My Daughter-in-law Knows the Plot

Chapter 352 - Tensei Ginseng


“Damn it, I almost lost it!” Tsunade couldn’t help but blurted out, relying on the biological machinery to observe the battlefield.

“Indeed, I almost went to Kai.” Qi Yu also echoed.

Who would have thought that Tao Shi was so stupid, and he was stunned by the fact that he was caught up in several sets of combos by Matekai.

Of course, Tsunade Qi Yu was relieved until he saw Madara Uchiha standing on the head of Juwei again intact.

They don’t care if Madara lives or dies, but you have to wait until Kaguya comes.

Except for Maitreya Sara, the others were confused and didn’t know what Qi Yugangshou meant.

Orochimaru knows that Tao Shi is Qi Yu’s goal, but it seems that Tsunade and Qi Yu still have a lot of scripts that he doesn’t know.

As smart as Amado and Victor, they hurriedly bowed their heads, how much they didn’t want to be on the scene at this moment.

‘Die to die! Accidentally discovered the secrets of the big guys! ’

But at this moment on the battlefield, at an altitude of 1,000 meters, Otsutsuki Peach swayed in the air, gasping for breath.

The panic in his eyes has not dissipated, and his hands tremblingly touched his chest.

At the most critical moment, Jin Shi rushed over, and Samsara Eye also absorbed the golden style of self-sacrifice. Only when his form changed in an instant, did he not die from the kick of the red dragon.

Rao is so, he also collapsed his left chest with a kick, and only recovered at this moment.

And the worst thing is that now he has recovered, and he has no luck or the rest of his life, because he saw the green skin a few kilometers away in his white eyes, and he was resurrected again.

Momo-style was shocked, and immediately attacked Madara Uchiha on the ten tails below.

Tao Shi didn’t dare to bet on whether the green skin after the resurrection could still use that trick, and there was another green skin beside them.

Although he can feel that he is no longer afraid of the red arrogant weirdo just now, but after all, he still has the ability to threaten himself, plus those people with strange abilities, he still does not dare to wave.

Uchiha Madara looked gloomy when he saw the peach attack.

I just finally used the wheel tomb edge prison clone to swap positions with the real body, avoiding Ye Kai’s kick, now facing a stronger enemy, what should I do?

I saw that the golden stance had changed, and the original elegant and noble posture was gone, with longer white hair, longer double horns, and white eyes turned into yellow white eyes.

A third eye appeared between the eyebrows, which was a golden samsara eye, and the samsara eyes in the palms of both hands also turned golden.

A large area of ​​black lines appeared on his body, and his breath became stronger.

Almost, just a little bit, give it a few more minutes, and the ten tails will recover to the point where they can become the ten tails.

Therefore, Madara Uchiha knows that he cannot retreat, and once he retreats, there is nothing left.


Madara Uchiha shouted, and walked away at the peach-style attack.

Hei Jue heard the words and immediately controlled Uchiha Shin, who was horrified and lost his soul, and immediately tried to control the ten tails.

Although Uchiha Xin lost his reincarnation eye, but the black must come out, and the ten tails must cooperate.

At the same time, the few filthy soils that still existed were reincarnated and controlled by Hei Jue to help Madara Uchiha.


Madara Uchiha went head-to-head, raised his hand to Shinra Tianzheng, and was easily pressed back by Tao Shi who also used Shinra Tianzheng.

Immediately after tossing and turning, Tao Shi stunned and chased after Uchiha Madara, while Uchiha Madara was dodging, while yin and yang escaped the black stick to counterattack.

However, in less than a minute, the poor Jiaodu Shennong and the others were all dealt with by the peach-style yin-yang escape black stick.

Seeing that Madara Uchiha’s tactics were sensitive and involved a lot, Tao Shi did not dare to waste time, and went straight to the ten tails.


Hei Jue controlled Uchiha Shin to drive the ten tails, and a laser shot came out.

Peach-style disdainfully stretched out his hand and reincarnated to absorb it, and the ten tails immediately took a lot of hands, and countless kings and eight punches came.

“The dog is healthy!”

The peach style immediately bloomed with chakra, and a huge dragon monster emerged from the ground and wrapped around the ten tails.


Madara Uchiha immediately turned on the Gundam, and then attacked the hydra monster.


But how could Tao Shi let him go? The powerful air blade cut through Susanoh directly.

“Ape Rock!”

Tao Shi used his ability again, and the countless rocks and flames of the earth blended together to form a giant ape, which then attacked the ten-tailed dragon monster and left.

The powerful strength and extremely fast speed quickly suppressed Juwei, and the various attacks under Uchiha Madara’s normal state were useless to the opponent.

Shen Luo Tianzheng and Earth Blast Tianxing also returned without success.


Just as Madara Uchiha continued to turn on the full body Susanoo and prepared to continue to be hard, a huge golden laser came from the west.

It cut through the dust that covered the sky, reflected the dim world, and shot directly at Saruyan.

This blow caused the rough-skinned Saruyan to subconsciously turn around to defend.

As the blazing light exploded, a roar sounded, suppressing the ten-tailed Saruyan, and just like this, he was directly ejected, and rowed all the way for more than ten miles, until the Tao-style canceled Saruyan.

At this time, everyone saw a pale green light man flying from the western sky.

“Otsutsuki Sheren?” Many people in the Four Chiyang Formation exclaimed.

“Another person who wants to destroy the ninja world?” Senju Hashirama murmured heavily.

Qianshou Tobirama turned his head speechlessly, not wanting to talk to his eldest brother. He knew the truth. This child looked like a bullock, but he was actually a **** of his granddaughter.

If the other party is the only seedling of the descendant of the moon of the immortal Hanamura, and has a good heart, he has changed his mind, or the pair of reincarnated eyes will be with his granddaughter.

“Black Jue! Who is this tm?” Madara Uchiha asked when he saw this person and went to Hei Jue’s side.

He doesn’t care about the green figure, the blue eyes, and even his powerful attacks can be put aside. The question is, what’s going on with the black begging jade behind this person?

The symbol of the Six Paths Immortal level, he Uchiha Madara doesn’t have this pendant yet.

Before Hei Jue could explain, Shiren flew like lightning.

“The ten tails are actually resurrected? Hmph, evil things like UU reading must be suppressed, this is the responsibility of the end of the moon!”

Toto Otsutsuki snorted coldly, and was about to shoot at Juwei.

These days in the moon, my heart is trembling, I didn’t expect that people from outside the sky still came to the ninja world, but fortunately one just died, and now I have arrived in time.

Just as Shiren was about to attack Juwei and Madara Uchiha, Momoshiki attacked with a powerful air blade.

Sheren swung a Taoist jade and turned into a shell-shaped round shield to easily block it.

Seeing Tao Shi then attacked, Sheren greeted him solemnly.

For a while, the green light and the white figure chased each other with sparks and lightning, attacking and defending.

For a time, two strong men with the same physique and the same judo gymnastics were entangled together.

However, the battle situation escalated immediately, and Shiren was still much inferior, so he began to use the jade weapon.

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