My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 140 - Amazing performance

“My daughter is so amazing new ( Find the latest chapter!

Time has advanced a few days, and soon the day before Victory Day, the swordsmanship competition will also kick off tomorrow.

These days, Rohr had a very fulfilling life. He was instructing the girls in swordsmanship every day, and the entire imperial capital was always overflowing with the festive celebrations, and there was no moth.

He also saw reports about medical seminars in the newspapers. The doctor’s new drugs have attracted continuous attention, and clinical trials are currently being arranged.

However, because of the previous attack, the doctor is now very tightly protected, and even his whereabouts are kept secret, and Roll doesn’t even know where he lives, let alone meet.

Interestingly, at the end of the new drug report, it was mentioned that some beverage and dessert manufacturers are also paying attention to this drug for treating mental pollution?

The reason is that they did not know from any source that this medicine has a sweet, unique, and highly layered taste, and the smell has a refreshing fruity fragrance. It seems that it has a great prospect of developing into a new type of beverage?

Roll told the girls about it as a joke.

Who knows Anya said seriously:

“Uncle Roll, this is true. I have also heard people say that those beverage vendors are very interested in the formula of this medicine and hope to make some improvements to develop new drinks and are willing to pay high fees… “

Ke Li on the side listened and asked curiously:

“Really? How good is it? I really want to try it…”

After listening to it, Rohr smiled helplessly, thinking it was also ironic…

He had seen what the medicine originally looked like and tasted, but he couldn’t think of the drink.

As a result, the doctor promised that it would be delicious after adding sugar, but it actually came true?

It can be seen that he has also exerted great efforts on the taste to achieve such an effect, for fear that the patient would not take the medicine, like using sugar to coax a child to take the medicine, which is quite the meaning of the doctor’s parents.

However, he still very much hopes that this medicine will be successful, and it will really treat the stubborn disease of mental pollution, rather than just serving it as a drink.

“By the way, the competition will start tomorrow, so there is no need to practice more today.”

Rohr turned his head and said to Jeanna and Oriana who were still practicing seriously.

These two women have exploded a very strange interest in swordsmanship these days, and they practiced very seriously and worked very hard.

They all seem a bit abnormal, and they feel a little bit of a rivalry…

The reason may be because a few days ago, when he saw Oriana was very devoted to practice, he praised her a few words, and Jeanna heard her, and then she became more devoted, quite a pair of people who wanted to get a good place in the competition. Stance.

It’s a pity that the reality is cruel. Swordsmanship is not something that can be achieved overnight. Although Rohr thinks that Jeanna has a good talent, after all, he has just started playing and really wants to fight against people, that is, the focus is on participating and experiencing the atmosphere of the fight.

If the sacred object can be used in the swordsmanship competition, there is still some hope. The black armored Jeanne still has two brushes, but it is a pity that she can’t use it.

Jeanna can’t switch forms freely without using the holy relic, otherwise Rohr will definitely keep her in a young form every day.

So the competition can only focus on participating.

However, learning swordsmanship will definitely benefit her in the future. After all, it will make the black Rhona more capable of fighting, and she won’t be afraid of encountering real powerful enemies in the future.

As for Oriana…

Although she does not participate in the competition, she does practice Rohr’s family swordsmanship very seriously.

On the one hand, they can be praised by Rohr, which makes the relationship between the two people closer.

On the other hand, she also really wanted to find out the secret of Rohr’s strength, so as not to be bullied when she lived later.

With the talent and experience of the saint level, she vaguely felt as if she had touched something during this period, but it was still difficult to describe, and it would take longer.

After getting married and having a baby in the future, you should become proficient, right?

Oriana often wondered like this.

So just like that, the grand Victory Day celebration came as scheduled.

As in previous years, the colorfully-dressed celebration parade began to parade in the city with the colorfully decorated floats; the hovering airships in the sky hovered various streamers, and the trees everywhere also hung the celebrations. Decorations.

Many troupes and bands also held free performances in the open air square, and citizens all dressed up and participated.

However, Rohr and the others focused their attention on the swordsmanship competition. They just wandered around the street at random, bought some snacks, and went to the biggest ‘Glory Arena’ in the Imperial Capital.

This arena has a very long history, which can be traced back to the time when the empire was first established, and after many rounds of renovation and expansion, it reached the huge scale that can accommodate more than 30,000 people.

However, this place is usually used as a sports field for some ball games, large-scale performances and other activities, that is, swordsmanship competitions.

The swordsmanship competition lasts for a total of five days. The first two days are the audition stage. Thousands of contestants are randomly assigned, paired against each other, and the loser is eliminated. The third day of the main match will not start until there are 32 players left.

“Come on! Believe in yourself! You can do it!”

Rohr cheered his daughter and Jeanna who were still in line.

Following him, Anya and Oriana who were not participating in the competition also followed up and encouraged a few words.

Because they are going to play, Keli and Jeanna have no chance to wear those beautiful little skirts these days, they can only wear the swordsman suit that is easy to move.

On the other hand, Anya and Oriana did not have any scruples in this regard. They took out beautiful autumn dresses, dressed glamorously and brightly. Although they both used sun hats and veils to cover their beautiful faces a little, they still did. Attracting the attention and wonder of passers-by.

“so beautiful……”

“The gentleman next to them is also very handsome…”

“Who is this gentleman? Why are there two such beautiful ladies with me?”

The expression on Anya’s face didn’t fluctuate, but she still secretly pointed her ears and listened to the comments of passers-by.

Phoo~ Fortunately, I finally didn’t mistake me for someone’s mother anymore…

The sight of the people of the Empire is saved!

She breathed a sigh of relief.

But immediately I heard someone say:

“Are those two lovely girls their children?”

“Sure, you pay attention to their hair color. It’s the same as their mother’s and as beautiful as their mother’s.”

“But the blond lady, she doesn’t seem to be as tall as her own daughter?”


Nothing can save the eyesight of the people in the imperial capital…

Why didn’t I bring my earplugs out today?

After the episode, Jeanna and Keli lined up smoothly to enter the arena, and the remaining three, including Rohr, walked into the VIP box on the stands under the leadership of the butler.

“There is a handicap outside, is Mr. Rohr interested?”

The butler asked.

“No, no! No interest at all, betting on dogs is not going to die!”

Rohr refused very solemnly.

The qualifying competition started very quickly, and there were more than a dozen groups at the same time, and they couldn’t compete in the ring at the center of the field. They could only compete in the peripheral area.

Most of the competitions are lacklustre. After all, it is an activity focused on celebration and entertainment. There are basically no requirements for participants. Anyone can register. So many people just go to join in the fun, and they can only use wooden swords. There are regulations. It can’t hurt your life, so it’s nothing to watch.

The juvenile group basically consists of children fighting, making two random gestures, and then with a burst of crying, the winner is confused.

There are even parents on both sides who complain about their children and then take the stage to fight on their behalf.

The youth group is not much better either. The most common situation is that the two masquerade with swords and make gestures, then directly throw away the swords and directly start hand-to-hand combat.

What’s even more exaggerated is that two guys who didn’t know where they came out suddenly started to dance better than someone else’s dance, turning the match into a match dance.

Because of their age, most people in these two groups come to play and enjoy the festival.

The situation of the adult group is relatively better. There are some familiar players in it, and they can fight back and forth for a few rounds and win a round of applause and applause.

It’s just that this level is still too entertaining in Rohr’s view.

“A game of this nature was like that in the first two days. Many people came to entertain. It will not become exciting until after the main game.”

Oriana on the side explained in a low voice.

Then she secretly moved the chair she was sitting on to Roer’s side, and slightly opened the neckline, which was already very low, fanned the wind inside, and said softly in her mouth:

“Oh, it’s a bit hot today…”

While talking, he adjusted his sitting posture and angle for fear that Rohr would not notice.

Rol glanced at him secretly, and then quickly averted his sight, not daring to look much.

Only one person could make him look a little longer.

I have to admit that Oriana is still very charming and easy to control.

“Why hasn’t my daughter played yet?”

He quickly found a topic.

In fact, Keli has already played.

And before playing, there was a little trouble.

The referee saw that she was too petite and her face was too young, and thought she was a player in the Junior Division.

Fortunately, Keli has a good habit of carrying her household registration certificate with her everywhere, so she was able to take the stage.

And her first opponent was also a girl, who happened to be someone Rohr had met.

It is the very enthusiastic waitress in the bar next to the Swordsman Group. Roer once asked her about the Swordsman Group, and she got a very serious answer, and left Roer with the Imperial Capital Girl Very enthusiastic wrong impression.

Because it is right next to the swordsman group, there must be a lot of contacts on weekdays. This waitress can also learn a trick and a half, so she signed up today to have fun.

Coincidentally, she actually knew Keli too.

“Huh? Is it you?”

These days, because of the sudden improvement of the swordsman group’s business, even the small bar next to it has suddenly prospered, often sending food to the swordsman group, and the waiter has naturally seen Keli several times.

This cute and cute little girl left a deep impression on her.

But what impressed me more was her handsome, mature and elegant father…

“Little sister, is your father here?”

The waiter asked quickly.

When Ke Li heard this, she couldn’t help but become vigilant, and asked in a low voice:

“Why do you ask my dad?”

“Because your father is very handsome and charming.”

The waiter said very frankly.

Then, she saw the opponent in front of her disappear.

In the next second, she felt that she was kicked in her ass, she couldn’t stand firmly, and fell out of the sideline.

In just an instant, the outcome was decided.

The process was so fast that neither the waiter nor the referee could see what was going on.

“Woo…it hurts, what’s wrong with me…”

The waiter was sitting on the ground with tears in the corners of her eyes, and said grievously.

“Humph! Don’t peek at my father, or I’ll poke you with a sword next time!”

The victorious Keli threatened fiercely, then walked away and returned to the rest area.

Not long after sitting, Jeanna also came back.

She also defeated her opponent very smoothly.

He didn’t even do anything, just glared at the other side fiercely, and the boy on the other side was ashamed to take the initiative to surrender.

“No, I can’t swing my sword at a beautiful lady like you. I would rather surrender than…”

Old Asashi.

It’s a pity that Jeanna didn’t have the patience to listen to him finish her words, and happily ran back to the rest area.

She really likes more mature men.

At this lively audition scene, Ah Da and Ah Er, dressed up as gentlemen, with black and white masks, are also observing silently.

“Although it is boring, these people are very happy.”

“Like, like the days back then, I suddenly missed it…”

“Unfortunately, it will be destroyed.”

A Da whispered, his eyes fell on a particularly eye-catching player in the lower division.

This person is strong and strong, with a broad waist and a round waist, and the whole body is exuding a strong ferocious aura. At first glance, it is not a good-looking thing, even if it is just standing still, no one dares to approach him.

This person is the gladiator selected by the great philanthropist Walsh. He has recovered from his injuries and is in excellent condition. He is placed on the field like an invincible tank car.

He also won the first round, and his opponent didn’t have the guts to fight him. When he saw his appearance, his legs became weak and he surrendered.

The goal and significance of his competition is not to win the championship, but to attract the attention and sight of others as much as possible, so that more people expect him to win the championship.

The more people pay attention to him, and the more optimistic about him, the better the effect will be when the plan is implemented.

This is an important part of the huge plan of the Apostolic Organization.

For this reason, the great philanthropist used various means to make him extremely eye-catching, and even adjusted the odds on the handicap, so that this person attracted the attention of many gamblers from the beginning.

“The other party’s plan is really interesting and creative…”

“Do you think the village chief can properly resolve this matter?”

As Ah Da said, he turned his gaze to the luxurious box where Luo Er was, then chuckled lightly, and replied:

“Yes, I shouldn’t doubt the village chief.”

“We are relieved to lay hands on him.”

So the game continued, and the first day of the game soon ended in various laughter and laughter.

Keli and Jeanna both advanced three rounds smoothly.

Keli’s strength naturally does not need to be said. In the youth group, it is the big shark that the leader blocks and kills. The opponents encountered are not even fry, and it is very easy to win.

Jeanna has to work a little bit harder, the opponent behind is no longer merciful, but has to compete with her upright.

Fortunately, she has been practicing very hard during this period. Although the time is not long, she is still much better than someone who doesn’t know anything.

It’s a pity that her good fortune will end here. When the audition continues the next day, the first opponent she meets is absolutely invincible——



Kelly looked at Jeanna, who was embarrassed to laugh or cry, and a sly smirk appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“Why… why did I meet you…”

Jeanna still hopes to make it to the main match, so it is not to be disappointed by the careful teaching of Teacher Luo these days.

“Don’t worry, I will be gentle on the desserts you bring these days.”

Keli said so, but she held the wooden sword with a scabbard.

When solving those opponents before, she didn’t bother to use the sword at all.

snort! Let you plot against Dad all day long…

Now it’s time for me as a daughter to protect my father!

Keli shouted in her heart, and rushed towards Jeanna.

Jeanna didn’t choose to surrender directly, but planned to try to resist.

But Keli’s movements and footsteps were so fast, she seemed to move instantaneously in her eyes. She dazzled her eyes and approached herself, then swung the wooden sword with the scabbard and slapped her on her chest.

Although Ke Li has always criticized Jeanna, her shot is still very measured. Although the speed is very fast, the strength is not too big. Anyway, the opponent’s chest is thick and will not be hurt, but it will hurt.


There was a crisp sound in the air.

But it wasn’t the sound of Jeanna being hit, but the sound of two wooden swords intersecting each other.

This sword was unexpectedly blocked by Jeanna?

This was not only out of Keli’s expectations, but also out of the expectations of Roll, the butler, Oriana, and Anya in the stands.

They all knew the strength gap between the two, even if Ke Li deliberately kept her hand, Jean Na, a beginner who had only been exposed to swordsmanship for a few days, had no reason to catch it.

“How can this be?”

Oriana even exclaimed in a low voice.

My daughter Keli, but the Star Sword Fairy!

Is it a coincidence?

Just when she thought about it this way, Ke Li took out the sword again, still aiming at Jeanna’s thick chest.

As a result, the second sword was still blocked by Jeanna.

Kerry couldn’t help but her eyes widened.

She had taken this sword a little more seriously, and she had used her greatest strength without actually hurting Jeanne.

If you try Jeanna is really hurt.

But she actually accepted it?

Is her talent really as good as Dad said?

Kelly couldn’t help but think to herself.


5K words in this chapter.

Originally, there was a chapter in the afternoon and the evening, but I went out temporarily in the afternoon and came back a bit late.

Just change the chapter of 5K words, just treat it as two chapters of 3K+2K, OK?

The list is not long yet, so let’s pull it tomorrow.

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