, or his ability to control the stage, he has done the perfect perfection. Ning Sile stood under the stage frowning and staring, her heart was already turned upside down.

He couldn’t do this.

After five years of practice and five years of debut, as one of the top domestic players, he has to admit that no matter what aspect he is in, he ca n’t compare with Cen Feng.

More than shock, it is already horror.

What’s more terrible is that this is a song written by Cen Feng himself and a dance he composed. He seems to be a black hole. You do n’t know how deep and big it is, and what else will shock you in the future.

The trainees in the relay room have been dumbfounded.

At first there were cheers, applause and whistling, and everyone in the back was shocked and quietly looking at the screen. Dozens of people in the whole room seemed to have been tapped and still.

Until the sound of the music disappeared, Cen Feng held the microphone with both hands, slightly lowered his eyes, and finished with singing.

After a few minutes of singing and dancing, the tone of his singing was still so stable, and he could not hear any breathing. The light gradually dimmed with the ethereal singing, and finally disappeared into nothing.

I do n’t know who murmured, “I am really playing against mortals?”

Is this a fairy?

What am I doing wrong to play with the fairy?

A few seconds after the show ended, the audience seemed to pull out, and the kites who reacted began to scream and shout wildly, and each other saw ecstatic shock on each other’s faces.

We made it! ! ! We really have a fairy! ! ! Rounding up equals our ascension! ! !

Dish your mother chicken! Pad your mother water! Step into your mother!

He does not need to improve! ! !

He is already at the peak! ! ! He should despise all beings and be worshipped! ! !

The screams lasted for a long time, and the teenager on the stage had returned to the indifferent appearance of the past. Zhao Jinjin and Shi Lin stepped onto the stage, which was also full of admiration and shock.

Zhao Jinjin now finally understands why Missy tried to pry his corner.

She clapped the microphone and applauded, not concealing appreciation: “I think the audience on the scene should be like me, and the mood is very exciting and incredible, because this performance is really …” Coming to the time.

Shi Lin answered: “Unparalleled. It’s the best performance I’ve seen since I came to the show.”

Zhao Jinjin’s headset received a prompt from the director. She looked at Cen Feng and asked, “I want to know, have you fallen in love with this stage now?”

Cen Feng silently said in a low voice: “I am working hard.”

Shi Lin also received a prompt from the director and had to continue to ask: “What made you willing to love this stage again?”

Then the director’s voice came from Cen Feng’s ear Mairi: “Cen Feng, answer around the show” Youth Idol “.”

These are processes other than the Taiwanese version, but in general, you can answer according to the director’s prompts without error.

The audience was waiting for his answer.

Cen Feng looked up at the audience.

Xu Jiexing squatted beside the speaker, holding a shining orange light, with a gentle and serious look. Behind her, orange stretches, warm and dazzling.

Director Mai Maili was a little anxious: “Cen Feng?”

He raised the microphone, “Because someone said he wanted to see my stage.”

Zhao Jinjin asked subconsciously: “Who?”

The kite under the stage shouted heartbroken: “We !!!”

Cen Feng smiled, almost screaming overturned the roof.

With this king-level stage, Zhu Yu is in front, and the next performance is a little bit moody. The voting result of the solo stage performance is obvious.

Cen Feng won the first place with fault-like votes, the second place was Ying Xuze, and the third place was Jing Xiangbai, who ranked fifth in the top nine. The first three trainees will participate in the recording of “Come and Visit My Home”, and the candidates will be decided.

The solo stage performance is over, followed by the group performance. Each of the six groups had their own characteristics, and then the craze was over, and the whole night was filled with excited screams.

After all the performances ended, the on-site voting also had results, the audience left the scene one after another, and 70 trainees gathered in the recording hall and began to wait for the second sentence of fate.

This time, the next 20 trainees will be eliminated. Only 70 trainees will be left.

It’s the cruelest time again, but compared to the last time, everyone’s mood is relatively stable. That’s how the competition is. Survival of the fittest makes it harder to move forward. There are always differences.

Zhao Jinjin still announced from the 50th place as usual.

Zhou Mingyu’s ranking, like his strength, has been improving. This time, he has already overcome the fifteenth mark and ranked 14th.

After all, he looks handsome, and his face value is not worse than the nine people in the upper circle. He has a good character and stalk, and he has been working hard. Potential.

And with the light of fengyu cp, cp fans held the mentality that he must be cast into the upper circle to not let the seal cp rampant, and he voted hard for him, and the number of votes skyrocketed.

He Sinian lost one place this time, from ninth to tenth, and fell out of the upper circle.

Shi Ran’s hot search on the last multiple of four rap, let many people see his super rap strength, except in front of Cen Feng, is actually a cool cover, this time finally entered the upper circle, ranked ninth.

Bian Qi still sits firmly in the fourth, but Fu Xingyan falls from the second to the third. The Crystal Throne will be decided between Ying Xuze and Cen Feng.

The instructor also sold a pass and asked the two to stand up and talk about their feelings.

Cen Feng still said that: “Thank you, it’s hard to vote.”

Ying Xuze is very heroic: “I had expected this day, I voluntarily abdicated!”

The scene laughed, and Zhao Jinjin also scolded him: “You are not eligible to abdicate. This is the voice of the masses. Congratulations to Cen Feng for winning the first issue of this issue.”

The scene was warmly cheered and applauded.

After the battle tonight, no one dared to question his strength again, and everyone willingly convinced.

At the end of the recording, there was another difference. Everyone did not go to the cafeteria this time, after all, it was not good to let the staff clean. Sit at the recording site, hugged each other goodbye, and asked Jinzhen to return to the dormitory.

The next morning, the last 20 trainees left the recording camp. The once one hundred people are now only half, and the game will only become more and more cruel. Everyone dare not slack off and put more effort into training.

Only three people did not need to train for the time being and were called to the meeting room by the staff to prepare for their reward.

The guest leader of the “Guest” program group is the deputy group leader of Xu Xingxingyu’s study room. He He, who is a little bald in his thirties, usually calls him “Teacher” directly.

When Cen Feng, Ying Xuze and Jing Xiangbai passed, He He was already drinking coffee inside, waiting for the three people to enter, greeted them very gently, and then handed them three copies of the desktop.

While looking at the three people, He He asked, “Have you ever seen” Guest “?”

Ying Xuze nodded excitedly: “I have seen it, I have watched it several times in the first three seasons.”

Chen Xing’s trainee branch is where Chen Xing’s self-made programs are placed, and Ying Xuze has been a trainee for several years at Chen Xing.

Jing Xiangbai grew up in the United States when he was a child. Before coming to join the young couple, he lived in the United States most of the time. He didn’t know much about domestic variety, but fortunately, “Guest” is famous. Season one.”

He He smiled and said, “It doesn’t bother you.”

Looked at Cen Feng again.

After a while, Cen Fengming found a reason: “I haven’t seen it in the past two years.”

He He expressed his understanding and continued: “It ’s okay if I have n’t watched it. We ’re going to pay attention to one word in this program. It ’s arbitrary. It ’s not too restrictive, just like being a guest. There are not many rules. There is only a rough process on the desk. , Play at random when recording, the more natural the better. “

Several people nodded.

Because they are all newcomers, He He patiently explained to them some things to pay attention to for the first time, and he signed them after confirming the contract.

Finally, I told you: “I heard that you recorded the festival catalog last night until late at night. I have a good day off today and cultivate my spirit. I will send a car to pick you up tomorrow morning. This time the host is in City B, which is very convenient.

When coming out of the meeting room, Ying Xuze asked excitedly, “Who do you think we are going to visit tomorrow?”

He did not expect Cen Feng to respond, his eyes glaring at Jing Xiangbai.

Jing Xiangbai felt that this kind of guessing was completely meaningless: “If you go, you will know.”

Ying Xuze disagreed: “Have you ever seen” Guest “? Every time a guest visits, they must prepare a gift. Don’t guess who the owner is, how do we prepare the gift?”

Jing Xiangbai: “Is it not popular to send red envelopes in China?”

Ying Xuze: “It’s not a New Year!”

The two discussed along the way back to the dormitory. Ying Xuze grabbed Cen Feng who went to 302: “Brother Feng, go to our bedroom to play, let’s discuss what to send tomorrow.”

Cen Feng: “Don’t go, make up, send red envelopes.”

Jing Xiangbai froze.

He didn’t have much contact with Cen Feng. He had an upright personality. He didn’t like him because of Cen Feng’s strokes at the beginning. Now I was surprised by Cen Feng’s strength, but because of the previous mustard, I was not embarrassed to talk to Cen Feng again. Suddenly recognized by the boss, there is a feeling of being close to him suddenly.

Turning his head towards Yingze, Xu Ze raised his lips: “If you hear it, you should send a red envelope.”

Ying Xuze: “…………”

Early the next morning, three people were taken to the dressing room by the show crew for styling. After all, it is to be photographed, and you can’t always wear your training suit like a normal training.

It was not yet dawn. When the three of them went in, Xu Caixing yawned and sat on the sofa.

Ying Xuze didn’t wake up either. When she saw her, she almost shouted: “Big … Teacher Xu.”

Chen Xing ’s trainees received a notice before she arrived. Miss will join the program group as a stylist. In order not to cause unnecessary discussion, everyone will keep her identity consistent and confidential, and will not spread it randomly.

He quickly shut his mouth and sat down in front of the makeup mirror obediently.

Xu Zixing finally realized that Cen Feng was awake and secretly smiled at him. “It’s not to make you handsome to appear in front of the national audience. Who comes first?”

Ying Xuze raised his hand: “Mr. Xu, I will come first.”

The daily private clothes that all three people wear, the makeup hair given to them by Xu Jiexing is very simple and daily. Girls can wear plain makeup, and boys can of course do it. All three have high face values ​​and can keep their cool and cool handsome.

Cultivating Ying Xuze’s eyebrows, Cen Feng came over and asked her, “Have you eaten breakfast?”

Xu Jiexing shook his head: “No, I’ll go back to sleep and sleep after you’ve finished.”

Just finished, a bottle of milk was handed over. It was the breakfast that Cen Feng just carried in his hand. He only ate a piece of toast. The milk had not moved. It was still warm from the incubator in the convenience store.

He said, “Drink this.”

Xu Jie’s star cheeks swelled, there were others, and his brother did not dare to shout, whispered, “I don’t need it, you drink it.”

Cen Feng unscrewed the cover, his face lightly passed to her mouth: “Be obedient.”

The mouth of the bottle was slightly cool, and milky fragrance flew in.

Xu Jiexing felt that she didn’t smell milk, but love … ah no! Mother and son are affectionate!

She squeezed her lower lip, took the milk bottle, and pressed down her heart, beating her milk.

There was also a hiccup.

Cen Feng couldn’t help laughing, pointed to the corner of his mouth, Xu Jiexing understood it, raised his hand and wiped his mouth with his back. He took the empty bottle and walked back to the sofa to sit down.

Xu Zhexing sucked her lips and continued to make Ying Xuze makeup.

Witnessing everything, “Yes?”

Was my elder lady stunned?

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