My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 192 - The whimsy of ordinary players

“My daughter is so amazing( Find the latest chapter!

In this way, the next day, Rohr got out of the tent early in the morning, tightened his windbreaker, straightened his hat and mask, and then looked towards the distant sky.

According to the itinerary, today is the day when the daughter and Oriana arrived.

And for the rest of the day yesterday, he took his staff again, led by Major Anderson, and patrolled the surroundings for a long time. Nothing was wrong for the time being, and the surroundings were quiet.

He also slapped wild deer, which added a bit more meaty flavor to the evening meal.

The conditions in this remote plateau area are still quite difficult. The night is extremely cold and the logistical supplies have not kept up. Rol is used to the hard life and feels nothing, but is more worried about whether his daughter will suffer.

I hope she can listen to her own words and bring more clothes to go out…

In addition, he was a little surprised. It should be Eveya, an elven lady who should have a good life, but she can adapt to the harsh environment here, she is not afraid of the cold, and even enjoys this pure natural scenery that has not been disturbed by humans. .

Although she showed all kinds of trembling fears on the airship, after visiting the temple, she actually became quiet. In her own words:

“I don’t know why, after coming to this place, I feel very peaceful inside, just like returning to my hometown. Even the twin emperor doesn’t seem to be terrible anymore?”

Luo Er can understand, after all, she is a purebred elf, coming to this kind of place, should it be a bit similar to the feeling of visiting the terracotta warriors and horses on the earth?

At this time, Eveya was trying to paint and restore those frescoes on the gate of the temple that had been weathered and blurred.

She was nurtured by her ex-husband and later ran a high-end handicraft workshop. She still has some artistic accomplishments and was quite suitable for this job. It was really a wise choice for her to take her out of this trip.

Rohr looked outside the tent for a long time, but still couldn’t see the airship approaching, so he had to take a few operators and follow Major Anderson’s team out for routine inspections.

Last night, he had assigned tasks to his staff. Specifically, who was responsible for patrolling together, who was responsible for fixed-point duty, who was responsible for staying to supervise the actions of the scholars’ association, and when was the rotation to be carried out. The arrangement was well-organized and scientifically reasonable. .

Major Anderson could not help but admire, this mysterious ‘Doctor’ is indeed an excellent leader.

Moreover, he himself will not shrink the tent and will lead the team to patrol, but he tried it once yesterday. His operator and Major Anderson suggested that you should wait in the tent for news…

This is probably because he volunteered to lead the team and felt that ‘there may be a situation over there’, ‘we should go there and see! ”Eh! Look, there is a little snow leopard there. The furry is very cute. Let’s go pick it up! ’

In the end, for the sake of face, he didn’t bring the little milk cat with him. This made the patrol team to spare a large circle outside, almost lost his way, tossed the people in the same group, and caused the people in the camp to be inexplicably worried. …

Today, when he saw that he still wanted to lead a patrol, Major Anderson didn’t even think about it, so he rushed up to stop him, and then asked his deputy to take someone and leave quickly, so he didn’t give him a chance.

“Eh, it’s not…that…”

Rohr looked at the patrol hurriedly leaving, trying to follow.

Yesterday, he wanted to retrieve that beautiful snow leopard, but he failed. It made him feel very sorry. Today, he wants to make up for it.

As a result, Major Anderson quickly grabbed his arm and said seriously:

“Your Excellency, we might as well discuss the arrangement of the lookout post. I have some questions about some of your arrangements last night…”

Rohr had no choice but to stay.

In this way, he had various discussions with Major Anderson, and in the process, he also asked him if he knew the current speaker, but the other party cleverly avoided the topic and did not answer positively.

Until about eleven o’clock in the morning, the two people received the news that the scholars would come, and went out to greet them.

The opponent who walked first was Oriana, with Keli wrapped up like a ball in her hand, looking a bit like her mother and her daughter were on the road in the winter.

Kelly really listened to Rolle’s words, wearing a thick white down jacket with thick and soft burrs on the neckline, walking like a snowball rolling on the ground.

Keli saw Rolle wearing a mask from a distance, and recognized her father without any hindrance. A sweet smile appeared on her pretty little face, like a blooming snow lotus.

She wanted to roll over to Roll, but Oriana grabbed her and whispered a few words in her ear.

Keli had to patiently follow the large group into the camp, and forcibly resisted not drilling into Roer’s arms.

Oriana should have told her to pay attention to image or something, right?

It wasn’t until the archaeological team of the Scholars Society was busy setting up camps that Keli cautiously approached Rolle’s tent and got in.


“It’s been **** the road, haven’t you encountered anything?”

Rohr bent over and picked up his daughter, squeezed her little face, and asked with concern.

“No no, Teacher Oriana took good care of me.”

Kelly replied quickly.

Looking at it this way, Oriana really likes this little girl, she is also very attentive and gentle…

Roll muttered to himself.

Ke Li stretched out her small hand, lifted the mask on Roer’s face, and asked curiously:

“Dad, why do you wear a mask?”

Rohr thought for a while, didn’t dare to tell her the truth, and didn’t want his daughter to know that the father who had always been Wei Guangzheng actually ran to become the spy leader, so he forced to explain:

“It’s windy and cold. Wearing a mask is better for your skin.”

Kelly thought for a while and felt that what Dad said was reasonable, so she didn’t delve into this issue.

“Okay, okay, do you have a lot to do? This time it is a large-scale relic. You must be very busy next. Don’t waste time acting coquettishly. If you are seen by others, you will be laughed at.”

As Rohr said, he put his daughter down, rubbed her little head, and motioned her to go to his own business.

“Woo…Dad said the same thing as Teacher Oriana…”

Kelly murmured softly, and reluctantly said goodbye to Roll, and went on her own business.

Under the deliberate arrangement of Major Anderson, their camp was located right between the gray ghost and the frontier camp, which was convenient for protecting these unarmed scholars and for Rohr’s work.

This is also the arrangement made under Rohr’s suggestion.

The archaeological team came this time with a lot of people. There were more than 100 people. The noisy tossing in the camp did not gradually calm down until the afternoon. Then, they hurried to the temple and carried out a series of activities. After sighing, he started working non-stop.

But they soon faced the first problem, how to open the door?

Keli stood at the door, stretched out her small hand, and tried to push it, but the door didn’t move, as if an worm shakes the tree.

“How about… use bombs? Didn’t we bring a lot of them this time?”

She proposed.

“No way, no way! This is too dangerous.”

Oriana shook her head repeatedly.

The rash use of bombs in such an area is likely to cause terrible consequences for the collapse of the mountain and bury all the people.

Ke Li thought for a while, then continued to suggest:

“Then, ask Dad to come over and split it with a sword?”

Oriana looked dumbfounded, but still gently explained:

“The gate itself is also a precious archaeological relic, it can’t be fooled.”

Kelly then made a few more suggestions, each of which was very unreliable. It didn’t look like it came to archaeology, it looked like it came to destroy it. She looked like she was not willing to collapse this place, and she was determined. To develop in the direction of Tomb Liying.

In fact, this is mainly due to her lack of experience. Like the last time the relics of the fertile valley were planned and arranged by the experienced Professor Kant, with the cooperation of the eighth-level transcendents, she also temporarily recruited the local folk husbands, and finally dug them out. Strawberry ice cream below.

This time, it was more troublesome, and it was embarrassing for Oriana.

After thinking for a while, she decided to try if she could push the door open first, so she turned her head and looked around and made sure that Rohr was not nearby. Then she put on the deformed armor and summoned her own spiritual clone. Push the door hard together.

With the physical strength of the saint, coupled with the help of the clone and the armor, it is already a very powerful force. The ground under her feet has appeared cracks, and the surface of the gate also shuddered slightly, and a large piece of mud fell. Sand and dust.

But the door still refused to give in, and there was no sign of opening.

Oriana could only stop temporarily, and if she continued to exert force, the door would be destroyed.

“Master Anheim, do you have any suggestions?”

She turned to ask an old man next to her.

This is the idol of Rolle, the eighth-tier strongman Anheim with the title of’Master of Sword’.

Originally, because he was too old and majored in swordsmanship, which was a very poorly functional doorway, scholars didn’t like to use him very much.

That is to say, the manpower is really short at the moment, and the old man is sent to assist the archaeological team.

“I’m sorry, Eleanor, I am not good at academic matters. I can only work hard with you and try to push the door open.”

Oriana shook her head. If it weren’t for nothing, she really didn’t want to destroy the gate.

What should I do? Do you want to ask my dear? As the pillar of the family, he will definitely have a way?

If it doesn’t work, we can only force the three of us to push the door open…

Huh? He happened to be here, my dear.

Rohr was just fine at this time, and he was curious about history, so he took the initiative to take a look.

Oriana quickly lifted her spiritual power clone and moved closer to the past.

Rohr first took a look at the fiery red armor on her body, and then secretly admired the proud curve that the armor couldn’t hide. He couldn’t help but sigh with emotion in his heart:

Scholars are really rich, and archaeology can be equipped with such high-end equipment.

After listening to Oriana’s problem, Rohr took the initiative to suggest:

“Oh? The door won’t open? Do you want to try with explosives? I think you guys have brought a lot, right?”

“Oh? It’s dangerous, can’t it? Then, should I try to open the door with a sword?”

Oriana was stunned for a moment, and Rohr’s suggestion was exactly the same as his daughter’s. The brain circuits were exactly the same, which was done for the purpose of destroying the ruins.

Are you really a father and daughter?

Why can’t I keep up with the thinking of my husband and daughter in this family?

When she was feeling helpless, she suddenly heard an onlooker next to her suggesting:

“Since you can’t push it, then try pulling it?”

Rohr and Oriana went to smell the fame together, looking for the master of the voice, to see whose whimsy it was.

But the opponent seems to be very low-key, hidden among other archeological teams, without showing up.

The two did not delve into it, intending to try his suggestion.

So they went back to the door and watched carefully again. At exactly this moment, they heard another voice that was very different from the previous one:

“Look at it, everyone, there seems to be a sliding rail under this gate. Maybe it has to be pulled from the middle to the left and right?”

After listening, Rohr and Oriana squatted down quickly and carefully checked the structure at the bottom of the gate.

The two were close unconsciously, and their faces were about to stick to each other.

However, they did find a structure similar to a sliding rail, but it was buried in dust and was very The two of them coincidentally searched for the archaeological team who discovered this detail, and wanted to see if it was Whose heart is so careful.

But I still didn’t find that the people on the scene were bowing their heads and making various records, and no one responded to their gazes.

“It seems that this archaeological team is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon…”

Rohr sighed with emotion in a low voice.

Oriana also nodded, and smiled embarrassedly:

“They are all experienced players, more than I have participated in archaeological activities.”

The two looked at each other, and then each buckled the gap between the two doors and tried to force them to the left and right.

Seeing this, other people around also rushed to help.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the door that hadn’t moved before was opened without much effort this time, enough to allow the two to pass side by side. It was really a structure that pulled left and right.

After the door was opened, the dark internal structure was revealed, and nothing was visible. There was no magnificence that could dazzle people as imagined, but it felt a bit eerie and terrifying.

“The twin emperors who built this are really amazing. Can such a heavy gate be designed with such a design?”

Oriana said in a low voice.

Rolle smiled, and said disdainfully:

“I think there is something wrong with this guy’s mind. Such a heavy door can actually be designed with such a design?”

Although they are talking about the same thing, they have completely different meanings.

The archaeological team member who gave the key advice earlier, this will be hiding in the crowd, holding a golden pocket watch in his hand, with a weird wry smile on his face, he defended in his heart:

I am not, I do not, this is really not my design…


The list is too short, so I won’t pull it up, wait a little longer.

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