My Daughter-in-law Knows the Plot

Chapter 16 - Except don\\\'t forget me

“Societal animal, degenerate, just living by, not thinking about progress, timid, deep house, social fear, you are really enough, husband, your environment has changed, you can’t still be imprisoned by the previous bondage.

You are too accustomed to giving up, accepting all kinds of unsatisfactory gains too calmly. When encountering resistance, you gradually lower your goals and admit your mediocrity. These will tear down your pride and determination step by step.

This is not acceptable. You have to learn to make your will firmer and not be affected by these many and complex thoughts. ” Tsunade said.

Then Yu hand stroked Qi Yu’s neck and face, which had been deformed by the blue veins, and continued: “You are using too much will to fight the negative effects of these pains. Look at these irregularly bursting blood vessels and muscle masses, although they can relieve you The pain and powerlessness of the body is not beneficial to the body, but it will cause the danger of blood vessel rupture and nerve rupture.”

“You have to learn to let go of your mind and cultivate, so that all thoughts will not be born, and death, life, shock, and fear will not enter your heart, and you will be able to develop your body’s potential to the greatest extent.”

Tsunade said, then he leaned on Qi Yu’s back and hugged him who was shaky, gently rubbed the back of his neck with his face, and whispered in Qi Yu’s ear: “You can forget everything except you can’t forget me, go. Unleash your potential. Now try to stay focused, and then try to let your mind go.

In the final and most difficult stage, one has to learn to enjoy the pain, fatigue, powerlessness, etc. Only then can people reach the natural state and be free.

Only in this way can we complete the qualitative transformation faster, complete the cultivation of immortality, complete the cell transplantation of grandfather, and I am still waiting to join you in the Susao Buddha! I will be with you all the way! “


In a cave, Qi Yu woke up leisurely, the pain all over his body made Qi Yu panic, and then he felt very guilty, and he fainted in shame after all.


Qi Yu said with guilt while holding Tsunade who was lying on top of her.

After he fainted, Tsunade took him back to the tent set up in the cave next to him, and heated hot water mixed with valuable medicines. While giving Qi Yu a medicinal bath, he used Greer energy to help his damaged and regenerated body cells absorb energy. Improve mass strength.

“Don’t say that, I asked you to do this.” Tsunade rubbed his face, red lips printed on it.

“Thank you very much for your supervision, this is my blessing!”

“It’s good to know, honestly forget about that big-breasted steam girl.” Tsunade pursed Qi Yu’s brows with his jade fingers and said seriously.

Hearing this, Qi Yu was embarrassed for a while, and mumbled embarrassingly: “Please, daughter-in-law, Hinata is only seven or eight years old, you stay in the spiritual space every day, you know, I’m not that kind of person.”

“I’m staring at it. Who knows if that child will grow up and your **** will resurface. Let’s see now, how much is left?”

During this period, Tsunade also deliberately went to the remote snow country in the north of the country of ghosts, where it snows all year round, and it is a very strange country.

Although it is very poor, it has developed very well in technology. There are advanced technologies such as trains, snowmobiles, airships, chakra armors, and geothermal generators.

“You said that Kakashi, a child who came to the country of snow to wander around, even as a ninja disdain for items such as chakra armor, why did he ignore such things as trains?”

Tsunade said with a bit of anger, in the future of bloggers, Kaminarimon was awakened by bloggers who traveled through the past, and he invented the thunder car, which created the largest enterprise in the country of fire. Konoha seems to be developing very well, but it is still limited by daimyo funds.

If the train technology appeared at this time, Konoha’s life would be much better, and the progress of the ninja world would be accelerated faster.

“Come on, let’s not say that it is difficult for Kakashi to come into contact with that secret thing, so what if it is? The current situation in the ninja world can really support Konoha to get train traffic? The village is attacked every day, not to mention Lay the rails outside.”

Tsunade felt angry when he said that Konoha was attacked every day.

In Qi Yu’s mental space, she learned about the future. When she took office as Hokage in the future, Konoha could be described as suffering many disasters.

The village was randomly entered and exited by the dragons. The whole village was played by Xuanneng, and the four people who were cheated to death and the Ma four attacked and broke through. They were attacked in many places, and they were almost dismantled by the forbidden technique of Lei Meng Lei Ren.

And Shen Nong, the damned one, actually attacked Konoha by air, causing a lot of damage and casualties.

And the tragic Nagato Nuclear Leaf.

Although Tsunade didn’t refute Qi Yu’s words, he still had to prepare. Mastering a lot of capital knowledge and economics knowledge of Qi Yu’s previous life Blue Star, Tsunade still has confidence in promoting transportation by himself.

It’s just…, when he thought that cars and planes couldn’t be built, and the Internet couldn’t be built, Tsunade became angry, glared at the person in front of him, and then gave his brain a bang, you can’t learn, why don’t you watch more? How to deepen memory, I learn from Tsunade. There are some memories in my mind, don’t be ashamed.

“The train is already available, so it’s not difficult to continue to improve it. As for the car, it’s not difficult to recreate the power system of the snowmobile and the train in the country of snow. As for the plane, the country of snow also has airships.” Qi Yu offered advice with a sad face.

“Airship airbags are too large and bulky.”

“Isn’t there a ready-made country in the sky? Use it to study it well, and the flying psychic beast of Beluhu not only flies with wings, but also accelerates with jets. Find him.”

“You can try it there, Shennong and the others are the air fortresses. What I want is to popularize civil aviation. How can these aircrafts that rely on Chakra consumption support civil aviation? Ordinary people can’t afford this consumption. “

“Then try the propeller and study the helicopter first.”

“Well…, how do you think I should get that rascal snake to study technology obediently?” Tsunade asked sadly.

“Isn’t there another **** in Itachi and Danzo?”

“What if it affects the intelligence of the Lapis snake?”

Qi Yu lost his temper immediately. It is not difficult to find Orochimaru to trade, but it is impossible to make a long-term trade and let him work for his daughter-in-law. One step, but still sick, UU reading a serious mental patient.

In the days that followed, under the supervision of his daughter-in-law, Qi Yu practiced diligently, carrying out a body training that broke through the limits of ordinary people.

With the best medical ninja in the ninja world who checks his body at all times, Greer with super life energy, Qi Yu’s body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

But it’s not enough. Maybe you can try immortal art cultivation, but the transplanting of the intercolumnar cells is still a lot worse. I am afraid that as the daughter-in-law said, I should first grab a Bai Jue to study, and the intercolumnar cells on Bai Jue’s body should be gentler.

More importantly, I gradually learned to let go of my mind and avoid the influence of negative emotions.

As a result, Qi Yu learned a realm, the ultimate focus.

Although it didn’t have the selfless realm of Xiao Li’s drunken state, it also made Tsunade praised again and again. Extreme concentration, unity of mind and heart, free from negative emotions and various external factors, and maximize the use of one’s own ability.

Occasionally, you can also allow your body to have physical memory, and conditioned reflex to attack and defend. With extreme effort, maybe one day he will be able to reach the state of Xiao Li’s drunken state.

Tsunade, on the other hand, spent a lot of time focusing on Qi Yu’s physical examination, studying Qi Yu’s physical changes and progress.

“Speaking of my daughter-in-law, I have seventy-two rewards for doing whatever I want. When can I use it?” Looking at Tsunade who was gulping and inspecting his body, Qi Yu felt that he was careless.

Tsunade, this is the record of a handsome man’s husband? It’s just that I can’t beat her with strength, and I’m forced to eat every time. What’s this called?

“Long-winded!” Tsunade snorted, his hands gently kneading Qi Yu’s handsome face, his eyes looking at Qi Yu with agile eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

‘come again, come again’

Qi Yu gave up the struggle, lost the light in both eyes, and has been unable to win.

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