My Daughter-in-law Knows the Plot

Chapter 335 - Prepare to face the Outlander

, Update my daughter-in-law as soon as possible to know the latest chapter of the plot!

After Chishou Tobirama simply said hello to his eldest brother, he called out to Tsunade in the battlefield thousands of meters away.

Tsunade, who was in the fierce battle, looked over, then withdrew from the battle, leaving Qiyu and Madara Uchiha to continue fighting, while she swept over.

“Second grandpa? Minato Kushina?”

“Second grandpa, what did you just say? Is there something wrong with the Kaguya Ruins?”

“Yes Tsunade-sama! Elder Danzo stayed at the root of Kaguya Ruins and sent a message that the sealing technique of His Highness Maitreya Maitreya was being attacked, and it was suspected that the sealed space was being breached.

But you can’t get in touch with Mr. Qi Yu’s communication, so we’ll come over immediately to spread the word! “Namikaze Minato said anxiously immediately.

“What?” Tsunade was shocked, and immediately took off the communicator on his ear, only to find that it was broken during the battle.

“Damn, let’s act together immediately, and I’ll rush after Madara Uchiha is taken down!” Tsunade said, and hurriedly entered the battlefield.

Namikaze Minato, Kushina, and Naruto, the three of them immediately followed Tsunade solemnly and killed.

However, Senju Hasuma was full of question marks and didn’t understand what they were talking about. He wanted to help, but he was bound by Madara Uchiha’s filthy reincarnation technique, so he could barely avoid attacking Konoha and the others. .

And Qianshou Tobirama looked at his granddaughter Xiaogang with a flash of relief. As expected, she was her own granddaughter. This acting was so good, there was no trace of incongruity at all.

After a few breaths, Madara Uchiha’s shattered reincarnated body was being sealed by Qi Yu using the sealing technique, and layers of cloth quickly wrapped him.

After all, the three Flying Thunder God Ninjas were present, and Madara Uchiha looked very helpless. After making a move of Shen Luo Tianzheng, within three seconds of the cooling time, his scalp was numb from the dazzling Flying Thunder God’s technique.

Only due to Qi Yu’s Flying Thunder God technique, he barely managed to defend successfully, but the two Flying Thunder God techniques reincarnated from the dirt were not afraid of his attack at all, anyway, he didn’t have a sealing technique, so he was dead.

Coupled with Tsunade and Kurama mode’s Naruto attacking from left and right, as well as Kushina’s extremely strong King Kong blockade, Uchiha Madara was a little anxious and looking forward to it at the moment.

I was anxious because I was worried about Hei Jue and Uchiha Shin, if they didn’t succeed, it was estimated that they would be finished.

The expectation is because this is not the end for him. I think it is time to use that technique regardless of whether Uchiha Xincheng is successful or not, and it is time for him to reappear in the ninja world.

It’s just…, just now these people were very anxious, it seems that the Kaguya Ruins that Tobirama said happened, made them very anxious.

“Hu~, this guy is finally sealed, second grandpa, where is Danzo? Has he notified Maitreya?” Tsunade asked when the matter was over.

“Danzo has contacted Maitreya Maitreya, she went with Queen Sarah, and Danzo brought the big elite ninja to help Raikage. Now in the final battlefield, it seems that the situation in Yunyin Village is not optimistic, and there is a strong reincarnated from the filth.”

“It’s really bad, Minato, your family quickly go over there to support and help, second grandpa, please guard Uchiha Madara here to prevent him from being rescued by the Bai Jues, and watch the eldest grandpa at the same time.” Tsunade hurriedly ordered.

Before a few people could answer, Qi Yu disappeared with the technique of the Flying Thunder God.

Qianshou Zhujian, who hadn’t said a word yet, was confused, scratched his head helplessly, seeing his granddaughter so worried, he still wanted to help.

And Namikaze Minato was separated from the first and second generation Dao, so he took his wife and children to use the technique of flying thunder **** to go to Danzo.

On the way, Tuying Kaze and Suiko, who was rushing to the battlefield here, knew that Madara Uchiha was jointly sealed, and they all changed lanes and went to Raikage.

Of course, at this moment, the expressions of these high-level leaders are very solemn.

Because there was bad news from Danzo just now, there was a problem with the real Kaguya Ruins he controlled.

Thinking that the legendary Otsutsuki might appear, everyone was apprehensive, hoping that Maitreya would continue to seal that space.

Although the only Otsutsuki Ichiki that they could know about recently, died a little helplessly, but it was only in the case of losing their strength. Now they are worried about the Danzo who teamed up with Orochimaru to kill Otsutsuki Ichiki. How could they not panic? ?

But there is no way, I can only hope for Hokage and Maitreya. After all, here in the Kingdom of Thunder, Raikage was pressed and beaten by Uchiha Nobuo, and the two-tailed orc Zhuli was also surrounded by many reincarnations of dirty soil.

The three generations of Raikage, the second generation of soil shadows, the second generation of water shadows, Sanjiaoyu Hanzo, Jinjiao Yinjiao and other former strongmen, plus the ghosts and sharks and Shennong, that is a huge reincarnation force of dirty soil.

“Oh, it’s finally over, I’m about to meet those three people here, I’m a little excited to think about it.” Tsunade Qiyu, who was on his way to the Thunder God, said happily.

Seeing Tsunade’s expectations too much, Qi Yu didn’t stop her. After all, Maitreya is here, so there won’t be any surprises, right? After all, the ability to predict death is too buggy.

Even if they had to face the Otsutsuki trio now, it shouldn’t be a surprise.

“Oh, there shouldn’t be an accident in the Land of Thunder, right?” Tsunade suddenly became worried.

“Those filthy reincarnations are enough. If you want to come to Hei and you are not stupid, you should make Uchiha Nobori resurrect Uchiha Madara, and there will be no problem there.”

“What I’m worried about is whether they will be killed by Madara Uchiha.” Tsunade said with a frown.

“That shouldn’t be the case. Uchiha Madara is arrogant by nature, and wants to let more people witness his success, those are high-quality audiences, how could he kill him?

Just like the four battles in the original book, you Five Shadows fought with him for a long time, and he didn’t kill him. Besides, aren’t Naruto and Sasuke here? The old man Liu Dao estimates where the Yin Poke Poke is going to take refuge! ” Qi Yu said.

He has never worried about this world from the very beginning. Anyway, it was arranged clearly by the immortals of the Six Paths, and the old toad from Miaomu Mountain is as stable as an old dog. What danger can this ninja world have?

“That’s true.”

“Sister Tsunade!” Tsunade and Qi Yu Sarah immediately came over happily, with some uncontrollable impulses.

After all, there will be a real battle in a while, and she is still looking forward to it and a little nervous.

After seeing Maitreya, Beluhu and the others, Tsunade looked at Yakushitou and his wife and the others.

“Teacher, the neighborhood is quite desolate, and there are not many people. Oil Girl Tougen has already led a team to disperse people from dozens of miles nearby.” Yaoshidou immediately explained the situation.

After all, the battlefield must be in the ninja world, so that these bumpkins in the ninja world can gain insight, and the nearby area of ​​hundreds of miles has been booked as a battlefield by Tsunade.

“Yo Xi, let’s have a big fight! We, the people of the ninja world, officially launched a counterattack against Otsutsuki Otsutsuki! Also, I bet I can’t kill Otsutsuki Pu-shi!” Tsunade shouted excitedly, the second half The sentence made several people roll their eyes.

Everyone knows Tsunade’s gambling luck, unless there is a Naruto by his side, he will go bankrupt in minutes.

Now come to the anti-milk, Qi Yu knows how greedy Tsunade is in the Mokpo-style ability.

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