My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 19 - Your body is no different

   Throughout the night, Rohr did not dare to fall asleep, and remained in that state of half-dream and half-awake, high alertness.

   He was afraid that someone would kick open the door suddenly and yelled “Aha! Hand over your little donkey!”

   then rushed up with a group of people and hacked himself and snatched the donkey.

   Fortunately, such misfortune did not happen, and the whole night passed steadily.

   After a casual breakfast, he asked the boss about the location of the church in the town, and planned to see a doctor.

   The hospitals in this world are integrated with various sects, and the sects here are very different from those on the earth. The religious atmosphere is very light, and they do not believe in real gods, but in certain concepts.

   For example, the famous ‘Science and Truth’ sect in the empire believes in the idea of ​​‘Exploring the truth of the world with science’, not a **** of science.

   This is undoubtedly a higher-end and purer belief model.

   In addition to that simple belief, they also undertake academic research, social relief, psychological consultation and other functions. Compared with religion, they are more like a functionally integrated social organization.

   But the strange thing is that there are gods in this world.

   such as various evil gods…

   This model of belief seems very strange.

   But Rohr didn’t study in depth either. He wasn’t interested in this kind of thing. He knew about the sect. When he was still in the swordsman regiment, he often went to the hospital.

  I practiced too hard, always got hurt, and became a frequent visitor to the church.

  According to the address provided by the boss, he found a sect of ‘Good Life’.

   This sect believes in the idea of ​​‘love life, work hard, you can usher in a better life’, and it has the flavor of chicken soup.

   Their church was also divided into two parts, one for normal religious activities, and one for the hospital to treat patients.

   In principle, there is no need to pay for medical treatment, but there is a queue and the queue is very long.

  Roll, a regular customer, naturally understood the truth, and stuffed a few banknotes into an offering box next to the queue.

   Sure enough, a priest soon came to him, jumped in and walked through the back door, and soon saw a priest in a white coat with a big smile embroidered on his chest.

   That smiling face is their sect emblem.

   “Hello pastor.”

  Roll said hello first.

   But the doctor corrected it displeased:

   “Call me a doctor or a doctor, I am different from the group of magic sticks next door.”

   “Let’s talk about it, what’s uncomfortable?”

   “Ah, it’s like this, I have a friend who recently…”

  Roll was about to state his condition, but the doctor interrupted him with a sudden wave of his hand.

   “Is the friend you talking about yourself?”

  Are the people of your sect have such a personality?

   “Well, I have encountered some inexplicable phenomena since last night…”

  Roll honestly described the strange situation he encountered last night. The doctor listened silently and took notes very seriously.

   “Doctor, do you think I am cursed?”

   After speaking, Rohr asked worriedly.

  The doctor glared at him with an unhappy expression, and reprimanded:

   “Are you a doctor or am I a doctor?”

  Roll is at a loss…

   The doctor stared at the record for a long time, then got up and went to the back cabinet to search for some medical records. After comparing left and right, he sat back and asked:

   “Apart from this weird phenomenon, is there any other discomfort?”

   “No, my body is always good.”

   Rolle replied.

   The doctor was noncommittal, took out a stethoscope, and listened to the movement in Roer’s body; he dangled his eyes with a flashlight, and finally took out a tuning fork and dangled it in his ear.

   After a simple check, he murmured again:

   “Preliminary observations, there is no abnormality in the body, no abnormality in the spirit, no curse characteristics…”

   Then, he let Roll lie on a bed next to him.

   “Relax and don’t resist.”

After   , he was muttering words, and the big smiling face on the white coat on his chest began to shine.

  He is performing magic tricks?

  A guy who doesn’t allow others to call him a pastor and says that his colleague next door is a magic stick, is he actually performing magic tricks?

  Roll’s eyes widened slightly, and he didn’t expect that this weird doctor was actually an extraordinary person!

   “What’s the matter with you? Didn’t you say relax? Why don’t you listen to the doctor?”

   Luo Er was so stunned by him that he obediently let him use magic to check his body.

   After seeing Rolle’s metal prosthesis, the doctor was taken aback for a moment, but didn’t say much.

   Finally, the doctor came to a conclusion:

   “The possibility of curses is basically eliminated. Your body is very healthy and well maintained. It is very rare for someone your age…”

   “But there is some strain on your muscles, I have already helped you treat it smoothly…”

   “Your prosthesis is well-made and fits well with your body. It seems that you have met a great engineer.”

   “You have practiced swordsmanship, but have not been exposed to extraordinary power?”

  Roll shook his a wise choice. “

A self-deprecating smile appeared on Doctor   , and finally concluded:

   “In short, you are very healthy and you are not cursed. The strange phenomena that happened before may be simple accidents, or they may have met a blackmail gang that specifically bullied you, a stranger…”

   “You can successfully persuade them without getting hurt, which is great.”

   “But these are only preliminary conclusions, and the follow-up remains to be seen. If you encounter this kind of strangeness again, remember to look for me as soon as possible.”

  Roll nodded. Although the doctor had a strange temper, he was still very serious and responsible.

   But when he was about to leave, the doctor suddenly asked from behind:

   “Ah, I almost forgot, have you been in contact with the holy artifacts recently?”

  Roll was a little inexplicable, and asked:

   “Do you think I can touch those?”

   “Well, I think it’s also…well, it’s okay, remember to drink more hot water and rest, next one!”

   After leaving the hospital, Rohr continued to wander around the town as he did yesterday, and remained quite cautious.

   If you don’t get in the crowd, you just walk around when you look at the fierce-looking people.

   After wandering around for a long time, I didn’t see the strange situation before.

   “It seems that the doctor’s judgment was correct, it was just accidental, or I met a local with bad intentions.”

  Roll relaxed his mind and wandered around the city generously until he was caught by an open-air theater.

   Several actors happened to be on stage to interpret that Mary Su, the story of the shining star Sword Princess.

   is interesting, you can take a look.

   Luo Er found a place to sit down, quietly admiring the story of this strange world Marisu.

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