My Daughter Died In Despair, I Was Reborn Ten Years Ago

Chapter 144

Chapter 140 Kill It

Soon, the time came to midnight.

Two figures, one tall and one short, in the darkness of Qingshan Village, riding the dim sky, touched the door of Zhou Tong’s house all the way from the entrance of the village.

“Are you sure you’ve inquired in the morning?” the tall man asked.

Fatty nodded and said in a low voice, “They all said that this mountain is the field of Zhou Tong’s family, and now the greenhouse is on the mountain.”

“Okay, then pay attention to safety, the mountain road is not easy to walk at night, I hope it will be smooth and smooth today, and then I will go home with a sum of money!”

The tall man let out a breath, and said in a low voice, “I don’t know why, but I always have a bad premonition.”

“What are you cowarding, you’re nervous and scared!” The fat man curled his lips in disdain. Just as he was about to reach out and pat the tall man’s shoulder, he found that he couldn’t catch it even when he was on tiptoe.

After being stunned for a while, he continued: “Don’t look at it, it’s not enough to get 20,000 yuan at one time? How many people can make 20,000 yuan at one time now!”

“That’s right!” The tall man nodded and said, “If that’s the case, let’s go.”

The two touched the mountain from the foot of the mountain, and they were exhausted and panting after not exercising for a long time.

“Grandma’s, next time there is such a thing, resolutely choose a place where you don’t climb the mountain!”

The tall man has reached the top of the mountain, and the fat man is still dragging his heavy body and crawling towards it.

“Okay, stop talking, hurry up and leave!” The tall man whispered.

He looked down the mountain and saw that the current Qingshan Village had no lights at all, and under the moonlight, he could only see the outline of the village.

I don’t know whose dog in the village is barking constantly, and I don’t know if it smells the scent of two strangers.

“Huh!” The fat man climbed up and gasped for two breaths. After the two of them rested for a while, they looked at the white greenhouse in front of them, a little dazed.

“Boss Zhao said, let’s take two strawberry seedlings back, which shed contains strawberries?” The tall man was a little puzzled.

“Do you know strawberry seedlings?” Fatty asked with a wink.

The tall man looked at the fat man and said, “Isn’t it your job to identify strawberry seedlings? I’ve never been to the countryside, so how do I know what a strawberry looks like.”

Fatty was also a little helpless. He said, “It’s true that I grew up in the country, but we don’t grow strawberries in our family. If you say watermelon and grapes, I know.”

The two of them looked at each other, a little helpless, they could only find a place to sit down, then lit a cigarette and started smoking.

The boss Zhao mentioned by the two people is the boss of a real estate company in Hangzhou. This man did not know why he was crazy, so the two of them went all the way from Hangzhou to Qingshan Village below Tianhong City.

Don’t know what’s so good about this place.

Before they came, they also inquired about the person to deal with, that is Zhou Tong.

The former Zhou Tong is known to many people in this village, not only in Qingshan Village, but also in the neighboring village. Many people know the name of Zhou Tong.

The so-called prodigal son, in their opinion, Zhou Tong definitely deserves it.

The son of a rich man in Hangcheng, who lost all his family property, then came to this small place and did nothing, but gambled whenever he had money.

But I don’t know what kind of shit luck he took to make him make a fortune.

He also built a lot of greenhouses to grow fruits on the back mountain.

In Qingshan County, it is famous, and the hottest Inuo fruit and vegetable is this Zhou Tong.

Although they made money, in the eyes of the fat man and the tall man, they both felt a little inexplicable.

A real estate boss who only makes money from fruit, and is still a hundred and eighty thousand words away from Hangzhou. How can he let two people come to this ghost place to do things?

And just for a few strawberry seedlings, isn’t this sick?

But there is no way, to get people’s money, you have to help people do good deeds. Fortunately, it is not considered murder and arson, so the two of them have no burden.

After the two smoked a cigarette each, they snuffed out the cigarette butts, and then put the cigarette butts in their pockets.

I have to say that these two people are more meticulous in their work, for fear that their cigarette butts will be left and people will find out.

“Let’s go, there are so many greenhouses, if you pinch two seedlings in one greenhouse, there will always be a few strawberries.”

The tall man said something, and the fat man nodded.

Then he looked at the greenhouse in front of him, and after a moment of silent counting in his heart, the fat man knew that there were thirty greenhouses.

He said to the tall man, “I’ll pinch you on the right, and I’ll pinch two in a shed. No matter what the seedling looks like, it’s just right to pinch it!”

“Okay!” The tall man nodded, then walked to the right.

Fatty, walk into the first greenhouse first, then take out a flashlight and look inside.

I saw a row of seedlings up to the knees, and the green color made people feel comfortable.

“I’m going, what kind of seedling is this, is this a seedling?” Fatty stammered.

Not to mention seedlings, he had never seen such seedlings anyway.

That is to say, he was surprised for a while, and then squatted down and pulled out a seedling.

Just when I was thinking of pulling the second one, a bark suddenly came from the foot of the mountain.

This made the fat man a little stunned, could it be someone coming?

Zhou Tong, who was still sleeping at home, also woke up suddenly.

The first thing he woke up was to glance at Liu Ruyan in his arms.

Liu Ruyan didn’t know anything, just slept soundly.

Originally, Zhou Tong was going to sleep on the mountain today, but he couldn’t resist Liu Ruyan, so he still slept at home.

Originally there was something in his heart, but now he was awakened suddenly when he heard the barking of the dog.

Without saying anything, he just put Liu Ruyan down gently, put on his shoes and clothes, and walked out.

As soon as he walked into the yard, Zhou Tong chopped towards the mountain, only to see a bunch of flashlights shining in the greenhouse on the mountain.

Zhou Tong was startled, he immediately grabbed a stick from the yard, and shouted to the kennel, “Rhubarb!”

However, there was no sound inside, only a white shadow moved beside Zhou Tong, humming continuously. ..

Zhou Tong took a closer look, and Da Huang was surprised that he was not in his kennel at this time.

On the contrary, the barking of Rhubarb’s dog came from the mountain, and the sound was more violent than the sound.

“It’s over! Da Huang, don’t die!”

Zhou Tong cursed angrily, threw Xiaobai back into the kennel, grabbed a stick and ran towards the mountain.

I only heard the dog barking on the mountain getting louder and louder, and there seemed to be a scream of a person from the mountain.

Zhou Tong’s heart was burning with anxiety, and he wished he could just fly up.

“Dead dog!” I heard an angry shout from a man on the mountain.

Then there was the screaming of the dog.

Hearing this, Zhou Tong’s eyes turned red, and he ran faster with the stick, heading straight for the mountain.

“Kill it to death!”

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