My Daughter is an Assassin

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Meeting Old Friends

Translator: Simple MTL  Editor: Simple MTL

When the first rays of the morning sun shone on the Earth, Judith got up early to go to school for her exams.

This time, she didn’t ask Borg to go with her.

Because of this, Borg could stay at home and have a good sleep.

With yesterday’s answers fresh in their minds, Judith and Linda’s exams were a piece of cake! They were well equipped to deal with the exams today.

On the surface, they pretended that the questions were difficult, but in fact, the two of them knew very well that they had already memorized the answers. However, they still chose to make mistakes on many of the questions.

This way, they could get high marks without being suspected…


A few days later, the exams were over.

Once the exams were over, it meant that summer vacation was coming. Borg was very unhappy about summer vacation…

Because every time it was summer vacation, his daughter would drag him to travel all over the world.

For Borg, it was better not to travel. He would be happy to be given a bed and a game console, so he could stay at home for a few months.

But every time he protested, his daughter would be moody with him, would be upset. And when that happened, his heart would soften, and he would go with his daughter and travel to the places she wanted to visit.

Sure enough, when the middle school exam scores came through, and Judith and Linda got into the same high school, Judith requested to go on a trip.

This trip was to Africa. She said she wanted to see the magic of nature.

Because only in a barren place like Africa, without high-rise buildings and advanced technology, could the beauty of nature be fully revealed and appreciated.

In the face of this, Borg’s first reaction was to shake his head. His second reaction was to put his foot down as the man of the family. But his third reaction was to agree!

In just ten seconds, Borg compromised with his daughter’s request.

Looking at her father, who had been silent with a miserable expression, Judith returned to her room with a smile on her face, not caring whether her father was willing or not.

After his daughter returned to her room, Borg looked up at the sky and sighed. He looked at his computer, his game console, and his warm and comfortable bed. He almost cried.

After a while, he went to lie on the bed.

He already knew the reason why his daughter wanted to go to Africa…

If he guessed correctly, the Rookie Killer Competition had already started to send out invitations…

However, Borg did not expect that the assessment this time would be so strict. They were actually holding it in Africa.

Africa was the continent with the most mercenaries. Due to poverty, this place was a lawless zone.

Once non-locals exposed their wealth here, they would immediately be attacked by people armed with knives and robbed blind! If these robbers weren’t that aggressive, they would just ask for money, but if they were ruthless, they would kill their targets.

He remembered that in the past few killer competitions, they would go to some developed countries. As for the arrangement this time, it really surprised Borg.

Especially the one that Borg personally participated in. At that time, he was eight years old. In the third month after becoming an assassin, the rookie competition started.

However, due to the age restriction, he could not participate in the competition, but he did not care about this.

After he heard that news, he took the initiative to go to this place and immediately put all the other participants out of action. Those who did not take the initiative to withdraw would be killed without mercy!

Through such ruthless methods, he won first place in the competition at the age of nine.

The reward for this competition was ten million USD, plus an upgrade of the assassin’s level.

Assassins and killers were divided into different levels. Specifically, they were divided into nine levels. In the world of assassins, different level assassins would receive different orders and receive different rewards.

Level 1 killers were the strongest and level 9 killers were the weakest.

The rewards a level 1 assassin could receive started at 10 million US dollars. As for Level 9 assassin, the lowest reward was 200,000 US dollars.

There was only one way to level up one’s assassin level, and that was to complete the mission, obtain points, and then level up.

Every time a mission was completed, points would be obtained. Once the points reached a certain level, the assassin would level up. If they failed the mission, the points would be deducted. If one died, the points would be cleared.

This was the rule of the assassin world.

His daughter wanted to participate in this rookie competition for two reasons…

Firstly, she wanted to pass the ranking and level up her assassin level.

Secondly, she wanted to meet the talented assassins of the same age from all over the world. In other words, she wanted to see the competition, who she was up against.

Regarding his daughter’s competitive attitude, not only did Borg not have any objections, but he also even supported her.

That was what his daughter wanted. She wasn’t afraid of anything!

As for his daughter’s safety, Borg wasn’t worried.

Because with him around, no one in the world could touch his daughter.

After sorting out things and making preparations, Borg began to fall asleep. He was actually looking forward to going to Africa when he thought about it.

The reason he was looking forward to it was because he had many old friends in Africa. However, he didn’t know if any of these old ghosts were still alive…

The Rookie Killer Competition was divided into matches, which meant they had to go to a few countries. It had been a long time since he had left this place. He had been separated from his old friends for nearly ten years. To be honest, he really wanted to meet that group of people; those kings who once dominated the era.

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