My Daughter-in-law Knows the Plot

Chapter 104 - Ninja Thunder

In such an era, life is not peaceful. After all, a woman with a script in her hand has already planned everything.

Just yesterday afternoon, a piece of news that shocked the ninja world spread.

The transportation alliance in the northwestern part of the Ninja World, the main transportation routes and railways across more than a dozen small countries, suffered dozens of damages in a short period of time.

As a result, transnational traffic was completely paralyzed, and even the railways and urban light rails used by many countries were damaged.

The more than two dozen transnational passenger and freight trains in operation have been completely put on hold, and now the entire transport alliance is busy.

Of course, when people were gloating at the show and preparing to make a few rumors, they immediately shut up completely.

Konoha Village’s fifth-generation Hokage was furious, and directly issued a document stating that she would not be named Qianshou unless she killed the mastermind. He immediately sent hundreds of ninjas to the northwest of the Ninja World, and the Ninja World was a thunderbolt for a while.

After Konoha assembled the ninja action, the information and information of the entire ninja world spread everywhere.

At the same time, Loulan, the country of ghosts, and the country of snow immediately assembled several traffic guards with a total of 3,000 people, all in neat armor, a latest off-road motorcycle, and dozens of airships floating in the sky.

What’s more serious is that the Queen of Loulan, Sarah, who is an ordinary person in the eyes of people, has changed her body, and placed a huge purple energy mushroom bomb near Loulan. All over the ninja world.

The nuclear bombing witch reappeared after nearly three years. A single shot of the super witch **** jade core leveled a mountain range in the land of ghosts. It was razed to the ground in a radius of several kilometers, and a huge pit of nearly a thousand meters appeared, expressing her anger and determination. .

Immediately after the Miko Maitreya and Loulan Queen Sara spoke, they must use nuclear power to let everyone know the fate of offending them. In this incident against the Traffic Alliance, the mastermind must die.

However, those who are not the mastermind and know the information can save death by reporting the information. Otherwise, if the mastermind is found, all the organizations involved will be legal.

The angry and arrogant speeches of the three women immediately caused an uproar in the entire ninja world.

However, no one dared to jump out and point, even the daimyo ministers who like to stand on the moral high ground are all dumb.

When the incident happened, the Transportation Alliance immediately arrived at the damaged sites to repair the railway.

The Ninjas of Xingnin Village and Konoha Ninjas, who came one after another, protected the technicians to repair the railway.

The three thousand traffic guards made up for the loss caused by the traffic paralysis early.

Use motorcycles and airships to continue transporting passengers affected by traffic disruptions while paying back their fares.

Passengers who are not in a hurry and continue to wait for the railway to be repaired will be refunded by the Transportation Alliance for double the fare and the cost of meals during the time they are stranded.

The credibility of the transportation alliance must be maintained.

At the same time, in one day, the Transportation Alliance dispatched hundreds of ninjas and samurai with high-end combat power to swept the bandit dens and black markets near the railways in more than a dozen countries in the northwest.

A day later, thousands of thieves’ bodies were placed on both sides of the railway, and the act of venting their anger naked made the whole ninja world terrified and made everyone understand that it is very scary for women to be ruthless.

For a time, there were more than a dozen small countries in the northwest, and all those secret power organizations were running away.

At the same time, the Transportation Alliance found some information and captured the leaders of several railroad sabotage gangs, all of whom were found to be ninjas from Sandyin Village.

So, Maitreya and Sarah personally led the traffic alliance in anger, and thousands of people rushed to Shayin Village.

Xing Ren, led by Xia Xing, followed without hesitation. Now she is very aware of the strengths of Maitreya Sara and Tsunade.

This move directly made the entire ninja world look stupid. After all, speak a little louder, be arrogant, and even be cruel to some little thieves, everyone can understand.

Now the traffic alliance is directly charging against Shayin Village, one of the five major ninja villages. Everyone in the ninja world is shocked, and the areas that receive the information are all in chaos.

It has only been ten years since the third ninja war in the ninja world. People who have experienced brutal wars immediately took precautions.

In Shayin Village, where war was declared, countless people were dumbfounded, and the entire Shayin Village executives were busy up and down in a panic.

Fengying Building also urgently issued numerous documents, firmly stating that Sandyin Village was not the mastermind, as to why the ninjas of Sandyin Village would destroy the railway.

Sandyin Village said that they are all temporary recruits – ahem, the newly recruited non-staff ninjas will immediately investigate them and give the traffic alliance a truth.

But Maitreya and Sara who received the information still said that I didn’t listen, I didn’t listen, and they caught all the high-level officials of your Sandyin Village, and they could find out by examining their memories one by one.

The unreasonable attitude left countless people at a loss.

However, Luo Sha, who should have faced these pressures, is now in a quiet office in the Fengying Building, watching the information in his hand with Maki and drinking a few sips of tea comfortably.

“Lord Kazekage! Let’s clarify now? In a few hours, Maitreya Sara will arrive, and they will bring Xingnin Village with them, and the ninjas from Konoha to the east have also crossed the country of River!”

Markey begged eagerly.

He understood the plan, but when it came to this moment, he panicked and became anxious.

Not to mention that there are thousands of ninjas attacking Konoha, and the three thousand armored samurai suddenly rushing up from the Traffic Alliance, and the two human-tailed beasts of Maitreya, they have to pay attention to them in Sandyin Village.

The most difficult thing is that the interior of Shayin Village is in chaos now, and there is a faint omen of division.

“Don’t be in a hurry, the more this time is, the better we can see people’s hearts. Don’t worry, although Maitreya Sara and Tsunade are strong, they won’t immediately smash the hidden village of Shah.” Luo Sha said lightly. arrive.

Compared to Maki’s sweaty face, Luo Sha was very happy. The more ruthless the traffic alliance was, the more excited he was.

Now that the traffic alliance is strong, he can see how miserable the person behind the scenes is, and he is also worried that the traffic alliance is just a war of words.

It’s so arrogant and powerful now, that’s great!

“How can this happen? How can this happen?”

In the Land of Birds, Meng Zong’s face at this moment was gray and defeated. He thought that he would be able to take advantage of the chaos as soon as the plan started.

Now the chaos is chaos, but the killing of the traffic alliance directly scared him to the urine.

How dare you plan for the future, just pack up the family property, and take Beichen and other men to prepare to run away.

But when they moved, they realized that a group of masked ninjas from nowhere had tied them all directly.

After a tragic beating, Meng Zong, who was unable to commit suicide, was manipulated by an illusion ninja and told everything he knew.


Iwayin Village Tuying used to drink tea leisurely before, and Oh Yegi, who was happily reading the information, now his face was dark.

The plan was smooth at first, even if Tsunade and others showed a tough attitude, he didn’t care.

However, with the information I just got, the Transportation Alliance captured the leaders of several railroad sabotage gangs and found out that they were Sand Shinobi!

Oh Yemu was suddenly shocked. According to the plan, after these people act, they should disappear to the point where no scum is left. They can only be found out by the Traffic Alliance afterward as Sand Ninja’s identity, but they must never see a living person!

Why were these people still captured alive by the Traffic Alliance? How did you do it?

The secret techniques of the family in Konoha Mountain are there, let alone living people, even dead people can’t keep their secrets.

If those people are still alive, they will definitely be discovered. Their joining the Shayin Village is just a plan, then Meng Zong and other forces will be revealed sooner or later.

Even if his people are very careful and the other party can’t find the reason, they will not be able to let the Shayin Village and the Traffic Alliance collide.

And a force that has secretly calculated the Traffic Alliance and Sandyin Village will inevitably unite them both.


At this moment, a psychic beast that transmits information appeared, and Oh Yemu’s heart tightened, and he immediately opened the information.

Immediately, fear flashed on Oh Yemu’s face, white light flashed in his hand, and he crushed the paper.

“Yellow Earth!”

Onogi immediately shouted for his son.


Feeling his father’s panic, Loess immediately ran into his father’s office.

“Where are the Kazuma people who were discovered before?” Ohnogi asked quickly.

Up to now, many things cannot be quelled by erasing the evidence and denying it. You have to find someone to bear the blame.

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