My Daughter-in-law Knows the Plot

Chapter 33 - intellectual attack

The situation that Oni Shark discovered, as Itachi, who took on the challenge head on, naturally also discovered it.

Not only that, this clansman who seems to have gone astray is surprisingly powerful. Itachi tried a few moves before, and then he was almost in a dodging state. After all, his hand was too painful.

Seemingly superhuman strength, lasting toughness, great energy and huge chakra. A pair of writing wheel eyes are using insight completely instinctively, and they don’t use illusion at all.

I don’t even need to use illusions, let alone ninjutsu. Itachi can only sigh with emotion.

However, the opponent’s speed is astonishingly fast, and its powerful insight and response can even avoid the ninjutsu used by Itachi Selling the Flaws.

And the opponent’s ability to break the illusion is getting faster and faster, and the continuous attack like a **** also makes Itachi lose a lot of calculations.


Itachi immediately began to develop his own retreat technique, not to escape, but to deal with it.

Because he was horrified to find that not only did he not use his fighting wisdom and fighting skills from the very beginning, but he also fell into the opponent’s reckless realm.

In the beginning, it was fine, you could rationally analyze while fighting, but after a long time, your brain will overwork, and under the extremely fast-paced offense and defense, you will be physically and mentally exhausted, and you will fall into the opponent’s reckless realm.

As soon as the other party came, he didn’t plan to compare his wisdom with himself, but gradually performed the method of lowering his wisdom. If…, without a rational self, can I really deal with Shi Na who is as pure as a beast at this moment?

Itachi, found another weakness of his own.

That being the case, let’s take account of the environment.

In the beginning, Shi Nai attacked like a ****, complicating the surrounding environment, which had some influence on himself, but he had almost no restrictions on him like a beast.

“Wind escape, continuous wind cutting technique!”

While dodging the attack, Itachi continued to use the wind cutting technique in the four directions of the jungle.


In an instant, countless giant trees in the jungle fell, and a bright field appeared.

Qi Yu just rushed towards him more recklessly, and even threw many fallen trees at him.

“Water Escape, Great Waterfall Technique!”

Itachi quickly formed a seal, and a huge water curtain appeared in an instant, and the river-like water flow immediately spread for 100 meters.

Then a few waters escaped, and the current swept over a hundred meters, and Itachi stood in the center.

The move of opening and closing, the most fearful restriction, is now a large area of ​​water, tall trees have been cut down, this battlefield, there is almost no place for the rain to push.

His own speed and explosive power are quite limited.

“Wind escape, wind cutting technique!”

At this moment, he arrived at Itachi’s home and started to use ninjutsu.

Qi Yu went forward to hold the sword and slashed, not only the speed on the water surface was slow, but the wind escape also stopped him.

Then the ghost shark and a few Bai Jue saw a strange scene.

Itachi lives in the middle of the waters, and releases the wind and water again and again, and the Sangou jade is really like a reckless man. When he has no advantage, he continues to attack again and again without thinking.

All of a sudden, the situation was in the hands of Itachi. In addition to worrying that the fire escape would damage the waters, the wind and water escapes were used so frequently. On the other hand, Qi Yu is gradually winning in the frequent attacks.

The limitations of the water escape, the rolling and cutting of the wind, were released by a person with great skills like Itachi.

For a while, Qi Yu could only rely on his strong body and good speed and reaction to dodge.

Of course, life is endless, and reckless men are endless. At this moment, Qi Yu turned into a flat-headed brother, while dodging and circling it around, trying to attack again and again.

“As long as he retracts his sword, even if he is empty-handed, he can seal the fire escape. I’m afraid he’s not being beaten stupid, right?” Bai Jue muttered.

“At that time, the sky will be foggy, and his condition will not be much better than now.” Ghost Shark said lightly.

The fog is very restrictive to ordinary writing wheels, but it is ordinary, and Itachi is not one of them.

Itachi also calmed down a little, and while attacking the opponent, he watched closely. Until a few minutes later, the other party still had bloodthirsty eyes and charged like a reckless man.

Itachi felt very uncomfortable. Once upon a time, Uchiha’s ninjas were reduced to this? In vain he just praised Shi Nai’s state just now, and now it feels so stupid to change his perspective.

If it weren’t for the fact that it was not easy to live a writing wheel, he would have wanted to stab him with a knife, it would be too embarrassing.

However, he also sighed that the other party didn’t know what kind of stimulation he was receiving. In his three-goose jade state, he was stunned that he had no chance to kill him.

Before, using illusion was ineffective. In terms of strength, he couldn’t compare, and in terms of speed and reaction, he couldn’t hurt the opponent.

If he didn’t open the kaleidoscope, maybe he wouldn’t be able to win against Shi Nai, but if the kaleidoscope came to bully a Sangou jade, what’s the difference between that and losing?

In this way, in Itachi’s continuous ninjutsu attacks, occasionally the two of them would fight in close quarters, Qi Yu’s explosive advantage was no longer there, and he was barely able to resist Itachi’s melee attacks.

“Hey? Did something happen?”

The ten-minute continuous behavior of Brother Pingtou made Bai Jue yawn. The ninja fought too long, but most of them would not fight for more than three minutes in a row.

The non-stop attack and defense for ten minutes in a row was a hell. But by chance, Bai Jue discovered the situation.

Naturally, the ghost shark also discovered it early. At this moment, the person who attacked Itachi was still agile and reacted quickly, but his eyes started to shed tears, his nose was clear and his saliva was drooling.

The exposed skin began to turn red, and the neck and hands had obvious blue veins.

“It’s really good. His body has reached the limit, but it doesn’t affect his state. Unfortunately, he can’t hold on any longer. This is the limit.” The ghost shark murmured a little regretfully, such a crazy person is really rare.

Sure enough, as the ghost shark said, here Itachi, looking at Ishina who once again broke the illusion in a second, sighed with his will—oh no, that kind of mindless tenacity, and then held on to his hands to meet him.

Although Shi Nai’s strength was still huge enough to repel him, he stabilized when his feet kicked against each other, and instantly kicked Shi Nai back with a sideways kick.

‘Cough cough~’

At this moment, Shi Nai seemed to have been beaten awake, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, his hideous face and unwilling eyes finally filled the bloodthirsty eyes in his eyes, holding the only sword, he stood up.


With the long sword in his hand, he hurried towards Itachi.

Although the speed was still astonishing, Itachi, who stretched out his hand, knew that his speed had dropped, especially his strength had dropped drastically.

Looking at Ishina, Itachi, who stumbled and continued to take out his two swords and clenched them tightly, he charged with fearlessness, and lightly touched Kunai in his hand.

“Drink~ ah…!”

Qi Yu, who fearlessly charged, roared loudly with a ferocious face, swirling and charging forward, and his double swords swept to the right.

Itachi, leaned forward indifferently, preparing to hold Kuwu in his left hand and swiping his right hand in advance, and his right hand held Kuwu and stabbed him in the No good! ’

Itachi’s pupils shrank suddenly, because of the extreme distance, he found that Shi Na’s neck, forehead and shoulders suddenly exploded and slightly swelled.

In an instant, I felt that Shi Na, who was originally like a dead leaf in a desperate situation, was as fierce as a crocodile.

‘I have been reckless for so long, and I just waited for this moment, and I succeeded in losing my mind! ’

Qi Yu leaned forward as expected, his feet steadied in an instant, his body leaned back to the left, and the right side of both hands suddenly burst out to raise the sword with all his strength.

I’m sorry, but in the midst of madness, I maintain the most fundamental reason, my heart is the same, and there is no chaos from the beginning.

Twenty minutes of recklessness, reckless out of the realm, reckless out of the realm, reckless out of the ‘system’, and then Itachi got used to it. Unloading his fighting wisdom, after all, he was numb for twenty minutes, didn’t he?


There was a roar.

After a few breaths, Gui Shark and Bai Jue saw Qi Yu, who was half-kneeling and leaning on his sword, and Itachi, who was slowly canceling the energy of the red skeleton.

Feeling the cold wound on his chest, and looking at Itachi’s kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Qi Yu was a little unwilling, but also a little relieved.

Perhaps, his subconscious from the very beginning was to try his best to force out Itachi’s kaleidoscope?

However, this is not enough!


Itachi looked at Qi Yu indifferently, with two sharp swords whispering softly from behind.

Suddenly, Qi Yu disregarded the injury, and swiftly sprang up like a tiger, his double swords stretched out, and stabbed towards Itachi.

Just when he was kicked down by Itachi for the first time, the first sword that fell and the second sword that was thrown at him were actually transformed by shadow avatar transformation. This is the proud work of Prince Naruto.

Itachi, who was demoted, was successfully deceived.

Now three figures, four sharp swords surrounded Itachi, and the sharp swords had pierced into his cloak.

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