My Daughter is So Amazing

Chapter 219 - Anya\\\'s hesitation

Perhaps it was because I finished the psychological consultation during the day and cultivated some scientific thinking. Anya, who entered the same dream for the third time, seemed a lot more sensible. She did not hold her head and squat to prevent herself from awakening. Instead, she plucked up the courage and asked questions. .

“Substitute, what exactly is that?”

Although those vague shadows before seemed to say that the surrogate is a bit like a divine envoy, angels are like this, but this is actually a very broad concept, and Anya wants to know more in detail.

According to the book given by the archbishop of the Sect of Science and Truth, when you encounter an unknown thing, you must examine and judge it in a rigorous, objective, and rational manner. You cannot rely on your own brain to make judgments.

If human beings can maintain this mode of thinking, there will be no three major illusions in life.

So An Ya asked sincerely.

The other party also replied compassionately:

“A substitute is a person who acts on behalf of our Lord’s will, walking in the world, spreading the glory of our Lord, praising His name, and gifting believers to liberation and well-being.”

Anya was stunned…

Why are these people more like gods than the archbishops of other sects?

She couldn’t help but slandered in her heart, and then continued to ask:

“Then why did you choose me?”

A phantom replied:

“I see your future in the intertwined destiny, and I will walk with my lord and enjoy his grace.”

It sounds mysterious, but it’s actually for a simple reason:

My village head seems to like you a lot.

Half of the reason for choosing Anya is because of this.

Because of Keli, and Anya herself is also a well-behaved rich lady, Rohr has always had a good impression of her and is willing to protect her.

When choosing a substitute, this is a very important factor, accounting for at least half of the reason.

Another part of the reason was that the tailor’s neighbors had fortuned her fate and discovered that the trajectories of her and the village chief’s daughter had been entangled with each other early, which was so deeply involved that it affected the operation of the entire village.

Keli met her when she went out for the first time and was taken to the imperial capital. Then the village chief followed out, which triggered a series of subsequent events.

In terms of mysticism, she belongs to the starting point of cause and effect. If Keli did not save her, then the village chief would not go out, the emperor behind would not be attacked, and the village chief would not go to the temple, ah Da is still unable to upgrade, and the village head will not plant that seed in the imperial capital.

These are all very good developments, and they are all developing in a good direction.

So letting her act as the next substitute may lead to a better direction in the future.

Fortune-telling in occultism is not about predicting the future, but only predicting a certain direction of future development.

Directly say that you will make a fortune in the future, and your wife is beautiful and rich. The divination that must be shipped every time you draw a card belongs to the street **** stick divination.

It is precisely because of the result of this divination that Anya has a certain advantage over Jeanna, the second qualified person.

The remaining reasons are that other factors are mixed together.

For example, she is very young and has not received extraordinary enlightenment. She is purely like a piece of white paper, with strong plasticity, which is convenient for the villagers to operate.

Another example is that she is beautiful, wealthy, has a high social status, has a great influence, and has a wide network of contacts. It will be very convenient to do things later.

What’s more, she really likes Kelly, and she respects Roel from the bottom of her heart.

Compared with Odo, the third-qualified butler, Anya has an absolute advantage in these aspects.

Compared with the above factors, the problem of her own strength is not that important, and the villagers have countless ways to solve it.

For example, a formal agent contract.

Once the contract is established, she becomes a true substitute, and the power she can use is far more powerful than her own practice for hundreds of years.

Therefore, the strength of the butler Odona is just like an ant, and he can’t control the final choice at all.

Of course, as a price for relying on external forces, once she suspends or violates the contract, she will suffer a terrible backlash…

At the same time, she will never be able to contact extraordinary powers again, cannot become stronger by herself, and cannot rely on herself to break the contract.

Of course, with Anya’s identity and hobbies, she doesn’t need to become stronger.

Compared with strength, it is the state of mind, and the combat experience is more specific.

But these things, there are other ways to exercise.

Of course, the reasons above would naturally not be told to Anya, and all she could hear was the mysterious rhetoric.

“So, the price? What is the price?”

Anya looked at the paper contract floating in front of her, which was densely written in words she didn’t recognize, but she was magically able to understand the content of these words.

The contract clearly spelled out all the powers, obligations, responsibilities, advantages and disadvantages of the surrogate. The villagers did not deceive her in this regard, nor did they force her. Everything was her voluntary choice.

At the end of the contract, there are four stick figure-like symbols, one looks like a bottle, one looks like a seed, one looks like a bear and a pig, and one looks like a ring.

These are the marks left by the fat man, the sweetheart neighbor, the tailor neighbor, and the pig neighbor.

The four seals make this paper contract upgraded to a divine deed, which is very serious and extremely effective.

But Anya didn’t dare to sign, but instead used an excuse to think about it, and then woke up.

“What should I do?”

She curled up on the bed, trembling slightly, and hugged the hammerhead shark doll in her arms tightly.

It was the same model as Keli. She was holding a fluffy gray hammerhead shark puppet when she saw Keli at every turn. She thought it was cute, so she followed suit and bought one.

“I should discuss it with someone, but I dare not tell the truth…”

This night, Anya didn’t dare to fall asleep again, and was struggling with this problem.

At daybreak, she was eating breakfast under the service of the butler Otto with dark circles under her eyes. After hesitating for a while, after careful consideration of the wording, she asked in a low voice:

“Uncle Otto, is there such a thing in this world that can gain infinite power as long as you sign a contract?”

The housekeeper was taken aback for a moment, frowned, and quickly asked:

“There is such a good thing?”

“Uh… you mean, there is no such thing?”

The housekeeper shook his head quickly and explained:

“This kind of thing is actually possible, but it only exists in historical legends…”

“His Royal Highness, you should also know that our world used to have the time when gods walked in the world, but then the gods fell one after another, and there are no gods in this world.”

Anya nodded, and couldn’t help but smiled bitterly:

“But aren’t those hypotheses made by scholars?”

The butler smiled and explained:

“Although it is an unfounded hypothesis, I personally believe that it existed in that era.”

“It is said that people in that era could gain power by believing in gods. If faith is regarded as a contract, then it is the situation described by His Highness before?”

“However, after all, it was a long time ago. The transcendents at that time were definitely not as powerful as they are now, and there are certainly not as many ways to become transcendents as they are now. This is the progress brought about by social development.”

“Moreover, this kind of power exchanged through contracts must be very unreal and false, and cannot become a real strong like Mr. Rolle.”

While listening, Anya took a sip of the papaya milk at hand.

Although Mr. Butler was talking about his own conjecture, some parts were still consistent. The contract also clearly stated that I must not violate the contract, otherwise I would lose my strength and be backlashed.

And after signing the contract and becoming a substitute for the Lord of that order, I am equivalent to being a believer in him, right? The theory that contracts and beliefs are equal also makes sense…

From this point of view, the dream is likely to be true, and the paper contract is also likely to be true?

As she pondered, she suddenly thought of something, and then quickly asked:

“Will my father stay at the residence today?”

The butler quickly replied:

“Probably not? The Lord Duke has been very busy lately, and it seems to be attending several hearings today.”

Anya thought about it for a while, secretly clenched her small fist, and said:

“I suddenly remembered that my father asked me to help him organize some documents. I almost forgot about being fun these days. After eating, I went to my father’s mansion.”

Because my two older brothers have no interest in politics and are extremely self-willed, the speaker has always wanted to train Anya as his heir. If there is nothing to do, she will be allowed to enter her study, help organize documents, and handle some simple government affairs.

And half a month ago, Anya accidentally saw a document about the confidential No. 12 case while helping him organize documents.

She was very curious about it, but the speaker didn’t show it to her, just murmured:

“This is a very important confidential content. We must be in awe of the gods.”

At that time, Anya was obedient and did not delve into the matter.

And now, she suddenly remembered this confidential document.

Is it related to the deity, is it related to the Lord of Order?

With doubts, she rushed to the official residence where the speaker usually lives, and entered his office on the grounds of helping her father with chores.

This is a very common situation at ordinary times, so no one doubts it.

Anya opened a mural on the wall and found the secret file cabinet embedded in the wall.

The confidential document was put in by herself, so she knew the specific location, and some anti-theft measures blessed on the safe did not make sense to her.

Guards can’t prevent theft at all.

However, the speaker did not tell her the password to open the file cabinet, so Anya tried it herself.

She tried her birthday first, and flipped the code dial on the door.



Obviously his bank deposit slips use my birthday as the password!

Anya didn’t believe in evil, so she tried her mother’s birthday again.

Still wrong!

She then tried again on the birthdays of her two little moms.

Still wrong.

Could it be that……

Anya thought of something, and finally tried her elder brother’s birthday.

[Get the red envelope] The cash or coin red envelope has been issued to your account! Follow the public account on WeChat [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive!

Click, the safe opened.

Anya is inexplicably upset…

She first noted the order and general shape of the documents inside, and then she found out the confidential No. 12 case and looked at it carefully.

After reading it, she couldn’t help taking a breath.

Good fellow, Miss Jeanna and her sect were actually protected by a deity!

No wonder the empire values ​​her so much and asks me to accompany her…

With that said, Miss Jeanne is also a substitute?

Will it be the Lord of Order?

With doubts, Anya carefully restored the documents to their original state, and then ceremoniously helped her father sort out the messy documents on the desk.

But I have been thinking about this in my mind.

She was actually so interested in the powerful power described in the contract.

Part of the interest comes from the inherent curiosity of women, and part comes from the yearning for extraordinary power.

When she was with Kelly, she also imagined that if she could also become stronger, how good would it be?

She was rescued by Keli once, a defensive battle against Qingquan, a rice cake man attack, and an imperial capital attack. She has experienced the powerlessness of ordinary people in the face of extraordinary power four times in a row.

It is impossible not to yearn for power.

She also wanted to fight side by side with Keli, instead of fainting inexplicably, and then being sent to the hospital to lie down for ten and a half days.

And she also knew that her father had been secretly wooing strong people from all walks of life, such as Uncle Roll, in order to fight against the Scholars’ Association.

If you can become great, it is a good thing to be a Sky Sword Fairy, Earth Sword Fairy, Ocean Sword Fairy, etc., to be able to team up with your good girlfriends and to help your father share the worries.

In the past, she felt that learning extraordinary powers was too hard and had no time, but now she has an excellent opportunity in front of her.

That contract is not so harsh, and he still enjoys a lot of freedom, and only exercises his role as an agent when necessary.

Like Miss Jeanna, right? Most of the time, like normal girls, shopping, eating sweets, chatting privately, practicing swordsmanship, acting like a baby to Uncle Roll…

But will the Lord of Order be the tolerant **** behind Miss Jeanna?

Could it be Cthulhu?

She was a little worried about this and wanted to ask someone to ask.

She subconsciously thought of Uncle Roll.

It might be because the butler often brags about Roer’s power in front of her, even Anya who doesn’t know much about extraordinary powers believes it.

So she thought about it, and chose an evening when Rohr was free to visit with a gift.

Rohr is holding a small shovel in the garden, carefully loosening the soil for the seeds that have just been planted for a few There is a beautiful and lovely little donkey standing next to him, holding a big whale water bottle in his hand, with a look on his face. He was so serious that he waited for Rohr’s order to start watering.

The little milk cat squatted on top of her head, stretched her neck, widened her eyes, and watched seriously.

“Well, it’s almost done, water it!”

Rohr said, but immediately made another series of screams.

“Oh! It’s not just water on my head!”

“Go get me a towel…”

“I asked you to bring me the towel, not let you stick your tongue out and lick it!”


The list is too short, so I won’t pull it



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