My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 124 - No questions

On Rohr’s side, I don’t know what happened to the distant mountain for the time being.

After getting today’s game from Xiong’s Express, he has been busy in the kitchen of Fatty’s home. The two of them are spending lunch together, using various gifts of nature to reward his hard work…


He sneezed abruptly.

“Huh? Is anyone thinking of me?”

Roll muttered to himself somewhat puzzled.

“Hey, isn’t the woman you outside thinking about you?”

The fat man, who was stirring the mushroom soup in the pot with a spoon, asked with a smirk.

“How is it possible? You don’t know me, a woman will only affect the speed of my sword!”

Luo Eryi said righteously, his hands still brushing oil on the roasted rabbit on the shelf.

He didn’t notice anything, and the life around him was as peaceful as ever.

The outside of the fat man’s house was also shrouded in a faint mist to ensure the peace and harmony in Rohr’s eyes.

It wasn’t until the distant horizon became quiet that Sweetheart’s neighbor, who had been squatting at his door, breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The mist outside Fatty’s house also slowly dissipated.

“Damn, I finally calm down, I’m exhausted…”

He murmured.

“Fortunately, the village chief really doesn’t perceive, otherwise at my level, I really can’t hide him…”

“Damn it! If it wasn’t for that bastard’s operation error and cut the top of the hill, I wouldn’t have to work so hard.”

He scolded as he spoke, and wanted to knock the corn man into the field to turn him into a real corn.

And in his ears, other villagers’ exchanges were still being heard:

“That carefully arranged chaos cage was actually destroyed? I thought the empire was going to be wiped out.”

“It seems that the people in the empire are not as weak as imagined?”

“Did anyone notice the light just now? What is it…”

“That should be some kind of manifested power? But how do I feel like it is related to the village chief?”

“A-Da and Ah-Er can take a hard time, can they go and take a look? They are too far apart, and their perception is disturbed, and they don’t see it really well.”

“It’s our honor.”

Ah Da and Ah Er were using their hands to turn the ground like ordinary farmers, putting the black ashes they had brought back from the mountain fort on the ground. After hearing this proposal, they did not hesitate to agree.

Before leaving, two more villagers reminded:

“If you meet that chaos guy, remember to catch it alive. These little mice are really restless, so you can’t learn from us and be an ordinary villager with peace of mind?”

“You had better pretend to be a little bit, and don’t let those mortals notice us.”


The smiling face a little bit bigger, looked down at his ordinary villager-style clothes, snapped his fingers.

Then the clothes on him and his twin brothers were twisted and turned into a standard imperial gentleman dress in a suit, shoes, and top hat.

The two of them thought for a while and took out two more masks from their arms.

The mask is symmetrical in black and white, with completely different expressions painted on it, one is a smiling face like a clown, and the other is a very aggrieved crying face.

They bought this while strolling around Gaoshan Fort. It is said to be the most popular souvenir there.

But the workmanship is not good, it is a bit rough, and there are various flaws in the pattern and coloring.

The two brothers thought these mundane gadgets were a bit interesting, so they bought one of them, and they also specially reversed the expressions on their usual faces. The smiling Ada put on a crying mask, and the black-faced Aer put on a crying mask. The one with the smiley face.

Then, the two figures gradually disappeared into the field.

When their figures reappeared, they had already reached the top of the mountain and saw a group of powerful empires lying on the ground.

The chaos cage was smashed by that light. They came out alive and took their lives back, but they immediately burst into a strong sense of exhaustion that even the physique of a saint could not bear, and they couldn’t stand still.

Including the demigod avatar is similar, although it can continue to float, but the clarity is reduced a lot.

Moreover, physical exhaustion is secondary, the spiritual power in their bodies is almost exhausted, and all the holy objects on their bodies have lost their luster and completely abolished.

After all, theoretically speaking, they were no longer in this world before, and returning from the Chaos Domain to this world would naturally have to pay a heavy price.

Even if they can survive, they will fall into a severe state of weakness, which will last for about 2-3 days. If someone outside is waiting to attack them, the end is self-evident…

This is also the place where the Chaos Prison is powerful and insidious, and it is also a trap-type ability that takes a long time to prepare, otherwise the apostle would have already counterattacked the empire based on this alone.

The Eleven Apostles really left, and didn’t plan to kill them, as if they were jealous.

Otherwise, this wave of him can directly kill super gods.

Oriana’s situation seemed even worse, she fell into a coma, as if her whole body was hollowed out.

It’s just that her beautiful face hidden on the visor, with a sweet, happy smile, seems to be experiencing a sweet dream.

After seeing Ah Da and Ah Er who suddenly appeared in front of everyone with an ugly mask, the strong men present suddenly became nervous.

Then they found that they were so weak that they couldn’t even pinch a secret technique.

“Don’t struggle, take a good rest, we have no interest in you, and have no intention of hurting you.”

As Ah Da said, he took out a **** from his hand and waved it a few times. The **** turned into a gentleman’s stick. Then he pointed his stick at the demigod avatar, and continued to ask:

“Just you, can you tell me how did you get out of the cage of chaos?”

The Honor Witness did not rush to answer, but carefully examined the two weird people who suddenly appeared in front of him with perception.

There was no smell of depravity and chaos, indicating that the opponent should not be an apostle.

And there is no power fluctuation, no coercion, and it seems to be just ordinary people.

But he did not dare to take it lightly, did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically:

“who are you?”

“Ahem, I am asking questions now.”

As Ada said, his cane lightly pestle on the ground.

The Honor Witness suddenly felt a strange wave enveloping him. Although it didn’t seem to be lethal, it caused a certain change in his body that was invisible to the naked eye.

He knew that he was distorted, and the other party was obviously a distorted demigod.


He just spit out a syllable from his mouth when he wanted to speak and then found out what he was distorted.

He can’t ask questions!


His eyes widened as he was far away from the body of the tower of truth in the imperial capital.

Not only the clone, but his ontology was also affected.

He originally wanted to say ‘how is this possible’, but he only said half of it, and then stopped abruptly.

This situation has completely surpassed his imagination and cognition.

As a twisted demigod, he knows how difficult it is to do this.

Although the ability to distort reality is powerful and easy to use, it still has its limits after all, and not everything can be distorted.

In the initial stage of mastering power, only concrete things can be distorted, and they must also be simple and ordinary things, and then gradually grow to distort the enemy’s power, distorting space, etc., just like what he showed before.

The stronger the thing to be twisted, the more difficult it is to twist. The power needed to deal with a saint is not at the same level as dealing with a legend.

But similar to human thoughts, although the various laws that exist objectively exist, they are intangible, invisible and intangible, and cannot be distorted.

But the guy with the ugly mask in front of him did this quietly!

And the object is himself, an empire veteran demigod!

The Honor Witness was shocked and realized that the two guys in front of him were more dangerous than the apostles before them.

He really wanted to know who the other party was, what rank it was, and why he could do such a subversive thing.

But he can no longer ask questions…

He could only look at the sages lying behind him, weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and then described his previous experience.

“…In short, that’s the case. I don’t know what the Saint of Flame manifested. I was also in a state of temporary confusion at the time, and I saw only a light in front of me.”

Ah Da did not respond, but pointed to the metal saint next to him with his cane, and said:

“It’s your turn to answer the question.”

The metal saint was originally a tough guy, but at this time he was very spineless and confessed the situation honestly.

He was distorted into a state of answering the other party’s questions truthfully.

After noticing that there was something wrong with him, he also realized that the strength of the opponent was beyond his own understanding, and the huge metal body couldn’t help trembling slightly.

Ah Da then asked the two saints again, and got the same answer from them.

This made him very disappointed and shook his head.

“Hey, you guys are really rubbish, you don’t even know what happened, haha, you didn’t even realize what you missed…”

With that, he looked at Oriana who was still unconscious.

Ah Er, who didn’t say a word from start to finish, suddenly stretched out his hand and took his arm, and then shook his head.

Ah Da stared at Oriana very seriously, and seemed to understand something.

Then, the two figures gradually disappeared in place.

After they left for a long time, the saints present asked in a low voice:

“Who are those two guys?”

“I don’t know, they really look like ordinary people, but my heart is full of awe…”

“This is terrible. Will they be enemies of the Empire? Will they be the legendary Tier 11?”

“How many things we don’t know are hidden in this world!”

Looking at the lively discussions among the saints, the honor witnesses actually wanted to participate.

But still did not speak.

It’s not to put on airs, but he is still affected by the opponent’s power, and he can’t ask questions. If he participates in the discussion, it will be uncomfortable…

In the blink of an eye, Ah Da and Ah Er returned to the fields, their clothes changed back to the style of ordinary villagers, and their masks were also put away.

Then the two happily reported the situation to the other villagers in their heads:

“Our village chief, there are girls who like it!”

“And she is still a very beautiful girl, very young and very hot!”

The villagers suddenly became excited.

“Wow! Is the village chief planning to get married?”

“Is that woman powerful? It’s also a twisted one?”

“Very curious! Very curious! The one who can’t wait to go is me!”

However, many people also raised questions:

“No, no? No? There are no women who really like the village chief, do they?”

“Although according to the appearance of the village chief, it is not surprising to be seen by ordinary women, but he must have no interest in others? He only sees his daughter.”

Only Sweetheart’s neighbor remembered the business, and quickly asked in his mind:

“Could it be that the previous light was the power of the village chief?”

“Well, there is a twisted demigod among them. It is of a certain level. By twisting the cage, the woman can realize the power of the village head and be able to survive.”

“It was through this contact that Ah Er noticed her contact with the village chief and the village chief’s and I let them go.”

Ah Da opened his mouth and explained that, in fact, there was still a little regret in his heart.

Although the sage is weaker and the effect is relatively poor, it is definitely better than the external fertilizer. Some land that is not too short of fertilizer can be used.

The fat man who was eating with Roll was taken aback for a while, a smirk hung on the corner of his mouth, and he asked the opposite Roller:

“Hey, you really didn’t plan to find a mom for Keli?”

“What nonsense are you talking about again? I can’t even find her own mother, so I’m looking for a little mom?”

Rohr replied irritably, nibbling on the fat and oily rabbit legs in his hand, while taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes from the table with the other hand, feeding it to squatting under the table, looking at his little milk. cat.

“Meow meow……”

The little milk cat yelled a few words in a low voice, looked at the fish bones left by Roer next to him, and then at the mashed potatoes that he passed over, and his big eyes were full of grievances.

After eating and drinking, Rohr wiped his mouth and said:

“Oh, by the way, I almost forgot one thing. You are the most knowledgeable person in the village besides me. I have something to discuss with you.”

Then, he talked to the fat man about taking part in the entrance examination that year and the doubts in his heart.

“You said, was there something wrong with my trial back then?”

The fat man was taken aback for a moment. Although he heard Rohr mention the failed trial, he used to be silent about it. He would only expose his scars when he drank too much. He didn’t expect to talk about it again today. .

He hesitated and replied:

“I don’t know about this. You can’t even remember the place where you participated in the trial. How do I know?”

“It seems that I can only wait for the next time I return to the imperial capital and ask the head of them.”

Roll replied helplessly.

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