My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 178 - Lively

   Luo Er saw that the monster on the opposite side had his limbs cut off and lay on the ground.

  Who knew that this guy was incredibly cunning. The body lying on the ground was suddenly distorted and transformed into a black python. It slid along the embankment into the moat.

Roll was careless and didn’t chase him. He watched it swiftly swim in the water like a water snake, keeping a distance from him, then drilled out of the water from a distance, and turned into a black owl. , Flapping wings, soaring into the sky.

   Seeing that it was about to move away, Rohr quickly rotated the joint of his left hand, and the saber in his hand deformed into a heavy ballista with a sci-fi texture.

   Then he pulled the bolt, aimed at the black owl in the sky, and pulled the trigger.

  The ballista shot three rays of light instantly, drew three beautiful arcs in the air, hit the owl from three directions, and beat it into a ball of fireball burning in the air.

   Although the owl flies very high, the distance is very far, and the target is small, it is meaningless in front of the unreasonable automatic aiming function of the ballista.

   “If you don’t fly, I really can’t help you.”

   Roer muttered, put away the ballista, and prepared to take someone over to check it.

   Before leaving, his subordinates did not forget to pick up the man’s severed limbs.

   After losing the black mist outside, these limbs have changed back to the most common and common cardboard, and they don’t look like they have much value.

   But Rohr understood why this guy didn’t dare to stay in the water any longer.

  Paper is afraid of water, it melts away after a long time.

But when they arrived at the place where the owl fell, they found nothing. In the end, it was the young clerk who found a little burnt-out paper on the window of a residential house and touched it lightly. Shattered to ashes.

   This mysterious existence that looks like a demigod was just killed by the chief? There is no force to fight back, and the death is so miserable, it is simply wiped out…

   The young operator shook his heart, looked at the back of Roer in the distance, and felt that he was getting taller and stalwart.

  Krol frowned and said to Secretary Afu:

   “Escaped by this guy, it’s not dead yet.”

   “And judging from its previous words, this product is not only an off-line of Eveya in the city, it has more accomplices.”

When Owl was flaunting his might just now, he deliberately mentioned “the information received is correct, the empire is really weak…”, but whether it was the previous Rol’s interrogation or the information transmitted by Eveya today, this is not based on it. The information that Fuya provided to it.

   shows that this product has other sources of intelligence.

  Moreover, the ability of this product is too unreasonable. You can move casually with just one sentence of paper man. This is used to spy on intelligence, which is simply incomprehensible. The body does not know where to hide, and is not afraid of being caught.

   Just when Rohr felt troubled, Secretary Afu’s portable telegraph rang suddenly.

   Everyone listened carefully, and it was actually a contact from the operator’s egg tart. The villa where Eveya was located was attacked by a strange enemy!

   lousy! This guy discovered Eveya’s betrayal and was about to kill someone!

   It doesn’t have an entity, just let the accomplices in other places start the ritual again, and it can emerge from another place.

   “Quick! Let them run away!”

   Roer said quickly, and then took someone to jump on the steam car and hurried to the villa.

   But the car has not been far out yet, Secretary Ah Fu received another contact from the operator’s egg tart:

   “It’s okay. It’s safe. The enemy was repelled by a mysterious strong man.”

   “Mysterious strong man?”

   Luo Er and others were slightly surprised, and hurriedly asked what kind of power she is? What’s the way? Is it the reinforcements from the Scholars’ Association?

   The operator egg **** was stunned for a while before he contacted:

   “The sky is too dark to see clearly, vaguely like a girl in a short skirt?”

   Secretary Afu was taken aback, and looked at Roel with questioning eyes.

  Roll also frowned and thought about it carefully.

   In this weather, the girl who dared to wear a short skirt…

   shouldn’t it be…


   A few minutes ago, the little donkey who was obediently staying in the stable of Eveya’s house was lying on the ground to rest, but suddenly noticed something was wrong, the ears on the top of the head stood up, and then slowly walked out of the stable.

   Roel let it stay in the stable to watch, but it never left, loyally fulfilling the master’s order.

   The donkey’s long ears flickered, walked around the stable, and then noticed a cluster of decorative bushes a little further away.

   It took out the sweetheart fruit that Ah Da sent from the small bag on its stomach, chewed it slowly, and then approached the bush.

   After it got closer, he suddenly heard a human voice from the bush:

   “What the **** are you?”

   “Obviously it’s just a weak, low-level creature, but why does it make me feel special?”

   The bushes said to themselves, his body suddenly swelled and changed, turning into the human form that Rohr had seen before.

   Little Donkey glanced at the other party with his big eyes, did not answer, kept silent, moved a few steps under his feet, blocking between the enemy and the villa, and the frequency of chewing the sweet fruit in his mouth increased.

   “You dare to stop me?”

   “Interesting, very interesting, just catch you back and study it hard.”

   said, the owl stretched out his right hand, transformed into a huge claw, and held it towards the body of the little donkey.

  In desperation, the donkey swallowed fiercely, swallowing all the remaining sweetheart fruit.

In the next second, the paw that gripped it seemed to be held by an invisible big hand, and then squeezed by an invisible huge force, began to twist and deform, and finally turned into pieces of mosaic-shaped fragments. , Scattered on the ground.

   Owl couldn’t help but let out a painful scream, that is, the scream shocked the operator’s egg **** left behind in the villa, and made her realize that an enemy is invading, so she quickly contacted Roll and them.

   “How can such power be possible?”

   Owl stepped back several steps, and moved away from the little donkey, and questioned.

The little donkey still ignored it, just raised its front hoofs like a horse, and stood up. Then there was a faint fluorescence on his body, and he became a man with long ears on the top of his head and long light pink hair. A beautiful girl with a short skirt and white stockings on her feet.

   is exactly the same as what Rohr saw in his dream.

   “Are you a ghost or a human?”

   Owl continued to question, and the right hand, which had been abruptly twisted off, appeared again.

   Then, it lit up a secret magic circle with both hands and back at the same time, from which various fireballs, light, and blades were spewed, and it smashed towards the little donkey.

   But the donkey just stood motionless, letting those things fall on him, but he was unharmed.

   When all the attacks touched her body, they turned into mosaic fragments and scattered on the ground.

  If I haven’t seen it clearly before, but this time, Owl understands it.

   This is a very high-level twisting force, which is no longer capable of being used by an ordinary twisting demigod.

   Did he encounter an extraordinary existence above the tenth rank?

   For a moment, he couldn’t help wondering if all the downlines under his command had betrayed him.

   First, the unreasonable swordsman actually injured himself with ordinary swordsmanship forcibly, also cut off his limbs, and was unable to regenerate.

   When I was about to clear the door, I met the guy in front of me who couldn’t distinguish between a person and a donkey, using a very high-level twisting force.

   Didn’t you say that the high-end combat power of the empire was seriously damaged, scholars would be greatly injured, and the defense of the entire empire was in vain, could you let yourself do whatever you want?

   Then why do I encounter two unintelligible terrifying existences in a row?

   All the downlines betrayed themselves together, provided false information together, and then cooperated with the strong hidden in the empire, wanting to strangle themselves?

   Owl realized this dangerous possibility and hurriedly wanted to retreat.

   At this time, the little donkey frowned tightly, opened his lips slightly, revealing a look of difficulty, and reluctantly squeezed a syllable from his mouth:


   was not deliberately to be cute. She originally planned to say other words, but because of her stupidity and lack of talent, she has not been able to learn human language well, and finally she made such a cute voice.

   But even so, it’s enough.

The body of the owl instantly solidified in place, as if it had been poured with a layer of cement, and turned into an immovable sculpture with the black mist outside, and then fell to the ground with a bang. .

   Waiting for Rohr and the others to rush to the scene, when they found this sculpture, it was already an hour later.

   There is no donkey here, only this sculpture is left.

   “Is this some kind of petrochemical technique?”

   Operator Truffle carried the magic lamp, shook the owl that turned into a stone sculpture in front of him, and knocked it with the hilt again, making a few crisp sounds.

   It was the first time he saw this kind of smoke-shaped stone sculpture, which was quite artistic.

   “What happened before, tell me about it.”

  Roer turned his head and asked the operator egg **** on the side.

   Egg Tart is an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman. Like Rohr, she lacks her left hand and is equipped with a metal prosthesis.

   “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t see anything clearly at the time, I only knew that the process was very fast, and the battle was over in less than a minute.”

   “It seems that the mysterious strong man who helped out is very powerful, is it your friend?”

   Secretary Afu asked from the side.

   Luo Er shook his head:

   “I don’t know, but I have a little clue…”

  Roll thought to himself that this matter seemed to be done by a donkey.

   This speculation actually sounds very illogical, because the donkey does not show anything special except for being obedient and obedient, let alone the ability to turn people into stones.

   He made such a judgment only because his subordinates briefly described the appearance of the strong man, which was actually a bit sloppy.

   So he didn’t dare to speak out, but he asked his subordinates to **** the petrified prisoner back to the organization’s dungeon, and he planned to ask the little donkey.

   “By the way, have you seen my little donkey?”

   Rolle asked.

   “Did you say that the beautiful little donkey in the stable? It should have been in the stable all the time? It turns out that it was raised by you, the chief, no wonder it’s so cute.”

   Operator egg **** replied.

   Roer nodded, first arranged for his subordinates to carry out various aftermath work, and then went to the stable of Eveya’s house to look for it.

   did not find the little donkey.

   Did you go back to your home?

   Luo Er quickly went back to his villa to look for it, but he still couldn’t find it.

   “Is my little donkey back?”

   he asked the servants at home.

   The other party shook their heads.

   “This…you can’t run away from home, right?”

  Roll muttered in a low voice, then took out the little milk cat from his pocket, and said:

   “Where did your best friend go?”

   The little milk cat sniffed in the air, and then started navigating meowly.

   Luo Er, under its guidance, went all the way to the second floor of his house and came to the door of his bedroom.

   He didn’t think much about it, thinking that the little milk cat gave him the shortest and nearest route, which happened to pass his bedroom.

   This is also a frequent occurrence. Sometimes the navigation function of the map of Cat Germany will have bugs, which is not very user-friendly, and will plan the route in the manner of cats, such as commanding Roll to climb walls and turn windows.

   But when Rohr walked into his bedroom, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

   There seems to be something hidden in my bed.

   So he walked quickly and lifted the cup covered by the bed.

   slogan, revealing the beautiful girl with long ears hidden in the bed, blinking her eyes with a sweet smile on her face, looking at Roel eagerly.

   “Little donkey?”

   The beautiful girl nodded.

   “Why are you hiding in my bed?”

  The beautiful girl showed a little shyness on her face, she sat up from the bed, then crawled to Roer’s hands and feet together, stood up again, trying to lick Roer’s face as usual.

   But Rohr mercilessly grabbed the long ears on the top of his head.

   “What are you doing? They are all but they can’t be like normal.”

   Rolle said a lesson.

   The donkey immediately sat back on the bed with a grieved expression, keeping the duck sitting position, spreading his feet in white stockings to the sides, and then reached out and rubbed his ears.

   “It’s alright, let’s talk about business.”

   Luo Er reached out and touched her head, comforted a few words, and continued to ask:

   “This is obviously reality, how did you become a girl?”

   Little Donkey tapped his chin with a finger, tilted his head slightly, thought for a while, and then shook his head.

   said that he did not know.

   I don’t know if I don’t know, why do I have to think for so long?

   This donkey is really not very clever…

   Roer muttered inwardly, then asked again:

   “Did you deal with the bad guy before? You turned it into a stone?”


   The following is today’s list:

   Thanks: warmaa, the guilt affirmer, a pig who loves to read books, the ghost of the Internet, the Muyi ink shadow, the demon Gabriel, daburndan, the good guys passing by, the summer of stars and other friends for their generous rewards!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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