My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 106 - Riding a donkey to find father

When Keli grasped the handle of the ancient dagger and pulled it out forcefully, the hall of the ruins suddenly fell silent.

The two gangs who had been swearing and fighting indiscriminately stopped unanimously, and stood motionless in the same place, as if they were petrified.

They felt that something extremely terrifying was approaching, or was waking up, and everyone could hear thunderous heartbeats and dull low roars in their ears.

Getting closer, getting more urgent, and getting clearer.

Gradually, the sound of heartbeats and roars gradually turned into some vague babble, penetrating their eardrums and reaching their minds.

Although I didn’t understand what was murmured in the muttering, the deep and distant tone was not harsh, nor did it cause anyone’s discomfort. On the contrary, the mood gradually calmed down.

The same kind of illusion appeared in front of them-in a prosperous and lively ancient city, everyone was kneeling on the ground, worshipping a towering figure in the sky.

Everyone dared not raise their heads to look directly at that great existence, only dared to tremble under the shadow of his wings that obscured the sky and sun. They could only dream of that extraordinary honor from the shadow he casts on the ground.

The people in the ruins were affected by this illusion, and they couldn’t help kneeling down. They happened to be surrounded by the floating altar again. For a while, it was a bit confused whether they were worshipping the one in the illusion. Great existence?

Still worshipping Keli, standing in the middle of the altar, holding an ancient dagger.

Keli didn’t see the illusion in front of her, she just carefully looked at the dagger in her hand. With the dim light all around, in the rusty cracks, she vaguely saw a stream of light passing through the surface of the dagger.

She stared at the dagger for a while, and quickly recovered. Only then did she notice that the surrounding area had quieted down. The people below suddenly stopped beating for some reason, and they knelt on the ground to worship?

The situation was a little weird, and Ke Li didn’t dare to think about it, and put the dagger in the storage bag in the space around her waist as soon as possible.

When the dagger disappeared in the storage bag, the illusion in front of everyone disappeared, and the chattering in the ear became sharp and hoarse, and a severe headache that seemed to be shattered followed.

The person who had been kneeling on the ground collapsed, and a puff of black blood poured out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth at the same time, and there were bursts of painful roars in his mouth, struggling **** the ground.

“Uh…ah!!! This is… mental pollution!”

An empire’s legendary powerhouse with a pained expression, snapped off one of his index fingers in one bite, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the wound.

As soon as this blood was released into the air, it burned fiercely and turned into a **** mist, and then flew to the other four legendary companions, as well as Professor Kant, and enveloped them.

The five people who were shrouded in blood mist recovered a little bit of consciousness. Even though they were still suffering from headaches, they were finally able to act.

It’s a pity that he himself, as if experiencing some terrible torture, his face was as pale as death, and he kept twitching on the ground with pain.

This strong man actually ignited his spiritual power at a critical moment and covered his teammates.

“Run! Don’t let Lord Andro die in vain!”

Professor Kant shouted.

The two eighth ranks immediately picked up Professor Kant and the self-sacrificing Andro, and ran away regardless.

Dikeli also flashed her figure, returned from the floating altar to the ground, and quickly followed with her short legs.

With the help of deformed armor, their running speed was much faster than ordinary people. They left the hall in the blink of an eye and reached the upward passage, but the passage was quite narrow, which suddenly restricted the speed of everyone.

Professor Kant couldn’t help but glanced back. The hall, which was previously filled with various lighting equipment by the empire and barbarians, suddenly went dark, but it was not a normal darkness, more like it was swallowed by some indescribable deep darkness. generally.

In the passage, magic light tubes for lighting were originally hung on the left and right walls at intervals.

These lights were extinguished section by section, and the darkness chased up from behind, getting closer and closer to them.

“Hurry up! Hurry up!”

Professor Kant shouted loudly.

“Let me clear the way!”

A burly eighth-level strongman rushed to the forefront, with large flashes of electric light flashing on his body. The whole body was like a drill, rushing forward spirally, bringing up a burst of flying sand and rocks, making the original potholes and unevenness. The pothole was drilled a bit wider.

With his help, everyone’s speed suddenly became much faster, and they finally rushed out of the underground ruins before the darkness behind them.

At this moment, it happened to be a starry night, even if it was just a little bit of starlight, it gave them the illusion of seeing the world again.

A Tier 8 strong man turned his head and popped out a few cards like playing cards from his hand armor, twisted between his fingers, and flew out toward the hole that came out.

A few cards were inserted on the wall around the entrance of the cave, and it exploded with a bang, causing the surrounding rock walls to collapse one after another, temporarily blocking the entrance of the cave.

“This is useless, we must run separately, contact the Empire and the Scholars Association as much as possible, so that they can awaken all the demigods as soon as possible! Prepare all the rule-level holy artifacts!”

Professor Kant lay on a person’s back and ordered.

“What the **** is that?”

The strong man who opened the way before couldn’t help but ask.

Professor Kant did not speak, but answered him with a look full of fear.

The man stopped talking, silently picked up the companion who was still convulsing in pain, and ran towards the barbarian camp.

Keli also separated very much, her small face under the mask was tight, and a wisp of bangs on her forehead, under the suppression of the helmet, stretched out a handful of dull hair tenaciously from the gap.

Then, she ran away in the direction of the mountain fort.

But the distance between the ruins and the alpine fort was too far, and the carriage had to go for a day. Even if Keli had the help of deformed armor, it was basically impossible to run by.

She is too short and her legs are too short…

Fortunately, after running out of the relic valley, she passed by a small village and found a small donkey at the entrance of the village with a small milk cat lying on its head.

The two little animals were looking at the direction of the ruins valley together, their faces full of anxiety.

“Mi! Little donkey!”

Keli was overjoyed immediately and ran over quickly.

“Meow meow meow!”

The little milk cat rushed over with excitement, and the little donkey hurriedly approached.

Time is running out, and Ke Li has no time to tease the cat. She quickly took off her armor, turned over and rode on the donkey, and patted its round buttocks.

“Quickly, it’s dangerous here, there is a powerful monster about to come out, let’s go find Dad!”

The donkey was stunned for a moment, then craned his neck and screamed several times.

The various animals in the village that were originally very calm suddenly became excited, and suddenly jumped and ran out frantically. Even the old sow and the little suckling pig ran out of the pigpen and ran like joy.

The old, weak, sick and disabled who stayed behind in the village were taken aback. They quickly got up and rushed out to chase all kinds of domestic animals. The whole village was gone in the blink of an eye.

Then, the little donkey closed his eyes again, his hooves kept groping on the ground, and his tail flicked quickly, as if something was brewing.

But after a long time, there was no movement.

The little milk cat could not remember, jumped on top of its head, scratched with his paw, and urged his good girlfriend.

The donkey looked helpless and innocent, his ears drooped, and he shook his head.

But Li was so awkward that she understood something, and hurriedly rummaged in the bear’s bag.

Finally, I found a sweetheart fruit from the village…

When she left the village last time, her kind neighbor stuffed her. At that time, a lot of them were given away, but there was no time to finish the meal. Fortunately, the storage bag has a fresh-keeping function, and the sweetheart fruit looks the same as the one just picked.

Keli quickly fed the sweetheart fruit into the little donkey’s mouth.

The donkey ate the fruit in a few bites, and then started shaking his head again.

This time, something finally changed.

The muscles on both sides of its belly squirmed, and a pair of fluffy, snow-white bird wings grew out of thin air.

The little donkey fluttered its wings twice, and its body gradually vacated and floated up, looking like it had become a flying messenger.

Keli’s tight face finally showed a little smile, and she hurriedly cheered:

“Fly! Little donkey! Fly!”

The little donkey flapped its wings, adjusted its direction, slowly flapped its wings, and flew in the direction of the mountain fort.

It’s too slow!

Keli was anxious, she lowered her head and took out a sweetheart fruit from her bag, tied it to her saber with a tying ribbon, and hung the sweetheart fruit in front of the donkey.

In this way, the speed is finally improved a bit.


And in the hall that had been completely swallowed by darkness, a little light suddenly appeared.

Red, **** light.

That little bit of light is divided into multiple directions, rushing along the lines engraved on the ground like a colorful red paintbrush copying the pattern, and quickly outlines the engraved on the ground A scarlet pattern.

At the position of the huge wings of the pattern, several lines are tangled and fused together, turning into a pair of round blood pools emitting red light, slightly boiling.

Looking down, it was like a pair of blood-red eyes appeared in the pitch black.

But too late to leave, the people lying on the ground tumbling and screaming quieted down in an instant. They got up from the ground, chanting inaudible babbles in a low voice, lined up in two neat lines, and walked to two. On the edge of Wang Xuechi.

Under the faint red light of the blood pool, their faces looked hideous and distorted, with a certain unspeakable madness.

Then, one by one, they walked into the blood pool without hesitation and disappeared.

The blood pool went from bubbling slightly to violently boiling, and it seemed that something was gushing out of it…


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