My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 138 - The focus of swordsmanship lies in sword energy

Brothers Ah Da and Ah Er came out this time mainly as passing bystanders.

Before, the villagers learned about the ‘Project of King’s Landing’ of the Apostles’ organization from the Eleven Apostles who had been drained of their souls, but there was only a general outline and direction.

This plan looks very ambitious, and it means a little bit of magnificence. It was not implemented in the last few years. Instead, the plan and layout, the establishment of the apostle organization, and their subsequent series of actions were started decades ago. , Are preparing and paving the way for this plan.

They should have succeeded long ago, or took a crucial step, but a major unplanned change eighteen years ago severely hindered progress and had to dormant for more than ten years.

However, the current information obtained by the villagers from the Eleven Apostles and the great philanthropist of the intelligence officer is not comprehensive enough. After all, it is a very large and complicated plan with a lot of division of labor. It’s hard to see the full picture of the plan.

And standing in that position are the two leaders of the apostolic organization, the first and second apostles. All their current circumstances are absolutely confidential, their rank is unknown, their location is unknown, their holdings are unknown, their status is unknown, even Core members like the Eleven Apostles don’t know.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, the villagers allowed Ah Da and Ah Er to intervene and act as bystanders. They did not need to intervene or stop them, just sit back and watch the development of the plan.

Even if there will be a huge crisis that threatens the whole world in the end, there is no need to worry. Isn’t the village head here? He will solve everything.

The villagers seem to have extraordinary trust in Rohr?

They hope that Rolle can have a good time out this time, and have a good time, it is best to delay it for more than two months, so that they can really restore the village to the way that Rolle saw before.

Of course, Ah Da and Ah Er would definitely not make trouble and trouble for him in order to delay Luo Er’s time. In fact, they have to assist him and fight against him. After all, he is only Luo Er alone.

In addition, they are really pure spectators and have no additional purpose.

Like the previous tearing of the Tenth Apostle, it was simply an accident. Ah Da found that this product is good at strength. It is also very difficult to deal with among the demigods. It is not easy to use the promise of myocardial infarction to control it. It is easy to be controlled by the promise of myocardial infarction. The other side bypassed.

In desperation, he had no choice but to make this bad move and tore his hands on the spot.

And the two sweethearts for Little Donkey, I hope it can help Rohr when necessary.

These two fruits were deliberately requested by the neighbors who raised pigs and the neighbors of Sweet Fruit.

There was also a little unhappiness at that time.

“Although what you said is very reasonable, my family has no more food. The village chief ate a lot when he came back. I will keep the rest for the winter, and I will give you one at most.”

“Unless you trade for a little suckling pig!”

Said sweetheart neighbor.

The pig neighbor replied:

“The village chief just eats my pig, you? Do you have a key?”

Then the two fought a little bit.

In the end, the sweetheart neighbor reluctantly took out one more sweetheart fruit.

“Ahem, I have to admit, you are stronger now…”

Although both parties were very restrained and did not make the situation of the village worse, it still somewhat delayed the progress of the restoration project.

It is true that poor mountains and bad waters create trouble for the people, and we uneducated people are like this.

The fat man felt a terrible headache about this, and he couldn’t help but miss the time when Rohr was still there. At that time everyone lived in peace, working diligently as villagers, and everything was reasonable and negotiated, and he wouldn’t say anything inconsistent like this. Just move your feet.

So Rohr really can’t stay outside all the time, there will be big troubles, or he hopes that he will come back and live for a while every once in a while, so that these guys can often recall the fear of being dominated.

“So this is probably the case.”

Ah Da and Little Donkey briefly talked about the current situation, and by the way reminded a few things that need attention, and then they were ready to leave.

The donkey was very well-behaved and had a short body, and gave them both away respectfully.

During the whole process, he failed to attract Rohr’s attention. He was still teaching the girls swordsmanship in the training room, not knowing what was happening in the stable outside.

If this is the case, then everything is fine.

“Go, you should work harder too, now you are still too weak.”

Ah Da said, preparing to launch the teleportation.

But Ah Er next to him probably thought that Little Donkey was very cute, or perhaps he wanted to echo his brother’s encouragement, and unexpectedly reached out and touched the little donkey’s head.

Ah Da’s face that seemed to be smiling forever under the mask finally changed. He narrowed his smile and showed a look of astonishment. He quickly reached out to stop it, but it took a long time.

Er’s slap was placed on the top of the donkey’s head and rubbed it.

In the next second, the two brothers felt a strong sense of crisis emerging from their spine at the same time, accompanied by an extremely terrifying coercion.

Immediately afterwards, there was a blast of air piercing through the air.

Even for them, under this coercion, there was a brief period of confusion and loss.

Fortunately, they recovered in less than a second.

Like a dumb, Ah Er, who seems to never speak, also squeezed a syllable from his throat:


For an instant, the air around the stables showed a violent distortion, like a reflection in the water, fluctuating layer by layer with the ripples rising on the water surface.

Under the influence of this wave, the entire stable area seemed to have been slowed down, even the light from the sky had a brief freeze, and people’s heartbeat and breathing stopped.

This succeeded in slowing down the sword energy that struck from behind, and bought Ah Da some time.

The figures of the two of them quickly became blurred and transparent.

But after all, it was still a little slower, the Ling Xian sword energy that broke through the air, still passed through his chest before Ah Da’s figure completely disappeared.

The figures of the two soon reappeared in an alley at the other end of the city.

“Huh… Fortunately ran away…”

Ah Da took off the mask and top hat, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then looked down at his chest.

There was a long and narrow penetrating wound, which could be directly seen through, and the wound was extremely smooth.

But there was no bleeding, and there was no **** scene that caused discomfort. Only some sticky gray-white materials could be seen in the wound, like wet cement.

“The village chief is really murderous.”

The smile on Ah Da’s face turned into a bitter smile, and he took out a brick from the wall beside him and kneaded it in his palm for a while.

The brick will soon turn into a thick gray mud.

Ah Da twisted a mass of mud with his hands and carefully applied it to the wound on his chest; Ah Er did the same, using the mud to repair the wound behind him.

Just wiped it two times one after the other, Ah Da’s injury recovered, but the damage to his suit could not be compensated, and two touches of cyan skin appeared on the front and back.

“It’s time to buy a new dress.”

Ah Da put on the mask and top hat again, and whispered.

“Speaking of which, the guys in the village often boast that they can get away with the village chief in a state of extreme anger. They are actually deceiving people, right?”

Ah Da couldn’t help but recall the scenes where the village chief and villagers were reasoning.

Although the village chief in that state was very fierce, he kept yelling.

“Do you dare to make a fool of the bugs? Didn’t take me in the eyes at all!”

“Three fights and one is counter-killed, will you play?”

“No, don’t get me wrong, I mean all of you here are…”

But in fact, Luo Er in that state was not serious at all. He hadn’t even drawn his sword before, at most he used the scabbard to draw people.

But even so, they can beat the villagers crying for their fathers and mothers, Doral said he was extremely convinced.

Ada was the first among the villagers to be cut with a sword by Roer.

Although he is not the strongest in the village, he is the first to get this achievement.

“Suddenly I have some sympathy for those guys in the Chaos Domain.”

The expression on Ah Da’s face returned to his normal smile, and then through a remote brain chat, he talked about this episode with other villagers.

He also quickly received messy comments from other villagers:

“Why do you think about petting the donkey? Did you know that the village chief actually likes that kid?”

“But, did you survive? Not bad, not bad. It seems that your strength has also improved over the years.”

“Even the village chief dares to provoke, so you are brave?”

“Excuse me, what kind of experience is it like being chopped with a sword by the village chief?”

Unlike the villagers’ discussions, Rohr’s side actually didn’t know what happened.

When the two brothers of Uncarved Kung Mu brought Sweetheart Fruit, he was in the second stage of theoretical teaching.

“…As I said before, after having the feel of using a sword, the next thing to proceed is the mastery of sword aura…”

“On the point of sword qi, my family swordsmanship and other swordsmanship on the market have big theoretical differences. When I first started learning swords, from the instructor to my colleagues, they all told me, Sword Qi is flashy, a technique that has been eliminated…”

“High consumption, low power, low power utilization, etc. shortcomings… Actually I know all these, but I am still stubbornly studying Jian Qi.”

“If you don’t even know how to be a sword spirit, what kind of swordsman would you be?”

Luo Er talked about Chase eloquently.

It sounds reasonable, but to a person like Oriana who knows enough about swordsmanship, it basically amounts to nonsense and strong words, which is completely against common sense.

But Luo Er’s actual combat performance was there again, his sword aura was indeed terrifying.

“The source of sword qi is our daily training and accumulation. Through the continuous improvement of the feel of the sword, and the use of the sword to use our strength, we have formed the sword qi.”

“The point of Jian Qi is to control, in order to reduce unnecessary losses.”

Rohr said, planning to demonstrate it with his own hands, so he picked up a training wooden sword specially equipped with a scabbard from the weapon rack next to it.

“If you want to increase its power, the scabbard is an indispensable and important configuration. In the process of brewing sword qi, with the help of the enclosed environment in the scabbard, the sword qi can be continuously accumulated, brewed and compressed, and finally displayed. This power Can be greatly improved.”

“The whole principle is a bit similar to a gun, so you should understand it?”

As he spoke, he demonstrated the release of sword qi in a handy manner.

The target he was aiming at was the wooden dummy in the training room, and he was only planning to test his sword and emit a very ordinary sword aura.

But when he was about to shoot, he felt something inexplicably in his heart, which made him feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

So he adjusted the direction and angle, also increased his strength a little bit, and swung his sword energy towards the wall on the side.

Sword Qi broke through the air, cut the wall directly, leaving a smooth incision, and then flew towards the stable.

“Huh? How could I suddenly be like this?”

It wasn’t until he wielded his sword energy that Luo Er came back to his senses.

But he didn’t care too much about it.

He often does things by feeling, such as when he is alone in the forest, he likes to find his way by feeling.

After all, the family swordsmanship he used, in itself, is very accented and feels this feeling.

He was more worried about the wall problem than the weird feeling of breaking in.

“If the wall of the swordsman group is broken, you won’t be scolded by the leader, right?”

Rohr said worriedly, and hurriedly ran outside the house, passing by the stables by the way.

The donkey was chewing carrots, and when he saw his master coming, he hurriedly moved closer.

“Hmm, good~ good~”

Roll rubbed its head and looked around again.

Phew~ Fortunately, apart from the walls, it didn’t cause much damage.

Oriana didn’t follow Rohr. She was standing on the other side of the wall, carefully touching the sword marks on the wall.

Is this really Jian Qi?

She looked incredible, and concentrated her senses on the sword mark.

This kind of operation of focusing on the details of the perception allows her to discover more Judging from the information feedback from the perception, this sword mark is indeed very much like a trace caused by sword energy. .

But there is also an extremely subtle difference that is difficult for normal people to detect, and it is almost invisible.

On this trace of sword aura, there is a shadow that distorts reality?

If Oriana is not a sensitive woman, if she is not a ninth-order saint and has a good understanding of swordsmanship at the same time, if she hadn’t confronted a demigod-level powerhouse a while ago, she would have a better understanding of their power fluctuations and Yu Yun’s words could not even be noticed by her.

It looks like sword energy, but is it actually some kind of special, reality-distorting power?

Oriana suddenly came up with a very exaggerated conjecture.

But she was not sure.

Because it’s just a little bit of shadow, it’s just a little bit like.

There is still a big difference from the distorted reality in her understanding.

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