My Daughter-in-law Knows the Plot

Chapter 94 - Tsunade High Hokage

With this meticulous method, this motive, Qi Yu immediately knew who it was, and now he needs to find some evidence.

Although his illusion ability is not as good as Uchiha Itachi and Obito, he is still quite suitable for dealing with ordinary people.

Since someone is willing to stretch out a dirty hand, Qi Yu is also very happy not to do it himself.

Just observe the movements of the people behind it, wait for them to finish, and then find out.

Originally, I wanted to get some small shrimps to stand up for Wei, but now there is a very good fat chicken, which is the most suitable to use as an example.

The sacrifice of the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi also caused an uproar in the ninja world. After all, it was the shadow of the strongest ninja village who was attacked by the enemy and refused to sacrifice.

All of a sudden, the forces became more vigilant about Xiao’s organization of the remnants of the party.

Tsunade is a little disturbed at the moment here.

Although she disliked some of the teacher’s actions, she was the teacher who brought her up after all.

People are ruthless without plants and trees. I haven’t returned to Konoha for more than ten years. I didn’t expect that I would be like the original book, and I still couldn’t see the teacher.

At the cost of his own life, he used the ghoul to seal it off. Maybe when he finally left, he must be very happy, right? Perhaps it is also a relief.

Tsunade also understood that the reason why Danzo and Sandai became like this was that his second grandfather needed to be responsible.

Although his second grandfather has excellent abilities, the third generation and Danzo can only be compared with each other in their entire lives.

But times have changed, and the wisdom of predecessors may not necessarily be applicable to future generations.

And Sandai and Danzo, who consider themselves inferior to the second generation, can only follow the second generation’s will for most of their lives.

Until now, the three generations have slowly transformed some Konoha’s will of fire. Let the ninjas change from the mission-oriented concept to the companion-oriented concept, which is a disguised way of giving Hatake Sakumo a reversal.

Of course, Tsunade hopes that the three generations of teachers will live to step on the thunder for her, and then take a good look at her Tsunade to show off her power and change the world. Let Kamamaru see what TM is called to bring changes to the ninja world.

Unfortunately, now that the teacher has left, even if she succeeds in the future, she will have one less person to show off to.

At this point, although it was not in the plan, Tsunade was not a coward.

An alliance meeting was held immediately, Maitreya Sara Ye Naiyu and others held a secret meeting first, and then invited Xiaonan Xiaxing and others.

Make the follow-up arrangements and prepare to accelerate the development of the alliance in advance.

By the afternoon of the next day, Jirai brought Kakashi Asma and others to take over Tsunade.

In the original novel, Tsunade has been away from the village for more than ten years, and he has been drinking and gambling outside. If so, once he is a Hokage in Konoha Village, he will be supported.

Now Tsunade has developed the Northwest Traffic Alliance that attracted the attention of the ninja world two years ago, and her reputation is booming. She is now returning to Konoha to serve as the fifth-generation Hokage, which is not too logical.

Of course, someone who is also flourishing should also have this treatment, but he did not come out to fight for it.

In fact, Danzo, who has become younger by relying on Bai Jue at this moment, is capable of competing.

But for a long time, Koharu and Mito Kazuto didn’t recognize him.

At the beginning, when I pried away Rijian, I didn’t know that Minato was on. After Minato died, Koharu and Mito Menyan still didn’t choose him.

Now that Day Zhan passed away, even if Danzo had more heritage and popularity, he suddenly found that he didn’t have as strong a desire for that position as he used to.

Maybe it was because Tsunade had some abilities, maybe it was because she was the teacher’s granddaughter, or for some other reason, Danzo held back his footsteps and didn’t interfere in Hokage’s election.

Instead, he started an experiment. His roots have been studying first-generation cells for many years. Now there is a living Bai Jue and several Bai Jue corpses, so he can’t help it.

Tsunade was here, seeing Kakashi’s wrapped left eye, she already knew the matter through the information sent by Jiraiya, and she kicked Kakashi in a rage.

She let Kakashi go again and again, but unfortunately Kakashi disappointed her too much.

Obito, who has the dual power in his hand, how can he hold him? It is an existence that comes and goes more freely, and it is more troublesome than the eye of reincarnation.

The guy with the eyes together, if one day he really wants to join the Konoha and traffic alliance, except for a few masters of immortality, all others can only wait to die or be consumed to death.

While Asma, Hong and the others were trembling with fear, Maitreya Sara pulled Tsunade away.

Jiraiya and Kakashi were hammered into pig heads again.

Finally, under the three huge airships, Tsunade and the others went to Konoha.

On the day of Tsunade’s enthronement in Konoha Village, which was lively and lively, Sandyin Village and Kiriyin Village sent representatives to Konoha to congratulate.

Fenghua Xiaoxue, Maitreya and Sara also attended in person as close friends.

In addition, congratulations from the small forces such as the Ninja Village, the Ninja Village, and the Ninja Village, the Nation of Birds and Stones.

For a time, it was a grand occasion in the ninja world.

Of course, this also made many people restless.

Years of war have kept the countries of the ninja world at a distance like hedgehogs and beware of each other.

Now there is an alien. The superiors alone have so many huge allies. If she has finished digesting the first force, Konoha Village, if she has any bad thoughts in the future, who can stop it?

After all, it seems that every faction has some grudges with Konoha, who knows if they will settle accounts in the autumn?

While this is a grand occasion, many people also know that the world is about to change.

In Iwayin Village, the third Tukage Onoki sighed leisurely while holding the information.

The ninja world is about to change, but they are not friendly to Yanyin Village.

In all countries, Ninja Village is a well-known existence, with the exception of Iwa Ninja Village.

The land of the land is unique in geography. It is located in the northwest of the ninja world. The land of the land faces the sea in the north to the east and the south to the west. It is a huge rock mountain range that is dozens of miles wide and thousands of kilometers across the Ninja world.

Tightly wrapping the entire land of the land, in this chaotic world, the land of the land is a very peaceful place.

However, this is very unfriendly to Iwayin Village, the Ninja Village of the Land of Earth.

Too peaceful, the daimyo does not support Yanyin Village very much. Without war, Shinobi Village would have little meaning.

After all, the huge mountain range that protects the land of the land, let alone ordinary people, is difficult for most ninjas to cross, that is, it protects the land of the land from foreign invasion, and also isolates the expansion of the land of the land.

So Rao was the one who was in harmony with Daimyo, and Daimyo still cut a lot of military expenditures. Who told them that they couldn’t conquer territory outside after several ninja wars?

The cost of training ninjas is too high. Sometimes UU reading wants to do things, but Ohnogi always pays and asks Xiao to organize and others to do it.

The other big names in the transportation alliance that Tsunade pulls up now are very cautious, that is, they are drooling and greedy, but they don’t dare to take risks.

Although the railway transportation is indeed convenient and the benefits are enormous, it is easy to be destroyed. As long as there are people with dissent, and a little price, the entire transportation system can be paralyzed.

Everyone understands people. It’s not that this thing is bad, but that this era can’t bear it.

Therefore, the interests of motorcycles and bicycles are firmly held, and even the interests of airships are more real than railways.

But the land of the land is different. In the very peaceful and closed land of the land, Daimyo wants to introduce railway transportation, and even participates in the transportation alliance to jointly study the road car system.

Now we have started to discuss with the ministers, even the transportation bill and the Learning Transportation Alliance to create the Transportation Guard are all planned.

But Daimyo didn’t take him to play, and he also intended to bypass him and set up a traffic guard.

This made Ohnogi very panicked. It is difficult to maintain Yanyin Village now. If traffic is popular in the land of the land, there will be more famous names than just one or two departments, but also the economy and prestige.

At that time, just throwing money at him will be able to dig out all the ninjas in Yanyin Village.

The fact that the daimyo guarded the coup d’etat in the land of fire made all Shinobi villages know what the daimyo thought.

Ninja villagers are naturally unhappy. I can be on an equal footing with your name and ask you for money. You don’t care about me, so why should I dissolve and become your little brother?

So, to create trouble for the traffic alliance, let the daimyo see the drawbacks of traffic, so as to limit the daimyo’s outstretched hand.

Of course, it would be best if the ninja world was in chaos, then the ninja village would have a reason to continue.

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