My Crown in Entertainment Circle (The Entertainment Circle is Mine)

Chapter 8 - | 【08】

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the entertainment circle is my latest chapter of [Rebirth]!

Just like that, I lost the first gift from Aidou.

Mother Xu also put a knife in her heart: “You said that you are a kid, milk tea is bought or not, and it is for you! You said that you are for what it does, can it bless you for improving your score or the full score of the exam? I found out, otherwise I do n’t know how many cockroaches and ants to recruit.

Xu Dixing: “…”

As he was saying, Father Xu came back servantly.

He has been dealing with Uncle Xu’s affairs in his hometown for the past few days. He returned to S City today, went to the company during the day, and only returned home now.

Xu Jiexing felt better when she saw her dad coming back. She believes that Xu Yan must have told his father about borrowing money to start a business in the past few days, and the hook was thrown. Now it is her turn!

Aunt Liu gave Xu father a meal, and Xu mother let Xu pick the stars up and started to ask how things were handled in her hometown.

Hearing Xu ’s father saying that Xu Yan voluntarily gave up the inheritance rights of the houses and foundations in his hometown, Xu mother felt some emotion: “This child, Xu Yan, has been abroad since childhood and has no relationship with us. Politely, this time he was really wronged. “

Father Xu sighed: “Who says no, and no matter how close you are to the Xu family, the eldest brother’s things should also be this son’s. The four sisters and the five sisters are really excessive this time. Careful, if it happened in court, I do n’t know how many people read the joke. “

Xu Jiexing seems to concentrate on watching TV, but actually listens very seriously with his ears upright. As soon as he heard this from Father Xu, he had a good taste in his heart and knew that Xu Yan’s move was very good.

Xu Yan is not a soft persimmon that anyone can handle. If he really wants to fight, none of his family of relatives is his opponent.

Xu’s father was very affectionate. Now that Xu Yan has been so wronged, he must be more guilty in his heart. At this time, Xu Yan again raised the issue of borrowing money to start a business.

The cousin is really bullish!

Xu Zhaixing didn’t feel distressed for the old father who had been in the suit. He listened with interest and continued: “Speaking of this, Xu Yan, the child, borrowed money from me yesterday …”

Mother Xu chopsticks: “borrow money? What does he borrow money for?”

Father Xu said: “He said he wanted to start a business, and he showed me his plan book. This kid is very thoughtful and stable. The future development should not be bad.”

Mother Xu asked: “This is, he still graduated from some famous universities abroad, just graduated this year, right? I think it is more literate than the second family. Entrepreneurship should support, how much does he borrow?”

Father Xu compared a number.

Xu Dixing almost sprayed soup.

Xu Yan, you really dare to ask.

Mother Xu was shocked too: “So much ?!”

Father Xu smiled and nodded: “This kid, you have to talk so much. Looking at him, it doesn’t seem to be a joke. He also showed me the budget table and said that it was a relatively large investment in the entertainment economy. If you want to put it aside, it ’s not impossible to get it out. After all, this is the only child that Big Brother stays in the world. How can it not help, but now the economy is in a recession, our company … “

Speaking of which, he thought that Xu Caixing was still on the table and turned his head to glance.

Xu Zhexing stared at the nose, watched the nose, stared at the drama on TV, and talked to that silly girl.

Then Father Xu lowered his voice and said to Mother Xu: “Although he said that it was an investment, he and I each held shares, and he was responsible for the operation. I will pay dividends directly at that time, but this number is not small … and the first few brothers Tian Tian did n’t want me to do venture capital with him. Now I do n’t have much working capital. This …

Xu Zhexing, who has been watching TV attentively, suddenly said nothing, “I think it’s more reliable to vote for the brother in the lobby than to the second uncle.”

Mother Xu yelled at her: “Eat your meal! What kind of mouth do children talk to when adults talk, what do you know!”

Xu Zhexing pouted his lips, as if deliberately talking back to her mother, unhappy, saying: “It was originally! Erbo’s venture capital, what does my dad know? He hasn’t gone to school, he hasn’t studied economics and finance. . “

She looked at Father Xu angrily: “Then you go, you don’t understand anything, you don’t know anything, it’s all based on Erbo, then aren’t we taking advantage of others? Erbo didn’t matter at first, it’s long behind Well, people are not happy. “

Father Xu really didn’t think about this layer, staring at Xu Zhexing in a daze.

Ms. Xu responded that her daughter said well, and also pondered: “That’s the same thing, we can’t do nothing to take money. The second man, I said, don’t be angry, you have a general temperament, if you go on with this, it is estimated that you really want to Conflicts. “

Xu Zhexing had two meals, turned his eyes to the TV, and continued to say: “Isn’t the entertainment economy that Brother Brother is going to do, is my dad’s company’s business? My dad can still stare at it. I listen to us The teacher said that eggs can’t be put in a basket. My dad has a company now. In case of bankruptcy, wouldn’t he still have the cousin’s company. “

Mother Xu smiled and patted her on the back of the head: “Your girl, what is bankruptcy? You can’t say auspicious, yuck. Yuck.”

Father Xu listened to her saying this, but agreed with him: “Don’t you beat children all the time, what should I do if such a clever brain is so stupid? I think it makes sense to pick a star. Oh, my daughter really follows me and is excellent!”

Xu Zhexing was proud: “I know, I don’t know if I am in a hurry or help the poor. Although the Erbo family is not poor, he is not in a hurry. On the contrary, it was Brother Lobby. When we need money, we should help the lobby brother. What’s more, Erbo just talked about it, we didn’t see anything, and the lobby brother gave you a plan book.

Xu Yan had thrown enough hooks over there. All she had to do was reinforce the bait, enough to hook her dad’s big fish firmly.

Hey, dad, do n’t blame your daughter for setting you up, it ’s all for your own good.

After Xu Zhexing finished his meal, he threw down the sentence “I’m going to do my homework” and went back to the room, leaving Xu’s father alone to think below.

But she knew that, just like Xu Yan said “to reply to you tomorrow”, Xu’s answer was already obvious.

The elder brother, the only bloodline, is just enough to tilt Libra.

Sure enough, within two days, Xu Jiexing received a text message from Xu Yan: Success.

Xu father finally chose to cooperate with Xu Yan to create “Chen Xing Entertainment Co., Ltd.”, he is the legal representative, Xu father holds 51% of the shares, Xu Yan holds 49% of the shares.

After all, this investment is not a small amount. I do n’t know what Xu ’s father and Xu Yan talked about. Xu ’s father still guaranteed his highest exercise right, but Xu Yan, as a technology shareholder who did n’t pay a penny, eventually occupied 49 shares, and as the general manager of Chenxing Entertainment, has full decision-making power in company affairs.

Father Xu’s energy and time will certainly continue to be placed on his own Star Media. Chen Xing Entertainment’s holding there is mostly worried that Xu Yan’s young age is not resistant, and he can look at it more or less.

Star Media lost money every year. As soon as this big investment came out, Xu’s father could no longer use liquid funds to engage in venture capital. No longer worry about Xu Zhiwen’s demon, Xu Caixing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Xing Entertainment is registered in City B, and the main development in the future will also be placed in City B, which is a joint decision of Xu Yan and Xu Jiexing.

Xu Zhexing took advantage of Xu Yan ’s “prospectiveness” before he went to B City to start his own business, and made a plan for him.

The planning book highlights the variety, TV series, and movies that Chen Xing Entertainment needs to invest at this stage. It also lists several names that Xu Yan has never heard of. He has marked the basic information of each person and let him find a way to go. Sign these people.

Some are students of XX University, some sing in XX bars in City B, some run dragon sets in XX Film and Television City, and another actually says to feed pigs at the pig farm in XXX County!

Feed the pigs? are you kidding me?

Xu Yan had a headache.

The night before departure to City B, Xu Yan came home to eat and say goodbye.

At the dinner table, Xu Xu and Xu Mu certainly told Xu Yan a meal, after all, Xu Yan was still a big child in their eyes. I just lost my father, and my mother was abroad. Now I go to city B alone to work hard. Although Xu has the financial support of his father, in this era of rapid economic development, let alone millions, sometimes tens of millions are thrown in, maybe Not even a splash.

Xu Yan smiled all the way through, and all of them responded bit by bit. Xu Father Xu Mother looked at him with a steady manner.

After eating, Xu Jiexing excuses Xu Yan to give her tutoring work and calls people to his room.

Lock the door and quickly take out the original copy of your plan. After turning it over, tell Xu Yan one by one: “I wrote these, you must remember, you must find a way to participate in the investment! The prospect is very good, and it will definitely get hot. Yes! Do n’t be afraid of your hands, and boldly go for it! “

Pointing to the contracted artist column: “There are these people, I have already visited the field, good seedlings! After packaging, it will definitely be hot!”

Xu Yanqi was strange: “How do you know they will be fired?”

Xu Jiexing was serious: “They are all red in Yintang and hit with fire.”

Xu Yan looked at her endlessly: “You can’t see it, you will still see it.”

Xu Jiexing is now too thick-skinned: “Ashamed and ashamed, I know a little.”

Xu Yan has the advantage that although he knows that there are many mysteries in this little cousin, he will not get to the bottom.

Waiting for Xu Xingxing to speak for a long time, he finally nodded and promised: “Okay, what you wrote above, I will study it carefully when I go. If it is really like what you said, you must find a way to win it.”

He turned to the last page and pointed to the name of a cross with a red pen: “This is called Cen Feng, what’s the situation? Sign or not sign?”

The vivid expression on Xu Jiexing’s face disappeared.

Xu Yan even saw some inexplicable sadness on her face.

It took me a long time to hear her say, “I wanted you to find a way to sign him, but …” She paused, sighed, and sullenly said, “Go and ask, he’s on it Sing at the address you wrote, you ask him if he wants to sign Chen Xing, if he doesn’t want to … “

Xu Zhexing looked down at his fingers, and when he looked up again, he resumed the familiar smartness of Xu Yan: “He doesn’t want to even count. He is now a trainee under Zhongtian, with a ten-year contract on hand, and if he breaks the contract, he will estimate the penalty. A lot. “

Xu Yan nodded thoughtfully.

Xu Zhexing put away the planning book and chatted with Xu Yan for a while about his thoughts and plans. After Xu Mother shouted, Xu Yan said goodbye to leave.

Before going to bed, Xu Jiexing took out the planning book and looked at it.

On the last page, Cen Feng’s name was crossed out by her with a red pen.

She really thought about signing him to Chenxing with the fastest speed to put an end to all the darkness in the future.

But don’t know why, she always felt that Cen Feng would refuse.

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