My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 199 - Unexpected visitor

“My daughter is so amazing( Find the latest chapter!

When the crisis was resolved, Oriana and Anheim began to cover the patrol and returned with the bodies of the victims; Rohr was taken by the military’s deputy and officers, and returned from the other direction.

In this conflict, a total of 5 people were killed on the human side, more than a dozen people were injured, and only one person was killed, which can be regarded as a rather embarrassing record.

Although Major Anderson was unscathed, his face has always been ugly. He knew very well that without the support of extraordinary people, his side would be wiped out.

Can’t even the latest weapons fight against transcendence?

He gently stroked the new rifle in his arms, feeling particularly heavy.

And on Rohr’s side, on the way back, discussing the situation with Oriana:

“That guy just died suddenly? Or was he dead?”

“Yes, thanks to Mr. Rolle’s timely support, otherwise, I might have encountered an accident…”

Oriana deliberately replied with that kind of soft voice, maintaining her image of a weak woman in Rohr’s eyes that needs protection from others.

Rohr was puzzled by this result, it didn’t meet his expectations at all. He just planned to involve the enemy’s attention, so that Oriana could take the opportunity to escape, but that guy actually died like this?

Isn’t he better than a normal leaf?

Or, this trick is actually not as unbearable as I expected, or is it powerful?

Roel thought about it in his heart, planning to go back and study the profound meaning of this trick.

He then asked:

“By the way, shouldn’t you rest in a tent? Why do you suddenly appear on the battlefield? Actually, you are also an extraordinary person, right?”

Roll felt that he had found the truth of the matter.

When the imperial capital attacked the last time, Oriana was able to bravely join the battlefield. If she didn’t have the ability to do this, she would definitely not be able to rely on courage and passion alone.

Moreover, she has a very good understanding of the transcendental realm, which is completely beyond the scope of a history teacher.

In addition, this time, Rohr was basically sure that the opponent was an extraordinary person, and his rank would not be too low.

How to say, there should be a level 5 and 6 levels, right?

On Oriana’s side, he hesitated for a while before cautiously replied:

“I am indeed an extraordinary…”

She also knew that she couldn’t hide it, and planned to confess with Roll.

The husband and wife should have been frank and frank, but she had wanted to talk to Roll a long time ago, but she never found the right opportunity.

“Sure enough, I didn’t expect it!”

Rohr nodded and continued to ask in his head:

“Then what level of extraordinary are you specifically?”

“Tier Nine.”

Oriana still answered truthfully.

But in the end, he heard a series of laughter from Rohr.

“Hahaha, Teacher Oriana, you are so humorous!”

“If you are a ninth-level saint, how many levels should I be? 12? 13?”

Roll felt that Oriana’s statement was very outrageous.

Because in her opinion, this little girl is really good at cooking, not as good as her own daughter, let alone compare with herself.

He felt that he should have no problem dealing with two Orianas, and he could bully her casually.

If the ninth-order saint had this strength, then this world should have been destroyed long ago?

Moreover, according to his understanding, the average age of the transcendents above the eighth rank is over 60 years old. Like the leader of Zakun, he was promoted to the eighth rank only at the age of 68.

For the ninth-order powerhouse, according to some scraps and information collected by the gray ghost, the youngest flame saint is over 90 years old.

Whether Oriana’s appearance, figure, or style, the temperament revealed in her gestures, she is basically a little girl in her 20s. How can she look like a rank nine?

This is an iron proof that cannot be disguised.

So Roerquan was joking with himself when Oriana.

He then conveyed his analysis and judgment to Oriana, especially the important evidence of age.

After Oriana listened, she couldn’t laugh or cry for a while, and she didn’t know how to refute it.

Forget it, anyway, the husband is the master at home, and if he always argues, it will lead to the unharmonious life of the husband and wife.

But Roll would be wrong, taking Oriana’s retreat as the embarrassment and shame of her after Sa Huan was exposed, and he comforted:

“It’s okay. Girls love vanity. It’s normal. It’s just a matter of rank, but it’s very serious. Don’t make this kind of joke at will.”

“So, what should your true rank be?”

Oriana in the distance showed a helpless smile like that of a wife facing her husband, she shook her head slightly, and replied:

“Should it be level 4.5?”

She directly folds in half.

Now Rohr was satisfied, and continued:

“That’s right. At your age, you have a Tier 4 level in your twenties. In fact, it is already very strong. When I was in my twenties, I was just getting started in swordsmanship, and I didn’t even pass the first assessment… “

Then, he briefly chatted with Oriana about his past that year. The assessment failed and failed to protect the small mountain village. He could only retrieve a little Keli, and raised her up as her own daughter. Seen as the salvation of life.

If it were changed to the normal situation, Rohr would probably not talk about this. He had always regarded the events of the year as black history in his subconscious mind, and he did not want to mention it to others.

Although there may have been some accidents in the assessment and he went in the wrong direction, he did see the people in that village tragically dying under the fangs of monsters, sitting and watching the weak being killed, and he could not do anything, yes. This is still full of guilt and self-blame.

He is willing to take the initiative to mention this dark history with Oriana, probably because this kind of thinking exchange makes the two seem more intimate, and many unspeakable things can be conveyed smoothly through thoughts.

It may also be because he does have some good feelings for Oriana and is willing to tell her about this past.

On Oriana’s side, listening silently, her mood seemed a little complicated, including happiness and comfort, sadness and sympathy, and some regrets.

Happy and gratified, naturally, because Roel took the initiative to confide in her and talked about his past, which shows that the relationship between the two has made a lot of progress in closeness. They are already very loving and trusting couples.

The grief and sympathy are naturally due to what happened to Rolle. Such an exchange of consciousness can make her clearly feel the self-blame and guilt in Rolle’s heart, and can fully appreciate his suffering at the time.

Regarding regret, the occasion and the environment are not right. I have just returned from victory, but I suddenly talked about these sad and sad topics, and I am not by his side. Otherwise, I will be able to give my husband a warm and broad mind. Real comfort…

But that’s okay. There are definitely more opportunities like this when you get married in the future.

Oriana firmly believes this.

As the teams on both sides gradually returned to the camp and met, the private communication between Rohr and Oriana also came to an end temporarily. It was Rohr who took the initiative to interrupt it. After the meeting, I would say this kind of whisper. It feels like a couple whispering. I am embarrassed. .

Moreover, he has other business matters to deal with right now.

“What? The enemies of that small group are gone?”

Rohr’s face hiding under the mask showed a look of surprise, and he grabbed the truffled shoulder of his deputy and asked:

“So many people, can this be let go?”

In fact, he did not forget the group of elves who launched the attack. On the way back, he used a portable telegram to contact his deputy and asked him to arrange an arrangement outside and the nearest secret sentry to track the fish that slipped through the net.

Rohr was inevitably disappointed and angry about this.

But in fact, these things should have been done by Major Anderson and Oriana. Roll also reminded Oriana, but they didn’t care much about it?

Rohr has no command over them, and if they don’t do it, they have no alternative but to arrange for their own subordinates to do it.

After all, he is responsible for tracking down the spies. Oriana and Major Anderson’s main duties are archaeology and protection of archaeology to proceed smoothly. It is not their job, and there is no way if they don’t cooperate.

This can be regarded as an ordinary bureaucratic ill.

As a result, the opportunity was missed and people ran away.

I saw Major Anderson again. He looked pale and unconscious. He seemed to have suffered some psychological trauma. He didn’t talk about this issue with Roldo, but he frankly admitted his dereliction of duty and was willing to take the corresponding responsibility. .

Oriana’s reaction was even more strange, she didn’t take these elves to her heart at all, and her face was even filled with a certain kind of excitement, and she looked at Rol with weird gazes, as if she was about to eat him.

Rohr didn’t have much to say, so he had to let his subordinates continue to investigate, and he would go after him personally.

Then he turned around and found that not only did the Elf spy disappear, but also his little donkey and little milk cat.

How to chase this time?

But to his surprise, although they didn’t tell the little donkey and the little milk cat, the two little things understood the master’s intentions and gave full play to their subjective initiative, and they had found the Elf Scout Team.

However, the only thing they found was the corpse.

And it’s a mutilated corpse…

Two monsters with hideous and curious appearances are on the ground, feasting on the corpses of those elves.

They have pointed heads and two pairs of slender claws. The upper body is like a lobster with a pair of tongs; the lower body is the limbs of a canine, which looks like a mixture of a lobster and a wolf.

These are two heirs of evil gods.

The elves fell to the ground in a random manner, each with their hands covering their heads, their faces full of pain, typical symptoms of death from mental pollution.

They withdrew from the battlefield first and spared the long way. They planned to copy the human patrol from the back. They walked halfway and were held down by a sudden pressure. When they recovered, the battle was over. .

The elf captain knew that the leader Bessie was completely dead, and looked at the fiery red figure still hanging in the air, and decisively issued the order to retreat.

They planned to leave along the route the patrol team came to, and then make a turn halfway, continue to hide back to Daxueshan.

This route is slightly dangerous, because the human team must have also returned along this route.

But if the speed is fast enough to be discovered by humans, it will be the safest route. Humans will most likely not think that they dare to go in this direction and will not follow this direction.

The elves’ racial talent and environmental adaptability allow them to move faster than humans on the plateau, and they have a good chance to escape this catastrophe.

They almost succeeded, and at a faster speed than human beings, they passed the road that both sides would walk, and successfully embarked on the mountain road into the Daxue Mountain.

But at the intersection, they ran into these two lobster monsters.

Captain Elf didn’t want to sit still, he also wanted to try to resist.

But when the mental pollution hit like a raging wave, he fell down without resisting, and after struggling and screaming for a while, he stopped breathing.

This kind of silent mental attack is more terrifying and cruel than the extraordinary.

When the little milk cat smelled something wrong in the air, and came slowly with the little donkey, the carcasses on the ground had been eaten incompletely and were not human-shaped.

With a pair of fly-like eyes growing on the monster’s head, he looked at the little donkey and the little milk cat, and issued a series of silent screams from the mouth full of fine rows of teeth.

They released mental pollution again but the donkey and the little milk cat were not affected, they just stared at them very vigilantly, and some didn’t know what to do.

After all, the two of them are just weak pets. They usually follow Roer, and all the troubles and dangers are solved by Roer. This is the first time that they have faced such a terrible opponent independently.

It’s definitely impossible to escape. Once you turn around, the opponent will definitely jump forward without hesitation. Little donkey still understands this truth.

She could only turn her head slowly, and put her mouth in the cloth pocket hanging on her stomach, where there was a sweetheart fruit that Ah Da had sent before.

As long as she can chew, she can transform back into a beautiful girl form, so she won’t be afraid of these two monsters.

At first, everything went smoothly. The Lobster Monster didn’t seem to care about her little movement, so she smoothly moved her mouth close to her pocket and rolled up the sweetheart fruit with her tongue.

The little milk cat also slipped from the top of her head into her pocket, and pulled the edge of the pocket with a pair of fluffy claws, only daring to show a pair of eyes.

Although the sweetheart fruit is obtained, it takes time to chew and digest.

But at this time, the Lobster Monster seemed to have seen through the reality of the little donkey, and raised the claws on his body and rushed towards her.

The little donkey was so frightened that he was so shocked that he had forgotten to escape, and could only see two terrifying monsters getting closer and closer to him.

And when the pair of claws were about to touch her neck, the movements of the two monsters suddenly stopped, and the body turned into a mosaic piece after another, scattered all over the ground.


The following is today’s list:

Thanks to a few friends who love to read the book of pigs, summer tree cute, Muyi ink shadow, network ghost ghost, demon gabriel, daburndan, etc. for their generous rewards! ! !

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