My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 126 - Start again

In this way, for the next period of time, Keli basically lived in Oriana’s house.

Even her sister Anya was inevitably left out.

But this is no alternative.

Writing a professional academic paper with zero foundation is not something you can easily read by just watching the video cloud. There are too many basic parts that require Oriana to help her make up lessons from the beginning, and you need to start with the most basic written language.

Keli is very smart and learns quickly, but these contents always take a lot of time, so that she is still in the writing stage and has not formally started writing.

Anya understands this, and also hopes that Keli and Oriana will get closer.

A ninth-order saint, together with the family behind her, is worthy of deep friendship.

But the relationship between Keli and Oriana during this period is different from when they were under house arrest by scholars.

At that time, the two were locked up in a small courtyard. Although Oriana also taught Kelly, most of them were thinking about what to say, lacking systematic instruction.

But at that time, Keli had been in a low mood, she couldn’t listen to many things, and she was always molested by Oriana, which made her resist.

But this time it’s different. Oriana really did a good job as a teacher, like a real teacher, gently, patiently, and meticulously explain all kinds of questions to Ke Li, and teach her the actual writing, and also help. Stroke ideas, rationalize outlines, change words and typos, etc.

In their free time, the two will also call Anya, go out together to buy the newly-listed beautiful little skirts, and taste various desserts and delicacies.

And Oriana also changed her previous hot and **** dressing style. She took the line of well-known ladies, gave up short and tight skirts, and chose noble and elegant long skirts. It really gained some points. Elderly style.

He is a teacher, but also like a sister and a friend.

This greatly improved Keli’s perception of Oriana.

This woman, as long as she doesn’t want to be her own mother, is really a good person…

However, she is a little worried about her physical problems…

Although it doesn’t seem to be a serious problem, I have been on vacation for several days, and I often see some sect pastors coming over. Will it still not recover?

Kelly couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

But Oriana bit her ear and whispered:

“Hee hee, it’s actually fine for a long time, but… you know, I’m always busy, it’s rare to have a good rest during such a holiday…”

Kelly looked at the sly smile at the corner of her mouth, relieved a lot.

However, after observing during this period of time, she found that Oriana would suddenly distract herself from time to time, with the tenderness of water flowing in her red eyes, and she looked at herself eagerly.

Or standing alone by the bed, looking at unknown places in the distance, with his hands folded on her chest, letting the breeze outside the window blow her white hair, she looked like a girl who was missing someone.

These two strange actions made Keli vaguely feel that something was wrong…

But I can’t say what it is.

Maybe… is the sequelae of the injuries suffered in the previous battle?

Sure enough, she is doing her best, right?

Ke Li felt a little self-blaming, thinking that she shouldn’t interrupt her rest like this, and she planned to move back to live.

In the end, Oriana was forcibly retained, and she also took out the majesty that the teacher should have, saying that she would not leave until the paper was completed.

In fact, Oriana’s health is really not a big problem. The reason why she keeps calling the disease is that, on the one hand, she wanted to take the opportunity to be lazy, just like she said to Keli.

On the other hand, she was a little confused and needed time to calm her mind.

After the last attack, as soon as she woke up, she faced many cross-examinations from the Society of Scholars, mainly wanting to know what she had manifested.

But Oriana did not say…

It’s not that she deliberately concealed something, but her memory at that time was really vague.

At that time, she suffered mental pollution, and a very strong hallucination appeared in front of her, and her memory afterwards was bound to be affected. Only some scattered fragments remained, which had no reference value.

However, the deepest pictures were left in my mind, all of which looked like she was living a happy life with that man…

And that person is still Keli’s father, Mr. Rolle.

Anyway, it was so faint and hazy, as if she had had a dream, she couldn’t remember the other things, and she didn’t even know what happened at that time.

Even the light, the light seen by everyone present, has a different meaning in her eyes. It is a bit like the door of a church is opened, and she is about to embark on the road to happiness with her lover, and the light she saw when she is welcoming a happy life. Same.

Oriana herself didn’t know why that hallucination appeared before her eyes.

And why is that person Keli’s father?

The two have only seen each other a few times? I haven’t dated, and I haven’t even held my hand…

But the illusion that has suffered from mental pollution has such a characteristic, the thinking is in a state of chaos, and there is no law and logic to follow.

In theory, it is correct to say that, everything is just a coincidence, Oriana just passively has hallucinations, it has nothing to do with her thoughts, just forget about it.

But after she recovered well, she always lay in bed again, involuntarily recalling the pictures of those illusions, and once again experienced the happy, full, and very safe mood at that time…

Then the lovely face flushed red, his slender legs clamped tightly to the pillow, and he rolled around in shame on the bed.

Later when she was teaching Keli, the illusion of her husband and child always appeared in front of her, and she would naturally be in a daze.

Even when I was wondering what I had realized at the time and how I could break the game, I would inevitably remember all the things at that time…

Obviously, it is impossible to say this kind of thing. It seems like the saint of empire flames is thinking about falling in love, marrying people, getting married and having children.

No one can say!

Fortunately, the Scholars Association did not persecute her, and gave her a big holiday.

The main reason is that the honorary witnesses believed her statement, which confirmed that she had indeed suffered serious mental pollution at the time, and it was normal for her memory to appear chaotic.

So… what should I do next?

When Mr. Rohr comes to see Keli again, how should I face him? Just run away?

Or should I dress more beautifully to attract his attention?

But… what kind of dressing style would he like? Short skirts and stockings?

Oriana’s mood was very contradictory at this time. The reservedness of her heart made her dare not meet with Roll at all. However, she faintly wanted to see him again, and even had a strange impulse in her heart, wanting to recover from the illusion. Scenes.

So just like that, after two weeks of passing the surface calm and the undercurrent surging, it was time for Rohr to set off.

The prosthesis in his hand has been replaced with the latest version, which was given to him by the strange villagers a few days ago.

How should I put this version of the prosthetic limb… The changes are a bit big…

The basic ease-of-use part is better than the previous version. It is really like an arm’s instruction, and the counterweight is adjusted very well, which is basically equivalent to the weight of a normal arm.

Because it was so easy to use, he would occasionally forget that he was still a disabled person.

But importantly, all the things that were swallowed before were not retrieved after all.

But it changed to another way and stayed by his side.

For example, the deformed armor that was finally acquired, now Rohr only needs to use his left hand to compare a thumb, index finger, little finger, and a gesture of closing the middle and ring fingers, and the armor will extend from the prosthesis to cover his whole body.

The appearance and color of the armor did not change, it was still very streamlined and sci-fi light black, and it still couldn’t wrap his left hand, it still looked like a sleeve was missing.

Fortunately, Rohr is not obsessive-compulsive disorder…

Then the crossbow that he captured and the shield brought back by his daughter are in the same state as the previous bone spur, completely absorbed by the prosthesis, and can be directly transformed from the back of the left hand.

This is more convenient for him to use, and he doesn’t need to take it out of his left hand before using it.

It’s just that these two new functions are somewhat contradictory, and it seems unlikely that they will be used.

Because they conflict with another new feature.

The current shield, crossbow, bone spurs, and the fish bone metal obtained from the two monsters seemed to form a strange fusion state.

They form a transforming weapon…

Under normal conditions, it looks like an ordinary saber, and its size, weight, and feel are exactly the same as the sabre that Rohr is used to, except that there is a fish-bone mark on the hilt.

And Rohr caressed this mark, and the saber will change like a deformed armor.

For example, it becomes a straight sword with only one-sided edge, or a stabbing sword like fencing.

Or a very long and very big crossbow, a bit like a Thunder Wolf Dragon heavy crossbow.

Moreover, it is not an arrow, but a small arrow-shaped ammunition formed by using scraps like buttons that were swallowed before, more like a hidden weapon dart.

In addition, it can also become a huge shield alone, and on the basis of the shield, it can become a two-handed epee or a huge double-edged axe.

It looks very fancy anyway.

But I just don’t know what it can do.

Although the shield turned into an axe was his long-awaited function, and now it is finally installed, there is still a huge gap from his ideal form.

The main reason is that the weapons are now fused together. When they are turned into sabers, they cannot be turned into axes. At the same time, the shield and crossbow can not be used separately with the left hand.

If the left hand wants to use a shield and crossbow, then the right hand has no weapons…

Not to mention that the super high output is a trick like **** cut.

In short, although Rohr had the transformation weapon he dreamed of, there was still a great distance from his ideal appearance.

Fortunately, other convenient functions for daily use, such as the function of transforming scissors, razors, screwdrivers, etc., have also been retained and have not been affected. The function of the space storage bag also works normally, but the capacity has not been expanded.

The other is that the pair of bracers that Jean Na gave him is missing?

Rohr didn’t feel distressed. The wristband was useless anyway. The clone that was summoned was a ball that couldn’t move, and it could easily lead to social death.

After trying out the new features of the prosthesis, he hurriedly talked to the strange villager and asked him why he couldn’t optimize the user experience better? Let the changes of weapons be more practical and don’t engage in conflicting functions.

It is strange that the villagers ignored him and did not raise their heads.

Rohr had to turn around and asked:

“After that, if my nonsense left hand swallows other things, can it change into more forms?”

The strange villager thought for a while and nodded.

“Hmm, that’s good, I still have hope!”

Rohr was very satisfied with this and asked:

“Then my arm is so powerful now, it should be considered a holy thing? What is the first level? Can there be a second level? Is there a price I need to pay?”

The strange villager raised his head and looked at him silently, with clear sympathy and care in his eyes.

This made Rohr very embarrassed for a while, so he had to cough twice and changed his mouth and said:

“Ahem, in general, this left hand is still much stronger than before. I’m curious, how did you do it? What’s the principle here?”

This time, the strange villager finally couldn’t help but speak:

“I said, do you understand?”

Rolle: “…”

Then he left silently.

After solving the problem of prosthetics, Rohr packed his luggage, found new tents and blankets from the neighbor’s house, packed them into his left hand, and then gathered the villagers together and explained to them the precautions after he left:

“If there is an attack by a beast in the mountains, don’t be brave!”

“If the tax officer in the town comes to look for things again and tell me my name, I am still in town, and I still have such a thin face. Don’t attack others with a **** or a shovel!”

“If there are new villagers who want to move in, they will all refuse and wait until I come back to deal with it.”

“Also it’s about to fall, remember not to delay the autumn harvest, otherwise there will be nothing to eat in winter…”

He sighed for several points of Then he rode the donkey slowly down the mountain.

The villagers did not cheer this time, and after he had walked a long way, they all showed their expressions of relief.

At this time, various changes began to occur in the village.

The originally peaceful and peaceful mountain villages, the beautiful little houses, squares with fountains and cobblestone roads, and Rohr’s home, instantly turned into ruins, full of devastation and mess.

Everywhere I don’t know what power pears came out of the deep gullies, the cracked lines are like a huge spider web, covering the entire area.

The crops outside were almost completely destroyed, and only a few weeds could be seen.

The air is also full of various terror fluctuations and remnants of coercion, accusing the place of what terrible battles have been fought before.


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